I am not that educated at Brazil’s political affairs so I won’t comment on what happened to him. But based on your description this sounds exactly what happened and is still happening to ironically the opposite political side in America. How many corrupt democrats have been held accountable? How many obvious rioters got held accountable last year? Biden’s son, brother, etc got held accountable? Did orange man get harassed with obviously politically corrupt abuses of the judicial system? Spied on? Bogus charges of him enriching himself in office? What happened to people like Roger Stone, Papadopolous? The obvious self defence cases like Kyle Rittenhouse, the McColskey couple etc?

Not doing a whataboutism. Obviously what happened in Brazil is wrong (if your description is accurate and based on your previous honest reporting, I have no doubt it is). Just pointing out how this should teach a lesson to the democrats who are encouraging things like censorship, abuse of judicial system to punish political opponents. The abusive system they are happily supporting will one day come back to bite them in the a$$. And there may not be people left to feel bad then. Just like they came for Alex Jones and Milo, they also came for Tulsi Gabbard and Justice Clarence Thomas. No one gets spared.

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The democrats in the US are deeply embedded in maintaining the status quo. What Americans don't realize is that Congress only fiddles around the edges, avoiding anything that would undermine oligarchs or actually put Americans in charge of their own lives. Elections are the least of what goes on in government. Who cares to look deeper? Biden just bombed Syria. Same old same old.

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Mar 10, 2021
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This is not the US media and they quote Syrian government: https://www.rt.com/news/516731-syria-strikes-cowardly-aggression/

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Mar 10, 2021
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There might be some locals disputing borders as sometimes the case is. I just wanted to point out it's not only US media. Here's Germans quoting Iran and Syria: https://www.dw.com/en/iran-condemns-us-airstrikes-in-syria/a-56721309

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Mar 10, 2021
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I looked this up and the news reports say Iraq-based Iranian forces.....

who are they really?

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One cannot trust a single thing to come out of the news reports. Remember just couple years ago they spread the cia propaganda that Assad was gassing his people? Then came out it never happened?

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Mar 10, 2021
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Yea, haven’t heard that

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Mar 10, 2021
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Not sure I'd call Biden a hawk. This would imply, right or wrong, that he has some fixed or solid principal. I'm not sure he has any principals other than expediency.

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No, no, M. Hoffman is right. I would call Mr. Biden an empty suit, but he has always tried to position himself as a "conservative Democrat." Are you old enough to remember those dinosaurs? (Not trying to put you down!)

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Mar 10, 2021
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No more blank checks for soldier politicians who act like gung-ho commissioned officers. Talk about dangerous!

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Mar 10, 2021
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Ha! Did Groucho ever joke about his bearded "uncle"? And was his elephant a reference to the GOP? I don't know his politics, but he was probably smart about concealing it. Like Michael Jordan expertly saying, when asked why he didn't become more politically active in the Black community, "Republicans buy sneakers, too," thus throwing his support without offending roughly half his potential market.

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Yuk, Yuk

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Mar 10, 2021
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Call me crazy but I believe that Bernie sanders was never ever in it to win. He had to have had some sort of deal behind the scenes that he would get the left to vote for the corrupt life long crook political Biden and then he would get something in return. Because if not, then I have never ever seen such a bigger coward and cucck in my life. He put up zero struggle and despite having plenty to hit Biden with, all he did was fold up like a useless lawn chair. That too not just once but twice! Who does that? Someone who’s not in it to win. Say whatever about orange man but he at least put up a hell of a fight back.

And AOC and Ilhan is just a tweeting grifter as Jimmy Dore correctly says now a days. These people have all 3 senate house and presidency and yet haven’t achieved anything - $2000 cheques isn’t happening, minimum wage isn’t happening, Syria bombing is happening, Medicare for all isn’t happening. Talk about pure incompetence. Or grifting.

Tulsi is the only one who actually has some integrity.

And this is me saying who’s more right leaning and disagrees with $15 minimum wage and Medicare for all. But I still want it to happen because even though I disagree with both and think that it will destroy small businesses, I want the politicians to at least do what they promised their constituents.

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>Because if not, then I have never ever seen such a bigger coward and cucck in my life.

Go back and have another look at that 2016 video of him giving up his microphone to a BLM activist. The man is a coward.

