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Sandra Bland.
Chica was dragged out of her vehicle and thrown to the ground because she didn’t think an officer had the right to tell her to put out her cigarette in her own vehicle. She was subsequently arrested for bullshit.
I could imagine myself mouthing off to the cop in a similar manner because when they have annoyed me on the wro…
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Sandra Bland.
Chica was dragged out of her vehicle and thrown to the ground because she didn’t think an officer had the right to tell her to put out her cigarette in her own vehicle. She was subsequently arrested for bullshit.
I could imagine myself mouthing off to the cop in a similar manner because when they have annoyed me on the wrong day, I frankly have, probably not difficult to imagine after reading my posts.
Also I agree with her. Smoking a cigarette in one’s own vehicle is not “patrollable” behavior.
The cop was an ass. Sandra Bland is dead.
I will research that case, but am willing to concede its validity (although not putting out a cigarette when asked to can hardly qualify as co-operating. If she had survived, and she should have, would she have so "co-operated" in court? "Judge, you're going to have to pry this cigarette from my cold, dead fingers.")
Now to ask two unfair questions. 1) name another. 2) make a list of BLM's martyrs and their rap sheets (can't they find ANY deserving of a riotous response?)
Look, police reform is a constant necessity (they are part of the State, after all) and there are too many power-hungry cops.
But there is no war on Blacks, by police or Capitalism. They are free to co-operate, and they are free to build capital, just like their white countrymen.
Laquan MacDonald.
17 bullets into a kid that was trying to walk away from them. 16 of those bullets while he was lying on the ground.
That one was especially disturbing because a gaggle of other officers looked on like another day at the office.
The dude that had a licensed conceal carry, told the cop about it and was shot at point blank range while reaching for his wallet.
Philandro Castro I think
Yeah, that tragic mis-judgment would probably qualify, but let me read about it again. That happened before these events started rioting, right?
In other words, another missed opportunity to bring a cohesive message about the huge trust we place in our police and how galling beyond the numbers it is when it is abused and violated before BLM was co-opted by the Clintons and the Sharptons?
Pulled over for a broken tail light....
The dude who was shot in the back as he ran away from a warrant for unpaid child support, and then the cop planted a gun by the body.
Just because there is not a war on blacks it does not mean that there has not been overly aggressive police who have abused their authority, used unwarranted force and were predisposed to an aggressive stance prior to engaging the citizen.
We don’t want knees on our necks, unwarranted arrests or hair triggers.
I could not agree more with all of your points.
M. Galleta, I just noticed your responses to my posts. Thank you, but I won't be able to fully respond until tomorrow. I hope you can check back then.
Most if not all of these involved falsified police reports.
Which vindicates those who say we didn’t believe the extent of it until there was video proof.
I don’t know that guys name, he was shot in an empty lot
Walter Scott