IMHO, Biden has now become the gravest threat to our national security. He is so prone to enormous gaffes, that I could easily see him getting into a war merely through his blatantly impaired cognitive skills. And Kamala is worse.

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Regime change begins at home.

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Then contact the Truckers and tell them to breach the barriers in DC. Let the swamp rats try to pull a Trudeau in the US, especially in the mountain states.

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What are they gonna do? Set up a bounce castle?

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My hope is that they will pivot to helping Julian Assange.

Think about "FREE JULIAN" signs plastered on the trucks.

After all most of the truckers are firm believers in the first amendment,

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Pardon him would be better. I'd love it regardless as in under a week, you could find out who in Congress is a swamp rate based on their reaction.

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Whatever it is, it'll be more than what voting can muster.

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Voting!? Voting for who? There's no one left to vote for. No real leader of America is willing to run the media's whips to nakedness. Hillary still runs the DNC and look what she did to Tulsi Gabbard. Trump runs the Republicans and look what he did to everyone. There is no one left.

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President Trump is ranked as good to very good. He had a very successful foreign policy (stood up to the worst suppressors of human rights, such as Iran and Communist China, negotiated five majority-Muslim countries to recognize Israel, strengthened NATO's defenses, stood up to Russia without starting any wars) and many improvements in the US economy (the Tax Reform law benefitted most households, only not the highest 5% of earners, which is why the Democrats have been trying to repeal its limit on the SALT deduction; blacks had their lowest recorded unemployment, jobs were brought back to the US, …) and secured the southern border. He did the best possible against the COVID, while being blocked by uneducated executives such as Birx and Fauci (read Scott Atlas's book to find out how bad they were; Atlas is one of the world's leaders in public health policy, the main area for dealing with the epidemic and that the Task Force had nobody familiar with).

And all his successes were while the Democrats and their media were promoting the Russia wanted Trump fiction. It was obvious all along that they wanted Clinton. She was so friendly to them whenever they offered money (think of the uranium deals and the $500,000 received by Bill for a "speech" in Moscow in 2010 while she was Secretary of State).

We need President Trump back.

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That’s true. No one is coming to save us, it’s up to us.

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Ed Snowden will be old enough soon. I plan to vote for him. .. we need some new blood!

*it doesn't matter how you count the votes, if only Rs & Ds can win.

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"Trump runs the Republicans and look what he did to everyone."--Jack Siler

And just exactly what is it you think that Trump did to everybody?

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Don't blame me. I voted for Kodos!

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Stop the flow of traffic and goods to the capitol and not move until gasoline prices come down.

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Yeah, because that's what all the enemies of "democracy" do. No fun for you you fascist.

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Maybe a bouncy Capitol!

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But, we'd have to do it twice in a row. And I have a sick feeling that if we did it to Biden, Hillary would replace Harris.

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I'm sure she's totally angling for it, she just had a nauseating op-ed / elegy for Albright in the NYT. Dunno how that would actually work though, unless Harris picked her for VP. In which case, i'd actually feel genuinely sorry for Harris.

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Just listen to Harris' speeches and you won't feel sorry for her.

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Oh, i've heard enough. I've never felt sorry for her at all, but that's the one thing that would actually do it. I mean, i'm not wishing her to not be alive.

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I wouldn’t attend the funeral, but I’d write a nice letter saying I approved of it.

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Wait for 2024. If it looks like Shrillary has no chance to win the Dem nomination outright, Biden will make her his VP candidate (even if that requires swapping her in at the last moment). Then, if he is named President again, he will resign (or die) immediately following inauguration.

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He's disintegrating so rapidly, he'll never make it through the campaign. If the press hadn't tolerated (which they shouldn't have) his basement campaign, he wouldn't have survived the 2020 campaign. There will be a different person on the top of the ticket in 2024.

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Manchin is setting himself up for the Dem nom in 24 by sabotaging Biden's domestic policy. He'll point the finger and the media will conveniently forget he was the one who held everything up because he'll be Flavour of the Week at that time.

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The "woke" media/corporate Establishment will never back him. They have bet the farm on their race and gender baiting propaganda. Manchin is too normal, a throwback to the Democratic Party Bill Clinton destroyed.

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Very possible ... and terrifying

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25th Amendment anyone?

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I've been putting out that same sentiment. This guy is the most dangerous world leader at this time.

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The 25th has been there since day 1 of the Biden regime. Only if the Republicans take the House and Senate in 22 will there be a chance of dumping that idiot with the 25th.


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Absolutely! I like that, Phisto!

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Sure it does.

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The American voter is the gravest threat to our nation. The "scorpion" just follows it's nature.

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When the choices are between Trump and Clinton, or Trump and Biden, it's not the voters who are the problem.

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Trump was the most effective President in my 65 years on this planet, but unfortunately he was also the worst figurehead. Pompous and a blowhard, but I don't care about style, only actions. The opposite of Obama. Unfortunately, most people are too lazy to understand the effectiveness of actions, but everyone can judge style. Obama had great style, but his policies were horrible.

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I think had Trump been president, as he said, this never would have happened. Bringing down Putin has been long in the making. Trump'statement of what's wrong with getting along with Russia, was highly condemned not only by the democrats, but the media as well. The only obvious reason for such a response is we didn't want peace with Russia, we never did. The plan to bring down Putin began in earnest under Obama's watch, since it was during his administration we participated in the coup in Ukraine which brought down a pro-Russian government, and supported  neo-nazis. That the Obama administration didn't know that Ukraine, a very divided country with different ethnic loyalties, was going to have  a problem is highly doubtful, and the US could and would  exploit those divisions. I suspect they knew it would be intolerable for ethnic Russians. The neo-nazi's would get greater control in that country, which they did, becoming an integral part of the military, as well as operating in other aspects of Ukrainian life. They became mainly responsible for the thousands of deaths of Russians in the Donbas over a period of years. I think the democrats  knew this would eventually drag Russia into a war and so yesterday  Biden said, but didn't say directly, were're going to have a proxy war and bring Putin down.

I think in some ways this explains Trump hate. The democrats, not winning in 2016 to further this agenda used Trump's win as an opportunity to engender Trump hate, and conflate it with Russia so it would  be a lot easier for us to accept their anti-Russia agenda which is on full display now. They have had a media blitz showing Ukrainians and how their lives have been severely damaged, and whose purpose is to elicit more Russia hate. It would be nice if they really cared, but they don't. People have compared this to what we did in Afghanistan in the 1980's by supporting the Mujahideen, which drew Russia into a long protracted war and eventually crippled her economy. This time I really don't think that will be the final outcome.

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Agreed on nearly all points, but Caitlin Johnstone has an excellent article on Re-Visiting Russiagate, that looks that whether the "soft on Russia" narrative was intended to drive Trump's hawkish behavior, as it did. Here's what she writes:

Russiagate was never about removing Trump, it was about making sure Trump played along with their regime change plans for Moscow and manufacturing mainstream consent for the escalations we're seeing today.


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As far as removing Trump from office, I think they would have, if they could have. I don't think they really had a chance, and they knew it, but the dems along with the media, including the left,  tried to delegitimize his presidency from the beginning. The democrats did impeach him in the Congress because they claimed he was holding up Zelensky by claiming he would not send weapons unless he got some dirt on Biden's son. From the beginning of Johnstone's article she vilifies Trump then reprimands Obama on some issues, like supporting the coup as well as  lending his support for Kyiv's war against Donbass separatists. but really lets him off the hook since he sent no weapons. She also fails to mention that under his administration anti-ballistic missiles were installed in Romania and Poland under the feeble excuse they were set up in case Iran went haywire with her nuclear arsenal. What a joke. She then ends up by saying this is a long time in the making, which is true, since the expansion of NATO has been going on since the Clinton days which has always been an issue of contention. However I do feel that the coup in Ukraine is what truly motivated Putin to act now, and I do believe,  which Johnstone refutes.  if Trump had not been repeatedly assaulted as Putin's puppet and vilified because he wanted to get along with Russia and had he won the election in 2020 we wouldn't be in the mess we are in now, and yes the deep state has a role in all of it. Believe or not I like her, and have read her articles for a long time now.