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Oh man I remember that. So pathetic. As Jimmy Dore would say- I don’t know how such a man can find a woman to have sex with.

I found Bernie to be a fraud when before he used to be struck rly against illegal immigration and even went on VOX interview claiming illegal immigration is a right wingers thing to get cheap labour. Then he did a full 180 when trump came along and said the exact same thing.

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But that's why we have illegal immigration. Wall Street (and Journal) want cheap labor, and Dems want cheat votes and constituants.

A match made in Statist heaven!!!

Bernie can walk that fence, if the Party let's him. (Why does an "Independent" get to count as a Democrat for control of Senate? There are 2 (two) more Republicans than there are Democrats in the Senate. Why do Dems have control?!?!)

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Also to add, I disagree with tulsi on plenty too (guns being a big one) but I think her opinion can change if she sat down with someone well versed in the area and talked.

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Whataboutism needs to be deleted from the English language. Its use is always to try to dismiss a conversation being held in a particular way. "Dont talk about bad actors on my side, we're talking about you!" When both should be possible to talk about.

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I believe I have overreacted below to your post, M. Frederick Joseph. Please accept my mea culpa and apology. (I do agree about whataboutism, in general.)

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No biggy.

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Are you on Locals by chance? Trying to figure out the best place to connect with the community that substacks like Glenn's create to have one on one or group chats. I figure I either get people to email me or find a social media all are interested in that isn't the evil book of faces or bird of doom and gloom.

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No, but my wife (my social "gatekeeper," if you will) and I will look into it.

Love this: "evil book of faces or bird of doom and gloom"!

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It is a social media created by Dave Rubin. Creators/consumers have their own space where they can control through small paywalls (2.00 is the minimum, but even a paywall is not required) who can post in their personal community. Scott Adams has a large following there, Tulsi Gabbard started doing her own things, the civil liberties lawyer Robert Barnes has a joint Locals with Viva Frei, James Lindsay has one for NewDiscourses exclusive videos, etc.

I started a substack months back and a locals to support communication around topics that may be worth writing on substack sometime last last year. I have neglected writing for the last few months because I've been focused on gainful employment and studying for an IT certification, but within the next few weeks I plan to dedicate any excess time and energy toward substack and Locals.

I would definitely give Scott Adam's a follow/subscription on there if no one else.

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I'll sign the petition to eliminate whataboutism from the English language. In addition to being dismissive, it's nearly always the response to those pointing out rank hypocrisy.

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It sounds like you only want your side to talk.

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When people use it, it's to avoid talking, and both sides do it.

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You get what I mean.

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Totally off topic, but . . . anyone - what is the little red and white icon overlying Naty's personal icon?

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Yeah, what is it? It just appeared in the comments for this column.

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Oh, it has (sometimes) a mouse-over that says, "founding member".

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No. People here want to censor M. CNNisFakeNews.

Yes, he is "off topic," although he did make reference to GG's column.And, yes, even though he claimed he didn't, he did do a "whataboutism." which I believe is already NOT a word. It is communicative, though, isn't it.

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I think his point is valid to any topic where it's brought up - and op did, so 🤷‍♀️

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I don't ken that emoji.

Anyway, you would have more success just ignoring an off-topic post, rather than censoring them. Look at all the time we are wasting. STOP CENSORING.

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Where did I say that? I just explained how the only way I ever hear the term used it is for the dismissal of others side or concern in an argument. Im not about that.

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You did not address GG's column. You did not address M. CnnisFakeNews's (admittedly off-topic) post.

All you called for was for a poster to shut up. that's censorship.

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Sorry Tim, I usually enjoy your comments but I think you misunderstood Frederick Joseph's comment response to my admittedly off-topic comment. They weren't asking to censor me nor did they tell me to shut up. They were actually doing the opposite imo. The way I took their comment was that they want the word "whataboutism" removed from people's vocabulary - aka they want people to stop using the "whataboutism" as a way to avoid exposing their hypocritical standards. They weren't talking about by comment to be removed.

