The socialist states aren't sanctioned because they are godless. Why would you choose that one piece of PR to believe? You think we sanctioned Russia because of religion? Wow.
The socialist states aren't sanctioned because they are godless. Why would you choose that one piece of PR to believe? You think we sanctioned Russia because of religion? Wow.
You still believe in the Russia-gate fairytale? Basic fact: The entire anti-Russian narrative is a deliberate fabrication.
Clapper, Brennan & Hayden trio were among former 50 intelligence officials stating that Hunter-laptop is classical “Russian disinformation”.
- They were also key promoters of the three-year Russia-gate hoax.
- They were also key intelligence executives in Obama/Biden/Hillary government – the government which hunted Snowden (forcing Bolivian plane with Bolivia’s president to land to search it) and armed Al Qaeda (including “white helmets” hoax) and staged all chemical attacks in Syria to remove its government.
Trump’s utter incompetence in handling Covid-19 created the human and economic catastrophe that will be called - Trump-virus; he brought into government religious extremism and racism.
The Russia-gate hoax and Ukraine-impeachment “entertainment” was concocted by Obama/Hillary/Biden/Pelosi, Schumer, etc. and their intelligence and DNC executives on behalf of their Wall Street and military industry donors, i.e., the imperial War party
Trump was not totally incompetent in handling epidemic which will enter the US history as "Trump virus"... After nine months of our suffering and soon 400,000 deaths. Because of human and economic catastrophe created by Trump's incompetency and religious extremism... You must be drinking again.
We now have, after nine months daily deaths reaching China's total number of deaths. Instead we have Pompeo's and Trump's endless accusations of China to deflect responsibility -- for which both should be impeached !!
We need to thank and congratulate China and its able government for acting speedily and rapidly containing what should enter US history as a Trump-virus. And try to figure out just how China is able to vaccinate a million city almost overnight -- they must deploy tens of thousands teams.
We can and should do the same yet we are still in 14 (fourteen) weeks estimates for just primary vaccination groups. This is nothing but the federal crime -- after nine months of "preparations"
The US is a failed state - a state that totally failed both its "left" and "right" citizens
walk me through what you think the President could have done to make the liberal governors like Newsom and Cuomo fall into line? Why are the R states like FL doing so much better than states like NY. Read the Post article I linked above.
This guy is clearly a CCP troll, I recommend ignoring him. As soon as he said:
"We need to thank and congratulate China and its able government for acting speedily and rapidly..."
the game was up.
What China's "able government" did was lie about death counts, viciously suppress the spread of news about the virus far more aggressively than the virus itself, deliberately allow the virus to spread around the world, and disseminate propaganda trying to blame other countries for the virus, including the US and Italy. Not to mention hoarding PPE, selling defective tests and equipment, etc.
China needs to be held accountable for what it has done to the rest of the world. Sadly, that seems unlikely to happen any time soon with "Beijing Biden" about to take office. My thoughts and prayers go to Taiwan as well. I would be surprised if we got anything more than a "c'mon, man" out of the new administration when China decides the time is right to take over the island. Sad.
I'm pretty much convinced that is the case, there's been circumstantial evidence floating around for some time, and the CCP's behavior gives me every reason to believe it.
All those countries are much healthier and smarter than average Americans. Even WHO amd Fauci were advising against wearing masks for adymptomatic people. Southern CA which is as blue as it gets amd despise Trump is one of the worst affected parts in the country...tell me how did Trump contribute to that?
Exactly - the first thing Taiwan, "right across the street" from China, did was ramp up its mask production like crazy, so that every citizen had at least 2/week - and made them available all over - and look at their case and death rate - miniscule ....
We know that China lied about the pandemic, suborning the WHO to peddle the claim that human-to-human transmission was rare during the early weeks. We know that China shut down domestic travel in and out of Wuhan, while allowing international flights to and from Wuhan. We have evidence from leaked documents that China had at least 640,000 cases at a time when their official case count was less than 1/8 that. We have good reason to believe that the number of deaths in Wuhan in the early part of the pandemic was many times the official count. But you regard point out these facts (and whatever other classified info Pompeo is party to supporting the culpability of the CCP for a global catastrophe) as "deflect[ing] responsibility."