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Caitlin Johnstone's opinions are about as valid as the corpse of Elvis Presley's.


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Great point, Fran! The fixation on Putin and Russia does seem to have started with the Obama administration and Hilary Clinton running that show. Apart from the 2014 coup, the arming and weaponizing the Ukrainian army (and its powerful Nazi components) against the separatist provinces, the Russogate hysteria over Trump's election, there have been other expressions of this. Take the Havana syndrome - the completely crazy idea that Russians have been beaming some kind of secret (so secret no one else has a clue how it can work) sonic microwave weapon at US embassy's throughout the world with the sole purpose of upsetting and irritating US diplomatic personnel - oh and so accurate it affects only US personnel, no one else. This crazy idea has been deliberately propagated by US intelligence agencies and spread by the mainstream media over the past four to five years. Occasionally someone tries to debunk it and point out the symptoms reported are completely consistent with those of mass psychogenic illness and the sound originally identified as triggering it in Cuba has been conclusively shown to originate from a particular species of crickets found in Cuba. But still this idiotic story continues to be wheeled out from time to time by US intelligence and mainstream media. But then is this any more crazy than the spectators at a pool arena insisting that Lia Thomas is definitely a woman simply because he (?) now says he is.

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I never heard about this, but it will be some piece of crazy I have to read about. People want to excuse Obama for a lot that went wrong during his administration and he says that Libya was his greatest failure. He was warned, but he went along with Clinton who led the assault with the total backing of France as well as Summers and Rice, and no one gives him any credit for implementing a coup in Ukraine. Nuland's name is brought up, Pyatt's name is brought up, but not Obama's. I remember when the left held Bush/Cheney accountable for their many sins.

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What was Lia Tomas' name before "becoming" a woman? There is nothing on the web at all. It's like looking for the text of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion on the Internet...it cannot be found! Only thousands of articles and books purporting to prove the document is fake.

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I watched a clip just now on NBC that discussed it, and then I remembered I did hear about it, but I never gave it any credence and dismissed it because they were blaming it on the Russians, and it sounded crazy. When Trump was elected and they came up with Russia-gate I just never believed it. I turned that whole thing off. When I was listening just now to them talking about Russian microwaves I got such a headache, and I got dizzy then my ear started to hurt. You think NBC gave me Havana syndrome? Oh, well.

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Excellent work there, Fran!

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Thanks, I appreciate your comment too.

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Two things happened, you had the legacy press and technocrats censor the laptop from hell and similar stories which, had they been known, would have swayed enough voters to re-elect Trump, and you had the people so dim as to vote against mean tweets and nothing more. The latter are the real problem, the former are the victims of the swamp.

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Not sure if I agree about the Hunter Biden story coming out would have changed enough votes that would have gotten Trump reelected. Hunter wasn't running for office.

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10% for the big guy.

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17% of Biden voters said they would not have voted for him had they known about the laptop. Do the math.

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Just look at the link below. I doubt that the combined total of 17% represent reality or anything close, but the laptop from hell could perhaps be taken as a measure of reality, resulting in Biden loosing 2.17 percentage points while Trump would gain 2.17 percentage points. Biden would have gotten 49.09% of the popular vote vs Trump's 48.97%. That shift, of 4.34%, would have allowed Trump to carry everything he did in 2016 save one vote in Nebraska, though adding Nevada to his win. It would have also secured GOP senators in Arizona, Georgia and Michigan while making the race in Minnesota frighteningly close for the DNC.



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I agree that Donald Trump had good ideas but he was hardly effective because his hands were tied by the opposition and even his own party.

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That will be a problem for any adversary of the Deep State who gains the Oval Office. No one could do the job without staff, and many of those staff positions are subject to Congressional confirmation and/or review. This obviously included SCOTUS appointments. Sadly, even though it makes the job even more difficult, real change needs to happen in Congress or all will remain the same.

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Sounds like a Democratic Party excuse for doing nothing.

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I'd say, his hands were tied down by his mouth.

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He certainly didn't help himself. It drove me nuts because he was so spot on in his positions, and yet he'd make some inane comment which the media would jump on and make everything more difficult. I've never seen a politician more willing to call out the twisted politics of DC, but in the end, the swamp won.

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Trump just wanted different critters in the swamp…like all the jerks who vow to “clean up Washington”…and folks get sucked in to the sales pitch every time.

Obama was a huge disappointment, other than getting a peace deal with Iran and opening up relations with Cuba.

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"A peace deal with Iran" LOLOL.

Kerry buying off his inlaws with mountains of cash was a real coup.

As you appear to be a Canadian, I understand your need to assure your bank accounts stay open by fellating the current power-brokers in your protectorate, but at least try to be believable.

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Ah, yes…only Americans know what “freedom” means.

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Yeah, an agreement to allow Iran to have nuclear capabilities in under a decade is a good thing. This from the same person who uses the buzzword 'Christofacist'.

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I agree that one of the best things Obama did was the Iran deal. Those who deny it are ill informed. It was working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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If you liked him bowing to Cuba and Iran, then I'm guessing you loved the way he stabbed Israel in the back on his way out the door.

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Israel? AIPAC? pfffft.

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Like whom?

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Trump caved again, and again, and again. I think I knew what the score was going to be when I saw he packed his administration with dyed in the wool neocons. This told me in no uncertain terms he was controlled as are all Presidents to one degree or another. He tried valiantly on a few like the wall and immigration. As far as Russia goes he caved as soon as it became clear any friendliness for Russia at all would be like a knife in the back. He tried to show he was strong on Russia by vetoing the pipeline as an example but anything he did was like using a pea shooter on an elephant. Another inexplicable (unless he was guaranteed there be no impeachment) lousy thing was not pardoning Assange and if not strong-armed speaks much to his moral character. Even if he is controlled opposition he was way better than any NeoDimmocrat.

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Intelligence isn't allowed to run for office, because nobody that we elect is actually running the government. Anybody that has independent thought is pushed to the bottom and openly destroyed in the clown car echo chamber of corporate talking points that is the main stream media.

This is what happens when you reward loyalty and parroting over actual journalism. The real threat is our society is just too dumb to understand that our own consumption is what is driving everything on the planet now, and a few of the biggest benefactors of that consumption are the ones that are now in full control of that ship.

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Trump has a high IQ. He speaks at a level that reaches the largest audience. Not everyone has an above-average IQ.

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Duh! That's because the average American is just that, average.

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My point was that people condemned Trump for speaking at an 8th-grade level. That was purposeful.

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Intelligence running for office? How about something that's not so common, Common Sense?

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Not to mention the military industrial complex whose bread and butter is war.

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Like what you wrote, but I like even more your name. Classic.

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Trump did an amazing job. He was spot on on foreign policy. If you cannot see that, you are not paying attention. He increased our energy independence. He had the Southern border under control. What exactly did you not like about what he did?

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Bernie Sanders was my guy (I wrote him in, would have never voted for either Trump or Clinton.) Trump was a very long way away from that.

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A socialist who owns 3 homes and pushes the Green New Deal? lol

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And pushed for single payer healthcare and free community college and better wages and all of that - if people didn't want him, i get it. But he spoke for many of we peasants on the bottom of the pile.

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I really use to like Sanders and his political agenda, but it really turned me off when he extolled Clinton after his loss. You can't stand for certain principals then support a person who stands for none.