Maybe I am wrong - English isn't my first language

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You hit the nail on the head. I agreed with the entirety of your comment. I just found it sad that "whataboutism" has been used to such degree in discourse that you felt you had to use it as a shield prior to making your point. It feels to me, and I have done it myself, like having to walk on eggshells prior to making your point and getting yourself heard. No one should have to do that. Our perspectives, yours, mine, others, will stand up to scrutiny or they wont. Those who say bringing them up at all is "whataboutism" don't want a conversation. They want capitulation. They want agreement and have zero interest in hearing you out. I guess it's a good way to determine who is worth carrying a conversation on with or not, but its still sad. We should all be able to discuss without this frustration.

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Well, that is gracious and understanding of you, and having reviewed the indents, I do believe I overreacted. I think my initial response was driven by their language, which I have quoted above, and the fact that niether was posting substance, either in response to you, or GG's column.

Thank you, M. CNNisFakeNews. (I don't want you, or anyone, to reveal a name if they don't want to, but I don't feel I can shorten yours without losing its meaning!)

Oh, and stay on topic. (wink, wink.)

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I did not call for anyone to shut up, and I am not required to address the entirety of a post in a comment nor required to address the entirety of a comment I am replying to. I simply responded with a thought about a personal frustration I have with a particular term and it's purpose in conversation. The fact that CNNisFakeNews used the word in the first place was because of an atmosphere where it is used against people to end discussion when someone brings up something relevant to the discussion from their point of view. The person who slings the word does so like complaining child, "the attention is supposed to be on MY side of the argument, not yours, no your concern".

The use of "whataboutism" generally tells the other person that what they have to say doesn't matter. It is a word that is used with contempt, except in cases where CNNisFakeNews brings it up, where it is used a shield to prevent its use against him (like the idea of getting the elephant in the room, the thing that will likely be used against you, out of the way preemptively). I have no problem with his use of it. My arguement is I wish we would not have to be a position in the first place to have to preemptively shield ourselves before laying out our points. My issue is with the state of discourse that put him in the position where it feels necessary to use the term at all.

Only critique I could give for using it in that manner is that it plays into the same game. I reject that game entirely. Because the concerns over how lawfare has been used against ones political opponents is completely within the realm of discussion of the topic. As I can tell from his reply to you, he understands exactly what my intent was, but for whatever reason, you could only interpret it in a negative way.

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"...needs to be deleted..."

You mean, "censored"?

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lol :)

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Whataboutism is fair play?

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Whataboutism can be helpful at exposing hypocrisy and double standards. Either we are in a society of equal and fair treatment - or we throw out all the laws.

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It is the opposite of exposing hypocrisy. The examples are not of equal value or equally offensive (or illegal or immoral or wrong).

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The opposite. It's a diversionary tactic that no one should be able to use.

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Whataboutism can be helpful at exposing hypocrisy and double standards. Either we are in a society of equal and fair treatment - or we throw out all the laws. Else you end up in an echo chamber thinking your side is awesome with no flaws.

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It IS a diversionary tactic, but anyone should be free to use it. Just call it out, but don't censor.

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Call it out and what? Both sides flinging "whataboutism" at each other does not equal a debate that leads anywhere. What is the point of "talking" if that's all we're going to do?

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GIVE YOUR POINTS IN REBUTTAL! Say something of substance!!

Stop CENSORING!!!!!!!

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lol you're funny 🥰

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But "talking" IS what we do here, not censoring.

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I was making a joke of *turnabout is fair play.*

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I'm against both sides using the tactic to not have to answer to criticisms, not for banning the word itself.

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But that isn't what you said. "...no one should be able..."

But you did clarify here, so ok.

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Yeah, my point was about the tactic, which I think is the spirit of what he was saying ("Its use is always to try to dismiss a conversation being held in a particular way.")

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Mar 10, 2021
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I agree with both democrat and republicans being corrupt. It's an establishment thing. What I am saying is that we need to stop in-fighting (constituents) and look at the real common enemy - the politicians. For past decade, when the right was being censored, spied upon, IRS being abused against conservatives etc, the left stayed silent because it was against their political opponents.

I am more right leaning on economic things and left leaning on social things but I spoke out against the censoring of Alex Jones and Milo but also spoke out against the treatment of Bernie by the DNC, Andrew Yang and Tulsi Gabbard when she got censored by Google ads and got smeared as a Russian agent.

I have felt as if I am not receiving the reciprocal respect from the left. Tulsi herself never spoke out against censorship or Trump being called a Russian agent etc UNTIL it happened to her.

