Glenn - new subscriber today (saw you with Tucker Carlson). As a conservative voter, I support your new venture, not because your story is critical or suspicious of Biden, but because we need more talented journalists willing to just investigate possible corruption and inform the public. I also support Matt Taibbi for the same reason. The last line of your article sums it up best for me.

"The whole point is that the press loses its way when it cares more about who benefits from information than whether it's true."

Good luck, I hope you find this new path rewarding professionally and financially.

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Agreed, I also like reading Quillette for it's equal publication of articles (they printed that big article from the Environmentalist who demonized Environmentalism after he was banned from his original publisher), and I also like reading Sharyl Attkisson as well.

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I find it interesting how Glenn sees all the propoganda from these agencies in the media, but fails to see the full extent of it in social media and therefore is unable to report on it adequately. The DNC server hack is more of the same.

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Another conservative new subscriber here. KTAs post is spot on.

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Glen, I just paid for a subscription so that I can say this one FACT. The PODESTA EMAILS WERE NOT THE RESULT OF A HACK.

Please stop reporting this nonsense. The cover story was all part of the plan (approved by HRC) to shift attention to a Trump-Russia collusion narrative that has always been fiction. Guccifer 2.0 was created out of this same scheme. The meta data on the files prove that it's impossible that those emails were hacked, they had to be downloaded on a local device (thumbdrive most likely).

The FISA Abuse, the spying on Trump, The plan to implicate collusion, the Flynn frameup, the Impeachment, The Mueller investigation were not the base crimes, those were all part of a cover up. By you insinuating that the DNC server got hacked (which there is zero evidence for), you are wittingly or unwittingly complicit in perpetuating the lie that it was. You're missing a much, much bigger story here. The biden laptop isn't even the tip of the icebeg here.

Ask yourself this; "Why would dozens of high level DOJ, FBI, CIA and Whitehouse officials in the Obama Administration put their careers on the line and commit literally hundreds of felonies all in an effort to obstruct/neutralize Trump?" That is first question any true journo should be asking right now.

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You mention in this article that the media is basically over-compensating for helping Trump win in 2016. That is extremely naive on your part. The media/twitter/facebook/CNN/MSNBC, etc. is too well orchestrated, too well coordinated to be operating even vaguely independently. This is project Mockingbird happening on a scale almost unimaginable. Maybe even the Intercept was intercepted. Why would the publication that you founded not allow you to publish this? If you look back at 2016, the entire media industrial complex was just as coordinated as it is now, they just got sloppy because they were certain Trump wasn't going to win. Who's being naive now Kay?

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Hah! They "helped" Trump by running two billion dollars' worth of 95% negative coverage. It made Trump look like the victim of a massive smear campaign by partisan hacks. What have they been doing to "over-compensate", exactly? Make it 99%?

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Whether or not they helped Trump, Greenwald's article claimst that journalists feel responsible for Trump being elected last time so they are trying not to make the same 'mistake'. At least that's what Glenn is asserting here.

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They're not wrong. They helped elect him with their sheer negativity. I've seen these people argue the point, and they always point the finger at other journalists somehow NOT being negative enough. It's never themselves.

So there's no collective soul-searching going on, no self-awareness, only a drive to be angrier and finger-wagging with less concern for the actual facts of any given matter. They don't realize how transparent it's become for those not already personally invested in the extant narratives.

This, I think, is why we are seeing many more people defect to Trump rather than away from him; when one is personally and deeply invested in a narrative, it's an article of faith. Imagine you walk into church one day and the pastor says "this just in: the Archangel Gabriel was a child molestor who felt up Baby Jesus". Next week, they accuse the Virgin Mary of the same. Would a member of the faithful just roll with that, or consider moving to another church altogether just to avoid the emotional whiplash?

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The WaPo, while on its way out as a place to bother reading, ran a story on why people voted for Trump, including numerous short quotes from a decent number of people. 15-20% of the folks cited the unfair media coverage as at least one thing that drove their decision.

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I think "unfair" might be the problem term with a lot of journalists. There seems to be a kneejerk reaction whereby "unfair" is dismissed as a whinge out of hanf. "Unreasonable" is both more accurate and hits closer to the journalistic heart.

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I also get frustrated with what I see as a naive interpretation, by figures like Dan Bongino, Tim Pool, etc. I wonder if there is a fear by some to point behind the curtain, that they will be attacked and cancelled for “conspiracy theories.”

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Neither Tim or Dan are really journalists and besides, this story is so massive and so incomprehensibly large in scope/scale/magnitude that we shouldn't get too frustrated.

The main point to remember here is that none of this has anything to do with Trump. Look at the timeline in its entirety, the best we are able to do and then plot a graph of the Media Industrial Complex's behavior. They were out to derail Trump from the moment he came down the escalator and it's not because he's a womanizer or that he's a game show host. They couldn't afford to have an non-establishment player come in and wreck their plans. The question is, what the f#$% were their plans? Why did they risk so much to keep him out of the WH?

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My view is that the constant sturm und drang about the corruption of the elections (voter suppression, mail fraud, ballot harvesting, etc, etc) is a ploy to distract from the fact that the real corruption already happened long before the election.

The real corruption is even mentioned by Glenn in his draft: the SELECTION process.