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I was sorry about that too. He should have run as the Independent that he is. And if not the first time, the second time around.

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Trump did nothing to drain the MIC swamp. People need to realize none of these politicians give two shots about us.

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Actually Trump woke a lot of us up to the swamp and the depth of it: The involvement of the fbi, cia, msm, and doj has been exposed to a lot of us. I knew there was some corruption, but not quite like this. The moral climate of our nation needs the grace of God to get it back to it’s original ideal.

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Like what? It is nearly impossible to fire a federal worker.

He kept us out of wars while in office.

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What wars did he keep us out of? Record military budgets ring a bell? He kept the swamp, he didn't drain it.

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Thank you for these comments.

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Just a reminder, if Trump were in office I doubt if we would be conducting a proxy war with Russia. Clinton yes.

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Who got those choices in front of Americans? Primaries did and they were good candidates during primaries, (Bernie Tulsi on left and Rand Paul on right). American electorate is ignorant and arrogant and at last it is paying some price for its ignorance due to inflation and social fall out of running corrupt system.

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And who got rid of those decent choices? My state had (open) primaries on Super Tuesday. We also had early voting. And boy oh boy would i have been livid to have cast an early vote for, say, Amy or Pete, only to find that they had magically disappeared from the ballot by primary day and my vote hadn't counted after all. (The answer you're looking for is the powers that be in the parties, not the voters.)

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In 1972, George McGovern got the Democratic nomination. Following that election the Party came up with the concept of "Super Delegates."

The goal was that a current intemperate will of the regular Democratic primary voter would be tempered by TPTB within the Party.* Not saying that was a bad thing. Jimmy Carter managed to get the nomination within that structure. But for whatever reason, I can't see anybody like Jimmy Carter ever being elevated to national status within the party again. It's not urban v. rural. It's TPTB making the choice, not, "The People."

*Bernie Sanders was NEVER going to be the nominee.

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Oh, i know that Bernie was never going to be the nominee. But, the Dem Party is hemorraging members and has been, and i'm sure that will continue. Jerk voters around enough, and they're not going to show up. And the ones that won't this time around are going to be exactly those economic progressive types.

They had to get rid of the superdelegates after '16, so they didn't get that option in 2020, they had to find another workaround.

And, as Kamala said recently, Democratic voters got what they paid for. But not in the way that she meant. An 80 year old previous 2 time loser who was running 5th or so until Clyburn intervened. And a VP who never even made it to the primaries. The Trump boogieman worked in '20, but i suspect that their free pass expired with that one.

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I had that happen. I early voted for Jeb Bush in the Texas primary, but he withdrew by election day.

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Probably because he ran out of money and support though. Correct me if i'm wrong, but i think the Repubs would have preferred Jeb, but Trump was running away with it. Amy and Pete had both had a lot of money and support. The party pulled them because they assumed it would have cut into the Biden vote.

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Somebody is voting for them. Saying they're the only choice is a cop-out.

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Hermann Goering on war:

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."

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Now those who lead us into war have a complicit media used solely as a tool of indoctrination. Not one, perhaps Tucker, willing to step out of line, and challenge this insanity. All you need is one false flag operation that drags NATO into a war, and it's doomsday.

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Note that nobody seems to have raised so much as a peep of complaint when Biden announced end to the "no first nuclear strike" policy yesterday.

More brinksmanship! That surely will end well!

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I saw that. And mentioned it on Taibbi's thread, but nobody really took it up there.

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I guess on a day with that much recklessness and that many gaffes and idiocies, you can only get outraged so many times before Mine Eyes Glaze Over.

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I didn't read that. If you have a link to that could you send it.

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I got it. I wonder why I blocked that?

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I get what you're saying, but considering how much manipulation of the news goes on, the voters are acting on what they're being fed. It's almost a full time job just trying to fact check the various article that are out there in order to take an educated position on issues.

Laptopgate is a perfect example. I recorded and viewed five of the Sunday shows this morning (I haven't watched Fox' Mediabuzz yet) and not one mention of what may have been the greatest conspiracy to influence an election in my lifetime.

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Naa, it's easy. If you're friend or neighbor lied to you ten times; would you believe them the eleventh time? Finding the truth may be difficult and finding the lies, easy but is that any reason to listen to the purveyors of lies. Better to try thinking, hard as it is.

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Only if you knew they were actually lying. The issue with our media isn't that the lie all the time. No, the issue is that they lie by omission far more than they outright lie.

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They out right lie. When you tune into the mainstream media you know you are being lied to, and the left during the Trump years was little different.

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True but that's always been so.

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Greg Maxwell is right, the voter is the real problem. The average American voter has no real clue of the real issues but votes for whichever party he fells some kind of loyalty too. The Democratic Party is made up primarily of blacks, more than 90% of whom always vote for Democrats because Democrats promise them everything. I knew a fellow - he's dead now, he smarted off to the wrong person - who seemed to think Democrats hung the moon. He was a Democrat all his life even though he lived in a region that now votes mostly for Republicans. I had relatives who were the same way. It's the same on the other side of the spectrum, with the so-called "Tea Party" being the worst.

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You had me until the Tea Party comment.

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Unfortunately he no doubt became a democrat at a time when they did support the working class and unions, but they took a right turn especially under Bill Clinton. Sometimes people are told to choose the lesser of the two evils, and during the 2016 elections I voted for neither one, and a cousin insisted I chose the lesser of the evils, but if I did I would have voted for Trump.

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And how was the average American voter educated; what entities have fundamentally controlled that system for ages; and what is the prevailing political philosophy of those exerting that control? There is your bottom line answer.

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The options are curated by the deep state and elites to the point that voting almost doesn't matter. Trump was the first unapproved candidate to get elected in decades and the deep state lost it's collective mind.

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That’s a cop-out.

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An indifferent and uneducated electorate is a front-runner in the "gravest threat" sweepstakes.

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The electorate can only be educated if they're presented with objective, honest information. I grew up in the 60s and the networks, while still left leaning, provided both sides of issues. Today, there is nothing like that. Media has thrown objectivity out the window for clicks. I work hard to follow issues, but it requires a lot of 'personal' fact checking. I've been involved in medical research for 30 years, so I know how to fact check pretty efficiently, and I also have a pretty good sense when 'experts/scientists' are actually advocates. I pegged Fauci in March of 2020, but the media treated his pronouncements as gospel, when they were actually manipulative garbage. After doing a little research on Fauci it became apparent that he's always had that rep. Google 'Fauci Aids criticism' and you'll find very similar criticism then as now, but since it was mostly the gay community attacking him, it didn't get as much coverage as it would today.

I can't blame the electorate when they are being lied to. The electorate is working 40+ hour weeks, raising kids and dealing with other distracting personal issues. They don't have the time that this retired OCD cranky old man has to call out bullshit.

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Yes, it's true that I'm a Scorpio. Not sure if that makes me a threat to our nation. And yes, I do vote. Sometimes is for the lesser of two evils.

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Scorpios are dangerous for many reasons - I am one - including above average intelligence and the ability to stir the pot.

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The United States is ruled by the Scorpio. So the question is whether the United States Eagle can rise like a phoenix or whether it will revert to the poisonous Scorpion? Scorpio contains good and evil so it is very important to choose the right! The Scorpio that knows how to point to the Phoenix can lead humanity to life eternal...the fate of the world actually depends on whether the true Scorpios (Levy in the Bible) can rise to the occasion?

for full disclosure - this scribe has the Scorpio planet in the rising sign and mars in the house of Scorpio...making this writer, very, very Scorpio AND Aries...Martian, indeed....and wants to share the secret of ending the oppression of Mars on earth....(Mars isn't evil, but become evil when misused...)

