“Trump is a fascist!” says the party that has DC under military occupation, controls all levers of power in society, is censoring dissent on social media and news media, and is actively working to ban private ownership of firearms.

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You forgot demonizing people based on their race. But you probably need re-education to purge your whiteness, which is the root of all bad think.

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All so true. These people have the most idiotically incoherent and hypocritical "creed" I have ever encountered.

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It's richly ironic that the Dems/Left are acting more fascist than I can ever remember another group acting-- all the while pointing their accusing fingers at the Right. Amazing that they are almost successful at pulling this off. It's precisely what needs to be stopped.

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The two party system, which was created by power-mongers, and warned about by our first President.


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2 parties, because voters have to use one to defeat the other. The voters have failed to choose the greater of two evils. It IS the voter's fault, but voters are learning, as we always do. (The cycle may take years or centuries, but it is all to AVOID bloody revolution, which is the WORST form of change. Duckduckgo Alexander Tytler.)

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Agreed, Americans demand a boogeyman and an archetype of "virtue" at all times. The two parties are happy to provide both for you.

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But that's what keeps both, and therefore the State, in check.

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* The voters have, until now, failed to DISCERN the greater of two evils.

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btw the founder's were right, for a couple centuries ago. I am of the opinion they would have a modified, or modern, opinion today. But in any case, they aren't here today. We are.

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By M. Ed Y., or by those yelling, "Trump is a fascist!"?

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Thank you for your courage Glenn. As someone who grew up in the USSR I can understand the consequences of being this honest.

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We got his back. We'll follow GG back to the printing press era if necessary.

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Yes, last I heard that old Diogenes fellow was looking to find Glenn, Julian, Craig, and a about a handful or so of others, the few he knows are, even today, "honest men."

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"Were I not Alexander, I would wish to be Diogenes."

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What's wrong with being Apollo's Lyre? (I couldn't resist.)

Here's my honest question: Who are you quoting? (I know, I can search.)

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Oh, wait. I....don't....have to search. (Wiping egg off my face.)

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well, I'd rather be slow and old than quick and dead, I always say.

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Haha! I am indeed quite contented to be but an honest lyre ; )

Yet, when I saw Dr. F's reference to another great Greek, I couldn't help but recall one of my favorite stories recounting the brilliant--if brief--exchange between the man who conquered the world and the man who couldn't care less.

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Feb 24, 2021
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This censorship stuff scares the crap out of me. It is the single most important reason I cannot vote for Democrats possibly ever again. Very very sad. The American experiment has failed.

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Take heart, Virg. We have survived many assaults on our Bill of Rights in the past. The founders built it to take the assaults. There are more than enough true patriots out there (Glenn being one of them) that understand that the Bill of Rights transcends politics and will fight to protect it. The more concentrated the assault the more push back there will be.

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If they stack the DOJ with activists they can dismantle the Bill of Rights. They're already saying the Constitution is "white supremacy" and evidence is bigoted.

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True. However, there are literally millions of people in this country who would without hesitation volunteer to die to protect it. It may get really ugly but I personally believe the people in the end won't tolerate it. Of course, that is just my opinion and may be flat wrong but I'm trying to maintain what to me is a reasonable perspective on the situation.

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I agree with you. But it's also already really ugly. We can't just keep kicking the can down the road. These Rights need to be fought for. The anti white racism is not how to stop racism. Marxist ideology has got to go, it's making a play world wide and I believe it's CCP sponsored. We have got to defend what we hold dear, Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness, the belief that all men were created equal.

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Ugly? So what.

Freedom isn't free, but it sure is worth the trouble.

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And I agree with you as well. 200%. My comments I hope didn't infer complacency. Far from it. It needs to be actively defended all the time to varying degrees of effort depending on the situation. Right now the destroyers are taking advantage of our naturally high level of tolerance. All people who truly cherish freedom also must necessarily maintain a high tolerance level for risk of losing it. It comes with the territory.

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👍🏻 apparently, their mama's never taught them that two wrongs don't make a right. it was wrong in 1865, it was wrong in 1939, it was wrong in 1965 and it's wrong now...

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Yep. Just like every "theory" ever about race. Pseudo science and falls out of favor after people understand its just a cover for gaming the system.

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100's of millions of quiet, tough freedom-lovers are about to show billions of humans worldwide how to save the world. That's whats in MY heart and mind.

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I hope you are right CoArch. My husband shares your view.

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I wish I was as sure about that as you seem to be. The level of compliance and complacency I’m seeing in regard to unconstitutional lockdowns, mask mandates and, possibly, mandatory vaccinations leads me to believe they’ve already won. Just give the people their food delivery, streaming services and, oh yeah, a basic income and they seem to go along with anything.

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Thankfully the orange kryptonite put a few conservative justices up on the SC.

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Like the "Conservative" chief Bush II tricked us with?

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Gee, why don't we just add this little word, let's see I have it here somewhere, yes, here it is..."tax". Ah, there, NOW it's Constitutional.

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Yeah I give Roberts credit that he hasn't toed the party line at least. Thats about it.

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That's true, and he should be independent, and loyal ONLY to the Constitution, but he should also be brave: WAS it fake news that he was (is?) afraid of riots?

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Jury's still out on that!

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"Orange kryptonite" haha!

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Yep. And "they" are NOT Republicans.

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“will fight to protect it”

I don’t think most people will. Americans have become soft.

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Everyone I know is stockpiling food.

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Not to mention toilet paper.

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possibly. I'm not sure if we can actually know except by hindsight.

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I am a lifelong conservative, and walk me through why you think this behavior from the DNC is new? They are the party that allied with the mafia from the 1920's until the 1990's when Giuliani and crew removed the mafia but left all their minions. Frank Costello roomed with Jimmy Hines at the DNC one year.


But go try and edit Jimmy Hines' wikipedia page to reflect that, and watch as the "Wikipedia Nazi's" tell you that you can't do that.


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Yep. The Democrats have been by far the greater evil since, what, 1860? 1787?

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Since the day George Bush Sr. was ousted by the Clintons. Little Bush came back with the final push of the old Prescott Bush crime family and it took election shenanigans to do it. Remember when the DNC said Bush stole that election?


We better lock up NYMag for sedition after that article.

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I'd almost forgotten. Good argument.

Reagan committed two sins, amnesty (of course, he WAS double-crossed), and, most egregious, naming Mr. CIA, Mr. Voo-doo economics, Mr. read-my-lips bullshitter as V.P.

