The Canadian government’s response to this protest is a travesty, and those supporting these tyrannical, despotic, and authoritarian measures are as contemptible and disgusting a group of low-functioning, morally bankrupt idiots it has ever been my misfortune to observe.

My prayers and best wishes go out to these brave patriots, and it is my fervent hope that all those attacking them, both rhetorically and physically, succumb to an incurable venereal disease.

Great piece of reporting, and my thanks to Rav for putting it together and to Glenn for providing a forum for Rav to share his work.

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It's just unbelievable to me that anyone can buy the BS they are putting out. It feels like we live in a time when 50% of the population will always believe claims that their political opponents are white supremacists/fascists no matter what. Or perhaps they just don't care if it's true or not because they just want to win and attack their political opponents. Probably a mix of the two.

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In an honest debate they can never win, so name calling and vilification of fellow citizens become the norm. History shows us what closely follows that.

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Totally agree. And it's pathetic. Perhaps that's why they always seem angry and humorless.

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“It's just unbelievable to me that anyone can buy the BS they are putting out.”

There’s a reason one of the most powerful metaphors of our time is the Zombie (see Mass Formation, Stockholm Syndrome, Normalcy Bias).

The other most powerful metaphor is the Vampire (see Psychopathy, Sociopathy, Malignant Narcissism, Global Capitalism, Trudeau, Macron, Biden).

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If I had any quibble with this essay (and I don't,) I'd likely suggest they edit the word 'authoritarian' to make it 'totalitarian.'

These political leaders and societal elites not only demand our compliance with their mandates, they want to control even how we think about them and their policies. They crave total subservience.

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They have taken away all peaceful means of change with their actions, the voting system is rigged. This leaves only one solution and history shows us that process is never good.

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the tyrannical left is salivating at how easily people went along with there draconian edicts these last two years. They are drunk on power. My hope is they are over playing there hand, but that is yet to be seen. More people appear to finally be seeing the pattern of there lies. How often can you tell people to not believe there eyes and get away with it??? The answer to that question will be paramount to the future of liberty and freedom in western democracies.

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Our silence towards blackfacehitler makes it clear this is what the left wants. Lock up and throw away the key anyone sane. Anyone with personal responsibility. Anyone who doesn’t want their 6 year old sexualized or 13 year old sterilized.

Canada is dead to me, except the Truckers.

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Most of them were not even truckers. As for "Canada", what do you know about it? Anything?

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“My prayers…” “…patriots…” So what part of the USA! USA! USA! are you from?

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I was a military dependent and service member so I cannot say I am from anywhere particularly, although I have spent the most time in Virginia, Florida, and Texas.

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Unsolicited advice---never nibble or bite at Pete Needham's comments.

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Well he’s entertained me for the afternoon.

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I guess I find that kind of entertainment less entertaining. Rather watch paint dry.

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One takes what one can get some days.

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Because you have no cogent counter-argument? hmm

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Haven’t seen you make any arguments on anything. That’s like being 💩 and calling someone else poop.

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Thanks NCmom!

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That’s my point.

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Maybe now people will realize that inside many liberals are totalitarians screaming to get out. Donald Trump was called a fascist, but clearly he was not. As Greenwald explained in his podcast, it was Obama who went after wikileaks, setting the precedent, and now it is democrats who use financial intimidation to silence dissent. They are the real fascists.

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Liberalism/Leftism is a totalitarian ideology around the world. We see it day after day after day, going back years and years and years.

The Democrat Party in America is a party of totalitarians whose ONLY guiding principle is the seizure, maintenance, and expansion of power over other people's lives by WHATEVER means necessary.

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Sad, the ideas of liberalism at one time were, live and let live, maximum freedom for individuals, limited government. But as Dostoyevsky wrote, most humans are too weak for freedom. They prefer security, free stuff. And a government that doles out free stuff is a government that will take away your freedom in its lust for power and money.

