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I take the point, and changed it to "a Minneapolis Police Department officer," but aside from the fact that there were multiple police officers involved in that action, even one police officer in the line of duty acts for the Police Department (which is why they say "the X Police Dept today arrested..." when they mean one officer did tha…
© 2025 Glenn Greenwald
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I take the point, and changed it to "a Minneapolis Police Department officer," but aside from the fact that there were multiple police officers involved in that action, even one police officer in the line of duty acts for the Police Department (which is why they say "the X Police Dept today arrested..." when they mean one officer did that). I used "murdered" not as my own judgment for what happened but because that's what the court concluded took place.
Glenn as an attorney you know police officers lose qualified immunity when they are engaging in criminal behavior, as this court found. Therefore he was NOT representing the MPD in the legal sense and from a legal theory standpoint I suspect a taxpayer in MN has the standing to sue the city to return those funds and demand they seek compensation from Mr. Chauvin and not the taxpayers.
Chauvin was found guilty of 'unintentional second-degree murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter'. .. to be specific.
How does your judgment differ from that .. . if you don't mind me asking Glenn.
*after all, in some small way you work directly for me now./
I just didn't watch the trial or yet read the transcripts - I will - so the trial lawyer in me makes me hesitant to opine on the verdict without seeing everything the jury saw. My reaction to the video itself was that it was clearly excessive force but trials complete the picture that social media videos can't.
That is the correct answer. None of us saw all of the evidence given. None of us had to worry about our personal safety after the trial. None of us, except the residents, had to worry about mob violence if the verdict went the wrong way.
While I am not a fan of criminals or criminal behavior, I am not a fan of crooked cops, judges, or prosecuting attorneys. If George had been compliant and not drugged up, none of this would have happened. If the officer would have had him face down, cuffed, and his knee on the kidney, this might have been avoided. If the suspect starts to resist, more weight goes on the knee, and that hurts like hell. A hand placed on the back of the head or between the shoulder blades gives the offices more control.
Neither party is blameless in this incident, but the threat of mob justice brings back an ugly chapter of history better left in the history books because you can't get that genie back in the bottle.
Here's another proof I found on a Locals board you might find interesting on why jury got easily manipulated. One of the jurors in this interview mentions "Christensen: The still picture from the video, where his hand is in his pocket, kind of got to me. Almost like he was thinking, "This is my job, don’t tell me what to do," and he was not going to listen to what anybody had to say because he was in charge. That bothered me a little bit."
This actually NEVER even happened. Exhibit 17:
His hand is NOT in his pocket. He's wearing gloves and therefore the black gloves on the black pants gave the appearance that Chauvin's hand was in his pocket to someone who didn't look closely. But his hand was never in his pocket.
So, why am I pointing this out? Because this "event" that never happened affected this Juror so significantly that she was able to construct in her own mind all kinds of judgments about what Chauvin was supposedly thinking, what was his attitude, and even a short dialogue of what he might have wanted to say, ("Don't tell me what to do..." ). And this Juror based this on something that not only never happened, but something that even a very cursory review of the video makes clear that it never happened. But she never even noticed, and apparently, no one ever corrected her.
And that's why you shouldn't have referenced him as a killer or murderer.
He was found guilty of murder in a court of law. Therefore referring to him as a murderer is appropriate, whether you agree with that determination or not.
Just because a majority agrees with something doesn't make it correct (as has been proven several times in history). One of the alternate jury members herself admitted she was scared of the riots. She even clearly showed she was emotionally manipulated because she seemed to claim Floyd died because of a fake bill - something one can only believe if they paid no attention to the evidence presented during the trial and just believe the media lies. Then we have people like Maxine Waters threatening the jury, Governor of Minnesota, Biden all doing the same, the incompetent judge refusing to sequester the jury or even change the location - all these clearly show Chauvin (someone we may hate) had his rights to a fair trial violated. If we don't speak up about this when it's happening to someone we may hate, then we ourselves will be on the receiving end very very soon. And when that day comes, there may not be anyone left to speak out against it.
