
I am not holding my breath, but dream of a day when all the Democrat big-tech collusion evidence is finally made public.

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Many years from now names like Glenn Greenwald, Dr Robert Malone, Bari Weiss, Matt Taibbi and Tucker Carlson will be considered true heroes of the resistance. Viva America, Viva Liberty and Viva Glenn Greenwald. Thanks for fighting the good fight to help save us from ourselves, the happless voters who have allowed this to happen through their apathy, ignorance and focus on being FAT, Dumb and Happy..

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Remember when Elon Musk was threatening to buy Twitter and goodthinkers were losing their minds at the thought that Twitter might censor less aggressively?

Funny how "Muh private company can do whatever it wants!" was no longer a QED argument when it came to *less* censorship.

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"As soon as Parler rose to the top spot, Democratic politicians such as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and censorship activists groups such as Sleeping Giants demanded that Google and Apple immediately remove Parler from their app stores, preventing any further downloading."

Speech, like ideas, should rise and fall on its own merits. And the only arbiter of what I should read and hear, is me. When four corporations, with the aid of the federal government, get to use state-sponsored bully tactics to silence competition -no matter under what cock-and-bulls**t guise- we need to call it what it is...FASCISM.

Oh, and AOC coming down on the wrong side of history...AGAIN?!


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Thanks. I was wondering if you were ok. I actually searched you last night, wondering if you’d gone missing or been arrested, and I was relieved to see some recent activity on your Twatter account.

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It's nice to hear the case has been allowed to penetrate the legal system one baby step further. Please no one get too excited, though. "Discovery" isn't a victory ---it's the place things really go wrong in today's pretend-judicial system [while giving the appearance that things are otherwise]. Google's compliance will be slow or purposefully screwed up. Extension after extension will be granted as Google complains every request is too burdensome, unclear or voluminous. And, worst of all, I promise you, with 100% confidence, that Google will not be sanctioned for dragging their feet.

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Love GG .. What an amazing human! I found him through Tucker Carlson and will follow him as long as he writes .. Thank you Mr. Greenwald for being a voice in the dark ❤️

Mom to 2 girls born in China

and 2 Fur Babies

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One point Greenwald admits here undermines Rumble's free speech credibility a bit. Greenwald mentions Rumble's imminent merger with a SPAC that "will effectively make Rumble a public company". Greenwald thinks this is great because Rumble would get more capital, but getting floated on the market could, perhaps, enable increased pressure on Rumble to censor at some point in the future.

The stories I've seen from December say that Rumble's CEO and founder Chris Pavlovski would retain voting control even after the merger. If that's still true, it's a good sign. But even in a company where the founder retains voting control, there can be pressure by Wall Street on the company: investment firm analysts can tell management they have to change policies or see their share price go down. I don't expect that to happen right away, but it's true that going public comes with an increased vulnerability to pressure from Wall Street on corporate policies.

Also, Pavlovski himself may not always remain pro-free speech. For instance, he feels patriotic about Macedonia (that's the appropriate term for him, since I gather he thinks the country should cover more than just North Macedonia). What would happen if Macedonian patriotism starts to clash with free speech? I can't be totally sure.

None of this means there's an immediate risk to free speech, but history shows the financial markets don't always favor free speech, and it's good to at least have backups instead of relying on the likes of Rumble and Substack.

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This is good news, thanks for covering it. Also, it seems like everyone on Substack is talking about your interview with Alex Jones except for you. No links or comment?

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Thank you for the update. It's a little late for this to impact this year's elections. Will be interesting to see if well-heeled lawyers for Big Tech drag this past the 2024 vote.

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As a Canadian that keeps a watchful eye on the censorship issues that occur in the USA, this will be followed with extreme interest. The ripple effect is felt by all.

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if you want to know the outcome, rewind to the late 90s, when Microsoft used anti competitive tactics to defeat Netscape, and then famously lost to Andreesen and Join Clark in federal court - the fine, as I recall was around $750 million. But by then, the damage was done. Netscape, once the leader, won in court, but lost the marketshare battle with Microsoft after it was acquired by AOL in a $10 billion deal.

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Jul 30, 2022·edited Jul 30, 2022

I despise the liberal weasels running Google. They have turned a brilliant tech company into an instrument of oppression and disinformation; this will not end well for them, I predict.

That said, I would prefer to see Rumble succeed on its own merits rather than through litigation. Technology is a fast moving industry, and the courts are sluggish and backward thinking.

Tiktok is an example of an innovative product that is challenging Youtube for dominance right now. Their viewership now exceeds Youtube's, their user interface is completely mobile centric and their user base is predominantly under 20. Youtube is experimenting with short form videos, as is Facebook, but their efforts are lame and irrelevant.

Meanwhile, Rumble's user experience sucks; they still don't support sorting and filtering of viewer comments, on a platform that caters to very politically opinionated and highly engaged users. When I visit the Rumble website, it always shows me puppy videos instead of the channels I've subscribed to. I don't give a shit about puppy videos. Its suggestions of related channels are lame and poorly implemented. For a corporation with hundreds of millions of dollars of capitalization, they don't seem to spend much on improving the product itself.

Rumble is starting to provide hosting services similar to Amazon Web Services (AWS -- the company that shut down Parler overnight). That's a brilliant move; I hope they don't screw it up through laziness and lack of innovation.

I would love to see Rumble, along with Dan Bongino's Parallel Economy payment service, Trump's Truth Social, and a bunch of these other companies grow and become credible alternatives to the liberal-dominated crap we're currently stuck with. But they have to put in the hard work to develop innovations that are appealing and compelling. Lawsuits and me-too also-rans aren't going to get them there.

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The coordination has always been obvious, but 'big tech' changing their lab leak policy the EXACT DAY that Biden says it is possible was always proof that they were acting in a political matter. Great article as always!!

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One easy -- at least on an iPhone or desktop -- little thing to do to tell it to the man is to change your default search engine.

Change it anything that's not Google. Bing is actually not that bad, albeit there are privacy concerns. I'm still recommending DuckDuckGo despite that fact that has rightfully got on many people's shit-list.

DuckDuckGo, which last I heard, is 1/50th the size of Google, finds my little site almost 20 times as often. See here: https://billlawrenceonline.com/why-we-cant-hate-duckduckgo/

If Google played fair -- and it doesn't with me for the usual reasons -- my site might actually be making money.

Hey Rumble, if you need/want my testimony let me know.

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monopoly might be capitalistic, but its not free and fair market.

there are virtually no free markets anywhere except small niche areas. health care is also a rigged market with no competition between insurance and actual services. I'd like to see the show drop on that next. obamacare didnt create competition. It solidified the monopoly rigged cartel system. food is rigged. education is rigged. basically everything thats difficult to afford for average people is rigged by global corporate cartel systems.

even the two party political system is essentially a monopoly. you can choose shit stew or a crap sammich, but you're screwed either way. obamacare had the illusion of competition . you could choose from like two providers that both had the same crappy plans or the governments equally crappy plan. classic trust cartel system. same as the political parties. same for your electric provider or internet and phone.

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