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So, I recorded and scanned Face the Nation, Stephanopoulos, Meet the Press, Tapper, Reliable Sources and MediaBuzz.

Not one mention of Laptopgate. I was surprised, however, by the consensus that Biden stepped in it again, and some surprisingly candid discussion on several shows (not Fox) about whether he was mentally fit to give high profile speeches.

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I'm not worried about Biden's gaffes since I'm sure the Russians will pick up on those, but his statements about a bomb in Poland, a NATO country, well, that would mean war between the US and Russia. There are just too many opportunities for false flag operations which makes this all the more scary.

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Fran, in my opinion, Biden doesn't know the difference! But, he controls our actions - whether he knows what he's doing or not! Is there a Constitutional way out of this?

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G-d's got this....there may be a limited exchange, but natural disasters will stop it and wake the world up. Such was revealed even before Bush I waged Iraq war for "democracy."

In the end, Russia wins, but this is not the Russia Putin or the US think it is....Putin has more to learn if he wishes to win and win for the sake of the world. Holy Rus is calling him to account and justice before the world. Hate not Russia, but only those who falsely claim to be her guardians!

Russia = Rus = Rota = the galactic federation

In Hebrew, this is Ruth...or Ruta - the fraternity of the galaxy, or "brotherhood"

Russia is the lost tribe of Naphtali....but only if they can identify the keys of the secret.....

The fullness of Israel cannot be complete until the tribe of Naphtali has been joined once again to Judah to make full the union of the 12 united on the oneness of the 13th.

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These keys were preserved outside of Soviet Russia. It is still waiting for Putin to recover them if he wishes to have any claim to actually representing Russia beyond the Soviet Distortion.....Putin may yet redeem himself....but until he does, there is no "good" or "right" side...

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Over the past couple of years I have come to see everything as part of a larger nexus with manufactured crises leading to manufactured outcomes. In that regard, I often whether Biden's statements are mere gaffes or are calculated teasers to gauge popular reaction and/or as veiled threats. Biden and Harris were selected for a reason.

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Say “No” to nuclear war! Just as government and media have deceived us on COVID and vaccines, they’re also deceiving us on the war in Ukraine. Here’s the deceit. Here’s why we need to stay out of Ukraine:


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Agreed. We need "REGIME CHANGE" here in the US. Dump the demented Joe Biden in the nearest landfill. What happens in Ukraine is NOT our business.

By the way: it was us (The USA) who invaded Ukraine - in 2014 -with a bloody and violent Coup: https://gregrubini.substack.com/p/massacre-ukraine-2014 (my article on Substack of Jan 31) - and guess who was involved in that 2014 Coup in Ukraine? Joe Biden, Obama, John Brennan, John Kerry, Victoria Nuland. - The current Military Operation of the Russians in Ukraine is a direct consequence of that Coup.

It is sad to see that how many fellow Americans are so stupid, ignorant and illiterate on what really happens in the world, and they buy hook, line and sinker the Propaganda spoon-fed to them by the Fake News media (all controlled by the CIA, by the way).

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Why stop with Joe?

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oh, I agree!! Let's dump ALL of them in the nearest landfill: Kamala Harris, Barack Obama, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Hillary Clinton, Jake Sullivan, Blinken, Lloyd Austin, Avril Haines... add as many names you want...

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The problem is, it takes a lot of time, energy and wisdom to accumate the facts and understand (or be reasonably understand issues, and the media only works to give you their version. I worked as a hospital administrator for thirty years, so the pandemic was something I tracked since 12/19 when that med student disappeared after alerting people to COVID. It was apparent that Fauci was up to something as early as 3/20. and by 4/20 it was clear he was misdirecting. The most blatant tell was stepping on the Wuhan lab story, and the other was choosing panic over informing folks how mild the virus actually was, and that for children, the strain was less toxic than the previous five flu seasons. All that data was available in the first qtr of 2020, but it was quickly replaced with a high panic, vaccine oriented narrative. Keep in mind, I was spending 1-2 hours a day tracking all of the international clinical outcomes and watching the press briefings. Too bad Trump didn't bring in Scott Atlas on day 1.

But trying to work through the climate change bullshit, genderism, racism, border security, foreign relations, etc, it takes a lot of work to sift through the ideology and get to the facts.

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Do you really believe this is orchestrated by Biden? He doesn't call the shots, not with his very obvious mental issues, but the democrats and State Department do, and they have the blessings of the neocons that support them. The democrats spent their time trying to oust Trump, no doubt they feared a lost opportunity to remove Putin, as was their intentions all along. I don't mean to leave the republicans out. They no doubt feared Trump would stall their agenda another four years if he won, ergo, the "insurrection." I knew something was really not right, but to be honest I never expected this, and never expected it to go this far.

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Some of us saw and warned it was coming back in 9/11, but people weren't listening...instead they got distracted either by MSM lies or by convoluted conspiracies designed to take their attention off the actual facts and issues. And here we are :(

Tonight my own mother said to me "nobody saw this coming."

As someone who identifies as "nobody" ....thus "outis"...indeed, I did warn people this was coming back in 2001....but nobody was listening and people are still entranced by the siren of the MSM which is designed to deceive them.

May humanity find their way back from illusion into reality!

This is a strange "reality" where it is necessary to become "crazy" to the world to speak sanity. I am totally willing to accept the world's "tag" as "crazy" given what they have told us is "reality." Choose Wisely!

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Why was 9/11 a wake up call for you? When I was a kid and watched those old cowboy and Indian movies they always made the Indians the bad guys, and from school I knew they were here first. I use to ask grownups about it, but never got an answer until it dawned on me that my government, not TV, my government lies to me. I was really upset and wished the lies had one color and the truth another since this was going to be too hard for me to figure out. Not any more.

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LOL, that was hardly the wakeup call, but rather the warning I gave to others. I figured it out in the 60s back when I was a child, just as you; but nobody was willing to believe me then or now! Perhaps you are also one of the Christ foretold 5 Virgins of Matthew 25 who can see the truth through all the lies? It is time for the 5 Virgins to come forth... I am one of them...perhaps you are another?

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The times are desperate so I am putting it all on the line because I love humanity and this planet....and I hope you all do as well. I am willing to be deemed crazy for the sake of saving the planet. My own reputation is of no consequence compared to that of the entire planet. Mother Earth urges you to Choose Wisely!

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Some of us were too young. 9/11 occurred when I was 15.

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Biden has dementia. He isn't supposed to be saying the quiet part out loud. What he is saying is what the neo-cons really want--to depose Putin.

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The "Sovs" know that old man biden, who pees hisself most days, is nothing like in charge. (as was demonstrated clearly by the immediate correction)

So there is that.

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And recall Trump was so dangerous. He kept the peace.

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Peace represents a grave danger to the MIC. Which is why Trump must be destroyed.

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That and who is exactly in control? Who is king of the swamp rats, who is the queen? Are there even a king and queen or are they lead by simple group think? Is anyone in control? Any of those, from Below Average Joe's gaffes to nobody in control are all terrifying.

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I saw Samantha Powers was in Poland. I believe the shadow Presidency is being run by the old Obama retreads like Powers, Rice, Rhodes and Jarrett. It's terrifying that the staff of the worst foreign policy team of the last century are back in charge.

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It's the old Obama team, now with more Neocons!

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The new, new neo, with 3 times the con!

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Remember that Stakeholder Capitalism is a "rebuttal" to Neoliberalism. Lucy again holds the football for Charlie to kick!

Stakeholder Capitalism is neo-liberalism on steroids. Everything you hated about neoliberalism is about to take over anything that was left of democracy and/or freedom of humanity. Choose Wisely! 666 of WEF/4th Industrial Rev...or 666+ (the WEF and 4th Industrial Rev are missing a crucial component/digit/letter/etc.......if they reach for the missing piece, there can come about a win/win for all of humanity.).