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He had to...Bush was pulling a lot of support during the primaries and was incredibly well connected (his father was Prescott Bush of Brown Harriman etc)

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Yeah, I've become leary of that excuse over the years. Of course, hindsight is, well even hindsight in politics isn't 20/20, but I suppose at the time Reagan et al thought they needed the support to beat Carter, but now I don't think he did. And they ALL knew that Bush was a 'Rockefeller" Republican, a Romney/McCain in today's parlance, certainly NOT the Federal power restricter and tax-cutter we (well, we on the right, anyway) love Reagan for. And Jeez, what a landslide. Carter was hapless (hope his carpentry skills are better than his leadership ones, are his houses falling down yet?). Reagan did NOT need Bush, and just imagine the last 50 years without the Bushes. Anyway, so long ago that California (which spawned Nixon and Reagan) passed Prop 13!!!! Yes, kids, CALIFORNIA was solidly REPUBLICAN!! O.M.G.

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You were doing so well until you wrote "Democrat."

As long as we continue to pretend only one party loaths the Constitution, we will never be free.

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Democrats have become the party of evil whereas republicans have become the party of incompetent spineless cucks who grandstand only. Neither represent the people any longer.

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The guy who was standing next to Babbitt when she was gunned down said it best “they represent no one.”

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Man, if there is 1 (one) actual bit of truth that actually comes out about the nothingburger Jan. 6, it would be who shot her, why, and how. She was guilty of being a stupid trespasser. Who's the coward that pulled that trigger, or was it an accident?

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Call me crazy but I don’t see how a 3X deployed airforce pilot being inside the “people’s house” chambers is trespassing.

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Call me crazy, but she was trespassing. You are crazy if you think that warranted death.

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You cannot lawfully enter public buildings which have NO ACCESS or RESTRICTED ACCESS posted, Amagansett Press does a fantastic job of covering this stuff and exposing bs. Youtube link sorry.


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Balding Black guy, bit of a gut, mask on darted out from the side door and shot her as she was standing next to several cops.

Could be excitement of first gun fight and his big chance.

Middle aged gunfight virgins notoriously trigger happy.

Race may have played a part of course.

He's variously identified as part of Pence's security detail or Capitol police.

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This truth will out. And he is innocent until proven guilty. Only way to have a chance at true justice.

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Well, you got the last part right. Neither of them represent the people. It's important to always remember that Donald Trump, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schummer and Mitch McConnell all have far more in common with each other than either have with you and I.

They're identical on being pro war, pro surveillance, anti constitution and pro-authoritarian. They all want welfare for the Long Term Capitals, the Citi-Banks and AGIs of the world with the credit card that is endless American debt for those who will never be the people to pay it back.

Any "well this party or that party" beyond these key traits is entirely irrelevant and a distraction to even list. In fact, listing them only shows me a person is unaware of their collective failure.

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I don’t want to be defending trump (him not pardoning Assange, Snowden, Ross broke the camels back for me) but calling him “pro war, pro surveillance, anti constitution and pro-authoritarian” is asinine.

Anti constitution? Defending people’s rights to bear arms is anti constitution?

Pro authoritarian? Asking for freedom of speech is authoritarian?

Pro surveillance? Last I checked he was the one spied upon and he didn’t let the FISA renewal pass (though this might have changed since I checked).

Pro war? C’mon I shouldn’t even have to say anything on this. Other than the Syria bombing which was thanks to the fake lies by the CIA about the Syrian government using gas on the population, he’s been the most peaceful. Plus he did get a few peace deals done in the Middle East and got Afghanistan troops down to before 2001 levels. Pretty peaceful to me. Funny thing is that while democrats smear him as him hating Muslims, my Muslim buddies from Middle East love him because he didn’t bomb them.

I won’t vote for trump because he made poor hiring choices which prevented draining the swamp but lumping him in those evil definitions is asinine. I understand why people voted for him- he was the only politician who didn’t hate his constituents and truly loved his country. I just wish he made better hiring choices (which would have let him pardon Assange and Snowden too because he was surrounded by RINOs all the time).

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Fantastic post. Trump is a dog with different fleas to quote Gecko. However, he showed no war-mongering, authoritarian or pro-surveillance traits unlike every single other President. There is plenty to criticize the orange kryptonite for. The things Arselent named just aren't accurate, at all.

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Just to expand on this, regardless of your opinions or ideas, I would trust you far more as a neighbor and with my kids than every politician out there. You have skin in the game and they do not. It makes all the difference.

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Just curious - would you continue trusting once they become a politician? Or, would you start trusting a distrustful politician when they become your neighbor? Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton? Which ones yes or no?

That is, would that proverbial skin in the game be lost in the former and gained in the latter?

The point is - it depends on the context. Once you're up there you'll have to behave according to who's nearby and the circumstances present. And that's where the character will show. Trump certainly proved he was willing to disregard the surroundings to assert his own personality, warts and all.

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Exactly-- its the elite bosses of the criminal families-- one Democrat the other Republican.

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The Constitution isn't what makes us free. It simply demands the government recognize certain facts about the freedoms we all intrinsically possess.

It may not be up to the job as it once was, but don't for a minute believe that robs you of freedom.

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No, but men have.

Because we weren’t man enough to defend them, with more guns than people at that.

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Manliness has nothing to do with this. Besides, it's only over when we say it's over. Have you forgotten your Churchill?

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>Manliness has nothing to do with this.

Indeed. Say her name, speak it out loud: Ashli Babbitt.

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I wonder if we will ever know who shot her? It is a mystery and should not be.

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Well, it's never really over, is it. Freedom isn't free, and there is never any shortage of slavery mentality in the hearts of many.

But I don't think the three of us should argue too much. We aren't the problem.

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As noted below the one man so far was a woman named Ashli Babbitt.

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Well said. The Declaration and her Constitution are only (beautiful) statements of pre-existing existential facts, facts that do NOT depend on the existence of any statements, however beautiful.

You are free to agree or disagree with this statement, but either freedom is in your heart, or it isn't. Either you want to be free, or you want to be dependent on others/State. In what kind of world WILL you live?

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Today, there is no comparison as to which Party loaths the Constitution more.

You go right ahead and keep voting for the (much) greater of two evils, but we're getting rid of the powers that be, first. That would be the Democrats.

