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Due to technical difficulties, we had to reschedule the live show. We will post the new time when it's ready.

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And why not put a live link on Rumble so we don't have to fool around with apps? Or here?

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Thanks, glad I figured it out by going here. If it happens again, it would be great to receive an email from you so we know! :)

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The "not guilty" verdict on Sussmann is a SHAME !!

Biased and corrupt DC jury.

The Rule of Law in this country is DEAD.

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Correction: the corrupt entity is the federal "judiciary". A real judge would have at least tried to seat what would in some places be called an impartial jury. It might have taken two weeks but so what? Then, he could have kept his thumb off the scale. But as we saw with "Judge" Andrew Sullivan of the Flynn kangaroo court, that is not the function of the federal courts any more. And the supreme "court" lets them get away with it. The "Chief Justice of the United States" in his vaunted title of nobility is supposed to supervise all the federal courts. Johnny Boy is Obama's lap dog.

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I second your Correction, and I add one more Correction: that deranged "judge" was Emmett Sullivan (not Andrew), and the son of "judge" Emmett Sullivan is a member of Antifa.

The Supreme Court is totally CORRUPT, just like the CIA, the FBI, the DOJ, the IRS, the CDC, the NIH, the FDA. The Supreme Court REFUSED to even examine the lawsuit brought by Texas and other 18 States in Dec. 2020 re: Election Fraud.

About the NSA, NRO, NGA: I don't know if these agencies are also totally corrupt like the CIA, FBI, DOJ, but the NSA and NRO have ALL the data about the Election Fraud, they have the Real Results of the Elections, State by State, in all 50 States, yet they have been silent the whole time. Therefore, that doesn't bode well for the NSA and NRO, either.

The NSA and NRO have let the demented squatter Joe Biden in the White House, just like the CIA, the FBI, the DOJ (= aiding and abetting TREASON).

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In Canada our elections are run by a single independent body. We use paper ballots. Few, if any, seriously question the outcomes.

The fact that neither party tried to reform your completely corrupt and broken electoral system is perfect proof that both are good with it as it literally does not matter to them who wins as they are simply the two public faces of the real and enduring power centres in America. No matter who wins, the wars will not stop, Israel will continue to be the most important country in the world, and nothing, nothing, will stop the wealth transfer.

LORD Trump is not the solution either.

I know, right?

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Israel isn't the most important country in the world anymore. Now it's Ukraine.

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Jun 3, 2022·edited Jun 3, 2022

"Important" isn't measured by press coverage. It's measured by respect, and all things derivative of that respect -- cooperation, aid, etc. Certainly, within a particular sphere of influence or alliance, such as "the West" or the FVEY set. So when a country such as Ukraine is being slowly destroyed (for years) in proxy and hybrid wars, I don't think you can say it's getting much respect.

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Ukraine is, to use an overused term, "a mere pawn" in the endless Western war on Russia.

None of the psychopaths in the Empire's power structure care about the Ukrainians any more then they cared about the Cambodians or Laotions.

Nothing 'great' about that game either.

"France takes Algeria from Turkey, and almost every year England annexes another Indian principality: none of this disturbs the balance of power; but when Russia occupies Moldavia and Wallachia, albeit only temporarily, that disturbs the balance of power. France occupies Rome and stays there several years during peacetime: that is nothing; but Russia only thinks of occupying Constantinople, and the peace of Europe is threatened. The English declare war on the Chinese, who have, it seems, offended them: no one has the right to intervene; but Russia is obliged to ask Europe for permission if it quarrels with its neighbour. England threatens Greece to support the false claims of a miserable Jew and burns its fleet: that is a lawful action; but Russia demands a treaty to protect millions of Christians, and that is deemed to strengthen its position in the East at the expense of the balance of power."

"We can expect nothing from the West but blind hatred and malice... This is the whole point." - comment in the margin by Nicholas I

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They just shot another Pal. When does America start shipping Javelins to Gaza?

Israel rocks. We suck.

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Joe Biden is our duly elected president. If he isn't, then the members of Congress and everybody else on the *questionable* ballots are also illegitimately elected representatives. Get over it; you are beating a dead, dead, dead horse.

