I spent 10 hours in a Tea Party camp in 2010 and 10 hours in a OWS camp in 2011.
The one takeaway is that the political spectrum is always describe by the Establishment as linear..meaning a line from left to right.
In nature, the spectrum arcs back upon itself.
It’s what allowed Sen. Paul Wellstone and Sen. Jesse Helms to be kindred spirits in the US Senate.
It’s what had Vladimr Lenin on one side of the street with his Socialist Ideals and Stalin on the other side with his Communist Ideals.
What i found from that experience is that Populism is Antiestablishment...that’s the common goal of both sides of the spectrum and it’s what connects the dots.
When explaining to each group that they needed to do a reach around and join forces with their fellow Antiestablishment travelers instead of getting sucked back into the Vortex of the Establishment....it was a hard sell..but both groups new that the enemy of their enemy could be their friend if the goal was to unite behind the right sizing of the Federal Government and distribution of power back to the states, counties and towns.
The Establishment Media and Establishment...period...doesn’t want people to understand this context which is why it’s always pitting right vs. left and leaving they Establishment itself out of the crossfire. This is how propaganda works.
You rile up one side...then rile up the other side...convince people it’s the other side that’s the enemy...all while knowing it’s the swamp in the middle that ‘s the real enemy.
I liked your post except for the one point that you have the wrong goal.
The CORRECT goal is to tax the ultra-rich out of existence so they don't control us any longer.
Government is a tool, and it's the ONLY tool that can constrain the rapaciousness of the ultra-rich and their corporations. Bifurcating its power exclusively to the local level(s) means that to constrain them we have to fight thousands of battles - pretty much the same one over-and-over-and-over-and over.
Don't be a strategic fool. Set your sights on the REAL problem - it's not the hammer, government, it's the carpenter, the ultra-rich and their corporations; we need a new carpenter, We, The People.
The problem is the government. It is no accident that the growth of government and the growth in wealth inequality have the same time frame, and that wealth inequality is greatest in centers of government based power. Cut the government in half, and in one generation you'll not have ultra-rich. Think strategically...
I spent 10 hours in a Tea Party camp in 2010 and 10 hours in a OWS camp in 2011.
The one takeaway is that the political spectrum is always describe by the Establishment as linear..meaning a line from left to right.
In nature, the spectrum arcs back upon itself.
It’s what allowed Sen. Paul Wellstone and Sen. Jesse Helms to be kindred spirits in the US Senate.
It’s what had Vladimr Lenin on one side of the street with his Socialist Ideals and Stalin on the other side with his Communist Ideals.
What i found from that experience is that Populism is Antiestablishment...that’s the common goal of both sides of the spectrum and it’s what connects the dots.
When explaining to each group that they needed to do a reach around and join forces with their fellow Antiestablishment travelers instead of getting sucked back into the Vortex of the Establishment....it was a hard sell..but both groups new that the enemy of their enemy could be their friend if the goal was to unite behind the right sizing of the Federal Government and distribution of power back to the states, counties and towns.
The Establishment Media and Establishment...period...doesn’t want people to understand this context which is why it’s always pitting right vs. left and leaving they Establishment itself out of the crossfire. This is how propaganda works.
You rile up one side...then rile up the other side...convince people it’s the other side that’s the enemy...all while knowing it’s the swamp in the middle that ‘s the real enemy.
I liked your post except for the one point that you have the wrong goal.
The CORRECT goal is to tax the ultra-rich out of existence so they don't control us any longer.
Government is a tool, and it's the ONLY tool that can constrain the rapaciousness of the ultra-rich and their corporations. Bifurcating its power exclusively to the local level(s) means that to constrain them we have to fight thousands of battles - pretty much the same one over-and-over-and-over-and over.
Don't be a strategic fool. Set your sights on the REAL problem - it's not the hammer, government, it's the carpenter, the ultra-rich and their corporations; we need a new carpenter, We, The People.
The problem is the government. It is no accident that the growth of government and the growth in wealth inequality have the same time frame, and that wealth inequality is greatest in centers of government based power. Cut the government in half, and in one generation you'll not have ultra-rich. Think strategically...
This is laughably naive:
"Cut the government in half, and in one generation you'll not have ultra-rich. "
Cut the government in half and in one generation 99% of the population will be in extreme poverty.
Well, it's a bit of a tautology, isn't it ?
It's not surprising that the most successful radical movements are going to converge on the same means of action…
Trump, Ross and Mnuchin prosper in that swamp.
So does Obama, Clinton (both) and Pelosi.
So what's your point?
If they prospered in the swamp then why is the swamp doing everything in their power to destroy them?