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I trust your judgement more than any democrat or republican.

But go ahead, keep placing your faith in politicians. Let me know how that works out for ya.

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Faith in politicians?!?! You are NOT being fair. What else can I say?

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You can just not vote you know-- then you wouldn't be supporting corruption and first amendment abuse.

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But you be supporting Authoritarian Socialism.

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This is only a matter of current convenience. If Republican power base finds a useful meme with which to promote (again) totalitarianism, they'll be back at it with a vengeance, fast elbowing out the Democrats.

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So true. It's always easier to support the party out of power because they need the Constitution to survival. The trouble is that they drop any interest in the Constitution the moment they gain power. It's the ultimate in situational ethics.

I'm with Carol Jones above. I refuse to vote for or support either party. Those who tell me I must choose the "lesser of two evils" are like domestic abusers telling me "I only beat you because you make me!"

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If you refuse to join other like-minded for the purpose of influencing and harnessing one of the two current power players, then you are, in essence, voting FOR the "uni-party," and FOR the unsustainable status quo Authoritarian Statism.

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Therefore, my opinion is that M. Carol Jones and M. Areslent are FOR the Party in current power, the Democrats.

If you want change, you must choose a vehicle at least theoretically capable of delivering it. Seems pretty simple to me.

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"...easier to support the party out of power."

You ARE a Statist.

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"We all took an oath to uphold and secure the Constitution, every single one of us," Boebert, an outspoken Second Amendment supporter, said when it was her turn to speak. "Our first act as members of Congress was to take our oath of office, and please allow me to remind you a portion of that oath, the chair and every other member here solemnly swore that we would support and defend the Constitution of the United States…The Second Amendment is very much a part of the Constitution of the United States."

That is one Constitutional right that the current DNC heads are all trying to remove, right now.

Another one is the subject of Glenn's articles.

Which constitutionally protected freedoms are R's trying to take away? I'd love to have this debate with you.

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"How about the Nineteenth Amendment? Can women vote in this committee?" asked Boebert. "Why does anyone think that they can cherry-pick the Second Amendment and say this is the one enumerated right that we can take away from people?"

^ I wish my rep had the gumption to say something like that holy crap its the best thing I've heard a politician SAY in a while.

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And she’s being punished (by her own party!) for saying it. Patriots are not welcome in DC.

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Yes! Stand your ground, Ms. Boebert.

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And whatever happened to that great existential equalizer, the firearm? I ask the wimmink.

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Areslent is not wrong, nor are you.

In a world where no one would yell at them the GOP would defend the Constitution, in a world where they get paid $$$ for it and no one would say bad things about them they might effectively defend the Constitution.

Alas, we have no such world.

If men were brave and true but fair little government would be necessary.

If men are not men but easily startled she-males this government hath not long to perish from the earth.

If the government has hysterical women and males in flower print dresses the end of this government mayeth be extremely fucking nigh...or it should be.

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I'm not whitewashing the conservatives of responsibility, I'm pointing out that specifically, and demonstrably, the DNC right now is arguing to take away constitutionally protected rights. The RNC, to my knowledge, has not been attempting to do that since around 9/12/2001.

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Good rebuttal.

But this: "If men were brave and true but fair little government would be necessary."

Then those are the men to raise, that next year or next century we will have little need for yelling or bribing in the first place. Part of raising is role-modeling. The young need to see us trying, not throwing up our hands.

Unless, of course, you are of the valid opinion that you'd rather have the bloody revolution in our generation, rather than leave it to our children.

I am still the optimist, to M. the long warred's pessimist. I hope I'm right.

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The problem with the petty becoming dictators is they remain petty. They are also weak.

We may yet wish for competent and orderly tyranny, in fact it would be a step up.

What we have sees college level pranks at protest and 😭😱😱

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I wonder how every member of Congress takes their oath to preserve, protect and defend The Constitution from all enemies both foreign and domestic without having their fingers crossed behind their backs?

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Having just sadly guarded them a month, and from long observation:

The Dems in particular do not distinguish between people in govt as a body and themselves. Nancy Pelosi sincerely believes as does Gov Murphy in NJ that they literally incarnate the Constitution as they are the sitting govt.

Sincerity is overrated, Stalin and Hitler and certainly Pol Pot were sincere, the latter lived the life of a monk.

It is reasonable for the Democratic party to think they incarnate government as in truth they do - an elected Republican is almost certainly in truth a moderate Democrat. From thinking your party incarnates government literally when it's the literal truth it is not so far a step to think you incarnate the Constitution - certainly their use of the National Guard as their militia revealed some truth, and that is the truth. People thanked us, we politely thanked them but with closely held but deep reservations.

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Of course, sincerity IS a good thing, and our "radars" are rightfully seeking tit.

But what a spot on observation about the conceit of the Statist Party, and what a spot on condemnation of deceit.

I had the same thought vis a vis the use (and especially screening of) the Nat'l Guard as opposed to the U.S. military. Was it a judgment of which could be relied upon to actually shoot Americans? if these awful thoughts do not at least partially occupy, well, you are not paying attention.

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It was bluff.

When it comes to force in the main they are bluff.

BLUFF is your answer.

As to the regimes ability to rely on the police and the army: One can't be cowards, backstabbers, behind BLM and Antifa at home and ISIS in Syria abroad, investigate and jail soldiers for committing war, lynch policemen, attack the police, post bail for rioters throwing petrol bombs and lazing the eyes of the police [Portland Courthouse] you cannot do all these things ALL AT THE SAME TIME and rely on the organs of force.

They MIGHT protect you even if you're cowards IF you had cultivated loyalty instead of prosecuting, doxing, ruining them...or perchance they might follow you if you demonstrated personal courage in leading from the front - risking your own life - but you cannot rely on PEOPLE YOU BETRAY doing the dirtiest of dirty work for you.

And as it happens they could only scrape together not their own Federal Army, active duty but borrow the National Guard [State militias] from Dem state governors. They own the governors.

Oh did we mention the soldiers oath is to the Constitution?

Yes if you shoot at the soldiers they'll shoot back of course.

But that's it.

They do not own the soldiers in the NG - BLUFF.

As for their loyalty among the various Federal and other police it's not something I'd bet my life on if I were them...but when you're a desperate and cornered criminal you reach out for any straws you can grasp...and it's safe to say as of this writing they have grasped the final straws on any matter of force...and it's mostly BLUFF.