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Mar 10, 2021
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The last vestige of Capitalism died with the stroke of Richard Nixon's pen on August 15, 1971. Everything since has been "High" Finance... cronyism, speculation and the most un-fucking-believable misallocation of resources on every level of Life, right down to Wokeness and CRT... all sucking on The Fed's crack-pipe like it was the only source of oxygen in an ocean of unpayable debt.

And instead it turns out to be just more ocean. A lot more.

Just wait till the $1.9T of stimulus floods the economy in a couple of weeks with not enough home to go to... Make sure you have popcorn handy, could be a hell of a ride.

Capitalism, lol. No way they let us have that. That would mean interest rates and the fate of banks would be in the hands of the public. Not a fucking chance.

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GG I am a Brazilian residing in America for over 30 years and, your article was absolutely great! Thx

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The more I read Mr. Greenwald’s columns, the more I wonder, does anybody have the balls to acknowledge that it’s sociopathy that drives these people, regardless of politics, business, industry, even community affairs…

Sociopathy is the true pandemic across the globe, and you folks better figure out what it is…

Again, my definition is rather simple: relentless lying; pathological hypocrisy; causing despicable vile harm chaos and death; showing absolutely no remorse for consequences to innocent responsible humans; and finally, cruel and vicious mocking and disdaining healthy accepted boundaries set by society for generations.

You can’t play nice with hate, lust for power, and disregard for life.

But, keep playing the game of trying to be civil polite and tolerant to evil.

That’s the message these columns wind up reminding me.

But, at least Mr. Greenwald is being as honest and accountable as one could hope.

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I think people who suffer from psychopathy, or extreme narcissism gravitate to positions of power and that is certainly true in the political arena. I don't think the average person would be comfortable about killing people, entering wars, and mostly for profit. Many people see Obama as, well, normal, but I don't. I think he's a totally narcissistic character. They can rationalize their behavior, but I'm sure they know they would be Gods.

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Massive corruption

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To bring my comment back to Brazil which is what Mr. Greenwald wrote about, Brazil like every other somewhat civilized society is trying to emulate America, they just forgot to slice out with relentless glee and effort the sociopathic part of this country.

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I was just thinking today how political talk all sounds like jargon, and maybe that's why none of the real threats hanging over us seem to get solved. Maybe we need a different way of talking about power - what it is, and how it's abused at different levels in society - and out of that we could figure out a better/saner way to organize it.

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Did you hear today that Nancy Pelosi told the press that the way to thank healthcare providers for managing Covid, is to let them keep their jobs…

How completely devoid of compassion and respect is that…

When Nancy Pelosi dies, at the risk of Mr. Greenwald censoring this comment, I will take a huge rancid shit in her honor.

That’s how you approach sociopathy, give them absolutely no regard for their wretched inhumane existence, because they give none to you.

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Yeah but I don't think dethroning Nancy Pelosi, or any other individual you could name, fundamentally changes anything. I think society is a huge venn diagram of abusive power circles, and until we're ready to talk about that, we're just rearranging chairs on the deck.

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Like I remember watching a video by an ex-Jehovah's Witness. Her father was an elder. He was violent and abusive and had ties to organized crime. She was talking about how wonderful it was to finally leave, because she was able to get an education and learn about the world, and about politics in particular. She said she felt like every day she was becoming more mentally free, but I couldn't help but feel awful for her - like she had jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire, bc she was not aware yet that political parties operate a lot like cults, that the line btwn gov't & organized crime is blurry sometimes, maybe pointless, etc.

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I wanted to tell her not to let her guard down and to use everything she had learned about the cult (the BITE model in particular) to navigate the world outside of it bc it's everywhere, but she took her channel down bc it wasn't safe yet for her.

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*wasn't safe yet to be so public about her story.

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Mar 10, 2021
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Two tips to offer, from personal experience as well as reading the above:

First, write more than just one paragraph, one 80+ line comment gets tedious to read; and second, try to get to the point, being expansive and perseverative gets old.

Truly intended to help, and by the way, sociopaths depend on people to rationalize and pontificate, it only plays into the hands of the evil bastards, because people eventually tune out when they hear too much.

The sociopaths are terse in so many words, “F you and die!“…

They just try to be coy with using semantics and catch phrases like “racist” or, “misogynist” or “xenophobe”… in the end it’s just “FU!“

They don’t waste the energy to talk, their deeds shriek a hell of a lot louder than their words…

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"I'm a cynical old man who has seen too much."