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The entire edifice of Western "liberal democracies" is fascist now, only to differing degrees. Mussolini appears to have won the argument for the time being.

What Benito failed to realize was that in modern civilizations narrative is more important than reality. They tell us we live in free countries and we believe it because we want to. Meanwhile, they control every aspect of our lives and require us to seek permission for the most basic actions such as banking or seeking medical care.

The only difference between today and two years ago is that the rulers are dropping their masks and letting us see reality for just a moment so that we understand our proper place.

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There’s nothing new…

“By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise.”

Adolf Hitler

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I disagree. The falasy that Trump was remotely totalitarian is bull, he wasn’t. The claim is nothing more than fake justification for electing a true totalitarian in Brandon.

Trump deregulated, promoted individual choice, created conditions for economic freedom. He was anything but authoritarian. He gave banks less control.

Brandon blew up that deregulation day one. He flattened a generation of kids. Mandated medical procedures. Shut down opportunity.

Your “they all do it” is a line of leftist bs. Trump didn’t do it, snd rolled it back for 4 years. Not all of them did it.

Those that voted for Brandon or blackfacehitler own THEY did it.

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Benito wound up hung upside down in public. These little wannabe dictators better study that part of history too.

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Well said, well said.

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I concur. And the contrast is stunning between the establishment response to the Freedom Convoy—people peacefully demonstrating for the restoration of basic human rights—and the George Floyd riots of 2020 when 30-some-odd American cities burned for weeks, devastating small businesses, throwing thousands out of work—all in the name of “Ending Racism.” We all know the greatest number of true Nazis are being armed & supported by the Western powers in Ukraine.

To be clear I am for civil liberties, workers’ prosperity & right, and rabidly anti-war. These values used to be identified as progressive, liberal, and all that is good. Now they mark me as a vile thought criminal. Unfortunately we live in very strange days.

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Militant antiwar is a contradiction, but a good start. Everyone has standards beyond which they're willing to fight. Mostly, "anti war" just means not this war. We always need to ask "why?" No good answers for this one. I've always been happy to push male Russians around, but the ladies are great. So I'm on the fence for this one.

Just The News reports:

"Amid charges from U.S. and foreign officials that Russia now has invaded eastern sectors of Ukraine, a senior administration official confirmed that Moscow has maintained forces inside the region for nearly a decade.

"Russian troops moving into Donbas would not itself be a new step," the official said. "Russia has had forces in the Donbas region for the past eight years."

The official made the comments during a background briefing with reporters on Monday, and spoke on the condition of anonymity. "

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Did you read their MOU?

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Which cities burned for weeks? I live in Oakland, the beating heart of urban revolt, and all I remember is a Target being set on fire. It reopened a couple of months later.

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The target arson was mostly peaceful, right?

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The Rideau Centre though?



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" It reopened a couple of months later" - And we paid for its rebuilding via higher insurance rates and higher good prices. Was anybody held accountable? Nope.

Cities burning might be an exaggeration, but the damage was done by mobs rioting on a scale never before seen.

Now that 'orange man' is out, somehow the storm is over. Political opposition that harms ordinary people for a political objective is just wrong. Trudeau and his supporters have become tyrants - the end justifies the means people.

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It's not that any particular *city* burned for weeks. It's that for weeks, American cities burned. (And I think it would be accurate to say "for months".)

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Trump went after Assange as well

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I wish he would have had the courage to pardon him and Snowden.

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Trumps not perfect for sure but he is a hell of a lot better than what us Canadians have right now.

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Canadian...and it does not stop in Canada. I am thinking, Trumpty has Not but anyone in Jail Lately. Thinking he would most likely win the election, hard to say what he was thinking.

Most..."I'LL BE BAUK".

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“Canadian Patriot”. You jerks would have us become the 51st state in a heartbeat.

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Well, I kind of think it would be 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, ...

But I can see you object and I have no problem with that. Although the last time I was in Canada, it felt really uncomfortable. Maybe it was the US dogs (I think they were US) sticking their nose up my ass. Gosh, that was over 20 years ago.