They really need a new Army and Police, and perhaps given time they'll get them, but the one they've got isn't usable.

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Read M. the long warred. I've read enough of him/her/them to be squarely in his/her/their choir.

But, I must add in possible apostacy, I sure hope the Secretary of Defense (ne War, not so long ago) is on the people's side, right or wrong.

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*it, NOT tit, you dirty....

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Hear hear! Shall we identify the elephant in the room?-- Nixon

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You mean the guy who WOULDN'T go to the SCOTUS to preserve his victory in 1960 in the face of documented Democrat cheating?

You mean the guy who RESIGNED "for the sake of the nation" because of the nothingburger molehill of Republican ineptitude that pales in comparisan to the modus operandi Democrat cheating of today?

You mean the REPUBLICAN who put price controls on the free-est country in the world?

THESE idiots are the elephant in the room in 2021!?!?!

And to think, M. Jones, I practically offered to sponsor your immigration. Sorry, but please stay in Canada. Good luck fixing things there.

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Don't be scared. We've been here before, we'll get through it again.

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Kids are made to chant government propaganda every morning at school. The R's are holding on to that bit of mind-f'ery. In truth, only a small minority of Americans support freedom. Half treats it like a brand with capital F and the other half thinks of it as a sewer.

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Ooooh, don't look at that evil piece of cloth, Timmie! It'll free your mind from your indoctrnation, er....i mean education.

You are a wolf in sheep's clothing. Go away, Statist.

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But I agree that the Republicans (Eisenhower) shouldn't have added the divisive "under God." Oh, wait, DEMOCRATS voted for that?

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Go ask Snowden if he thinks America has "liberty and justice for all" .

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But Snowden's support has rightfully been on the increase on both sides, and this Trumpian faults Trump for the lack of pardon. History, imo, will exonerate his "crimes."

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And the current POTUS could pardon ANYTIME.

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Whatever you do don't look at the party voting records on slavery votes lol.

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It is propaganda to everyday make kids say stuff about the country that is not true, i.e. lie. I don't even mean the "under God" part. These kinds of things tarnish the flag, which you seem to be okay with.

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No, no. I don't want to tarnish the flag, but downplay it. After all, it IS just a symbol.

But that's what I'm saying. What's wrong with adults having young skulls full of mush saying, "I pledge allegiance to the nation for which the SYMBOL stands." It IS their country, they should take ownership, and work to make it better, or perhaps even in the end, overthrow it, and begin anew.

It IS "public" education, you know, shared culture of the U.S.A.

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You are not required to recite the Pledge that has been decided in the courts repeatedly. It was first ruled in 1943 during wartime ffs.

West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette if you need a lesson.

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It's still the law in my state and I believe most others that all students have to recite the pledge every day

That's great that they could go to court and might convince the judge that they don't actually have to do it.

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My kids' (Leftist) 1st-grade teacher, who was WONDERFUL, skipped over the "under God" part, and didn't require participation. Good for her, and I don't think any "law" she violated would get prosecuted.

imo, a nothingburger issue.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again. What is all boils down to is that you cannot have a functional, self-governed democracy filled to the brim with stupid and ignorant people. We have raised generations of people who completely lack the ability to think critically. People incapable of understanding the world except through the crudest, most binary lens. Those who were raised and conditioned since birth to mindlessly absorb and regurgitate propaganda. Only now the propaganda comes from everywhere. There is no centrally controlled narrative, carefully constructed and implanted into the brains of the plebes. The power-that-be who successfully shepherded the ignorant US masses for more than a century lost the narrative reigns with the rise of the internet and social media. This whole censorship campaign is an effort to once against seize those reigns - to control the narrative completely. The DC duopoly, their intelligence agency handlers and their media mouthpieces are united in the effort to silence all dissenting voices with as much force as necessary. The rise of Trump was a shot across their bow (no matter how successful they were in controlling and neutering him). The establishment isn't going to take the chance that the "next Trump" is someone who is actually competent, intelligent and capable of actually challenging their agenda and control. Absolute control and absolute power is their only concern, even if it means discarding the fig leaf of freedom and democracy that has been conveniently deployed in the past.

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Raise the voting age to about 30.

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18, if you sign up to take a bullet for me and my family.

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But I certainly think my three teenagers won't be casting an INFORMED vote until they are about 30.

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Not speaking for others, but looking back I coulda flipped a coin for all I knew!!

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If the people are too stupid for democracy, blame the public schools and dysgenic policies that pay high school dropout teen mothers per-child instead of putting the children up for adoption by more capable parents that are more likely to be able to raise them to be fully functional adults.

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There's plenty of blame to go around.

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Heck, the NYT just put out an article actually denouncing critical thinking. I cannot imagine how ANYONE at this point pays money for the NYT or sees it as any different than The Onion or The Bee.


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THAT's what The Onion should do for one issue!! Just photocopy a NYT front page!

("photocopy": yes, I am old.) Wait, did it already do that? After all, most of my good ideas have already been thought of.

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I too know of this... "photocopy" of which you speak ; )

And I love the idea of the Onion starting to just run WaPo and NYT articles--like "austere religious leader" obituaries--and seeing how long it took for someone to catch that they were real.

I hope it is not presumptuous of me, but I actually wrote a short piece about how terrible they'd become:


At least a couple of links in there cite Glenn in one way or another ha, so perhaps it isn't too gauche to mention it here.

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Just read it. Excellent! Keep writing, M. Apollo's Lyre.

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Thank you so much! I sincerely appreciate you taking time to give it a read and for the kind words. I already have a few more articles saved in draft form, so I'm hoping to get another spicy one out this weekend haha

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You may not realize it, but you're referring to the US educational system.

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Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik forever.

Vladimir Lenin

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Yes, but PARENTS, if not reality, should instill the necessary skepticism.

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Well said

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"What is all boils down to is that you cannot have a functional, self-governed democracy filled to the brim with stupid and ignorant people. We have raised generations of people who completely lack the ability to think critically."

Agreed. However, the problem here is that the deeper one goes examining truth, identifying "stupid" and defining "ignorant" gets to be more problematic.... Hence we have nearly two full halves of the electorate, each with increasingly non-intersecting worldviews, with their own complex sets of facts and values -- yet each with plenty of intelligent, knowledgeable, compassionate, civic-minded people, as well as the less capable willing to trust the more capable.

