Dear Substack: The ONLY reason I visit your website is to read authors like Greenwald who are able to publish real journalism here. If any of the authors I subscribe to are censored or pressured to change ANY of their content, I will immediately cancel my subscriptions and follow those authors to whatever platform they choose.

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No, Glenn, you're wrong. It is the very definition of Left vs. Right. It's a war that the Left has declared against the Right. They use "right-wing" as if it's a smear. They can kiss my ass, it's a badge of honor. At least, I have honor and I'm not a Left-wing piece of shit like them.

ALL of the canceling, the censoring, and the silencing is coming from THE LEFT. I know that you're not a fearful journalist, so call them out and don't try to give us this both sides are bad bullshit.

One side is bad. It's evil. It's the LEFT.

Do better. I expect more from you.

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As an immigrant from a country that lost the media war of censorship & was silenced, i find it ironic that the very Americans who claim to be fighting for "justice" are the same people clapping like seals on attacks of independent media. The same writers calling their "hit" pieces journalism & crying when exposed as hypocrites or liars, are often working for the same big corporate ghouls in positions of privledge. If Americans of all political bents do not rise up to demand a free and independent media, they may awaken from their sleep to find freedom lost.

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Dear Substack: Stand up like a grown up and tell these hall monitors to find another job. Hire / recruit more adults like Geenwald. I just increased my donation. Find another great reporter like Greenwald and I will increase it again. Find a third and I will start passing out Substack business cards to my friends and relatives.

Dear Real Reporters on Substack, develop a strategy to fight back please.

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The thing I find most interesting about Mr. Greenwald's following on substack is that there do, from the comments, seem to be a sizable number of conservatives. This is interesting to me because Mr. Greenwald's views are decidedly NOT conservative. On a vast number of subjects, these conservatives and Glenn Greenwald would vociferously disagree.

Myself, I have strong libertarian leanings and, thus, disagree with Mr Greenwald on some pretty fundamental issues, myself.

But not on the issues that matter most. I subscribe to Voltaire's interpretation of anyone's right to speech. It is fundamental to a working republic for us to be able to publicly disagree without fearing government and government-aligned forces seeking to ruin our lives for simply disagreeing.

This article sums up where we have arrived in this culture war. It is no longer about dissent. The has evolved to total cultural warfare, where every aspect of anyone's life is a valid target for complete destruction. We stand at the precipice of disaster.

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Glenn, I am a life-long conservative who recently found you here on Substack after seeing you on TC Tonight a couple of times. Your work is remarkable. In just a short time you have opened my eyes to a lot of new issues and perspectives. Stay strong and you and others like you will change the world. I know that when these "journalists" attack you, you must feel a pressing need to respond and defend yourself. Please do as you see fit, but also know there are many people who appreciate you and you are free to focus on your other highly important topics without taking the time out to just defend yourself.

And I agree with your position in the comments below on 'recent leftist censorship' but 'historically rightist censorship.' The difference is mainly in where the true center of cultural power lies. Historically, censorship initiatives have been mainly conservative and have only recently shifted; like within the last 20 years. I did not truly appreciate the first amendment and freedom of the press until recently. Turns out, us conservatives have a lot in common now with true liberals, and we are going to have to find ways to work together to deal with these rather new neoliberal (fascist) cultural and political forces. By all means, please let me know if I can help. I think the stability of the entire planet might eventually depend on it.

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I have been following Glenn's work for years and I am THRILLED to support his work rather than subscribe to the garbage marketed as journalism today. Substack, I will follow Glenn and other journalists to other platforms if they are silenced or pressured in any way. Fight the good fight Glenn. We support you.

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Keep pushing and fighting Glenn. I’ve been pushed into another line of work after pursuing data-based health journalism as my findings didn’t reinforce the race-based and divisive narrative. It truly is a hostile time for those seeking truth.

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I've been reading your articles for free. Because of this article I just paid for a subscription. What is happening is so very very dangerous. I'm grateful for your courage, Glenn.

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Bravo Glenn. I just subscribed. Your crusade against thought Nazis is the best marketing campaign for Substack and free speech. Your writing is superb- honest and acerbic. Brilliant. Keep up the good fight.

