An Exciting New Free Speech Podcast Platform to Allow Interactive Q&A: My Debut Show Tonight at 8pm ET
We'll discuss today's Russiagate retractions, Rittenhouse, the FBI subpoenas to Project Veritas, and leave the bulk of the time for Q&A with readers here.
Earlier this month I mentioned that — along with new live video shows I intend to do on Rumble in order to enable greater interaction with my Substack subscribers, the first of which we did last week — I was going to shortly announce our work with a new platform that would allow even greater interactivity with my readers. That new platform is Callin, an exciting new app that allows live shows and podcasts where the host can take questions live and engage in extended discussion with listeners.
Earlier this week, Callin announced that along with me, the independent journalist Matt Taibbi, the fired-by-Apple-for-woke-transgressions author Antonio García Martínez, former Sanders Press Secretary Briahna Joy Gray, the Canadian journalist activist Andray Domise and others were going to Callin to create a show. In the short ten-minute Rumble video which I produced several days ago about this announcement (which you can watch below), I explained why I find this platform so exciting and why I think it will strengthen and supplement the journalism I do here. The most appealing aspect is the interactive one: while Rumble allows me to see fleeting questions and comments that appear in the live chat box as I speak, Callin will create a queue for anyone with questions, and I can then take questions one-by-one and engage in genuine, human voice conversation with critics, supporters, or anyone else with comments and points they want to raise.
As I explain in the video below, I have always believed that interaction with one's readers is a vital form of journalistic accountability. This will enable much more direct interaction. The debut show will be tonight at 8:00 pm ET. For now, the app is available only on iPhones, but will very shortly be available as well on Androids and on the web, ensuring universal access. Anyone can sign up for free for Callin by downloading it and then have full, free access to all rooms, including the show I will host. Before taking questions tonight, I'll briefly discuss the platform as well as briefly comment on a few key news events from this week: the media's extraordinary Russiagate retractions, the Rittenhouse trial and the media's deceitful coverage of it, and the FBI's alarming subpoenas and search and seizures aimed at Project Veritas journalists.
You can access the app or, if you already have it, enter the room where I will host this evening's show at this link. I already try as much as possible to interact with subscribers in the comment section to each written article here, particularly to those with critiques, but both the live video programs on Rumble and especially these Callin shows will enable even more of that vital interaction. I hope as many of you as possible can join tonight.
Callin is apple only, which means Apple can remove it at any time and their guidelines are opaque on when apps are removed. Same goes for the Android marketplace. Callin should have started with a browser based option that can work cross-platform & device.
Katie H, Matt T, and Aaron Mate had a fun show on Steele Dossier and Russiagate today.