So we need to come back to the real reason for democracy: NO ONE has a unassailable lock the truth, and NO ONE can define correct values. The vast majority simply don't understand what "democracy" really means: It means accepting the choices of a majority, WHATEVER the majority decides. It cannot be thought of as a holy war of the Smart/Good against the Stupid/Evil. In a well-constituted and well-run democratic republic, minorities are protected by rights; and legislation, implementation, and enforcement is deliberative and rule-based. This precludes "mobs" getting away with doing rash and otherwise stupid things.

We have to get back to respecting other minds, whoever they may be. Ironically, that is one of the touted principles of so-called "Leftists" occupying the "Democratic" Party, whose blatant hypocrisy now is increasingly difficult to ignore within their own ranks.

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I should also have added:

The "stupidity"/ignorance problem you complain about goes away in a well-run democratic republic (as we've had a few times in US history) ... in theory. Is there really a better pragmatic way?

1. The more capable (intelligent, knowledgeable, socially compassionate, etc.) think and act well. You have pointed out the current need for this.

2. But there have been and will always be insufficiently capable in the complex modern world. They/We then learn how to trust which of the more capable, and that's probably enough.

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So, now I can view someone killing themselves online or incest porn for free but I can't view Fox news? Like being able to go to Walmart but not Church, able to eat McDonald's but not my mom and pop Italian place. Wow, I'm so relieved these concerned politicians are really working so hard to protect me!

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Yep. That's the plan - "Don't do what we don't like."

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"And good luck constantly trying to figure out what that is!"

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Feb 23, 2021
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That party has been blamists since the 1960's. Everything that is wrong in your life is the fault of that other party!

I seriously want to know who is electing people like Dianna Feinstein. The woman had a 20 year chinese agent as her driver and no one gives a shit.


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We are ALL descendants of slaves somewhere in our histories, regardless of our ethnic background.

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True, and thank you, but be careful: Isn't that getting close to saying, "ALL lives matter"?

(To be fair, I think saying, "All lives matter" in response to "Black lives matter" IS inappropriate, since it indicates a tone-deafness to the legitimate RACIAL sentiment of historical discrimination that still has to reach zero. However, it is also true that BLM is more about Marxism (a Trojan Horse) than race.)

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"Black Lives Matter" is a deliberately set up rhetorical exercise and deserves not the credit of listening for tone.

Discrimination will never reach zero and one will destroy society in their attempts to get there.

It's not even certain that discrimination is without value. It's a form of intellectual shorthand and thus is essential to decision-making... according to Walter E. Williams (famous black guy).

Talking about the distant historical past serves no purpose other than "muh victimhood". Be far better for Blacks to think about their futures and get on with living well, like the rest of us. But if people want, we can start citing historical statistics that show blacks actually did better economically when racism had to be greater than it was today (ie, pre Civil Rights Act). It ain't racism that's holding them down, it's government policy and this new victimhood (because the gov't HAS TO blame someone else for their own failures, so white society takes the fall).

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Sorry, M. Solon, didn't see this until now.

I honor your opinion. I think we are more in agreement than your post indicates to me (I might be mis-interpreting!) you think we are.

however, first, that there will always be murderers is no reason not to try to find and prosecute them. That there will always be discrimination...

Btw, some "discrimination," i.e. "discerning criminal activity," is downright survivalist.

Second, that "(famous black guy)" is, and will always be, one of my all-time heroes.

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Yes, but eradicating murder is as impossible as eradicating discrimination. And equally as foolish to undertake. I'm not saying don't chase down people who have done bad. That's a posteori. Eradicating is a priori and requires a level of cost that doesn't bear out its value. Sorry, your analogy doesn't hold.

But yes, I do believe we are in near agreement.

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The other point is... if prior Slavery is holding the blacks back, how is it that every other people--all of whom have experienced slavery--have managed to succeed without blaming their past.

The last white slave was sold at auction in Egypt in 1895, 30 years after American blacks were emancipated. I don't see Slavs (the origin of the word slave) blaming their past for their failures or rioting against present day Ottomans (Turks).

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Agreed, in general, and with reservation (no Native American pun intended.)

I am white, but my (I think well-read) perception is that many (and a growing number of) Blacks today, especially African-Americans, agree that Blacks need to, how best to put it?, take advantage of the freedom they have to prosper and grow wealthier. I certainly want my fellow Americans to do just that!

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Angels or Angles?

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Oh, Angels as slaves of God? Angles, meaning Anglos?

Sorry, M. Katisha, I am not understanding (probably not your fault!).

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Check out trends.google for “BLM” and other similar terms. It always starts trending before election season and then disappears right after.

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"The Biden & Harris administration is not going to do anything to address the real problems in the US next 4 years."

But if we slap the Dems down a year from Nov., they'll have to address US.

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The Eshoo/McNerney letter stripped of pretensions:

America’s airwaves are now filled with bullshit, and we here in Congress don’t like the competition. Inspired by unapproved bullshit, everyday people are storming our offices and killing grandparents in droves, yes, even Andrew Cuomo did this. So, mister CEO bigshot, what are you going to do about it? Huh?

We disapprove of bullshitting right-wingers whose bullshit is the complete opposite of our totally righteous bullshit. We need to seriously unify our bullshit! Enough division. It’s time for a shared consensual reality of True Blue American Bullshit. This means ending all those right wing bullshit news stations. We hate them. They spread unapproved bullshit at an exponential rate, like the virus. Online platforms are fucking these fuckers over as fast as they can, but you TV CEOs have to do your part. OR ELSE.

Answer these questions ASAP, and answer them correctly—OR ELSE:

1. Why won’t you take these guys off the air? They are losers and we are the principled winners, right here behind these 12 foot steel fences topped with razor wire.

2. You do have written guidelines for taking people off the air, don’t you? Well, cough ‘em up ASAP. If not we will provide you with guidelines.

3. How many people tuned in to Fox, Newsmax, and OANN in the four weeks before the November 3, 2020 elections and the January 6, 2021 trauma? Tell us how many tuned in to each channel, and give us their names and addresses. And don’t ask us why four weeks. MYOB.

4. What did you do during those same time periods to cut the bullshit on your platform? Be precise you fucker.

5. How have you punished the bullshitters— or haven’t you yet? Again, be specific and precise you bastard.

6. Have you ever punished a bullshitter? Tell all, prick.

7. If you aren’t planning to banish the bullshitters like Fox News, Newsmax, and OANN immediately or at least not renew their contracts, why not? If you’re not careful you too will end up in the Bullshit Bin of History.