The media do what they're told, and what they are doing is keeping up the drumbeat of election corruption. In other words, they've been told to distract all attention from the real story.

The real story is that, to the people who control candidate selection, IT DOESN'T MATTER WHO WINS.

That is the whole point of controlling the selection process. Oh yes, I know the media hates Trump and so do the establishment. Really? The same establishment that just benefitted from the greatest upward transfer of wealth in human history, during a pandemic panic, under Trump? Bezos has gained over 70 billion in net worth this year, under Trump. You think he hates Trump? Really?

You think Biden will do less? Or perhaps you think he would do more than the greatest upward transfer of wealth in human history?

Republicans versus Democrats is a con game. It's a kabuki theatre of manipulation of parochial tribalism, a Punch n Judy Show for the rubes.

As was once mentioned in the UT threads at Salon, isn't it time for a second political party, Mr Greenwald?

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It does matter. They never 'selected' Trump. He's an outsider

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Sure he is. A billionaire non-establishment outsider.

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Absolutely correct Mr. Huguenard!


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I think that is part of the reason why they hate Trump so much and why so many Republicans are vehemently against him as well. He wasn't the chosen one who they could control. That side of the Republican party is just Democrat Lite. And like anything "lite" it's full of additives and chemicals that are worse then the real thing.

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You hit the nail on the head Erik.


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This post by ScuzzaMan has 65 upvotes. I find that remarkable, because his commentary is nothing but disingenuous rhetorical sophistry.

Example: "Really? The same establishment that just benefitted from the greatest upward transfer of wealth in human history, during a pandemic panic, under Trump? Bezos has gained over 70 billion in net worth this year, under Trump. You think he hates Trump? Really?"--ScuzzaMan

This comment is simply nonsense. Trump had nothng to do with Bezos gaining over 70 billion in net worth, it was the lockdowns that kept physical stores closed or on short hours that made the Amazon purchaces skyrocket. These lockdowns were obviously mandated because of the China Virus.

This is just on example of the screwy analysis given by ScuzzaMan

He claims that "Republicans versus Democrats is a con game." But this does not have relevance in the cace of the Trump Presidency. Because Trump transformed the Republican Party into his own image.

The Republican Party referred to by the Scussy person is now called the RINOs..'Republican In Name Only' because the new Republican Party is Trumps party. It still is now that the illegitimate Biden regime is in the White House. And the Trump Republicans are as angry as hornets because they all know that the 2020 presidential election was rigged.

As these state by state forensic audits keep finding, the evidence of the rigged 2020 election is becoming more and more clear and obvious.

There will be a reckoning. If the corporatist oligarchs rig anymore elections they will face rebellion.

And that is why the Biden regime is making the threats against Trump supporters as we speak. They know what I am saying here is true. They are tempting the patriots of this nation, egging us on. And if push comes to shove they will regret it.


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EDIT: This post by ScuzzaMan has 16 upvotes.


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If you really think that the Left/Right paradigm is kabuki, then explain why the corporatist oligarchs went to all this trouble and spent this much money to rig the 2020 election to get rid of Trump and put their meat-puppet China Joe in the White House;


The standard Hegelian Dialectic mumbo jumbo went out the window when the true political outside Donald Trump took to the field.

Think anew! a new game is afoot with the "Great Reset" agenda coming on line soon. And the devil owns the White House.


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Which election do you think they haven't rigged?

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Because they were sure Hillary would win and they would be protected and rewarded.

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My take on this is that the elite, or whatever you want to call them, the people who fancy themselves the rulers, want a one world government that resembles more like how China is governed. They are using the tools that they have to manipulate culture to be a result that they want. The biggest things standing in the way of one world government is the United States constitution and all the random guns in citizens possession. The US needs to be thrown into chaos and most likely overthrown from within before any further steps can be taken. As an example, part of that plan was flooding countries with immigrants to dilute nationalism. A nation divided is much easier to defeat. Trump has helped to slow that one step in the US. That is just one thing he has done that annoys the "rulers". The eventual actual final system will probably be something where you do as you're ordered, be it keep your mouth shut, do your part for the machine or load bodies into a furnace, or you'll end up in the pile. Then again if you are one of the ruling class it would probably be a pretty fun existence, being able to do whatever you want with no possible reproach by anyone. Though for humanity as a whole it would probably be pretty shitty.

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This 100% - it is the only hypotheses that makes sense of world right now. China has de-coupled a pretty successful economy from the need for democracy, and that example looks like an attractive option to the masters of the universe.

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It's not about their plans. It's just a non-violent (so far) class war. Trump is a vessel for the working classes to carry their dissatisfaction of elite leadership. It's easier to communicate directly to the people now due to social media, so the traditional media can't tell the people how to vote (can't declare a candidate to be beyond the pale any more, squashing their chances, and they used to have that power). The media are part of the elite leadership, they don't like the working classes not listening to them, and they don't like the loss of power. That's their agenda.

They have taken to "any means necessary" to keep that power, even though now it's basically lying and obfuscation. They are trading off their legacy trustworthiness for short term benefit, but they are destroying that foundation of trust as well. That happens slowly but surely as more people see through them. Takes too long in the experience of everyone who is reading this, because we're well ahead of the curve. The average mid level elite is a working professional with kids too busy and not interested enough to dig to the next level and has been taking their word - but they too see the truth every time they really look and over time that is going to go as we all hope it will. It's just going to take a while.