Best to you in maintaining your sense of self.

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Sorry, not following what you mean.

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Trump almost pardoned him. He didn’t in the end because he was threatened. Greenwald has talked about that too in an earlier podcast.

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"Almost" doesn't count.

Results count.

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Fer...Almost can justify the result. Think...what if Bryant's plane missed the Mountain...close comes in handy, when the result is understood...everything counts. thanks.

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Don't make excuses. A pardon for Assange was entirely within Trump's control. In fact, Trump was the only person who could issue a federal pardon.

He didn't.

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but all the facts were not in "view", so the excuse "I" cover is the very fact that Assange is in jail. They let crimes go unpunished everyday.

Gotta have the facts, before You Monday morning the results...

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No doubt. The left and others consider him a threat because he is a truth teller, and they cannot and will not be tolerated. It takes courage to ignore threats and do the right thing. Not judging, only stating my own personal opinion.

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It's human nature. Everyone is as fascistic as they think they need, and can get away with.

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This article reminded me of J6. I have read many articles on that before, on that day and after J6.

Former federal workers and some independent journalists who attended this protest were all describing what they witnessed. People were largely in festive mood, happy, friendly with each other, etc. etc. just like these Truckers. But, at the same time, they noticed small groups of people in totally different type of mood and clothing were mingled among Trump supporters. Some were actually video taped changing clothing behind bushes and under the trees. This Canadian Truckers story really is like J6. It was a set up. Gov. Media collusion, making up the narrative that these people are violent white supremacist/ racist blah blah. And still they are pursuing these innocent people. Canadians and we Americans need to fight back these Globalists if we wish to keep our country free. Sad time we live.

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Trump couldn't even get a Team R Congress to repeal Obamacare, lol.

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yeh...and he even did a great job...go figure

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Keep up the good work, Rav. There's no lack of subject material! I'd like to hear more about why Canada's parliament is supporting Trudeau, and more about what the Canadian people think of Mr. Trudeau's actions. It's astonishing, frankly, and so unnecessary.

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I don't want to spoil my article that's coming out tomorrow, buuuuuuuuut....

Trudeau insinuated that if the vote failed, it would be a vote of no-confidence, immediately triggering a new election. This is the US equivelant of Biden stating that if BBB fails, everybody has to run again. Set against the backdrop of cratering poll numbers (for Trudeau's liberals and Democrats), you're basically saying "If this vote fails you will be out of a job."

First-class coercion. But the best part is that there was confusion about if this actually WAS a confidence vote, so if it failed he could walk it back and state he never called for a confidence vote.

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very interesting. Canadians should make sure they are all out of job by the next election.

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At least they were forced to pick a side, and that can be used against them. No more cowering behind edicts that aren't voted-upon laws.

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Unfortunately, Trudeau called do a new election a short time ago, cynical folks might think he did that as his approval numbers were dropping and possibly called for an election before they could drop further.

Next election is now 2025 I believe

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This part can't be a spoiler because it's somebody else's, and it explains the situation :)

Trudeau had not officially designated the vote as such, but he opened the door to that interpretation by likening the decision to a vote on a throne speech, which lays out the government's agenda.

"I can't imagine that anyone who votes 'no' tonight is doing anything other than indicating that they don't trust the government to make incredibly momentous and important decisions at a very difficult time," he said at a news conference earlier in the day.

Just before the voting began around 8 p.m. EST Monday, government House leader Mark Holland was asked by the Conservatives to clarify whether this was a confidence vote.

"It's time to vote," he replied.

Singh said his party had always seen the vote as a confidence matter.

Toronto Liberal MP Nathaniel Erskine-Smith, who voted in favour, said in the debate he might have voted against continuing to use the act now that the blockades had ended. He said he would vote yes because he had no interest in helping trigger an election.