With all the juvenile contempt and high dudgeonish indignation we can muster—thanks to our staff who are in their late 20s and early 30s—yours sincerely,

Anna Eshoo and Jerry McNerney

PS We are both ancient and mostly just sign stuff the kids write. LOL!

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Thank you for #3! I was interested GG didnt highlight that point, the demand I found most disturbing.

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Yep, but take heart: That's the dying tactic of EVERY authoritarian regime. The young don't know that yet, but they will.

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The great concern is NOT that this is happening...

It is that more and more people are becoming very comfortable with the idea.....

This is the logical extension of “safe spaces” in civil society...

The scary part is that the prospects of this change anytime soon are flatly ZERO... it will only intensify...

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Perhaps we are still on that curve, but GG left the wayward Intercept, and is raising the alarm. Others, too. Americans are waking up. Don't despair, yet.

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Let’s hope...

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You may despair of votes, talk and law.

If thats your limits, then best go silent.

All the talk only bought us Trump, who was all talk. The honest left hated him for declasse , as if they have Victorian speech or manners. Trump was the last chance for peace, except utter and silent submission.

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But DJT ONLY got elected because the Parties tried to shove unwanted relatives down the voter's throats.

He was the START of the rebellion, a fluke of timing, just like the novel corona virus.

Don't give up now, M. the long warred, we finally got a real "war" to fight, and it's looking like it's gonna be a long one.

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I haven’t given up sir.

Except on elections, and laws.

So have our masters, look at DC.

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Well, anarchy is better (I used to think otherwise) than the other political spectrum endpoint, but you'll excuse me for not joining you just yet.

Still, if you are right, I'd have your back.

And if we both had point, on the day we meet, let's talk first, and shoot second.

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And I may go silent, but if you take that as submission, well, let me just say I may be old, but I'm not dying until I, or some army, remove that concertina wire from around MY house.

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They continue to repeat over and over "armed insurrection" - but it wasn't. The Democrats want to continue the "cabal" of influence that they mounted during the election to control the narrative and shut down dissent. The problem was they gaslighted Americans and Americans saw. We saw the man pull back the curtain with our own eyes: COVID panic and mask shaming during lockdown, then the Floyd protests decided oh it's okay to gather in massive groups as long as you're wearing masks. That became the forced truth. The "cabal" made sure it was. They also controlled the narrative around the protests, insisting they were covered as "mostly peaceful" with much of the horrific violence left in their wake the purview of Fox News. Now they can just say it was "disinformation." But Americans SAW. They saw the disconnect. They saw the gaslighting. Now, the desire to shut down alternative information sources leaving the gaslighters as the only source is where the sense of panic and fear is coming from among those who disagree with this massive overreach into authoritarianism. What a mess.

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Half of America is aware enough to see the gaslighting. The other half is fully under its control.

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Not sure it is that clear. Its like people wearing masks, when you tell them they don't have to around you, in your house, they are off in a second with no hesitation. Maybe that is just the Cdn thing of not wanting to offend though ; )

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Brilliant summary Sasha-- yes Americans SAW and so did the rest of the world. When you are this filled with this kind of "power" you feel you can do anything and you dont care who sees. Hubris(blind) before the fall.

Now that the masks are off you are seeing the next phase amongst the cabal of influence. They are starting to attack each other and fight for the prime positions or power and influence-- how many billionaires are moving, stepping down etc. Time to re-position. The parallel to 1920/30s Germany is breath taking. Every American should read Philip Dick's the Man in the High Castle or watch the Amazon rendition of it. Remember like Caesar, Hilter was constantly the target for those wanting to topple him from within. And like Caesar (hmmmm Ides of March soon) , MSM history reported it was his behaviour that created that response. Its never that clear.

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Speaking of conspiracies, consider the indisputable facts surrounding the Sicknick murder hoax: (1) Sicknick was a Capitol Hill police officer, so the Capitol Hill police necessarily knew he wasn't beaten to death by a fire extinguisher; (2) The Capitol Hill police are literally employees of Congress itself, so Congressional leaders also obviously knew that he wasn't beaten to death; (3) The NYT has easy access to everything Congressional Democrats know, so it also knew or could easily confirm that Sicknick was not murdered. Yet . . .

(4) The NYT published its fake story anyway, per anonymous "people close to" the police; (5) The Democrats cited the NYT's fake story as their only "evidence" of the murder in their official impeachment briefs, despite it being inadmissible hearsay and that (if the facts were true) they could have easily submitted a sworn affidavit or report from the Capitol Police themselves.

Thus, any unbiased observer would have to conclude that the NYT and Congressional Democrats colluded to plant a fake story precisely so they could cite it as support for the "deadly insurrection" hoax (aka unarmed protesters being let inside, walking between the velvet ropes, and taking selfies).

And what about the one actual murder -- Ashli Babbitt? Her killer is apparently a state secret. Although, once again, it's obviously known to both Congress and the NYT.

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"Her killer is apparently a state secret..."

And there almost might be an excuse for that under some circumstances. It could be, for instance, that the officer might be subject to reprisals or that people might be rioting in the streets because of the shooting. It +might+ then be appropriate to keep the identity protected temporarily until the initial investigation were complete.

The problem with that argument is that, for the most part, conservatives either do not have a problem with the shooting or are willing to give it the benefit of the doubt pending investigation. NO ONE is rioting in the streets over it. In the past, when the opposite has been true, the D's have had no real problem revealing the identity of the officer-- or where their families live-- not to mention prominent D's in Congress have actively egged the rioters on or paid their bail money.

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And now the two police who killed themselves in the days following January 6 are also considered "victims" of insurrection. Is making up two more victims a way to balance out the loss of Sicknick as victim? These clowns cannot save face after having Sicknick lie in honor at the Rotunda and they know people are laughing at them.

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How many people out there still believe they were all killed by rightwing insurrectionists? 4 years from now, they're going to be saying that.

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I'm enjoying your argument that the NYT should have had higher-quality inside information because of their being a Democrat party organ.

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"the NYT and congressional Democrats colluded to plant a fake story".... how is this any different than the Russia hoax about Trump?