The judge reprimanded Maxine Waters et el and instructed the jury to avoid prejudicial news stories about the trial in which they (a jury of his peers) were required to render judgement .. . probably good advice for us all.
*if we are to avoid 'that day when there may not be anyone left to speak out against it.'
I mean, maybe it’s a good thing they’re scared? What other way can you think of to get some justice finally?! I don’t care if some jury member feels the pressure to do the right thing and actually find a murderer police officer guilty. I saw the video, it was long and hard to watch. George begged for his life till he could only whisper. The cop didn’t move his knee and let him breathe for almost 10 minutes straight. Even with bystanders screaming at him that he was killing him. I will no doubt die too if someone ever does that to me. I’ve been a smoker for quite some time and quitting ain’t going good lol. But that could easily happen to most of us because we’re not all in great shape. High on something or not. Criminal record or not. AT THAT MOMENT George was already subdued and wasn’t a threat and they killed him slowly anyway. Guilty! That’s the only right verdict and I don’t gaf how they feel about being pressured to get there. Enough is enough damnit!
I do wish they had done the trial more properly so people standing on the wrong side of this don’t have any excuses. Such as having the trial somewhere else. On one hand. On the other that would just increase the possibility of him being found not guilty of murder. Because the prime in that community wouldn’t be outside the courtroom being got justice. And is THAT more fair? Is THAT more just? No! I don’t think so. He killed someone in that community and he needs to answer to that community for it. That’s justice!
Really, and to think I contribute to the Innocent Project who are trying to assist those who were wrongly accused of crimes, even murder. So you would call these innocents murderers, because they were convicted, even though they didn't kill anyone. There is no logic in what you are saying.
Sound wisdom. I was unable to follow the trial also. .. but the verdict sounds fair and reasonable.
I would only add, I judge overcoming the obstacle 'qualified immunity' for police officers involved in matters of life and death a victory of sorts.
*you may return to your work duties .. . if you need me, I will call you. :)
I watched the trial. It changed my mind concerning the murderer's guilt. I thank the court for making it public, but how could that jury have NOT been sequestered?
If you followed the trial and don't get emotionally manipulated by the lies, you wouldn't find the verdict reasonable. What we had here is a political lynching by the mob.
*with so many new bosses, he's bound to be heading towards some pretty dreary performance reviews./
Not without good reason, I hope.
I only hope this new arrangement does not diminish or limit Glenn's ability to defend his position in the comments.
*after all, it is only 'through the clash of differing opinion that the spark of truth may be realized.'
"I only hope this new arrangement does not diminish or limit Glenn's ability to defend his position in the comments."
Well, considering their track record, I'm more inclined to think his nitpickers are more in need of sympathy. But you refer to the time and energy, of course. A thousand bosses and word-twisters and forest (or tree!) miss-ers, and no time to correct them, that IS a worry. But this new boss demands GG ignore the ankle-biters, and get to writing forward. You can't please all of the bosses all of the time.
I have read articles that preliminary autopsy by the ME stated that there is no evidence of asphyxiationon in Floyd's autopsy. The cause of death is his enlarged heart and damaged lungs from his chronicle abuse of illegal drugs. Multipe drugs including more than fatal amount of Fentanyl was found in Tox report. According to this investigative journalist's article, the DC ME called this MN ME and blackmailed him if he does not include asphyxiation in his final report, he will do the smear campaign to discredit his reputaion etc. Also, this DC ME was found in MN having some meeting with the prosecutors of Chauvin. He was going around quashing anything that make people have a second thought on the Chauvin's case... threatening disbarment etc etc. and you have seen Maxine Water. The tide of the time was not favorable for Chauvin. There were multiple of credible material witnesses, they were pretty much threatened... their livelihood or life. Half the population in U.S. believe Chauvin was a sacrificial lamb for God of BLM. I would recommend to watch the tiral, and watch the body cam footage of the officers.. and also dig deeper. Juries were threatened, and rolled over by the pressure. We at least know one of the jury was BLM activist... which was ignored. Also, due process went out of window, anyways, you should do your own research. I do believe Chauvin is innocent.