Joel Lightbound, a Liberal MP who has criticized the government over its handling of the crisis, said invoking the act was "a slippery slope." He said he would be inclined to vote against the measures if it were not a vote of confidence, and asked for clarification from ministers. He also voted in favour of the motion Monday night.


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Yes, that's what I understood, also.

In doing so, he laid the choice out very starkly, didn't he? "Hold on to power, or hold on to freedom."

We see plainly what they chose.

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Scope creep of NAFTA. There seems to now be a requirement that open markets include congruency of authoritarianism. We’ve got the Patriot Act. And you have your Emergencies Act. I imagine there’s a high likelihood it will become permanent as a means to disenfranchise voters who dissent from Trudeau’s neoliberal paradise. They’ll probably figure out some way to remake the police state along the same lines as the ISDS, throwing protestors of either country to whichever country offers the most punitive measures.

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Fascinating analysis. Thank you.

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My full article will have more to say about it, plus the video of Trudeau saying it. Dark times for Canada, eh?

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Dark times for western civilization. The challenges facing the west remain very real and cannot be shrugged and dismissed easily. Cultural decay, profound skepticism and cynicism, restless and frustrated middle class, contradictions of the welfare state and massive deficits, international tax havens, human smuggling, crypto currency, and an emerging China and the competition for global economic supremacy. Against these challenges was formed a loose cabal of western Hobbesians (WEF, Davos crowd) representing intellectual, industrial, financial, political, and state-security bureaucracy leaders who chose to forsake the God of their fathers and bend the knee to strange gods, to use an Old Testament metaphor. They chose to confront the future by forsaking the freedom and liberty that was the inheritance of the masses (paid with the blood of our fathers) and sacrifice them on the alter of strategic expediency. I pray they won’t succeed and that the west will come together in a renewed confidence of our traditional values to overcome those challenges that await us, regardless. We must not let ourselves believe that we can only confront the future if we become something that would be an abomination to our fathers.

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J P ...good one

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When the response of a government, any government, to peaceful protest is to stamp out that protest and persecute those who participated in peaceful protest there is nothing liberal nor democratic about that government. Trudeau and those who support him have given over to their inner totalitarian.

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very nice, Thad. Add to you post, the real injuries were the result of Uncle Gov.

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Welcome to the party, Rav....even though you are a little late. Just ask any Trump supporter. We all didn't necessarily vote for his personality (though personality is somewhat irrelevant) We all voted AGAINST just what you're FINALLY realizing: the oppression of freedoms by the tyranny of leftist politics and its complicit, lying media.

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Great article Rav - well written and thoughtful.

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Ray I really enjoyed your piece and hope to read more from your in your career. Many of us are just baffled by our neighbor to the north, but deep down believe the US pushed this agenda, along with France. In any event, Trudeau and Chrysta (ugh) have to be voted out. She reminds me of a young Samantha Powers - so smug in her ideology.

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Chrystia Freeland is a very revealing figure in terms of how the larger World Economic Forum Borg Cube operates. Taking a closer look at her case and how she got where she is as quickly as she did is very telling not just for Canadians, but for anyone living in the Trans-Atlantic world, which is dominated by this Borg Cube-like WEF system, with the Five Eyes as the most modern form of its intelligence-gathering operation, while the City of London and Wall Street remain the head of the financial octopus.

To quote from a very useful profile on Freeland, "Chrystia Freeland: Rhodes Scholar Trustee of the WEF, Deputy PM of Canada and the Failure of the ‘Super Elite,’" which first appeared in 2019 i.e. when she was still keeping a somewhat low profile:

"Freeland’s bizarre role in this whole affair was to do what every good Rhodes Scholar is conditioned to do upon their completion of their indoctrination at Oxford: facilitate the tough transition of the “pre-collapse” world economy into a new operating system that was meant to be the “green post-collapse” world economy. It wasn’t going to be easy to tell a new “pirate class” of billionaires that they would have to accept losing much of their wealth (less population equals less money), and operate under a strict new global operating system of regulation necessary to contract the society. The Rhodes Scholarship program begun in 1902 to advance a re-organized British Empire and had worked alongside the Fabian Society for over a century producing more than 7000 scholars who have permeated across all fields of society (media, education, government, military and corporate).