When they didnt get in any trouble for that why would they care about anything else? Its like when the mafia wacked Kennedy. You think they were worried about wacking Hoffa after killing the President?

Haha, you want a real laugh, read the Warren commission's report on organized crime "not being involved" in the Kennedy murder. Guys like Ruby and their connections to the Chicago mafia.

The same organized crime that votes DNC and ran the machine politics with men like Pat Marcy for the Daley's for decades.


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Thank you Glenn. There is a huge elephant in the room:

The scam of the century - the now 5-year long Russia-gate hoax initiated by Obama/Biden administration

The Russia-gate hoax and Ukraine-impeachment “entertainment” was concocted by Obama/Hillary/Biden/Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Maxine Waters, Jamie Ruskin, etc., etc. and their intelligence and DNC executives on behalf of their Wall Street and military industry donors, i.e., the imperial War party

By far the highest interest of Biden government and its DNC cabal is that Russia-gate immense hoax – the scam of the century -- will NOT / will NEVER be exposed. Hence obligations to primary propagandists for their roles, including despicable Kamala Harris (Hillary’s protégé), Neera Tanden, Melissa Hodgman (wife of the Comey’s infamous Peter Strzok), Pete Buttigieg, etc,

Who will be the first Democrat Congressman or Senator to publicly confirm the Russia-gate conspiracy? There is no "unity and healing" until this...

Massive censorship and silencing is a sign of utter desperation of DNC corrupt leadership

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“We have given you a Free Republic if you can keep it” That is the hard part, especially when elected officials who swore an oath to protect the Constitution break their oath by demanding censorship from the media, which is a clear violation.

The actions by these Democrats are unconstitutional and unlawful. They are breaking the laws of this country, which classifies them as criminals. Are we as a nation are willing to accept that? If we are, it will be the end of our constitutional republic, and the end of our freedom. It is time to make a stand.

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Good question.

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Hello Glenn,

I have produced several award-winning documentaries on the plight of America’s wild horses and the environmental devastation occurring on western public lands. In 2011 my investigative film Wild Horses & Renegades received Best Documentary Feature/Audience Award ITN Film Fest, International Wildlife Film Festival Special Mention in Investigative Journalism, Cinematography and Top10 Overlooked Gems of 2011 - BlogCritics.org In addition two of my films have screened before legislative staff on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. Despite numerous awards the film was basically black listed by the Obama administration. In addition David Holbrooke the son of politician Richard Holbrooke made personal threats towards me to stop my investigation into the Bureau of Land Management. This was in 2008 when Richard Holbrooke was swinging from his position at AIG to the Obama team. I was filming a documentary on why America’s Wild Horses were being eradicated from public lands in South Western Colorado on the Uravan Uranium deposits. Over the course of time it was revealed that the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One where putting together a deal using Public Lands. Needless to say my film and I became the target of censorship. After years of harassment from the Department of Interior and Bureau of Land Management I decided to take them to court. Kleinert vs. Bureau of Land Management (BLM). It was revealed that BLM had conducted surveillance of my personal life since 2007. BLM had refused to release most of those documents and had severely redacted others. After a long legal battle to enforce BLM’s compliance with FOIA, the Agency finally produced the documents. BLM had dug deep into my private life, looking for anything with which to discredit me and my work. My lawsuit set a precedent that can be used by any citizen seeking information per FOIA. The level of censorship and discrimination by the U.S. Government and their corporate controlled media associates was nothing less than appalling. My book No Country for Truth Tellers reveals this disturbing story. Our new film Mustangs & Renegades sheds light on the matter as well: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/mustangsrenegades

Thank you for standing strong Glenn!

James Anaquad Kleinert

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Wow. I will be watching your film this week! Thank you for posting about it.

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Hi Renata,

Thank you for watching our film Mustangs & Renegades this weekend. We have posted the feature film Mustangs & Renegades along with other content. It will bring you up to speed on Western Environmental issues and more! The cinematography is beautiful. The plight of the Wild Horses is tragic!




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thank you for loving these magnificent creatures and the land they were born to....I'm just a lover of animals and freedom, but what you are doing is wonderful...keep on course...you are so appreciated

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Hello Alex,

Thank you for your kind words and thoughts, so appreciated.

Here is a link to my book No Country For Truth Tellers: www.amazon.com/Country-Truth-Tellers-globalization-storyteller/dp/173374097X

It has over 100 nice color photos of Horses, Western Landscapes and corruption!

Easy read, A Modern Day Western.

Peace n Joy,


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I salute you, citizen! Great stuff.

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Right on Commenter.

Peace to you.

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Are there any true, indigenous wild horses in North America? I thought they were introduced by the Europeans and could, conceivably, be labeled an invasive species?

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Howdy The Fun Police,

Good question. Yes the Horse actually evolved in North America which is it's Birth Place. Here is a link to: https://www.beringia.com/exhibit/ice-age-animals/yukon-horse

This is the Yukon Beringia Museum in Canada. They have all the evidence and history of the Horses evolution here in North America.



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Those horses became extinct long ago and all horses currently in North America are different species with origins in Europe I think. So yeah, there WERE native horses, but they are not the same and they had disappeared for a long time before a different 'version' was brought here by the Spaniards.

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Howdy Fun Police,


above is a link to a Dr. Running Horse who wrote here thesis on Native Horses that have been North America for a long time. The Thesis greatly disputes your claim.



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I agree with pretty much everything Glenn laid out here.

So... what do we do?

Seriously, what do we do? The fact-finding and research is over: there is a clear, concerted attack on our rights and minds being orchestrated by a technoligarchy that is no better than The Party from "1984." They are doing this for power, they are doing this for control. And they know damn well what they are doing. They lie to our faces. Sometimes they don't even bother to do that anymore. We are inundated with malevolent elites and brainwashed masses.

On a past article, I listed general things we could do to help--from voting out these authoritarian madmen to standing up in our personal lives. However, does anyone have any suggestions on how we can reassert our 1st amendment rights in particular? Any groups? Any politicians or organizations to contact? Any campaigns? I am all ears and all in if there is such a thing. Otherwise, I would be happy to help create one because this has reached truly dystopic levels. Thanks for any info or suggestions in advance, and keep the faith!

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Doing things on the local level, (“all politics are local”), is where real change begins. Local town councils, boards of education, county government is the place to begin. Taking on DC is a pipe dream at this point. It won’t happen overnight but, this leviathan we face now developed over many years. It can’t be slain with one or two election cycles.