You are my teacher, and I am selfish. I am happy you have "seen too much." I would have you teach History and Skepticism to my children. In fact, you are.

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Mar 10, 2021
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No, I respectfully disagree, people who lead are inherently narcissistic, but not all or antisocial. Donald Trump is a malignant narcissist, but he craves the audience, without it, he is left without any joy or passion.

The antisocial, doesn’t give a damn in the end about the audience, in fact, it gives them pleasure to watch the audience die.

Sociopathy has no valid quantifiable concern or interest in existence; in the end, even the Sociopath has no feelings, why mental health absolutely frightens them to offer they can even remotely think they can…

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I know malignant narcissists and Donald Trump is no malignant narcissist.

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Mar 10, 2021
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Barack Obama is a textbook sociopath, he has lied his way to wherever he’s been, he has no regard for anyone else’s life, his hypocrisy is astounding, I think he even mocks and disdains his own family, and in the end, this is a man who laughs as he says “yeah, I could kill you, I just don’t have the time to really enjoy it!”…

He knowingly signed off on killing Americans, what else needs to be said?!

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First - congratulations on your courage and major efforts !! Bolsonaro clique is a very dangerous crime family, much adored by right-wing extremists in the US security apparatus. Like you, I am still grieving about horrible assassination of another Brazil's political star, Marielle Franco. Please take care to protect yourself and your family.

Your warnings for the US are very timely. We all know how The Intercept, which you co-founded, silenced you regarding massive corruption in Biden's family. Since that time, despite that Trump defeated himself by his incompetence in virus handling, there has NOT been a peep in the corporate press about that huge and global corruption case.

Biden administration and oligarchs behind it totally control HiTech monopolies (Amazon, Google/YouTube, Facebook, Tweeter, etc.) - all for years deeply integrated into huge US surveillance/"security" apparatus. The recent letter by two California House "lifers" and otherwise for years useless Democrats Anna Eshoo and Jerry McNerney to CEO's of cable companies are truly unparalleled and represents the rise of fascism in the US -- under a guise of "fighting fascism." All these multiple attacks (note similarities with Brazil) are clearly carefully choreographed and coordinated -- easily predicted and well understood since we should always keep in mind that there is one HUGE elephant in the room:

The scam of the century - the now 5-year long Russia-gate hoax initiated by Obama/Biden administration

The Russia-gate hoax and two-impeachment “entertainments” were concocted by neo-liberals Obama/Hillary/Biden/Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Maxine Waters, Jamie Ruskin, etc., etc. -- and their intelligence and DNC executives on behalf of their Wall Street and military and security industry donors, i.e., the War party

By far the absolutely highest need of Biden government and its DNC oligarch cabal is that Russia-gate immense hoax – the scam of the century -- will NOT / will NEVER be exposed.

This represents a new phase of US domestic politics -- on foreign policy oligarchs of both parties are united.

Hence immense obligations to primary corrupt propagandists for their roles, including despicable Kamala Harris (Hillary’s protégé), Neera Tanden, Melissa Hodgman (wife of the Comey’s infamous Peter Strzok), Pete Buttigieg, etc, and media and HiTech executives.

And -- bravo for Lula -- long time ago Business Week quoted his outstanding solution for oil profits when price rises: Sharing between Brazil and oil companies in such profits; so simple and logical... Yet we overturned democratically elected and US educated economist - first president of Iran Mohammad Mossadeq for similar decision -- long forgotten in the US and always fresh in mind of every Persian.

Wishing well to Brazil (and to our beloved USA) with immense thanks, BP

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The wrap up paragraphs at the end are eloquent....every empire is biggest right before it ends. The grandiosity, arrogance, and just showing off are a sure sign of emptiness of heart in persons and in institutions.

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Just to add some points - when I was last in Brazil (2018) I spoke with a number of 'blue-collar' workers who ended up voting for Bolsonaro - they were PT voters but basically explained that they felt "no choice" because the Brazilian economy was, by then, deeply into malaise. It did grow robustly on the back of global flows til 2014, but had become anemic 2015-

Some young people I spoke to were looking to move out of the country.