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Maybe Joe Biden is the "duly elected" president and maybe he's not.

This isn't the first time people have alleged that the outcome of a presidential election was determined by fraud, but it's the first time that censorship has been so extensively used to silence those people.

In 2000, Democrats alleged that George W Bush won the election because Jeb Bush, Katherine Harris, and the Supreme Court prevented votes from being counted that would have shown that Al Gore was the legitimate winner of the election.

In 2004, Democrats alleged that George W Bush won the election because of voter fraud in Ohio involving Karl Rove and Diebold voting machines and that absent that fraud John Kerry would have won the election.

In 2016, Democrats alleged that Donald Trump won the election because of Russian interference and hacking. 68% of Democrats believed that Russian hackers tampered with the vote tallies and robbed Hillary Clinton of the presidency.

It's human nature to cheat when you think the game is rigged. If you think "everybody does it," then you're more likely to do it yourself.

By 2020, Democrats had conditioned themselves to believe that Republican cheating had cost them three presidential elections in the last 20 years.

Democrats have also raised objections to the electoral college because they won the popular vote in two of the elections they lost.

Moreover, Democrats believed that Donald Trump was an existential threat to the country because they thought he was controlled by the Kremlin.

If the Democrats cheated in the 2020 election, they would have felt morally justified in doing so because they believe that: (1) the Republicans cheat, (2) the electoral college isn't fair, and (3) Donald Trump is controlled by the Kremlin.

If the Democrats did cheat, the whole Hunter Biden laptop scandal has shown that the U.S. intelligence community, the social media companies, and most of the legacy media would do everything in their power to cover it up and protect Joe Biden.

If the Democrats won the election cleanly, then they would ignore allegations that they had cheated (the way Republicans ignored their allegations in 2000, 2004, and 2016) -- or they would welcome an open and transparent investigation, which would ultimately prove that they hadn't done anything wrong.

If the Democrats cheated, they'd behave exactly the way they've been behaving. They'd do everything in their power to censor any discussion of election fraud, discredit anyone who alleged it, and they'd do everything they could to stop any audits or investigations.

There are over 1,000 election monitors and poll-watchers who claim to have personally eye-witnessed voter fraud and other irregularities in the 2020 election. They've given sworn statements under oath. What's the point of having election monitors at all if we don't investigate their claims?

I'm not saying that I've seen any definitive proof that Joe Biden stole the election, but I do think there are grounds for suspicion. Namely the censorship. If Democrats have nothing to hide, then why are they pushing so hard for censorship?

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We’ll said and perfectly outlined ! Thank you !

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The censorship and the fact that Trump was filling stadiums across the entire country and there’d be 10 people in lawn chairs at Biden’s rallies. Although, I agree, I’ve seen no definitive proof, but I do suspect they cheated.

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There's that, and there's the Democrats vehement opposition to voter ID for reasons that are obviously disingenuous (as evidenced by the Democrats strong support for vaccine passports requiring ID). Why would they be against voter ID unless they intend to cheat?

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Led Zeppelin filled more stadiums than him, easy.

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Trump was filling stadiums, yet he had the lowest approval ratings of any president in history. Your suspicions are not anything that you can take to court. Give it up. GIVE. IT. UP.

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Don't give me any bull about the NYT. This is Maggie Haberman - Trump's favorite journalist: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/03/us/politics/trump-pence-safety-jan-6.html

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Keep telling yourself that !! The truth is all around you ! He’s also clearly in a late stage of dementia!

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Prove it, Joan.

Clearly? Cite your proof.

Thank you.

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Here's a video of a young Joe Biden speaking extemporaneously in the 1970s.


Now here's a video of a middle-aged Joe Biden speaking without a script in the late 1990s.


He was clear and he was articulate when he spoke. Now here's Joe Biden reading prepared remarks last week, and there are times when he's clearly having trouble just reading the words.


The guy is pushing 80, and he just ain't as sharp as he used to be. I wouldn't call it "late stage dementia" but his cognitive abilities aren't what they were before. He's an old man. He's already past the average life expectancy for American men, and he's not as sharp as he used to be.

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No one can be 'duly elected' in a broken rigged system.

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'biden' is clearly not in charge.

So who is?