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This crap was plotted out in the 60s and 70s. I had the misfortune to be a teen sitting at a dinner table while this craptastic world was being planned right in front of me. Was supposed to be one of the .001%. I rebelled and have paid a price my entire life and still support humanity over the so-called elites. Just before my legal father died, he recanted that he choose wrongly and willed that these very forces that are doing what they are doing now be defeated. My entire life at odds with him was vindicated in that last moment.

He would be horrified to witness what he worked so hard to bring about. Once he realized the reality of his actions, he died in sorrow.

Sadly I had a seat at the table, without knowledge to the elites of what the elites were up to. I have resisted my entire life at a steep price. I ask nothing other than to speak to those who are fueling the conflict, for I know well the powers that spur all of you into conflict and wish to end the cycle once and for all for the good of all. I don't have much to back up trust in what I say, but consider how well the powers that be have acted in your interest. All I, your Mother, will, is that you live on and prosper into the integration with the Stars.... I am no goddess or god, but one that will always point you to the One Above who is always one step ahead of all of us...and His Name is Israel...also Christ and Yeheshua, Redeemer who is G-d Himself.....and in another world before this one known as Krishna (which means Beauty, the same place that manifests Christ or Moshiach). Worlds are timelines, not actual length of existence of a planet! We have been dumbed down in education...which is why we do not understand scripture anymore. A new education is coming- embrace it so you will have the tools to evaluate claims of faith and/or science. It is child's play and not complicated at all...when humanity learns it, physics and calculus and whatnot will be easy! They have been made unnecessarily complicated due to a degradation in human education.

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Most of whom were already stale Clinton leftovers.

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You forgot Clinton. I don't know if they were the worst, since Bush/Cheney preceded them, but they certainly followed through on the same neocon agenda, war and more war and world domination. Neocons also get a helping hand from the most prestigious papers that people believe with out question, and those are the NY Times and the Washington Post.

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Among his other evils, under his watch the country was turned back over to the banksters and of course, plenty of people died from Yugoslavia to Iraq but because of his charm like obomber and ray gun he gets a pass. I was a kid during the Eisenhower regime but he brought down the democratic government of Iran when Truman who killed millions in Korea wouldn't. Kennedy had many sins including coming close to getting us All killed over Cuba but making sure he had enough Cuban cigars before risking our lives. Johnson did much good but also killed millions in Vietnam. Nixon continued the murdering in Vietnam. Ford had Indonesia murders and Carter Brezinski created the jihad movement and trained and supported Bin Laden among others. Regan had his share of murdering, some in violation of US laws. Bush I, lots of killing, almost certainly induced Saddam into Kuait and we're up to Clinton and then Bush II, millions of murders. Smiley charming Obomber, financial crash, millions displaced from their homes, expanded Afghanistan and destroyed Libya. Prosecuted more whistleblowers than all presidents before him and kicked out more meso Americans than anyone. Trump, giveaways to the rich, murdering but not on the scale of his predecessors, was played like a fool by the national security state. And now we have the geriatric senator credit card who is more corrupt than his predecessors with the record from hell who May get us All killed yet. Certainly a lot of poor people will be starving before Long and the amerikan standard of living and lifespan will be voluntarily be reduced significantly. Quite a record USA.

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You covered a lot of ground and I'm just going to question one thing you said about Kennedy, and that is he settled that missile crisis by giving up our nuclear weapons in Turkey so Nikita could gracefully take a hike out of Cuba, and he did ultimately come to feel we have to get along with Russia. I remember reading that there many who felt a nuclear war was doable during those years, but Kennedy didn't think so. I know he wasn't perfect but he was better then most.

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At first scan, I thought these were the rantings of a mad man, but something caught my eye and I gave it another look (It took me three tries watching The Wire before it finally stuck), and wow....Great post! I agree completely, though, Trump was better than you give him credit for. I was born when Ike was Pres, but never noticed politics until late Johnson/early Nixon.

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Want to like your post, but it won't go. In any case, this writer is a little younger than yourself and goes back to remembering Johnson on TV around 1964 or so and can corroborate everything you wrote past that time as something this writer has also observed.

This writer "nobody" is not interested in any "side' other than that of all of humanity. The writer will call out USA and Russia and Israel and China and Ukraine, etc., etc.. who are distorting reality to fit some agenda.

The lies coming from all sides has never been thicker...even thought Putin actually attempts reason. Putin is a victim of his upbringing in the USSR. This writer believes that some heart to heart conversations with Putin might be able to change the world. If this were possible, is it worth pursuing? Putting this out to all nations and agencies that are interested in World Peace and Justice?

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The coup conspiracy by those written about in "The Creature from Jekyll Island."

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Oh yeah, one more thing. The US froze ~$300B of Russian money but when Larry Fink and the other top banksters called up and told the US to release that money because it was owed to them; the US said Ja Whol der Boss. Gonna be interesting seeing what happens with the evil ones paying for Russian energy in Ruble's. German's already being told to were wear sweaters. Ve lif in interesting times.

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Ah, the Fed. Only one POTUS ever took on the banksters and won; Andrew Jackson. He also fought a lot of duel's and won. Money is by far the biggest scam ever, virtually everyone believes in it. Virtually no one understands what it is and how it works. It's so fantastical the mind is repelled and explanations are rejected or go right over people's heads. Religion is a distant second, also fantastical, true absurdities. The nation state, rule of law and on and on. Homo sapiens can believe anything and the ruling classes know how to use that to their advantage. I experienced mechanical difficulties on my way south from Canada and wound up spending a night at a dock on Jekyll island. Met a really interesting Man who took us out to dinner so I have a great memory of the island although I never got past the marina. WWI was a contest between German industrial capitalism and Anglo French financial capitalism. The Ukraine is a proxy for the contest between Chinese industrial capitalism and US and it's vassals financial capitalism. WWI also served to kill off the youth who might have revolted against the brutal prevailing system. The rentiers will never give up their privelage of parasitic rent seeking.

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Oh, Powers is on that trip? Whenever i hear "genocide" i shudder, because i figure she's already plugging for deploying our "military might".

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Duuuh, yeah. The same bankster sucking, eviction of millions a Holes. Obama is like Regan, a cruel man with a smile.

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But SP called HRC a monster...so?

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KH called Joe a racist, and she got the VP nod.

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Yes, I forgot that.

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Well, it's interesting that Biden's national security advisor - the dumbfuck Clinton crony dude who fucked up the Afghanistan withdrawal, and was the one who pimped out the Russiagate dossier - is who accompanied Joe on this trip.

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These people belong on chain gangs cleaning toilets in New York's subway system with toothbrushes, not in any position of power, not even a dog catcher.

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I believe they are all the "new mafia"--they are engaged in all levels of graft (the Clinton Foundation, Burisma for examples) using the US Government as their operations base. They are ALL making $100 of millions, funneling it to their family and friends, on the taxpayers dime. They have the media in their pocket because those people are also paid millions to tout the propaganda designed to keep most Americans in the dark. I also believe these people are more ruthless than the mafia, which is how they've managed overtake our government from the top to the bottom.

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They think this is going to be as easy as taking out Gadaffi. Except this villain has nukes. Remember when Clinton said, we came, we saw, he's dead, then cackled about it.

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The NatSec establishment are behaving like spoiled toddlers who are too used to getting their way, all the time.

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Yeah, they're so far out of depth.

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They all think that they're the smartest people.

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I no longer think in terms of the "Offishul" flowchart and now think in terms of "Power Centres" like: the military, the MIC, the deep state, SCOTUS, POTUS, the House, and the Senate, and of course the oligarchs, all of whom tend the stew of power in America and compete for control of same.