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Agreed, thats where I focus my money, time and energy. Perhaps our fellow poster M.Staples could join us instead of incessantly pitting right against left. Its all about people there is no right or left 💗

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Do you think it is coincidence that they want to take away your firearms at the same time they flex their authoritarian muscles?

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Agreed that "what to do" is a problem. We're about 4 decades late, arguably 7 or 8. But it can't and won't end until and unless people with power wake up, which will take even far more obvious assaults. Could be many years.

Disagree that they all know what they are doing. "When you're in a poker game and you don't know who's the patsy ... you're the patsy." I believe Congress is full of patsies, cowards, selfish jerks. How many are true sociopaths is the question.

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Fair point about the degree to which they all understand the true consequences of these actions. (I saw another post here where someone broke down the possible categories of "honest" and "dishonest" actors that I found interesting too.)

But yes, I believe we need to counter these actions sooner than later, and I think this group here is a great place to rally intelligent, like-minded individuals! Can we start petitions? Email drives? Rallies? Create media content? I will not sit idly by while our politicians establish the Ministry of Truth.

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I think job 1 is establishing and strengthening real-world, in-person networks that can function outside controls, once it comes to that.

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Ironic, isn't it? Your post is spot on, M. Wayne Jacques, but it is EXACTLY what would naturally happen if society ever found itself on the far-rightmost-point, i.e. Anarchy.

So, a failure of Authoritarian Socialism (the far-leftmost-point) causes the exact same righteous and natural response in the people.

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There is strength in numbers, and power in the visual representation of those numbers. Think of all the ink spilled regarding the attendees at the Trump inauguration, or at his rallies. Perhaps it's time the show the power of the rabble army by meeting up in our millions. The MSM had been reporting on just such incitement when they warned of armed mobs descending on state capitols... Let's make that happen!

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The "Democratic Party" is mostly incompetent and mostly only cares about maintaining their current power/financial position, so there is not much to worry about cause as usual the "Democrats" will find a way to mess it up, right?

Wrong. The so-called "Democratic Party" has merged and is merging with the intelligence agencies, the primary goal of whom, is to preserve the current power structure and crush domestic political activity.

The primary enemy of every government is their own population, and the three-letter-agencies in America are drooling when they look at China. They are manipulating the "Democrats" and are the ones pulling the strings behind the scenes. That is what makes these developments so ominous.

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Look, I'm sure it's just a coincidence this is all happening after they legalized propaganda against Americans.....

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Look, another liberal presenting the concept that the DNC doesn't represent their party. Well, then why do you keep voting for them? Why are you still a part of a party that has fake primaries every four years?

There has been a lot of complaints that this site is becoming more "Right wing", well, its not the "right wing" media or their allies that is pulling all this bullshit. Its the DNC, and their allies. If you claim to be "liberal" but think the DNC is bullshit, who are you voting for? What are you doing about it? Who really runs the DNC? Ill give you a hint, her name starts with an H and ends with ilary.

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Well, I don't think H has THAT much power (but if you are right, she IS dangerous, to fool me into thiking she's just a failed nut).

But spot on otherwise. I am just amazed that the Dems get the vote totals they get, even if their cheating has reached 10,000,000 votes overall, what the hell is wrong with half this country?

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Hilary is the greatest fundraiser in the history of politics. When you control the spigot of $ funding campaigns, it affords a lot of power.

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Yes, always true. But how is it the CLINTONS became such a huge conduit for the pay to play rentseeking of Democrat Party money.

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All politics is pay to play in some way shape or form. The Clintons and Bushes were successful, because like the Lannister's, they always paid their debts.

George Bush Sr. got help from Billy Bulger, a Democrat who hated Dukakis


Down the road, Little George Bush paid Billy back when he blocked Congress from investigating the mob and FBI ties in Boston. The same mob/FBI ties that led to Whitey Bulger (Billy's brother) escaping the FBI dragnet and going on the run for 20+ years.


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Love hearing this follow-the-money documentation and reminding. It NEVER seems to get the sunshine it deserves.

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Are they like it appears the Cuomo crime family is: nothing but extortion racket and thuggery?

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Of course, I DO believe that money is speech, and sunshine the best disinfectant.

So, is it all just a case of this (150 year) burgeoning Federal leviathan?

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Huh? Please don't call me a liberal lol. Also yo got me all wrong pal, I supported Bernie yes, but I havent voted for a Dem since 2004

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Thank you! (For not voting Dem. I'm being sincere,)

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In successful modern coups, the first thing the plotters do, is capture the TV and radio stations. That should be warning enough...

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Feb 23, 2021
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So the Democrat assault on both the First and Second amendments continues to grow in size and scope. Thankfully we have a Supreme Court to defend out Constitutional rights from an out-of-control government.

Oh, wait....

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Yeah the Supreme Court died re: Bush v Gore. Frankly it has been sketchy years before that.

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Please. Gore would be on his 58th recount by now.

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Maybe but the acts (Plastic woman from FLA) that were done to "validate" Bush exposed just how incredibly deep the corruption is in the US. The rest of the world shuddered.

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And we ignored.

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And now the US is planning to impose new sanctions on Venezuelan officials involved in their last thoroughly honest democratic election! Talk about your Chutzpah!!

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"Venezuelan officials involved in their last thoroughly honest democratic election!"


(I ask for myself, and, perhaps, others?)

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Tell me something new! There are very few countries in the world (especially oil producers) that the US hasn't done that to since what the annexation of Mexico (ie now California?)

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Feb 23, 2021
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They're hard at work on removing that one too... Ms. Lee from TX is after my AR chambered in .50 cal.

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Easy, now. Yes, the loss of gun rights is a danger. But remember, HOW would they get your guns? Police? Sherrif? Natl. guard? It'll be a LONG time and it will have to get MUCH worse, before they get support from those public guns to actually grab yours. I'm not saying it CAN'T happen; I'm saying calm down, don't be threatening yet,....and keep your powder dry.

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I've nothing about which to worry - another one of those unfortunate boaters with the terrible accident one might hear about.


I, for one, just hope she has help carrying the bills she is supposed to be reading as part of her job if she thinks an AR is heavy...

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So, so well said, M. Notyours.

I am just saying (and kinda being a hypocrit in saying it), talking about weaponry, at this point, hurts our cause. Gun sales data should be enough to get our message across.

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