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Sadly, I think we are just one President away from it being irreversible peacefully at least. Supreme Court packing, House and Senate packing (redistricting, adding new states), etc...

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in the 1930s the GOP had less than 33 percent of registered voters (in an era without a lot of independents) and regularly won seats because the electorate doesn't trust any one party that much. As soon as the Dems pack the court they would lose the house and maybe senate with voters pushing for balance.

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one narrative since 2016 is that there was/is a conflict within the Deep State national security agencies between the "liberals" in the CIA for example, and the traditionalists elsewhere (NSA?)

(my guess is that that reflects the old conflict between northern liberals vs. southern neoconfederates/celts)

when the elite/establishment narrative (Hillary's crap) was exposed, an opening was created for Trump (NASCAR base, Koch neoconfederates) to slip past the R party establishment

Trump's ability to engage in a network insurgency against the D party establishment won him the Electoral College vote.

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"The guy who co-founded one of the current-day major online journalism outlets isn't really a journalist" - Someone Posting to the Comments on an Article by a Guy Who Co-Founded One of the Current-Day Major Online Journalism Outlets

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Huh? Tim Pool spends all day commenting on articles published elsewhere (commenting on other people's journalisming) and Dan Bogino certainly isn't a journalist. Who are you talking about here?

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News analysis (also known as op-ed) is indeed journalism.

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You just described most of CNN's lineup.

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Except Trump was/is good for ratings and business.

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That's sort of why he's perfect. Orange Man Bad is a great diversion but that's just the rub. While everyone is hating on him (since when did hate become so fashionable anyway), no one is noticing that he's exposing the Media Industrial Complex for what it is. Google Project Mockingbird Glen. The CIA is behind all of this deception.

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Mr. Huguenard,

In the future [from this perspective - the time you made your comment] on February 4th 2021 Molly Ball writes an article in TIME Magazine, detailing a conspiracy by a cabal of corporatist oligarchs to rig the 2020 Presidential election.

You ask why they would "risk so much" ... there is NO RISK! the oligarchy has utter impunity. That is why they brag about their scheme in the Molly Ball article.

I have reproduced that article on my blog at this link:



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They are all connected though the WEF, they are going to push "the great reset" this year.

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We also dont seem to be in many armed conflicts either. Large companies depend on war. It was reported that the Obama\Biden administrations missed launches averaged 1 every 20 minutes.

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not to mention ;The Intercept (Omidyar et.al.), intercepting their cache of the "Snowden Files" from the public..

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There is good cause to question the Snowden story. He was CIA. Once a CIA agent, always a CIA agent. It's plausible that he was inserted into booz allen hamilton in an attempt to harm the NSA (on behalf of the CIA). Tell me this Glen, how did Snowden evade the largest dragnet/manhunt ever on the planet to evade the authorities and make it to Moscow? Am I the only one who finds this a little fishy? As someone who has been in software for 40 years, when I heard him on Joe Rogan podcast about a year ago, I didn't find his backstory credible at all. He sounds intelligent, but when you get beyond that and listen to him from a technological perspective, his story doesn't add up. I find it hard to believe.

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Why would a “patriot” doing work on behalf of the CIA be thrown to the wolves? Why wouldn’t they cover for him after it was released? I haven’t been in software for 40 years, but I believe that the Snowden story is extremely credible.

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his story of how he started doing web site development and went from that to inventing the NSA's surveillance gathering apparatus is credible to you? HE sounds credible, his story does not. He's CIA. CIA are traine liars.

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As a fellow software professional I am no longer surprised when self educated people prove themselves and make even more drastic lateral moves within an organization than that. Web development and surveillance gathering are not mutually exclusive domains. Some significant fraction of the very impressive and senior people I work with were originally hired in completely non-technical roles. I have no horse in this race but no, true or false, I don't find his story to be implausible at all.

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I just watched Citizen 4 tonight for the 5th or 6th time. I never caught where Snowden claimed to have invented any intelligence gathering apparatus; rather, he’s stated that he discovered it and what was taking place and decided to put them. Again, I don’t know software development, but it seems that a lot of people causing destruction hacking aren’t college grads that honed their skills in the classroom.

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how was snowden thrown to the wolves?

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Have you ever been to Moscow? I have. Every time I leave America, I’m so grateful to be an American. The food SUCKS, everything seems to be the color of Soviet concrete, and the toilet paper is like 80grit sand paper. Having to live in that shithole for eternity is being thrown to the wolves.

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Sorry, but I've heard that "anything CIA is automatically X" way too many times in my life. Often from people trying to sell books about how we never landed on the Moon (you'd be amazed how many ex-[alphabet agency] agents "back up" these claims with the worst sort of pseudo-authoritative malarkey).

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So your answer to me (or anyone) saying that we should be skeptical about (a) Snowden's past and (b) how the hell he got to Moscow? is that we shouldn't question his CIA past? huh?