In his 1877 will, Cecil Rhodes said this group should be “a society which should have its members in every part of the British Empire working with one object and one idea we should have its members placed at our universities and our schools and should watch the English youth passing through their hands just one perhaps in every thousand would have the mind and feelings for such an object, he should be tried in every way, he should be tested whether he is endurant, possessed of eloquence, disregardful of the petty details of life, and if found to be such, then elected and bound by oath to serve for the rest of his life in his Country. He should then be supported if without means by the Society and sent to that part of the Empire where it was felt he was needed.”

After leaving Oxford in 1993, Chrystia Freeland learned the ropes of “perception management” by working for the London Economist, Washington Post, Financial times and Globe and Mail and Reuters. After serving a stint as editor-at-large of Reuters, the time had come for her to play the role of Valery Jarrett to the “Barack Obama” of Canada then being prepped for Prime Ministership of Justin Trudeau.

She was perfect."


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Hmmm / interesting. I think a simpler human explanation is the .01

% have a deep fear their billion will be taken / so they need to stave off the pitchforks til they can amass enough to form their own colony god knows where when the debt crisis comes. New Zealand was a choice and Hawaii. Hate to tell them Hawaiians will detest them.

They cannot survive without generational money. If they can get middle class money to pay for subsidizing the disenfranchised, they have it made because they can control them and their votes with a guaranteed income. Maybe this jibes with the imperialist Cecil Rhodes.

Freezing others bank accounts is sick - at least Putin only freezes oligarchs. Frankly I’d rather be in St Petersburg now listening to subsidized world class music at the Philharmonic grand Hall.

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Pro tip: if you open an "incognito" tab in Google chrome and paste that URL in you can get by the paywall.

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Or just right click and then "open link in incognito mode"

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Even better!

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I forgot that…thanks.

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Not a coincidence Runnin' Justin straps on the jackboots after talking to Grandpa Brandon.

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You still mad that we didn’t goose-step into Eye-rack with Bush and Blair in 2003?

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Never was - and I at least admit it’s wrong to blame Canadians for their perplexing government

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Sorry- Rav

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2022 should rightly be called "The Great Unmasking."

It has forced many of the mechanisms of power and the shadowy institutions that really run the halls of parliamentary systems out into the open.

What we've seen with Chrystia Freeland (a total World Economic Forum Borg) and Trudeau (a much less clever WEF Borg) is really a microcosm of the wider "Five Eyes" system that Canada is a part of, along with Britain, Australia, New Zealand, and the USA. In this light, what the Trudeau government did shouldn't be surprising when we consider what the stakes are.

An organic process actually took root within the Dominion of Canada, which no one saw coming, and which was NOT sanctioned by the Crown and the labyrinthine halls of its parliamentary facade, and its shadowy governance bodies, including the Governor General’s office, the lieutenant governors, and the Privy Council--all of which according to the official story "have no real power."

People should see and hear the oath that Trudeau and all ministers have to take before stepping into the position of Prime Minister or Minister. It's not what people expect...


These mechanisms went into overdrive, leading to the Emergencies Act, because the reality is that if one of the "Five Eyes" governments is actually pushed back on and forced to cave to the demands of the population, it means all the Five Eyes can be pushed back on and forced to cave to the demands of the people. That's what they can't afford...

Reporting on the current state of debate over the Emergencies Act, Canada's CTV casually reported:

"Gold said those on the committee would have to take an oath of secrecy, but would not receive highly classified intelligence briefings.

Sen. Dennis Glen Patterson of the Canadian Senators Group asked whether committee members could be given higher security clearance or even sworn into the Privy Council to allow them to have access to sensitive security intelligence to inform their decisions."