Do you seriously believe HRC would have done better has she prevailed in 2016? Her party decried shutting down travel from China as "hysterical xenophobia", called on people to go to Chinatown for Lunar New Year as the virus was arriving on our shores, objected to the travel ban from Europe when it was first announced. Was this just because "Orange Man Bad" and they 'd have all been on board for travel restrictions ASAP had one of their own been in the White House? Who knows? Would she have pushed public-private partnerships that solved the PPE shortage and gave us vaccines in record time? We don't know but she'd have been of the party of trust-the-government, so maybe not. Did Trump order nursing homes with inadequate access to PPE and no way of setting up quarantine wards to take COVID-positive patient? Oh, no that was Andrew Cuomo, the star of COVID-19 briefings, held up as a shining contrast to Trump's incompetence.
There are many things we should all blame on Trump, for one of which he is now waiting trial having been impeached (and for which I sincerely hope he will be disbarred from holding any Federal office ever again), but the handling of the pandemic is not one of them.
I don't think I've used the phrase "shining city on the hill" anywhere in my posts. Nor did I blame "China" -- I laid the blame at the feet of the Chinese Communist Party. If you don't think the CCP is BAD, perhaps you should review their behavior not only with regard to the pandemic, but in Tibet, throughout China during the "Cultural Revolution", and Xinjiang and Hong Kong more recently.
Upvoted for your pinpointing of the DNC's Russia-gate fable, but I disagree that Trump was incompetent in his handling of the pandemic. I had *expected* that he might join with the anti-vaxxers in a fit of his usual narcissistic denial of reality. Instead he promoted the quick development of vaccines and dubbed the unprecedented swift roll-out "operation warp speed."
This pandemic is working its way across the globe, and countries and states that escaped the first wave fell victim in later waves, regardless of actions taken by their governments.
No, countries that did well with the first wave helped to dampen the second - Trump, from the beginning, in public, consistently underplayed the seriousness of the virus, though in private he admitted it was bad news - remember, it would be gone "by Easter" etc. and he consistently pooh-poohed masks, mocking Biden wearing one He could have used the DPA to ramp up the production of PPE enormously - by concentrating on masks instead of ventilators many lived could have been saved - I said early on what a shame it would be if we had to ration ventilators because we rationed masks. As someone said - if Trump had told his followers it was "Patriotic" to wear a mask and consistently modeled that behavior, many could have been saved - again, look at Taiwan, e.g.
And when Mr Macho got sick, and apparently he was sicker than was let on - he got whisked off in a helicopter to a mil. hospital, got all the best Rx - then came back, whipped off his mask on the WH balcony and with a big grin said "See, it's fine" (he was probably on a steroid high at the time - dexamethasone) Rx that were not available to the public.
I'll give him credit for Operation Warp Speed - got a vaccine developed but no plan for its delivery and distribution.
Sorry - when the chips were down, he failed miserably to "take care of the people" I thought Russiagate was indeed a farce and that Ukraine bit may well have deserved a censure (Gabbard, I think, suggested that) but Impeachment? Naw. I do think he deserved impeachment for his handling of the corona virus - "reckless endangerment and disregard for human life"
I think he, and many others, know that if it hadn't been for Corona, he would have been re-elected ...
Thank you. My recollection is that initially he was among anti-vaxxers -- he quickly changed mind after he realized vaccine as a solution. Thanks again
The socialist states aren't sanctioned because they are godless. Why would you choose that one piece of PR to believe? You think we sanctioned Russia because of religion? Wow.
You still believe in the Russia-gate fairytale? Basic fact: The entire anti-Russian narrative is a deliberate fabrication.
Clapper, Brennan & Hayden trio were among former 50 intelligence officials stating that Hunter-laptop is classical “Russian disinformation”.