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Like your lack of honesty and integrity when you shifted your goalpost from "once CIA, always CIA" to "we're just being skeptical". Not to mention claiming that "I've heard that 'anything CIA is automatically X' way too many times in my life" somehow translates to "don't ask questions".

For someone who asserts a desire for skepticism, you seem to have a lot of problems with other people being skeptical of your openly-stated presumptions.

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My answer to you is I don't assume guilt on sweeping grounds based on nothing but association. Lynch mobs work that way. I don't.

Then again, I'm a unicorn. What do I know about honesty and integrity? -:)

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I thought Snowden was NSA vice CIA.

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Snowden was CIA first before NSA Contractor. It's a plausible theory that the CIA wanted to harm the NSA and therefore had Snowden become a 'whistleblower', a theory worth proper scrutiny.

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just re-reading thread; remember reading Doug Valentine book about the Phoenix Program; CIA also used Daniel Ellsberg as a whistle blower; by releasing the Pentagon Papers within days before Congress began investigating The Phoenix Program.

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Snowden was a libertarian high school dropout hacker

The Deep State hired 800,000 employees/contractors around the Beltway after 9/11 on a war footing, so anyone that was seen as clean and patriotic may not have needed a lot of standard credentials by the usual bureaucratic managerial idiot types working for the Feds

I've been told that military field grade IT is all from the 1990s, dunno about national security agencies, but unless you have actually worked with national security IT stuff I'm not sure why your views should hold much weight

Senior people I know in the military and national security apparatus have told me that corruption, waste and inefficiency are rampant (80-90%?)

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After reading Surveillance Valley by Yasha Levine; things really smell fishy

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Bob, care to elucidate? My gut feeling was that his story sounded like BS, but can you back gthis up with your research?

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"Snowden is a life long Libertarian. His views on private surveillance are simplistic. He believed in the Utopian promise of computer networks. If the internet were left alone, it would be a liberating force for good."

The problem was the government was spying on us.

2004-enlisted in Army Special Forces; broke both legs during training

2005; "Security Guard"(Senior Advis. under Corp. cover) NSA

2006- CIA Info.Tech.Secur.Spec. Geneva, Swit.; under State Dept. cover;CIA field ofc.

Lecturer; US DIA (under corp. cover)

2009; According to Snowden, after taking his first private contractor job for Dell in Japan, He never ever realized and was unaware the spying was taking place all over the internet"

2012; took a job in Hawaii with Boos-Allen. Contacted an employee at "Tor" to ask for some Tor stickers to hand out at work. He failed to mentioned he was with NSA. Snowden , later hosted a "Crypto Party" about how to set up Tor Servers.

He used Tor to cover his tracks all the way to Moscow. He met Laura Poitras in a discussion group on Tor. Once in Moscow , he made hundreds of thousand of dollars a year making remote presentations to universities.

Thanks to Snowden, Tor went mainstream

"For someone who spent years cycling through CIA & NSA, his reasons for whistle-blowing were simple and naive "

"He joked, Twitter doesn't put warheads on foreheads; companies don't have the power to arrest, jail, and kill people"

In 2014, Yasha Levine began to question the utopian cyber-libertarian idea that you could equalize power levels with just technology. He learned that Google, Facebook, bankrolled Tor.

Why would companies who have contracts with the military and who's entire business was tracking people online, buy into a privacy tool?

From Snowden's leaked documents, Anything the internet companies had, the NSA had..The deeper Yasha dug, he found that virtually everyone involved with setting up Tor was also involved with the government.

Did Snowden know this all along?!

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The issue at The Intercept is that they hired leftists as editors. Betsy Reed came from The Nation, which is as leftwing as you can get.

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The Nation is a liberal magazine. People like Glenn are to the left of people like Betsy Reed.

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What Frank Huguenot said is likely.

Just before or just after Trump's 2016 election I was in a Manhattan restaurant with my domestic partner talking with strangers from DC. It turned out that they worked in the State Dept. and they told us that since Trump questioned the veracity of some things the intelligence establishment had said, they would absolutely bring him down. We were shocked but have remembered this throughout the FISA debacle,the Mueller mess,the impeachment and this election cycle.

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More to the point, the head of Crowdstrike, the company run by a known Russia-hater the Democrats sent their server to instead of the FBI, and who never provided that server to the FBI, admitted in a Senate hearing that there was, in fact, no evidence of hacking. He was under oath that time. Russiagate remains one of the most successful propaganda campaign in history.

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Just to offer some confirmation for that, Here is a CNN article from the time: “A phishing email sent to Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta may have been so sophisticated that it fooled the campaign's own IT staffers, who at one point advised him it was a legitimate warning to change his password.”


However, they also report that the link was from “no-reply@accounts.googlemail.com." I searched for whether that email address had been reported as malicious on the day that the story broke. Far from being "sophisticated", it was just a phishing link that was going around randomly, and had already been reported to this spam reporting site:


And in fact people were talking about the phishing link on reddit as much as two years before the 2016 election:


So, despite (much of) the media converging on a “sophisticated spear phishing” narrative, this looks to be a link that was sent to a large number of people over a long period, and just a case of random spam phishing that got lucky.

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ummmm....did you just quote CNN in a thread about how CNN is a misinformation/disinformation arm of the CIA?

