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No True Scotsman discussions are boring.

If you don't think AOC is left wing enough to be called left wing, you need to get out of your bubble.

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AOC supports the coup attempts against the leftist government of Venezuela. She supports the DemocRATic party, which is one half of the death cult circus of capitalists, war mongers, and surveillance state goons known as the US political class. When faced with Israel's brutal slow motion genocide of Palestinians, the deadly and criminal sanctions against Iran and Venezuela, and the torture and imprisonment of Assange and other political prisoners... she runs away. She is a leftist in the same sense Nancy Fucking Pelosi, Hillary We-Came-We Saw-He Died Clinton, and Barack Kill-List Obama are leftists. She will keep moving right the more power she achieves, and the shit-lib-rubes will follow. It is a long standing pattern of betrayal and deceit that the left has seen over and over again. There is nobody of the left allowed into the halls of power or on any cable news except occasionally on FOX... which is only because they are critical of the DemocRATS, of course. People like Sanders and AOC talk a good game and then they vote for trillions in defense spending, they are silent on Assange, they run from questions about Palestinian rights, and they demonize and smear actual leftist leaders of other countries. If you think AOC is left, you need to educate yourself on what she actually supports, and stop listening to the flowery rhetorical garbage emanating from the pie-holes of her and these other fakes.... or spout clever and SO original cliches. That works, too.

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She also wants to confiscate private property, massively expand the welfare state, and reorganize the entire economy according to government dictate. That sounds pretty far left to me, but what do I know.

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"but what do I know."

Not enough, apparently.

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Do you have a positive contribution to make? All I've seen you do is take pot-shots at those who are trying to contribute. Have at it; just don't expect anyone else to think you're even 1% as clever as you think. Please continue demonstrating your lack of insight. It's amusing.

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There is no one definition of right and left, or "progressive" for that matter. They are all terms massively abused to support whatever agenda you're trying to promote.

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Paragraphs are your friend - or your readers at least.

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I take your point, thanks.

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As I said, you need to get out of your bubble.

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Wow, you are a tough debater!

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No true Scotsman discussions are boring. Did you miss that part?

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No, I did not. Spouting cliched quips meant to shut down debate is "boring". As a matter of fact I read what you wrote and you apparently missed everything I said because you did not respond to any of it. Carry on.

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I see -- you have started drinking again ;-))

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