Video Transcript: Calls for Ukrainian no-fly zone, though still a minority, are growing and dangerous
Plus, new content: Callin show, Tablet Mag Webinar, and my latest Tucker Carlson segment.
The following is a full transcript (for subscribers only) from the latest episode of my System Update video program on Rumble: Calls for Ukrainian No-fly Zone, Though Still a Minority, are Growing and Dangerous, released yesterday, Mar 1, 2022. You can watch on the Rumble page at the link above, or watch the full episode on the player below:
Last night on Tucker Carlson's Fox News program, I discussed growing Big Tech censorship related to Russia/Ukraine and Big Tech; you can watch the full segment here:
Also, on Monday night, I hosted my Callin podcast to discuss the ongoing war in Ukraine, the intensifying propaganda and censorship campaigns, and the dangers of growing calls for a no-fly zone in the West. The questions and comments from listeners were particularly great this week. The app is now available on both iPhone and Android for live participation, but even without downloading the app, you can listen to the show on the internet as well, at this link.
One last item: Those interested can register for free for my Tablet Magazine webinar on Ukraine and the Deep State with Lee Smith, tonight at 6 pm EST, hosted by Tablet's Jacob Siegel.
Full transcript:
Glenn Greenwald: Everyone, this is Glenn Greenwald, welcome to a new episode of System Update here on our home on Rumble. The Russian war in Ukraine is escalating into a new stage. For the first week or so the war was characterized by what even the harshest Russian critics recognize has been a fair amount of constraint, the refusal of the Russian military to use their air force or to use anywhere near their full military capability.
And whether that was a miscalculation or a deliberate strategy, the reality is that Ukraine has not fallen, and even though a lot of Western intelligence experts predicted that it would quickly, and as a result we are now starting to see an escalated strategy where Russia is starting to target the most populous cities in Ukraine with the intention of surrounding and entering them and bombing them.