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"Alleging" would be more accurate. They've been acting quite more brazenly as a misinfo/disinfo arm of the DNC. Whether or not the DNC has deep enough connections with the CIA to provide a useful and reliable data/policy bridge is another question, but both DNC and GOP likely have enough connections to establish semi-functional "lamprey" networks just due to their longevity and resulting personal/professional contacts therein.

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re: "so sophisticated that it fooled the campaign's own IT staffers"

I'm not a google mail user, but in general it is pretty rare for a phishing email to NOT have extended headers (server route log) that reveal a bogus or weird looking origin.

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Frank, you need to be frank with yourself. You are fooling yourself by evading the obvious truth. Democrats are now demoncrats.

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See Matt Taibbi's reporting on how CNN groomed Trump to run in 2015/16 to increase views/clicks and advertising $$$

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The problem was that CNN hadn't expected Trump to actually win.

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I agree that there was a massive fake Russia story created by GPS Fusion, the Clinton campaign, Clinton allies, with the help of US intelligence, often willing and sometimes just incompetent.

But there is definitely some evidence of a DNC hack. Among other things, the Dutch intelligence services seem to have observed evidence in their spying on the Internet Research Agency - reported by mutliple sources including Dutch media. What the nature of the hack was and how it gibes with the evidence that there must have been a person on the ground to transfer the data files that fast is of course fair to discuss.

There is also evidence, both purposely forgotten in media coverage after Jan 2017, of an attempted RNC hack and the overt public hack and release of Colin Powell's email to embarass and hurt Trump. There is plenty of other evidence of Internet Research Agency activity that was pro-BLM and anti-Trump, making their more likely overall goal the sowing of chaos than only supporting Trump. Thus the need for GPS/Clintonistas/Intelligence/Mueller's team to spin a narrative.

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Please stop reporting this nonsense. The cover story was all part of the plan (approved by HRC) to shift attention to a Trump-Russia collusion narrative that has always been fiction. Guccifer 2.0 was created out of this same scheme. The meta data on the files prove that it's impossible that those emails were hacked, they had to be downloaded on a local device (thumbdrive most likely)."

Based on the forensics that was my conclusion but beware of these rabbit holes. It has never been discussed that those details can also be faked (the meta data.) Certainly Gucifer which seemed like damage control. I am unsure of the claims about his being backtracked tho.

So it's possible that the evidence is faked having accepted the conclusions of VIPS analysts.

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Could be. It would also mean that it was the first time Wikileaks published something that wasn't authentic. Assange knows where the emails came from and he asserted that they didn't come from Russia.

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Note to all: You must use actual (historical) ISP speeds as of the specific months in question. They increased a good deal in the months that followed in that area.

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Actually, they were. Podesta's Emails were obtained by phishing, which is hacking.

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That would have allowed access to Podesta's emails but not the entirety of the DNC archive.

Podesta's email password by the way was "password".

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umm...that's the cover story. I've not seen evidence that this is true. Given the overwhelming amount of disinformation/misinformation I'm skeptical of any 'official' story we're being told.

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Reread what Glenn G wrote, he qualified that statement about those emails being hacked. I appreciate the attention to detail.

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Oct 30, 2020
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It's literally in the Mueller report that the DNC server was hacked, without a shred of evidence. As Fox Mulder said "Trust No One". Matt & Glen really need to get to the point where they chuck everything they think they know and start over. Everything has been a lie. Why would anyone believe ANYTHING the FBI or DOJ of Obama WH put out at this point? The MSM has no credibility, FBI/DOJ/CIA? This cancer has metasticized to the point where the patient is on life support.

We need to understand that Trump is Chemo. It takes an outsider to come in, someone who didn't need this job, someone who couldn't be bought, to come in and kill that cancer.

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I paid for a subscription precisely because I believe that, despite what you may or may not personally believe, you don't allow it to influence your pursuit of the truth. I want the truth - nothing less and nothing more.

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I just signed up, too, for that very reason. When those in positions of power put on a mask and practice deception, they must be exposed. Sunlight is the cure for the disease of corruption.

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Personally, having read your work going back to Cato Institute and Volokh, I'm happy you're independent and I can directly fund you. I'm willing to throw even more money at your projects. Consider crowdfunding video documentary teams and other large projects. Your following after all of this is going to be as large as ever.

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I’ve supported him here as well because I think he is an important voice right now. There are few journos out there right now who have Glenn’s credibility who are willing to take on media groupthink. But it is a tough environment. With NYT offering their digital for 4$ a month that gives access to all of their writers/content, it is very difficult for writers like Glenn to compete.

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For me it's easy. Glenn is worth a multiple of the NYT. I can read their take anywhere. His is much harder to find.

Now if I lived in NYC it might be different, but, luckily for me, I do not.

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I have, and it's still worth the multiple

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I had a rule to never use paywalls but this is Glenn Greenwald we are talking about here. He's worth every Canadian ruble I forked over.

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The difference is that in the NYT you get gaslighting and propaganda, with Glenn you get actual journalism

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Besty Reed's remarkably pissy response to your leaving tells me everything I nedd to know.

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Just signed up to your site, even though I'm a conservative, because integrity transcends ideology--or at least it ought to. Go get 'em Glenn.