They are pulling all the stops because their power has been threatened in a way unseen for quite some time, especially in Canada. Those who are to be put in positions of oversight first have to take a special oath of secrecy, or "EVEN sworn into the Privy Council," which supposedly has no power.

It's a facade, the Dominion of Canada is just one of the tentacles of this wider Five Eyes system, which is itself just the intelligence gathering arm of the wider City of London/Wall Street financial octopus.

Very little, if any of it, has to do with sovereign nations and democratic systems.

However, now they are trying to maneuver, such that we are seeing a full spectrum psychological war on display right before our very eyes. As the Tavistock psychological warfare expert Brigadier John Rawlings Rees put it, "winning wars is not about killing, it's about destroying the enemy's morale while maintaining one's own."

What has been and continues to unfold in Canada and across the Five Eyes countries is a psychological war. The entire Five Eyes system and the WEF Borg Cube are now threatened by a population that is highly moralized and realizes that it can actually win, that there is a fight. The battle for their freedoms can be won.

That's the biggest threat there is.

Even the overt use of direct physical force is ultimately just a material substrate of an otherwise psychological war, attempts to scare people into submission. All those who know understand this to be the case, which is why the Canadian government necessarily HAD to go totalitarian.

However, the genie is out of the bottle now... The Borg Cube has a basic playbook, and when that playbook stops working, they start looking more and more like a self-driving Tesla that's gone off the road and going in every which way.

The old formulas no longer work, people are becoming increasingly creative and emboldened, and so the Borgs are starting to bug.

The mask is falling.

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Great article! This is what I saw as well watching hours and hours of livestreams. Runnin' Justin has discarded the mask completely and is swinging that giant sledgehammer of force at anybody who disagrees with him.

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Of course, “it didn’t happen!” because you didn’t see any of it on your live feed…right?

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"Glen McGregor, a CTV News journalist in the parliamentary press gallery, said protesters have been hurling obscenities at him and disrupting his live broadcasts since he first started covering the demonstrations in Ottawa. But he said people became more hateful as the protest went on, with one person spitting in his direction during a live broadcast that had to be shut down earlier this week."

Holy shit people are angry at the media for calling them a bunch of racists? Who could have guessed? And since words are violence, it's clear why these people had to be unpersoned and have their money stolen.

Keep defending tyrants thinking it will save you in the end.

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Always the excuses.

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So…you lied.

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Oh for Pete's sake 🤦

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Thank you Rav

It is truly frightening that this can be allowed to happen.

Not just allowed, but seems to be accepted.

I hope my perception is wrong

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Excellent commentary, Rav. Make no bones about it, this is classist warfare. Trudeau's behavior, and the behavior of those who adhere to his actions, are not interested in science, reality or justice. They are concerned only with maintaining the power that advances their own lifestyle, not beliefs because I don't feel they have any, but lifestyle. And if that means quashing the working class, no matter how polite or peaceful they express their grievances, then so be it, because they absolutely do not care.

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Very good article from Rav Arora. In the past, we all know Trudeau is related to a number of corrupt scandals. Right now, we know Trudeau is STUPID, COWARD AND IRRESPONSIBLE. The behavior or Trudeau is NO DIFFERENT FROM Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

The root cause of Trucker protest is because this STUPID Trudeau force truck drivers to get vaccinated. I have no idea why ASSHOLE Trudeau has to force truckers to get vaccinated especially truckers will not get close contact with Canadian and hardly infect Canadian at work.

Trucker protest is a political issue which should be solved by political mean. However, this IRRESPONSIBLE Trudeau is too STUPID to solve it politically. The way TRUDEAU solve this problem is no different from CHINA. that is, (1) DEFAME the PROTESTORS, (2) DEFAME the protest is under FOREIGN INFLUENCE (3) THREATEN those who support and donate to the protest (4) claiming SO-CALL National Security as an excuse for Trudeau government to do DIRTY Things. These are exactly what's going on in Hongkong right now under the regime of Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

Trudeau say there is foreign support in the protest. However, the fact is that OVER 50% of the donation are from Canadian. After that, most of the donation are from USA. I want to ask ASSHOLE Trudeau, "Why American cannot donate to support the protest when ASSHOLE Trudeau force AMERICA Truckers to get vaccinated????"