- They were also key promoters of the three-year Russia-gate hoax.
- They were also key intelligence executives in Obama/Biden/Hillary government – the government which hunted Snowden (forcing Bolivian plane with Bolivia’s president to land to search it) and armed Al Qaeda (including “white helmets” hoax) and staged all chemical attacks in Syria to remove its government.
Trump’s utter incompetence in handling Covid-19 created the human and economic catastrophe that will be called - Trump-virus; he brought into government religious extremism and racism.
The Russia-gate hoax and Ukraine-impeachment “entertainment” was concocted by Obama/Hillary/Biden/Pelosi, Schumer, etc. and their intelligence and DNC executives on behalf of their Wall Street and military industry donors, i.e., the imperial War party
Im an anti-government conservative, in no way shape or form did I ever believe the McCarthyism the DNC was pushing.
Trump isn't incompetent in handling COVID-19, the Governors were. Look at the facts between NY and FL.
Trump was not totally incompetent in handling epidemic which will enter the US history as "Trump virus"... After nine months of our suffering and soon 400,000 deaths. Because of human and economic catastrophe created by Trump's incompetency and religious extremism... You must be drinking again.
We now have, after nine months daily deaths reaching China's total number of deaths. Instead we have Pompeo's and Trump's endless accusations of China to deflect responsibility -- for which both should be impeached !!
We need to thank and congratulate China and its able government for acting speedily and rapidly containing what should enter US history as a Trump-virus. And try to figure out just how China is able to vaccinate a million city almost overnight -- they must deploy tens of thousands teams.
We can and should do the same yet we are still in 14 (fourteen) weeks estimates for just primary vaccination groups. This is nothing but the federal crime -- after nine months of "preparations"
The US is a failed state - a state that totally failed both its "left" and "right" citizens
walk me through what you think the President could have done to make the liberal governors like Newsom and Cuomo fall into line? Why are the R states like FL doing so much better than states like NY. Read the Post article I linked above.
This guy is clearly a CCP troll, I recommend ignoring him. As soon as he said:
"We need to thank and congratulate China and its able government for acting speedily and rapidly..."
the game was up.
What China's "able government" did was lie about death counts, viciously suppress the spread of news about the virus far more aggressively than the virus itself, deliberately allow the virus to spread around the world, and disseminate propaganda trying to blame other countries for the virus, including the US and Italy. Not to mention hoarding PPE, selling defective tests and equipment, etc.
China needs to be held accountable for what it has done to the rest of the world. Sadly, that seems unlikely to happen any time soon with "Beijing Biden" about to take office. My thoughts and prayers go to Taiwan as well. I would be surprised if we got anything more than a "c'mon, man" out of the new administration when China decides the time is right to take over the island. Sad.
Worse, it's possible that their incompetence might have allowed the virus to escape from one of their labs in the first place :
I'm pretty much convinced that is the case, there's been circumstantial evidence floating around for some time, and the CCP's behavior gives me every reason to believe it.
It is encouraging that you can "see that clearly"....
Just read a good article from Prof. Richard Wolff who sees it very clearly"
Listen on Apple Podcasts:
Better than countries using masks -- Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and China? On which planet are you?
All those countries are much healthier and smarter than average Americans. Even WHO amd Fauci were advising against wearing masks for adymptomatic people. Southern CA which is as blue as it gets amd despise Trump is one of the worst affected parts in the country...tell me how did Trump contribute to that?
Gee, I wonder why they are healthier - could it be that they wear masks to filter out airborne pollutants?
Trump actually seems to believe in States rights instead of a bigger Fed government. Go figure.
Exactly - the first thing Taiwan, "right across the street" from China, did was ramp up its mask production like crazy, so that every citizen had at least 2/week - and made them available all over - and look at their case and death rate - miniscule ....