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I'm pretty far left and I signed up for the same reason - it's nice to "meet" you. I wish everyone cared more about integrity.

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Clearly, "integrity" and "far left" rarely appear in the same sentence.

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Maybe, but you don't make alliances with people like Yzetta if you automatically burn bridges from the get go.

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what alliances? we don't know what Yzetta even means by "far left"

I'm an independent/centrist and my experience with 100s of people on the left is that I would not trust any of them about a matter of responsibility without extensive vetting. gaslighting is the norm

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We just signed up too. I haven’t agreed with all his past work but want to see a return of journalistic integrity. I don’t care if you slam my candidate so long as you are an equal opportunity slammer.

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Glad to support you, Glen. Our politics might differ, but I know you're honest. That's next to impossible to find in journalism these days. I'd noticed a change in "The Intercept" and had stopped reading it. Now I know why.

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I just paid for an annual subscription out of a total frustration with the current outrageous, unfair, evil and dishonest media situation in the US (and elsewhere also). Totalitarism is approaching and I have decided to participate in the fight against the threatening darkness. Good luck.

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Democracy Dies in Darkness. And also at the Washington Post, these days...

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Four years ago I was railing against Hillary Clinton on Facebook without any censoring.

Tonight I watched an interview Tucker Carlson did with Glenn Greenwald regarding the Hunter Biden/Joe Biden scandal and Tucker showed a poll revealing that 51% of those polled believe this scandal is “Russian Disinformation” with ZERO evidence.

Why do those being polled believe this? Because the bulk of the MSM they watch have told them so and the major tech platforms have ALL censored the pertinent information so there is NO debate amongst the electorate. All of this less than one week from our national election.

With Facebook and Twitter and Google’s and the bulk of the MSM’s heavy fingers on the scales of public information there are only two words to describe this:


And this with over 70 million voters already having cast their ballots!

Regardless of the outcome next Tuesday, these tech/media corporations should ALL be brought down at least to the point where they can never be allowed to interfere in another American election again, regardless of the higher-ups personal political preferences.

And this is the system the war-mongering DNC wants to “spread around the world” with their “regime change wars”?!

No thank you.

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New founding member. I dislike about half of your stuff, which is exactly why I like you, because you write to bring the truth as you see it, with emphasis on the truth part.

And I subscribed because of your willingness to take a stand for what should be a core value for all journalists.

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I became a fan of yours when I was in law school at UC Hastings in 2003. Your the best, for sure. But fuck...

I got to be honest...I'm glad the press is ignoring this story. There's just too much at stake. Biden might be losing his edge, his family might be trading in his name, but who gives a shit? The alternative is worse by light years.

And yeah, I don't trust the "people" out there to get it right. The "people" are rubes. Those idiots voted for this piece of shit once before, they'll do it again, in a heartbeat.

More importantly, you really want to do Rudy Giuliani's work for him? I don't know, I don't get it...why so eager to make the campaign's case for them? It's not a rhetorical question. I just don't get it.

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"The alternative is worse by light years"

Biden has been credibly accused of actually pinning a staffer against the wall and stuffing his fingers up her vagina. The media didn't attack her story, but her college credentials, and dumped the story after.

Biden has actually authored racist legislation and in recent years spoke of "being able to work across the aisle" - with racist segregationists.

Trump's been merely ACCUSED of a shit-ton of things. But I don't join lynch-mobs. Same reason the lynching of Justice Kavanaugh (seriously, you guys went after him over "I like beer" and school calendars you had to try and reinterpret as codebooks?) made me see the Democratic Party as a progressively more lunatic outfit. Reducing impeachment to "who needs criminal charges? we really just hate the guy" wasn't a winner with us independents either, not just speaking for myself there.

A pox on both your damned parties, and thank Trump for being that pox.

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Yeah, we the people (rubes) are fn sick of the fn lawyers (especially from UC Hastings) being in political control of our country and want a non-political person to clean up. What's so hard for you to understand?

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How's your guy doing you fucking rube? Great choice! Job well done!! If you ever wonder why nobody gives a shit about your opinion, the fact that you chose a fucking reality star who ran every business he ever owned into the ground, and fancies a bizarre hairdo, that's why no one cares what you say. You're fucking stupid.

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Three Nobel nominations for actual peace deals, to start. Wow, you're a hateful person. Have you considered therapy?

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You are a lawyer? You sound more like a garbage truck driver. You learn to talk in a trash can?

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It would appear that either UC Hastings has low admission standards or that Alex was short-changed in his education.

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Our local sanitation workers are much more thoughtful and respectful actually. I am voting for Biden but I find this lawyer's response detestable. We need to grow up and stop with ad hominem attacks that do nothing to advance the discussion.

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Don't disrespect garbage truck drivers like that.

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He’s doing wonderfully. Peace deals in the Middle East. Deregulation. Roaring economy. Massive mobilization against Covid. Criminal justice reform. Opportunity zones. Fighting for the unborn. Making NATO deadbeats pay their own way after 70 years of freeloading. Exposing the Deep State and fake news.

I love that he makes people say absurd things like “Hey Glenn, please stop being an honest journalist.”

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You're a bit of a bully. Have you noticed how cruel your side has become? You ever read Don Quixote?