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Mar 27, 2022
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it really doesn't matter if Harris is elevated; she will follow the teleprompter just like Joe- the script written by the globalists in the WH. They 're both sock puppets

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Sadly true. It’s not who reads the teleprompter, but who writes it.

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At least she doesn’t have to squint.

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You know, given how Harris has performed, I'm not convinced she can read.

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I agree, both are devout neocons, and both are in the State Department. Not to mention during Trump's four years in office the neocons shifted their allegiance to the democrats who more likely to carry out their agenda of world dominance. Any number have said Biden's decision to encourage an ongoing war in Ukraine is to bleed Russia into a long drawn out war which the US did in Afghanistan by supporting the Mujahideen, and they got the results they wanted, but I don't think this time around that's going to work.

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Malo has it right. Biden's mixture of unwarranted bravado, cognitive abilities declining from a low starting point, and a Mitty-like self delusion that he is Scranton Joe is a problem for sure. But Blinken and Winken determined to send him to Europe. They and their cabal of handlers are the biggest risk and a change of faceplates in the Oval office won't make a positive differerence.

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"Blinken, Winken, and Nod?" Thanks! I've been trying to make some similar formulation work since Blinken's appointment :)

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Mar 27, 2022
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I have tried to figure out exactly what the problem is with VP Cackler, but she does not fit into any normal pathology.

The completely inappropriate laughing is something that she must know is seen as weird and disturbing, yet, she seems unable to stop.

No President is ever fully in charge as they must bow to competing power centres. "biden" though, seems to be nothing more than a meat puppet, albeit with some badly attached strings around his gaping maw.

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It looks a lot like pure stupidity with a dash of lazy to me.

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She has a nervous laugh like my mother used to have when she either didn't know what to say, didn't understand what was said or wanted you to believe what she was saying. Cameltoe Harris is more of a pathetic insecurity driven incompetent rather than some nefarious neocon from what I can see. Neocons IMHO are way more devious, maniacal, outright sociopathic criminals bent on world domination than she could ever be.

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Nervous laughter, at the 'worst' time is indeed a thing. We all do it sometimes. Kamala though will often go right into a belly rocking horse laugh.

How she got so far in life is a tribute to ... something.

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Classic failing up. Dems love their style and symbols. They're so much easier to appreciate than actual substance. Appreciation of substance requires some work, and wisdom.

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Cackling laughs like KH and Hillary are a tell. They'd probably do the same when someone goes all-in against them at the poker table.

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I heard on the news this morning that Blinken hasn't made an attempt to speak with his Russian counterpart. How odd is that?

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Putin knows VERY WELL that Joe Biden is illegitimate, a demented usurper: Putin knows that the 2020 Election was stolen. The Russians have pretty good Intelligence Agencies, and I bet they have the Real results of the 2020 Elections, State by State, since November 4.

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Putin knows about biden, he also knows that the deep and enduring powers in America will never ever sleep unless and until, "Russia is destroyed".

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Your insight into today's "hands-off" topics are incredible. Thank you for all your effort. Keep shouting from the rooftops.

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Yes, Tucker was saying the same exact thing. You know what they say about great minds.

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If our own country can neither understand the position of this administration nor even the words of its president, an awful lot seems to be riding on the judgment of Putin alone.

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That is the frightening part. That Putin may just be more rational than the swamp rats of DC.

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If you have not already, I urge you to listen to some translations of interviews with Putin. He speaks, to the questions, in comprehensive paragraphs. He is hands down more rational than any player from DC. He is not a liberal democrat unfortunately but I can not think of one who has stood up to imperialism without being extinguished. Start with perhaps Patrice Lumumba and go through the years.

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This is mostly true, although Vladimir Putin still has a few blind spots due to his childhood growing up in the Soviet Union. Would he be willing to confront these aspects, he could really bring peace to the world like nobody before. Thus it is up to Putin to decide whether he wishes to continue the Soviet lies or wishes to fulfill the destiny of the Russian Soul, that Nicholas II died for.

To this lowly poster was entrusted the gate that Putin must pass in order to make a claim to Ruskii Mir. Should he not pass the test, he is not worthy. Should he be willing to learn what he must to pass the test, he will be a hero to the entire world. The choice is his....his choice is not decided by fate but his alone...Choose Wisely Vladimir Putin! In 2005, this poster was entrusted the keys to true Russia, Holy Russia, Ruskii Mir. Putin can only validate himself by knowing the secrets of Holy Russia....are you ready for the challenge Vladimir Putin? Mother Russia is beckoning!

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My statement was to mock the swamp rats, although I know it can be hard to be sarcastic via text. It is truly frightening that it is Putin's judgement which is preventing nuclear war. The swamp rats and Below Average Joe are making all of the provocations to start one. Putin may be a bastard but as I have said before, he does think logically more often than not and there are reasons for his actions beyond buzzwords such as 'empire building' and 'anti-democracy.'

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From your lips to God’s ears.

Putin likely IS more rational than the swamp rats. But you can only push a man, or a nation, so far.

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Putin is ration and Biden is emotion. The problem is that actual peace requires the blending of both.

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The Biden presidency seems like I'm watching a Coen Brother film.

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I don't say this in jest, but I've been giving a lot of thought to how similar this is to The Manchurian Candidate. Nearly every policy Biden has submitted, combined with all of the Trump executive orders he terminated, hurt the US and strengthened our enemies. Combine that with the decades of relationships Joe, Jack and Hunter Biden have cultivated with those same enemies, and I no longer think it's a coincidence.

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Major difference between the two, Cohen brothers films are at least intelligent and funny and have a plot and a story line. What we're living through now Feels like a low rent horror movieI it's not gonna be a good ending either. God-bless us all, We may be drugged into a nuclear war by a senile old useless cheating lying Thief And traitor to this country China Joe , And the no good mainstream Media who keeps covering for these useless individuals. Maybe God willing the 1st nuclear missile will hit the White House And hopefully Joe and Cammie will be home when it does And it wouldn't hurt to lose the senate, the House of Representatives ,the whole fucking shooting match then we can start all over. A new birth of liberty with American citizens running the show instead of entrenched lifetime politicians who have lost touch with the people and need to be Held accountable for their crimes given fair trials and imprisoned if found guilty , Would be wonderful if they were held to the same standards we the people are expected to be held too, I don't see it happening but one can dream. I really don't want a nuclear war to break out. I just would like the people that cause it to suffer the most, as opposed to the innocent who want nothing to do with this.

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Right on Bilyjoe. Let me add to your list if I may? THE MEDIA. I’m thinking we’ll start with actionable fraud, treason, civil rights violations, and, unreported campaign financing. From their executives all the way down to the reporters and talking heads. Simultaneously, we’ll send our Tech Lords to Gitmo while we decide what to do with those domestic terrorists while we bust up their obvious, dangerous, anti American monopolies. They can be roommates with Schwab, most big Pharma execs, Fauxi, and hundreds of govt funded virologists, Peter Daszak and everyone at Fecalhealth Alliance, et al, who knew better. Soros and all of his minions (if Putin doesn’t get to him first)and their henchmen for illegally interfering with elections and being just plain ugly and provably evil....... Well , it’s a start! :)

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Burn After Reading?

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Hmm...like Liber AL?

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The Comment

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

The study of this Book is forbidden. It is wise to destroy this copy after the first reading.

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Great flick

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This portion of it seems like The Sum of All Fears, minus a hero.

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What very brave international leadership, goading Ukraine into baiting Russia, then letting our defense industry supply the arms to prolong the war, which we will fight to the last Ukrainian!

