Jun 12, 2022·edited Jun 12, 2022

The irony is that even if Russia really were as bad as we claim (it isn't, but whatever) - this would be but a pimple on the ass of the Saudi tyranny.

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I see Biden w/ Kimmel and I say, "WTF do leaders of other countries think of this country!" We heard that question incessantly w/ Trump but it's much more applicable now.

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Why do so many of the current crises all trace back to some form of Trump Derangement Syndrome? Can all the billions of dollars and years of effort used to prove absolutely nothing all follow from a seething irrational hatred of a former game-show host who was something of a "loose cannon" during his tenure? Was his outsider status the cause for all the pants-wetting and the continued growth of the police state expansion of DHS? The fallout from the years of utter anti-Trump bullshit continues to rain down on everyone and there does not seem to be an end in sight, especially now with the Jan 6 show trial gearing up just in time for the midterm elections.

When will it end?

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This is the best piece Glenn has written on Substack.

His primary point has been obvious to anyone who hasn't had his own head rammed up his ass for the last 75 years, but it's nice to see so much evidence so tidily wrapped up this way.

I'm going to tell people about this piece.

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Rather than ramp up US oil production, Biden is kissing Saudi boots for their oil. That way, he can still keep his US greenie promises.

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Excellent article. The bothersome part is that so many Americans buy into the bullshit. It’s no wonder our government relies so heavily on propaganda, it works.

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Your readers are fortunate to have the opportunity via Substack to read essays such as this. However, I suspect you would have difficulty selling this article to any of the traditional media outlets.

Many of us who were born during the second world war and were educated in the 40s and 50s came to believe our nation was the major hero during the war, but that belief began to be warped into what would become the standard foreign policy of our country.

The folks responsible for much of today's foreign and domestic policies are by now mostly dead.

Meanwhile, people in the U.S. were living lives untouched by the vagaries of our foreign policies and the gobbledygook spewing forth from our government's bureaucracy and Congress.

I was perhaps 7 or 8 years old when I realized, thanks to my dad, that changing perhaps our largest government agency's name from the accurate "Department of War" to the pleasant sounding "Department of Defense" was a form of propaganda that would have pleased Goebbels.

Thank you Glenn for yet another analysis that other reporters and editors might find "not fit to print."

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I'm sorry Glenn, but you missed this one by a mile. Middle East Oil Politics are driven by fear of Iran. When the de facto COOs of Saudi Arabia and Abu Dhabi refused to take Biden's calls, it was payback for Obama, and later Biden's, incomprehensible insistence on ensuring that Iran get a nuclear weapon. You can look for Gulf Cooperation Council countries eventually to attack nuclear and missile sites in Iran. I started thirty years ago trying to convince GCC countries that Israel was their natural ally. I know most of the players, and it was a long game that finally bore fruit.

Everything about Middle East oil is driven by Iran. THAT is the despot that needs to be in the cross-hairs.

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An excellent article! I hope in his heart Glenn Greenwald is grateful to Julian Assange that so many people can value the courage and work that is in this article.

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It's clear that the media lost its collective mind over Trump, and became obsessed with him to the point of irrationality -- opposing every single thing he said or did even if it's the same thing Democrats had previously said or done. Add to this obsession that every story which mentions Trump is clickbait for the Left and therefore profitable for the media --- witness the overblown coverage of Jan. 6. The media will support Biden and oppose Trump no matter what either says or does. The media watchdog has turned into a lapdog.

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Biden, Obama and all the rest of his international club of rich, self described, DAVOS BILDERBERG elitists who think they own the world are going to have to learn the language of how we the people have responded to tyrannical, kleptocratic despots throughout history. They know we know.

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Another great article! Biden is looking for oil everywhere but Texas.

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Thanks again Glenn. I wonder at the value of what you are saying considering this has been a hundred year struggle but I also believe not much other choice exists. Trump was a truth teller and that is why he needed to be vanquished. And any democrat or pub who calls him an idiot was and is a blind adherent to what has been long known by the rest of the world. Who actually hates Biden more then trump in the parts of the world that are currently shunning the west. It appears that the only honest journalists are you and tucker and dore. Strange bedfellows who may not agree on approach but do agree that the direction Biden is taking the “free world” will lead to a less free world. Why can people not see how much pushback the US is receiving and understand how much it is going to impact what we once thought was a democratic west.

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I read and appreciate Greenwald's commentary and analysis on US imperial values that are presented as the will and doings of the ruling class, but the anger it evokes is that, like the German complicity in Hitler's genocidal power, Americans cannot hide their complicity by pleading ignorance or being brainwashed by MSM and government propaganda. Greenwald's revelations should be obvious to the average American who wants to be informed about American abuse of power. The greatest value I can derive from the work of writers like Greenwald is that it serves well as an eyewitness account for 22nd century Americans looking back on the failed experiment of democracy and banality of US imperialism.

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I was just wondering what could possibly make me more cynical, and then I read this.

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As reluctant as I am to support war in general, if we're ranking which countries actually do deserve invasion and regime change...

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