And there is no hiding the fact that it's hard to find an honest politician or party in Brazil. Lula's own son went from being an intern at the zoo to one of the richest men in Brazil once his father was elected President.

If we think back to 2003, we can recall that PT ran on an anti-corruption platform but proved to be playing the same game as everyone else. If anything, it was Dilma's impeachment that was the real shameful railroading of recent Brazilian politics.

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The Commie useful idiots don’t care about corruption or hypocrisy .

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Mar 10, 2021
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A "commie" is a "communist." I suppose it has a bit more of a negative connotation, but not much! (See what shade I threw there on Communism? hee, hee)

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Mar 10, 2021
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According to Marx's definition there has never been a nation or any group of people that has even come close to true Communism. The same could be said for true Capitalism.

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Glenn's birthday was this weekend 🥳 He made a wish, blew out some candles, and 2 days later Lula was free. Coincidence? I think not! 😋 Let's have some vegan cake and coconut ice cream 🍨 🎂🥰🎈🎉🥧🍦

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Ha! I love this, M. Naty. I love to use the phrase, "Coincidence? I think not!" Always humorous.

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"abandonment of the journalistic function" describes our situation in the US perfectly, as applied to the MSM, and now, social media to boot. The solution is to withdraw support from those powerful influences, and at the same time, support the voices who would return and maintain integrity in the journalistic function, such as Glenn here at this site. But let's not forget the others who also campaign through their practice of journalism - REAL journalism:. Matt Taibbi, Aaron Mate', & others. Collectively, we have the power to bring them back from the fringes where the neoliberals would like to place them and keep them.

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Glenn, are the allegations in this article https://www.brasilwire.com/lava-jato-hacker-walter-delgatti-speaks/ true? They imply the intercept failed to disclose the information until recently. Of all people on earth you should have some input on this.

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This is very scary. When you pair this with Bari Weiss's article on the current mis-education of the next generation of Nazi Elites that are being programed to accept and act on whatever they are ordered one must fear for the future of our beloved country. I don't know that we can survive when one portion of our country believes in and lives the lies they are being told while the rest have only contempt and a dollop of fear for all the wokerati hold dear!

I guess we are going to see is a House Divided Against Itself can survive or not.

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I share your concern. I read a piece yesterday which rings true to me. The perpetrators of malignancy in our society are few in number, and we can do a lot by just standing up to it and say NO. Here's an excerpt (link to full essay at the end of this post):

"As the Lebanese-born essayist and statistician Nassim Nicholas Taleb has written, huge cultural changes are wrought by the smallest minorities: “It suffices for an intransigent minority to reach a minutely small level, say three or four percent of the total population, for the entire population to have to submit to their preferences. Further, an optical illusion comes with the dominance of the minority: a naive observer would be under the impression that the choices and preferences are those of the majority.”

Taleb’s point is that a small number of intolerant people with a passionate commitment to their cause can command the culture; he calls this “the minority rule,” and cites Alexander the Great’s famous aphorism that it’s better to have an army of sheep led by a lion than an army of lions led by a sheep.

So the next time the Left comes for some institution, act like a lion and just say no. Say no to wokism, no to the media robinettes, no to the platoons of captious hall monitors, Karens, and other assorted muttonheads who seek to shame you publicly for transgressions against the voices in their heads and the fillings in their teeth. Treat them with the same respect they treat you, which is none.

In short, take it from Dr. Seuss: “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot. Nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”"

Link: https://www.theepochtimes.com/saying-no-to-the-cancel-culture_3726217.html?utm_source=partner

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Incredibly powerful piece here, Glenn. I only knew the most meager outline of this story until now. Thank you. *This* is why I'm a subscriber!

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"...abusing the force of law, propaganda and state processes to destroy those whom the population was not supposed to elect." That reminds me, of the democrats abusing their power to oust a president during his four years in office and how they finally ended his presidency.

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Indeed. When you compare Brazil to the US, as Glenn does, it's clear the abuse is not right versus left, but entrenched statists/elitists versus popular republican democracy.

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Nice piece. Our reporting on other countries is poor to non-existent. Excellent connection of corruption in Brazil to corruption in our system. Thanks.