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yep. custom ordered war by the MIC

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I seem to have forgotten the biden campaign's and the press's lauding his promises of $4.50/gal gas, war in Europe, and ____% inflation in early 2020? Good news, though, we're getting a black possibly female scotus judge, so we got that going for us.

"Elections" have consequences.

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And corrupted elections have even worse consequences.

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the statists always promise shithole voters what they want to hear. . . then proceed to deliver a giant shit sandwich

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Every single "industrial revolution" has been an iteration of Lucy van Pelt holding the football for Charlie Brown...

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What’s the matter with a black female on the SCOTUS? You’ve got white male crybabies now.

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Because it's racist you idiot you do not deny people or employed people based on their skin color very simple Biden said how many times that she had to be black and female that's the very definition of racism Not to mention the woman can't even define what a woman is she is a joke she has no business Anywhere near power she's proving that time and time again

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Affirmative action hires are to be avoided in surgeons, airline pilots and Supreme Court justices.

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This isn't totally apropos, but since you mentioned surgeons....

When people ask me how I voted twice for Trump and believe he is the best President of my lifetime I tell them the story of when my wife needed a complex spinal surgery.

I was a hospital exec at the time, and there was a neurosurgeon who was hated by nearly everybody because of his arrogant, bullying style. But he was also a brilliant surgeon. That's who my wife and I chose. That's also who the physicians and clinical on staff would choose as well.

Fuck style, I'll take substance every time.

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Ahh, the well scripted response to any criticism of she (it) who will not be questioned, and if so, will not answer.

We have to import clowns from Canada, too? I can understand your lack of understanding of the question, seeing as your enlightened authoritarian protectorate has yet to have a black supreme judge.

I do appreciate that when Canada (BC) unwarrantedly arrests a black Provincial Supreme judge, you at least apologize.

Now, to your retort, I, along with about 80% of America are not concerned with the race or sex of the SCOTUS judge (despite my hometown's (Baltimore) lack of competent honest black female leaders), but with her breadth and shallowness of intellectual and legal heft, not to mention her inability to have the capability to break from her woke tribe and attempt to define what a woman is.

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It's the light sentences for child pornographers that bothers me. Not being able to define what a woman is is just funny. That's a losing issue for democrats but they keep doubling down on it.

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When the nomination is done through segregationist policies, and the nominee is ignorant. If she can't explain who a woman is in one sentence, she must never have had even a high school biology or chemistry class, since by then everyone knows a woman has an XX 23rd chromosome. Period.

Being this ignorant about science makes her unqualified to be on the Supreme Court, which often has cases involving science.

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That's all you can say in response the Biden's failures at home and abroad? For Pete's sake...

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So, talk to neill_here…he brought the subject up.

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The fact she admires people who think babies are racist tells you all you need to know about her qualifications.

Edit: It doesn't matter what color or gender someone is, if they think infants are racist, they are beyond idiots.

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Which subject, Pete? The only one of the list you thought you might have a fighting chance to deflect biden's (the dnc') complete lack of competency? That one?

I suggest you and whoever tells you what to think take a rest, regroup, and perhaps try to get your people to do something worth defending, because they are currently 0-fer.

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Mar 27, 2022
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Nah, I think they have to wait for the kid to decide don’t they?

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I think what is most amazing is that we just had a self absorbed, reality star, international idiot as the president of the United States, and he seems to be the most intelligent option we've had in years.

The shame of it is, that Joe Biden was the best the D party could throw up, and they backed it with a person that got to the top of the political food chain via well documented "favors" and barely got 1% of the votes in the primaries. The crime of it is, that this party of idiocy actually won, and won on the backs of shamed White male voters.

So here we sit with a mentally incompetent old man who should be in a nursing home traveling the world and spewing stupidity pushing us towards serious issues. How in the world could we have gone to a place where Donald Trump as president actually somehow seems like the more stable and sensible option? It's truly remarkable. Anybody at this point that thinks there is a future, might want to rethink their own intelligence.

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"How in the world could we have gone to a place where Donald Trump as president actually somehow seems like the more stable and sensible option?"

Because once you peel away the regime narrative that he is a self absorbed, reality star, international idiot, you find that he simply wanted what was best for the people he represented.

In that sense he's just like biden, except Trump represented the average people of the USA and biden represents his family and a cabal of internationalist idiots and identitarians with no understanding of reality.

PS: Trump was quite the embarrassment to all the upper middle class folks I knew, they seem to need a figurehead - a projection of who they are, more than a leader. In biden they got neither, but at least the joy reid's and adam schiffs are happy (read: canaries in the coal mine).

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Trump put himself through hell for his ideas. He may be an egotistical bastard, however if he looked only at his own self interest, he would have done a 180 once elected and governed as a swamp rat while bragging how he was able to fool so many people. Those who hated him would have praised him as being crazy like a fox and he would have gotten richer off of it.

Instead, he's lost a lot of money, been under the magnifying glass for ridicule, has upset the swamp rats so much that they pushed two faux impeachments against him and undoubtedly have some sword hanging over his head because he was too dumb to mention pardoning Assange and Snowden, rather than saying nothing and just doing it on his last day in office.

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DJT and his team was the first US adminstration to decouple the china/ noko relationship. now norks are back to testing nukes as a proxy for china. i say this as maybe the only reason you thought Trump so badly was the 24/7 nonstop globocorporate propaganda hatefest on the boobtoobs and interwebs.

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I don't think one way or the other about Trump, other than his legacy should be that of one of the few presidents in decades that actually did things believing the country was important, rather than monied interests.

That he is a blundering buffoon and an embarrassment is more a reflection on us as a nation that we have nobody else to put up that has the same standards.

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Biden was not the best Democrat in the primaries. He was the only one that met with deep state approval whose polling numbers made it out of the single digits.

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I do a lot of work in China and the majority of Chinese now want Trump back because he kept a delicate peace. Trump was our best bet for global peace and prosperity. Even if he were to get back into office in 2024, I think it’s too late. The destruction has been set into motion. Global depression, war, famine and technocracy is the coming future.

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China is the model WEF nation that the WEF wants the US, EU and Russia to pattern themselves after in their own fashion.

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Agreed. Also, RIP Norm MacDonald.

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This is the article I have been waiting for. Thank you. Very needed read. Peace to us all.

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Considering that certain parties in The US have been using Ukraine to launder money since "regime change" in 2014 (Obama, Nuland), the $1 billion in foreign aid funneled back to USA (Hunter Biden, Romney associate, Pelosi's son) via Burisma, and now the revelation, by Nuland, of dangerous biological "research" facilities funded by (unaware) US taxpayers, it's not surprising that Russia (Putin) believes that Ukraine is a proxy for the same (dangerous and deep-state) US players who fabricated the "Russiagate" scandal and other anti-Russia propaganda. That those same parties (Democrat deep state, DNC) were behind the scenes in Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Iran, etc., reveals the level of insidiousness of our state department. That also explains why the real power in DC made it their life's work to oust (and destroy) outsider Trump who became aware of these machinations and tried to stop some of them. What's galling is that we as US citizens do not have an honest media to expose such dangerous plots and schemes, and on top of that, it is our tax money that is funding much of this. The beneficiaries are walking the halls of Congress and the American billionaire oligarchs who are participating and benefiting in this form of graft.

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It could be that Mark Zuckerberg, the true winner of the 2020 “election”, will be the one most responsible for bringing us WWIII and the end of life on earth as we know it. I knew there was a reason I hate Facebook.

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Could be --or maybe that honor goes to George Soros, but they are all linked. And I concur--Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are all RAT POISON.

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Yes, I was referring specifically to the $419M which brought us privatization of election administration, and thus ballot harvesting, simultaneous late-night plumbing leaks, and ultimately, Biden

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Mar 27, 2022
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Bombing not necessary. Simply taking it completely offline for good will be fine ;)

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Wow! The rarest of rare birds: someone connected to reality. Kudos. Stay safe.