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You’re perfectly articulating what I find despicable about the conversation from the left. Why the name calling? Why the insults? What is that about and why the incessant need to demonize a perfect stranger? The biggest movement I see from the folks in the middle (and I’m guessing that’s where I am now) is a calling to more nuanced discussions held in a civilized and intelligent manner with an understanding that those I disagree with are good and decent people.

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WTF, Alex Ge is NOT in any way "left."

You might inform yourself with this VERY good write up. The best part is AFTER the description of their graphing idea.


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"The end justifies the means" in terms of getting Trump out, that's your motto. Enlightened civilizations have learned the opposite many times over the centuries. The principle is a cornerstone of all that we should defend against Trump. Even if the main goal is defeating him, it's better done by not lowering oneself. "Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster."

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Hey, my guy is gonna kick your guy's fn ass tonight!

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Does your lying-approved media approve of this kind of language? Isn’t this exactly the kind of demeanor that your ilk always tries to pin on Trump? Followed by scathing shaming and condemnation? Well, I guess it doesn’t matter that you are the one who’s swearing and being hostile- your lying media will guaranteed blame the hostility on divisive Trump.

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Meet me.

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bahahahahaha...go crawl back into your fucking prol shit hole dwelling and latch onto Tucker's teat. You're a fucking joke and always will be, no matter how special your dear leader makes you feel.

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This right here is why I always laugh when I see a "hate is not a family value" or "love trumps hate" bumper sticker. They are invariably on cars belonging to people just like you, and as your posts demonstrate aptly, no one hates as deeply, passionately or as all consumingly as a progressive.

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That guy is no Progressive, and, by the way, your last sentence would be correct if you replaced "progressive" with "Neo-Liberal."

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Alex if voting Biden gives us more self important asshats like you I will be proud to cast my vote for Trump on Tuesday.

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Thank you for contributing to Trump's re-election with your unhinged lunacy.

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I am not nor have I ever been a Trump supporter, but people like you make it painfully clear to me why so many people are. You are arrogant and hateful while claiming the moral high ground.

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I guess your self-loathing runs very deep.

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Morals and ethics obviously mean nothing to a lawyer. If this was Don Jr, you would be out for blood. As an independent voter, I want to know that I’m not voting for a piece of shit that has been compromised by the Russians and Chinese! People like you, the FAKE NEWS media, and antifa, etc are a major reason why I won’t ever give my vote to Biden!

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Alex: you are saying that we should not have independent press, that the media ought to be agents of propaganda, consciously decieving the public for the greater good.

Maybe Biden is the lesser evil in this election. But without actual journalists like Glenn we could never know.

I get the frustrations over Trump. He is a disaster. But the answer to that disaster does not concist in advocating for more lies and propaganda.

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I have yet to hear a reasonable case for Trump being either the greater evil or a disaster. Many of the allegations against Trump have remained that - allegations - but in Biden's case some of the same accusations (particular about racism) is in his Senate record. He was a terrible candidate to position against Trump, and he picked as his veep the only person in the entire primary season to get blown out by a single phrase from Tulsi Gabbard - who the rest of the party's establishment absolutely despised because Hillary said so.

With Trump? Roaring economy brought to a halt not even by coronavirus, but massive economic lockdowns that break the economy down to virtually Blue-State (down) / Red-State (up) comparisons. Democrats were accusing Trump of "meddling" when he was still a candidate and nonetheless pressured a Detroit factory into staying in the US. The man understands economic leverage, and to ignore or deny that is like denying the Sun heats the Earth.

Three Middle East peace deals leading to an equal number of Nobel nominations. He is roasted for de-escalating international tensions, lauded only when he fires missiles at nations Democrats think need shooting at, and then castigated for killing a terrorist leader in the same nation they were cheering him for firing missiles at.

I see very little criticism of Trump that isn't associated with bald-faced party-based opposition, from establishment Republicans who hated his cockblocking of JEB BUSH FOR GODSAKE to Democrats who still think Hillary's shit job as Secretary of State (ruining more nations than Trump has cut peace deals for) is beyond reproach.

Speaking as a lifetime independent, please: the naked, incessant and baseless fury demonstrated by Democrats and the Radical Left since 2016 has NOT been a selling point for us.

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Not one of the four, Trump, Pence, Biden or Harris, should be anywhere near the job of POTUS. They're all just different flavors of shit sandwich - and the real travesty is that FAR too many people think those are our only choices.

By the way, get out of YOUR media propaganda bubble: There is no "radical left" to speak of in the USA and two ageing hippies in a clapped out VW microbus with a flower painted on the side hardly count. And, the people you're mostly complaining about aren't actually "on the left," either, they're basically neo-liberals - that is, people who THINK they're "liberal" or "on the left" but are actually pro status-quo which is by definition right-of center. Mostly, they're just like a heck of a lot of the rest of America: Major propaganda victims.

The REAL left you'd probably like... We usually call ourselves Progressives and object to being called "liberal" (and certainly not Neo-Liberal) to help clarify the distinction in viewpoints. Actually, right now, and growing since at least 2016, there's a super-majority (defined as 2/3rds support) for a long list of Progressive goals, though a lot of such support comes from people who don't think of these things - or themselves - as Progressives. ... Progressives gave us the 5 day work ween and our modern weekend, the 8 hour work day and other things we take for granted today. Like I said, you'd probably like the actual left.