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It is sad that USA leftist media is following the step of Communist China

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No, I think Glenn is right. The biggest war here is between people who believe in freedom of expression and those that do not -- of either party. I don't expect to agree with everything they say. Matt Taibbi pisses me off a lot, but he IS taking a stand against censorship and the deplorable state of journalism now. So I subscribe to him. Matt won't hold the left responsible somehow in the way Glenn does. But the point is Glenn would hold the right equally responsible if they were being repressive. But you are right (Jay) that the left has always been more repressive than the right in my life time. There were few elitist types and usually they were not for stopping free speech. The left has always advocated control of all types, from gun control, to redistribution of wealth, so by nature, they want government control. Now they want control of thought. Which is a step too far for even many liberals.

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Glenn, let me start by warning you and your readers that I am preparing to write a very long essay in response to your brilliant post today, so stop now if you don’t want to make a bit of a commitment.

First, while I find all of your posts to be smart, well informed and relevant, today you found another level, another gear. Today, your post was PENETRATING! I think the difference is that these little pathetic trolls pissed you off, so you responded with the intellectual version of “OK, let’s dance”. Suffice it to say that I really like the pissed off Glenn.

Second, as a heterosexual, middle-aged, white, conservative who grew up in rural Kansas - I can provide a high degree of credibility to your claim that you are not right-wing. If we were back in the days when the two parties actually had ideologies, you would be a reliable Democrat and I would be a reliable Republican. In fact, it may be true that one of the only things you and I agree on is that we both want to have the freedom to debate and defend our positions vs. silencing and/or canceling those we disagree with. Indeed, we are as they say - strange bedfellows.

Third, you are correct in your statement that this is not a right-left culture or political war, but rather a war for or against the free exchange of speech and ideas. I would describe you as a traditional liberal, a primary tenant of which is that you want to defend freedom of speech and thought. Further, a traditional liberal is moored to an actual set of beliefs that can be defended in an open debate - and welcomes the opportunity to engage in that debate. Further, a traditional liberal is moored to a set of beliefs that can form a coherent governing philosophy. While I would disagree with the practicality and/or effectiveness of that governing philosophy, it is based in reason and can be defended.

The opposing ideology today is not liberal, but rather progressive/woke and it is more akin to a religion than it is a cultural or political ideology. This group is unmoored to any set of beliefs or principles that can be either defended in open and rational debate, or put into an actual governing philosophy. In essence, this group wants to live inside a John Lennon song, as it makes them feel good and virtuous. As Shelby Steele (someone you probably agree with rarely) so brilliantly explains, the progressive/woke crowd is invested in a narrative tied to “poetic truth” vs. actual truth. When the actual truth is not consistent with their poetic truth, those advancing the actual truth must be silenced, as actual truth is more powerful than poetic truth in an open debate. They have learned the power of silencing the purveyors of actual truth by accusing them of: racism, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia, etc. The irony, of course, is if those they accuse of these bigotries actual were what they are being accused of, the slurs would not be very effectual. However, since the vast majority of Americans are none of these things, they recoil at being accused of something they find repulsive.

I have said to my liberal friends for some time now that they will have to join us conservatives in the fight against this progressive/woke mob, if the battle is to be won. Conservatives are easily dismissed by this mob as insensitive deplorables, particularly if they chose Trump over the other bad alternatives. And while most reasonable liberals don’t agree with much of what these progressive/woke nuts say and do, they have been fearful of being called a name - and find it hard to make common cause with conservatives in this highly polarized environment. This is why you and your Substack colleagues are so “dangerous”, as you are traditional liberals with strong credentials as journalists. Since it is much more difficult to brand you as bigoted hate mongers, (like us conservatives) the technique against you is to call you a right-wing sympathizer, who is “harassing and endangering” these poor little defenseless New York Times journalists. The irony and hypocrisy it takes for people who spend their lives literally trolling the internet for some gotcha moment that allows them to destroy another person to accuse a distinguished journalist like you of being a troll is simply staggering.

Sir, you have my respect and support for your courage and commitment to the values required for the functioning of any democratic republic. I hope you keep a bit of the controlled emotion you displayed in today’s post in the future. We are certainly in a battle for the future of this republic and it will not be won by the timid.

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Glenn, you absolutely destroy these "journalists" with facts, logic, and reality. Don't let up... you, Taibbi, Sullivan, Weiss are the only people keeping some of us sane.

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Branding the Fourth Estate as a failsafe against "anti-democratic maneuvers" is the funniest thing I'll read today.

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To do this week:

- Cancel paid NYT subscription - Done

- Become paid Glenn Greenwald subscriber - Done

- Become paid Bari Weiss subscriber - Done

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