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I do have a question related to this. Whenever I hear phrases like admiration for dictators, authoritarian tendencies etc, I look up the persons stance on gun rights. From what I know Bolsonaro is very pro gun rights and wants citizens to be armed. This makes such person opposite of authoritarian/dictator imo. Anyone wanting to disarm the citizenry is the real authoritarian dictator looking to do bad things in future imo. Just my $0.02 from someone who doesn’t know much about Brazilian politics.

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Mar 10, 2021
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Ummm no. Switzerland has tons of guns too. India and Mexico have strict gun control and I wouldn’t have to tell you about the gun crimes there. USA had to fight for its freedom and that’s why the founders put the second amendment there. Canada for example got their freedom for free and that’s why they don’t value it much.

I myself used to be pro gun control but then I looked at the data, it’s not what media tells you it is. In USA, every year guns prevent over 500k crimes and up to 3 million crimes by simply brandishing the gun. The “mayhem” as you call it is done using guns illegally obtained and by those who were already on the radar but fbi was too incompetent to do their job.background checks already exist and the supposed “loophole” is a myth.

One would be a fool to give all the power to the government to decide who gets to defend and who doesn’t, especially when we complain 24x7 on how the government is corrupt, bloated and incompetent.

After what happened last year with the riots, one would be a fool to advocate for gun control and giving up their self defence.

Plus one simply cannot say that we care about women rights, minority rights, trans rights, their safety etc while taking away the very tool which can help them keep safe. if you have a sister, daughter, wife, elderly, someone who’s handicapped etc, it’s your duty to help them stay safe by staying armed and trained. Other wise all that “we care about minorities” is just virtue signaling nonsense.

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Also just look at Nova Scotia last year where the mass shooting was done by an RCMP agent! Conveniently that was used by Trudeau to push gun control. How exactly does gun control help when the RCMP rogue agent is going around shooting? Should we make murder illegal too? Oh wait, it already is.

Meanwhile USA has hundreds of millions of gun owners and they don’t go around shooting.

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Glenn, please think about doing a story about NYU tenured professor, Mark Crispin Miller, who is being attacked for teaching critical thinking. Thanks.

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Please don't tell Glenn about what to write about. He's all about low hanging fruit these days, won't touch the third rail these days. Thanks to Snowden, he's in fat city now without having to do any REAL work.

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Yet, here you are...

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Because daily "low hanging fruit" is a threat to free speech and to human dignity.

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Then why continue to respond on this site if you have such a low opinion of Greenwald, and his work? Leave!

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Got to get his $50 worth, I guess.

But I disagree. M. Jim F should stay and re-up. I think he's wrong, and I want to have the chance to debate.

No censorship. We are big enough to hear from detractors.

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I know, but he is so rude. He doesn't express disagreement with Greenwald's articles, and what he says, but attacks him and his work on this site, and repeatedly says, well, quoting him, "He's all about low hanging fruit these days,..." However, maybe he just wants his attention.

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Yes, rudeness is a bore, but I make that mistake sometimes. And ad hominem, especially in place of substance is juvenile. However, I know what to do to attention hogs: give them crickets.

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Agreed. I did an interview with Prof. Miller that could be posted here.

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Critical thinking? Critical race theory? (Asking for clarification.)

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Thank you Glenn. I completely agree with your point of view on what happened in Brazil prior to Dilma's impeachment that lead to the imprisonment of Lula. I also agree that it's not guaranteed that he will come back and win another election. Something happens in Brazil where the worker class have a hard time to identifying themselves as working class, differently from Germany, for example. If you have a car in Brazil you already think you are in another class of people and that those supporting the poor are against you. This manipulation of the media putting people on different sides when they should be on the same side is really hard to dismantle. I know this analysis is not very profound but it is my sentiment as a Brazilian who came to live in different parts of the world. The Brazilian middle class have some kind of nasty hate for poor people. It sickens me. Even if they find themselves impoverished after 3 months of unemployment because that's what middle class means in Brazil. 3 months... 2 weeks and they can no longer pay their credit card. The destruction of the worker's rights was one of the first things that went down the drain. But people think: oh, it's giving workers the power to negotiate? What? I think the entire middle class needs to become poor to understand who they should side with.

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I am sorry to hear that state of affairs, and the middle class (or that portion of it that fits your description) certainly needs to change in this regard, but still I would rather help the poor become middle class, than increase the number of poor. Also, other Western countries have a similar phenomenon, perhaps not to Brazil's degree.

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