BLM is obsessed with anti-Capitalism. Race baiting is only a con, a cover, to fool the "white people too" crowd, who fear being called a racist by racist Blacks more than anything short of death itself.
At no point did I mention race, but she did in her response, which is a common pattern around here. I say something like "there is a problem with police unions" and the response inevitably includes something like "well it's not a black or white issue." I always think. "That's true, which is why I never mentioned it and why are you raising the topic at all?"
It leaves me to wonder who are the people really focused on race?
Yes, putting words in someone's mouth is always unfair (and a common pattern everywhere, not just here, in my experience).
However, a discussion by text is still much better than one by talk, where a proper response is seldom composed well.
I council your continued graciousness. Perhaps M. Fran made an honest error. (You'll notice she deleted in order to repost, I think.)
And to respond to your rhetorical, race is ever topical these days, n'est pas? M. Areslent, I could start teaching you advanced engineering mathematics (say Partial Differential Equations) in these forums, and someone would pipe in as if I was Chauvin on steroids. May I time travel to that "colors all bled into one" future?
In this case I don't even think she intended to put words in my mouth. Polarization and victim hood are symmetrical. For every person I hear talking about white supremacy and how all white people are guilty I hear someone else telling me that they are the real victims and black people are the real racists. I think we live in a time of racial grievance where people imagine they hear talk race even when it was never mentioned, so respond as if someone had mentioned it. I also see a lot of people who just assume when I say poor or marginalized I mean black, but if I meant black I would have said black.
I didn't mention race, but you did in your response.
I never know who is more obsessed with race, BLM, or the "white people too" crowd.
BLM is obsessed with anti-Capitalism. Race baiting is only a con, a cover, to fool the "white people too" crowd, who fear being called a racist by racist Blacks more than anything short of death itself.
Unless you're shopping for real estate.
Looks like Fran deleted her post I responded to.
At no point did I mention race, but she did in her response, which is a common pattern around here. I say something like "there is a problem with police unions" and the response inevitably includes something like "well it's not a black or white issue." I always think. "That's true, which is why I never mentioned it and why are you raising the topic at all?"
It leaves me to wonder who are the people really focused on race?
Yes, putting words in someone's mouth is always unfair (and a common pattern everywhere, not just here, in my experience).
However, a discussion by text is still much better than one by talk, where a proper response is seldom composed well.
I council your continued graciousness. Perhaps M. Fran made an honest error. (You'll notice she deleted in order to repost, I think.)
And to respond to your rhetorical, race is ever topical these days, n'est pas? M. Areslent, I could start teaching you advanced engineering mathematics (say Partial Differential Equations) in these forums, and someone would pipe in as if I was Chauvin on steroids. May I time travel to that "colors all bled into one" future?
In this case I don't even think she intended to put words in my mouth. Polarization and victim hood are symmetrical. For every person I hear talking about white supremacy and how all white people are guilty I hear someone else telling me that they are the real victims and black people are the real racists. I think we live in a time of racial grievance where people imagine they hear talk race even when it was never mentioned, so respond as if someone had mentioned it. I also see a lot of people who just assume when I say poor or marginalized I mean black, but if I meant black I would have said black.