We know that China lied about the pandemic, suborning the WHO to peddle the claim that human-to-human transmission was rare during the early weeks. We know that China shut down domestic travel in and out of Wuhan, while allowing international flights to and from Wuhan. We have evidence from leaked documents that China had at least 640,000 cases at a time when their official case count was less than 1/8 that. We have good reason to believe that the number of deaths in Wuhan in the early part of the pandemic was many times the official count. But you regard point out these facts (and whatever other classified info Pompeo is party to supporting the culpability of the CCP for a global catastrophe) as "deflect[ing] responsibility."
Do you seriously believe HRC would have done better has she prevailed in 2016? Her party decried shutting down travel from China as "hysterical xenophobia", called on people to go to Chinatown for Lunar New Year as the virus was arriving on our shores, objected to the travel ban from Europe when it was first announced. Was this just because "Orange Man Bad" and they 'd have all been on board for travel restrictions ASAP had one of their own been in the White House? Who knows? Would she have pushed public-private partnerships that solved the PPE shortage and gave us vaccines in record time? We don't know but she'd have been of the party of trust-the-government, so maybe not. Did Trump order nursing homes with inadequate access to PPE and no way of setting up quarantine wards to take COVID-positive patient? Oh, no that was Andrew Cuomo, the star of COVID-19 briefings, held up as a shining contrast to Trump's incompetence.
There are many things we should all blame on Trump, for one of which he is now waiting trial having been impeached (and for which I sincerely hope he will be disbarred from holding any Federal office ever again), but the handling of the pandemic is not one of them.
You think Trump should be impeached for constitutionally protected speech? Wow.
I see -- "China BAD" syndrome -- we are still "shining city on the hill" ??
I don't think I've used the phrase "shining city on the hill" anywhere in my posts. Nor did I blame "China" -- I laid the blame at the feet of the Chinese Communist Party. If you don't think the CCP is BAD, perhaps you should review their behavior not only with regard to the pandemic, but in Tibet, throughout China during the "Cultural Revolution", and Xinjiang and Hong Kong more recently.
Upvoted for your pinpointing of the DNC's Russia-gate fable, but I disagree that Trump was incompetent in his handling of the pandemic. I had *expected* that he might join with the anti-vaxxers in a fit of his usual narcissistic denial of reality. Instead he promoted the quick development of vaccines and dubbed the unprecedented swift roll-out "operation warp speed."
This pandemic is working its way across the globe, and countries and states that escaped the first wave fell victim in later waves, regardless of actions taken by their governments.
No, countries that did well with the first wave helped to dampen the second - Trump, from the beginning, in public, consistently underplayed the seriousness of the virus, though in private he admitted it was bad news - remember, it would be gone "by Easter" etc. and he consistently pooh-poohed masks, mocking Biden wearing one He could have used the DPA to ramp up the production of PPE enormously - by concentrating on masks instead of ventilators many lived could have been saved - I said early on what a shame it would be if we had to ration ventilators because we rationed masks. As someone said - if Trump had told his followers it was "Patriotic" to wear a mask and consistently modeled that behavior, many could have been saved - again, look at Taiwan, e.g.
And when Mr Macho got sick, and apparently he was sicker than was let on - he got whisked off in a helicopter to a mil. hospital, got all the best Rx - then came back, whipped off his mask on the WH balcony and with a big grin said "See, it's fine" (he was probably on a steroid high at the time - dexamethasone) Rx that were not available to the public.
I'll give him credit for Operation Warp Speed - got a vaccine developed but no plan for its delivery and distribution.
Sorry - when the chips were down, he failed miserably to "take care of the people" I thought Russiagate was indeed a farce and that Ukraine bit may well have deserved a censure (Gabbard, I think, suggested that) but Impeachment? Naw. I do think he deserved impeachment for his handling of the corona virus - "reckless endangerment and disregard for human life"
I think he, and many others, know that if it hadn't been for Corona, he would have been re-elected ...
Thank you. My recollection is that initially he was among anti-vaxxers -- he quickly changed mind after he realized vaccine as a solution. Thanks again