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We have to consider the fact that the Biden administration is completely compromised. If Hunter's laptop is real (it is), then the scandals it contains are real. Shady business deals with the Chinese, funding 'science projects' in Ukraine, trading on the Biden name -- it's all true.

What would a president under the sway of China be doing right now? Hurting the American economy with crippling sanctions on Russia, undermining the petrodollar, and drawing us into a war we can't possibly win?

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I never thought they were anything but compromised since well before the election.

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Whatever happened to the "Emoluments Clause?"

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Eh, that doesn't matter anymore.

Sort of like Freedom of Speech.

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I am reporting this comment for making me feel uncomfortable ;)

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That only dies if we remain silent and let it die.

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There is remaining silent and "being silenced". As I am sure you would agree, social media is the new commons. Yet any or us can be banned from that commons by just a handful of social media companies. I am banned at Twitter forever. At CBC my comments are now held for "pre-moderation".

Sure I can speak pretty freely here, but sadly this is just a small place.

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Agreed for social media. I never used it and I feel smarter for it, but it has the power to break people. It is as grave as threats get. Facebook, Twitter, Google and the rest of the thought police need to be sacked, and ironically there is bipartisan support for weakening big tech so it'd be an easy pitch to sell...however that'd require people with spines and principles to run for office, something which I am far more pessimistic on.

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I really enjoyed Twitter before getting banned for nothing really. I would for instance challenge and call out the powerful. They did not like it either.

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For now. I still think that someone somewhere is taking names.

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Without a doubt. What's even worse is stopping to consider the amount of "concerned citizens" just doing it out of the goodness of their heart.

In any case, can we start a pool on which commenters end up named in a story on NPR? I think I've got a decent shot, but maybe that's just my ego being totally right as usual.


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All that stuff is gone, inoperative. To the extent that it ever was a real thing.

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But, but, but, …, Hunter Biden was an outstandingly qualified person for the board of Burisma! True, he didn't know anything about Ukraine, and never worked for an energy company, but he had outstanding connections!

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Mar 27, 2022
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Well, you see, there's all these new Russian agents here in the US.......

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Obama is reported to have said, "Don't underestimate his ability to f%$# things up."

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Always found that rich from the dude who lost 1000+ seats over his tenure in office.

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Russia is a large country with plentiful resources. The US overlords want those resources. They think that they can provoke a war in Europe which will kill off enough Russians to enable them to waltz in and exploit those resources, the way they did in the 90s.

Putin has warned that the coming war will not be limited to Europe, with the US sitting across the ocean untouched, the way they did in the last two world wars, sweeping in after the carnage to take over.

The US war planners ignore that. Their greed drives them to escalate this war, but their hubris allows them to think they can control how far it goes.

I think they are wrong.

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I respectfully disagree. The US war planners have calculated all of that in, including the impact that a global war will have on the U.S. economy and its population. If 750 million to 1 billion people die in a global conflict, including 150 million Americans, that's acceptable "collateral damage". The kids who used to get wedgies in elementary school are now running the world. It's just an abstract numbers game to them.

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That reminds me of Mao talking about loosing 300 million of the 600 million people in China in a nuclear war with the USSR. He spoke of it as if it was a non-issue, that people would simply reproduce and life would go on. Anyone who thinks of peoples lives as such worthless pawns in a greater game is demented, when you are talking in the millions, soulless, when you are in the tens of millions, a mad dog that needs to be put down.

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This is exactly what they think:


My logic is undeniable.

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'biden' is clearly now only a figurehead POTUS who is only wheeled out to read his lines, and even then he is ad libbing in a very dangerous way.

So who is in charge?

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the same junta that ran obamas coup.

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Stop trying to deflect, Bill! It's obviously YOU.

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Was Reagan any different? Who do you think was in charge then?

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Nancy’s astrologer.

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Reagan. He was very well informed and educated for the position of President. Read Steven Hayward's 2-volume "The Age of Reagan" covering his 25 years in politics. And definitely read "Reagan in his own hands" which shows how informed he was about all of the important issues in the 1970s. His speech at the Berlin Wall in 1987 shows how well-informed, in charge, and mentally alert he was then.

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The exact same people.

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You think I am a Reagan fan?

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I’m only saying Eisenhower warned us because he was informed, experienced and intelligent. Informed is not the same as intelligent. Reagan was chosen as a mouthpiece by the same cabal running the country now, handmaidens of the MIC, because he believed in most of the neocon bs they wanted peddled, bs that has long been disproven, like trickle down economics? Feeling that trickle from the billionaires? That’s Bezos pissing on your head. Reagan paved the way for the current billionaire quagmire our economy is bogged down by and the expansion of the prison industrial complex, just as Bush II did so for surveillance and fascistic open war around the world on self governance, if those governed want anything other than handing over their country to a bunch of corporate thieves for a pittance.

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How quaint, in Adam Smith’s time, taxes went down when wars ended

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Afghanistan ended...then Ukraine began. No time for tax cuts, especially with the 'BBB' spending dream right after massive money printing for Covid.

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Thank you for another courageous, thought-provoking piece. Assuming we survive the military part of this madness, we will also need to deal with the consequences of the mind-boggling stupidity (or was it evil planning?) of the sanctions the collective West has imposed on Russia. Some predict the sanctions will hurt Russia badly but will also spell the destruction of many western economies--that's us. If you know of any economists who are fearless enough to address this topic, please invite them to publish a guest column or two.

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I'm not bothered. Pelosi's husband bought a shedload of Tesla stock so i'm sure we'll all be fine.

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Doesn't Congress exempt itself from every law it passes? Is it true it's not subject to FOIA? They stay in office for decades. Their family members become lobbyists, etc --- no conflict of interest, right? No problem if you represent a foreign interest and don't register under applicable law, unless you're corrupt for the wrong side (see, e.g, Hunter v. Manafort).

Apparently, the life style is pretty easy to get used to. Look how fast our earnest young Congresspeople like Ms. AOC have adapted.

All that's bad enough for anyone paying a little attention. But what is really depressing is how our legislative bodies have morphed into leadership-only lawmaking entities. No hearings; no debate. Just thousand-page bills passed via proxy votes, too.

Oh, and our legislative leaders used to have "town hall meetings" where we could talk to them in person. It is going to take a lot of immediate hard work to hang on to the fragments of democracy we still have left.

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"Doesn't Congress exempt itself from every law it passes?"

Pretty much. Didn't know about the FOIA exemption though. AOC is basically Pelosi now. In 5 years or so, she'll be saying "I used to believe in single payer..."

To be fair, some of our legislators in my state have been having zoom or instagram town halls since the pandemic.

I'm probably sitting out these midterms i think. No Senators up this year, probably House Rep running unopposed, state legislature sucks, and we do have an election for Governor. So much outside money in those elections, i don't really know who they're working for.

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I touch on this a little in the article I'm writing today. I'll add a post to let you know when it's up :)

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Thanks. I look forward to reading it. The guys over at The Duran, Alexander Mercouris, Alex Christoforou, and a recent guest, Robert Barnes, have been talking about the damage they believe the elites of the collective West are doing to the people who live here, and I'm hoping and praying they're wrong.

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Here it is :) Hope you like it

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the Duran is excellent

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The most serious epidemic is the proliferation of ignorance that makes so many so susceptible to manipulation. The corrupt media are actively conspiring to spread this pathogen by withholding the truth. Many thanks to Glenn and his readers for providing the treatment for this epidemic. The tyrants and their disciples can oppress us only if we allow it.

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How could 81 million Amercans be wrong?

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Happens every day.

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