Frankly, I'm voting "third party" and will in every case where there's no Dem (or, less likely but possible Rep) that I actually WANT in office. I recommend we all vote for who we WANT in office and stop voting for the "lesser evil." It's lesser evil voting that has allowed the parties to give us a choice of two shit sandwiches.

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Gee Alex, elitist much? You don’t like Trump so the people making an informed choice is not a worthy goal? Anyone who disagrees with your world view is a rube who is not smart enough to see the light - as defined by you? And you wonder why Trump won last time. The left is populated by arrogant asses who think because they came out of college with a degree in some worthless major, they are smarter than everyone else. Well, I went to college to but got a degree in engineering vice sociology but I guess I’m just an educated rube.

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Anyone who feels the need to not-so-subtlety brag that they’re an attorney should know the difference between “your” and “you’re”...

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Elitists like Alex G. made the election of Donald Trump as president both inevitable and necessary. The more he disses the "people" aka "rubes," the more President Trump's re-election becomes equally inevitable and necessary. To borrow from Sen. Ted Cruz's exchange with Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, "Who the hell made Alex G. the final authority on how and what people should think, say and do?"

One thing we know for sure is Alex G. never learned any humility or manners growing up. To substantiate this, he stands condemned out of his own mouth. Last thing this country needs is to have an authoritarian demagogue like him anywhere near the levers of power.

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Please go back and fact check the old stories that made us hate Trump in the first place. They've proven to be lies. He isn't perfect, but Biden will destroy this country. He's beyond corrupt. Go look at the source materials.

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So after Biden wins, assuming he does, you think the press will suddenly become interested in these things. Most lawyers aren’t that naive.

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You are the problem. And the fact that you can’t see that is the deeper problem. The role of a journalist is the pursuit of truth without an agenda

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I believe in the democratic system. The people may make mistakes, but so can anyone else. An average of all the people is more accurate than randomly picking subsets of people to make decisions. You say that you and your friends are not a random subset, you are better than average. Your opponents say the same thing. We have a system for resolving these disputes. Maybe you can invent a better one, but "I'm right and my opponents are wrong" is not a new approach.

In answer to your "Why" question, perhaps Mr. Greenwald believes the same thing.

I'm a Biden voter.

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Your law school tuition dollars were clearly wasted. Most of the people/rubes/idiots I know and love learned the difference between "your" and "you're" in high school - and acquired critical thinking skills at the same time. Too bad you missed out.

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Arrogant, smug D party loyalist goons and assholes like you are a very large part of why people voted for Trump in 2016 and will vote for him in this election. T-R-0-L-L


Drunk? On drugs? Ran out of psych meds?

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Why report it?


Because it's important news, serious allegations concerning possibly the next POTUS?

Am I close?

Btw, got really depressed after your 3rd paragraph, when I realized you weren't joking

Quite an anti-democratic edge for someone who calls himself a "Democrat"

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You are actively wanting an authoritarian press, with a president (if Biden wins) who stated Assange was a "digital terrorist" during the War on Terror, and you think "too much is at stake"?

Like what exactly, a free press, restricting the flow of information assisted by Silicon Valley?

Wtf are you even talking about? But, let me guess, you really care about big money in politics and the corporate duopoly, which is why you are willing to allow an oligarch in Biden being let off the hook from answering pertinent questions because you care about "democracy"...my god.

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Hmmm, sounds like you might be an unethical lawyer.

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Thank you for your integrity Mr. Greenwald. Although our politics don’t align, I appreciate your honest reporting throughout the years. I just became a subscriber on substack to show my support. I also unliked the intercept on FB and know that others are doing the same and will encourage all my friends to support your new endeavor. Best of luck.

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I’ll enjoy reading your content for the next year knowing that there is at least one journalist who can be trusted to be fair. Well done.

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The relevant commandment of honest journalism, the kind of journalism that serves society best and is of enduing value, is simple: "Follow the facts, where ever they lead." Doing otherwise is dishonest, no matter the reason. Glenn practices this. The fact that he's now being condemned by too many of his colleagues is a tragedy.

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Glenn, I'm as Conservative as they come, but I also respect facts. I disagree with your politics, but absolutely respect your honesty, fairness, and relentless quest for the truth. Happy to lend my support, now and in the future.

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The saddest thing of all in this is that very little of Glenn's excellent article is new. From my perspective the claim that "my son and I never discussed his business dealings" was never credible. I'm not sure a single, non-estranged father and son would ever hit that mark.

Nor is it surprising that Hunter was trading off of his family name. Many people do that, particularly many people related to important people in DC. This is true in both parties and it's not all that surprising.

As Glenn and Matt have both said, the surprising part is the coordinated attempt to pretend that this isn't somehow true for Biden.

And I think Glenn's insight near the end is the real root cause. The major media outlets are desperate not to be blamed if Biden should somehow lose...they care about that more than anything else I think, even more than ratings/clicks, at least at the moment.

Actually, the saddest thing is that Glenn seems to have lost a business he founded...but the willing blindness of an industry supposedly about illumination is a close second.

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