At first this COWARD Trudeau hide away from the public using the excuse of getting infected with COVID-19. After days of people looking for ASSHOLE Trudeau, this COWARD ASSHOLE has no choice but to emerge from the hiding site. I have never seen SUCH A COWARD ASSHOLE like Trudeau.

Right now this ASSHOLE Trudeau using National Emergency Act to punish those who dare to say NO to him. Trudeau remind me of Chinese Communist Party using National Security Act to suppress civil right in HK.

I want to speak loudly to Trudeau "ASSHOLE Trudeau, what you are doing is exactly the same as what Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is doing in HK right now - (1) defame the protestors in 2019 (2) defame the protest in 2019 was under foreign influence (3) Use financial means to threaten those who support the protest (4) use so-called National Security Act to do DIRTY and UGLY things.


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The majority of Canadians voted for him. Three times. Canada seems to have the same problem as US -- too many complacent citizens, unwilling to do the work to ensure competent government until the shit hits the fan. I bet they'll pay closer attention next time.

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Not a majority: Trudeau received 39.47% of the vote in 2019:


And just 32.6% of the vote in 2021: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Results_breakdown_of_the_2021_Canadian_federal_election

But you are correct that we have too many complacent citizens. Unfortunately I suspect you are wrong when you say they'll pay closer attention next time.

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But enough to retain majority in parliament, which is how truly holds on. But I wouldn't sell Canadians short. Sentiment seldom shifts quickly, but nobody likes oppression, and they won't tolerate it for long. Trudy will settle down or be removed.

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I'm splitting hairs here but for the record Trudeau doesn't have a majority he has a minority government being propped up by the socialist party NDP and their racist leader Jagmeet Singh.

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House of commons has 159 liberal, 119 conservative. Not majority but strong plurality. Nobody rules without support, but the little dogs tend to follow the big dog. So trudy maintains his majority. Same problem in US with fairly even splits requiring constant haggling to get anything done. The solution is to convince enough of our neighbors to stop supporting tyrants so it won't be even split. Shock and awe should come to Washington in November. Maybe it won't backfire on us. All governments require constant attention to make them behave. Complacency is used to increase oppression, always. Human nature.

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You're funny!

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Ok Communist, is that better?

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It's got nothing to do with the police bud: Singh IS a racist. Guy thinks there are white supremists under his bed for cripes sakes. (I will admit you have posted some interesting links though in this comment and other comments you have made, keep it up :)

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Conservatives got slightly more votes in 2021…which means that almost 1/3 of Canadians can’t stand them “commie” libruls nor the wannabe yanks of the conservative party.

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You MUST be RIGHT because you keep SHOUTING!

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Although I'm skeptical that the $2B insured damages from the summer of BLM's insurrection is the largest in U.S. history. It seems like Silverstein received more than $4.5B in payout after 9/11 for the WTC. Your point is nonetheless, well made.

I've a good number of friends, families and colleagues in Canada, all of whom share your assessment of the Freedom Convoy, the shameful media coverage of it, and Trudeau's petulant response making him look like a complete incompetent, if not craven amateur.

Thank you for the perspective.

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Anybody could simply click on one of many livestreams and see exactly what was going on. The people who refused to do that and instead listened to the 15-second clip on the news can't really be helped. :/

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Extremely well written. Thanks for bringing him to my attention.

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It’s really a shame but Canadians do not have the same Constitutional protection of their rights that we enjoy in the USA. These are rights given to us by God, not government, and would cause death and destruction if violated. Fight for your God- given rights, Canada!

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I am reeling from this unprecedented action, this is dangerous ground and everyone should find a voice against this outrage. Not a peep from “news” except to report and move on here in the US.

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