Elections are rigged now, not by ballots, but but misinfo, disinfo, bribes, blackmail and good old fashioned lies.

"Representatives" sure.

For who though?

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Re voir dire in Virginia civil cases.

The new rule (Rule 3:22A) directs judges to ask each prospective juror if he or she:

Is related by blood, adoption, or marriage to the accused or to the Plaintiff or Defendant;

Is an officer, director, agent or employee of the Plaintiff or Defendant;

Has any interest in the trial or the outcome of the case;

Has acquired any information about the case or the parties from the news media or other sources and, if so, whether such information would affect the juror’s impartiality in the case;

Has expressed or formed any opinion about the case;

Has a bias or prejudice against the Plaintiff or Defendant; or

Has any reason to believe the juror might not give a fair and impartial trial to the Plaintiff and Defendant based solely on the law and the evidence.


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That has nothing to do with the Sussman trial which was federal.

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How different, really, do you think the rules are?

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The rigging is everywhere. It's a disease infecting the body politic. The prognosis is death.

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A dour and simplistic statement.... but.... IMHO that sums it up pretty well. With each year I am seeing more and more the obvious signs of improper conduct in our Government agencies [including the judiciary]. So, I'm either becoming more pessimistic / observant with age, or we are seeing the continued erosion (accelerated ?) of our representation in our own government.

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Well god knows the Federal court system has historically done so well at bringing Justice.

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But it happened, and it can spread from the states if a majority stays the course in demanding it. It won't happen overnight, either.

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Jun 5, 2022·edited Jun 5, 2022

Yes, but. Did Durham exhaust all of his contigencies to deal with the biased judge and consequential unfair proceedings? Did he exhaust all possible avenues to get the judge to recuse himself, or have him replaced? Did he have no available option to refuse to proceed under the biased judge without risking prejudicial dismissal of all charges? I know those questions evince extreme cynicism regarding Durham's sincerity, but that is where I am. Durham, after all, is as much a product of the Deep State as any other prosecutor. And I have seen far too many legal proceedings against Deep State interests that appeared to be nothing more than sham and pretense in order to put on an entertaining and distracting show for the idiot masses....

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Durham was brought in to make sure that the institution & higher ups were protected like he did in the CIA torture tapes "investigation". He's the "clean up" guy.

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But Durham got LOTS of other evidence in the process.

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Maybe, but with people who believe whatever is said on MSDNC, Clinton News Network, National Propaganda Radio, the Propaganda Broadcasting System "newshour", Bezos's rag WaPo, and NYT a/k/a Pravda, what good will evidence do? The reason they hate Trump, and everybody who supports him, is that we have seen through their bull shit and they know it. These people believe men are women. They believe men menstruate and get pregnant. Animals are smarter. That's why they need to censor us and drum up phony charges of "insurrection" and "domestic white supremacist violent extremism", and make up lies to justify it. It's why equality is "racist", why merit is "racist". I like Durham but he's naive if he thinks he can get a verdict in that elitist/communist hell hole.

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Jun 3, 2022·edited Jun 3, 2022

"what good will evidence do"

Yes. TPTB have exited the realm of democratic public discourse. Open legislative and court proceedings, published science, actual debate in media, consistent enforcement of law, etc., are all part of it ... already a memory.

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It wasn't an investigation, it was a trial. I really hope Durham and his associates were on the jurors afterwards to see whether they could get some statements indicating juror misconduct.

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No, it was an *exposure.* You completely miss the more important aspect.

The highest court, the one that will effect lasting change for the better, is the court of public opinion.

Forget Sussman. Forget DC juries and judges.

Durham brought 1 (one) charge, at the last possible moment, not for a conviction, but for sweet sunshine!

In fact, this aquittal, this miscarriage of justice, only rouses and informs the People all the more.

Durham is a hero, not as prosecutor, but just as Barr intended: as exposer.

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It would do no good. Can't retry. And the "judge" would not do anything to them regardless of what they admitted.

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and that is The Key.

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The jury believed the FBI knew full well that the info was from the Clinton campaign (FWIW I agree), which to mean indicates Durham should be charging Baker and the rest of the FBI brass who knew this but hid it.

whats crazy to me is how so called progressives are cheering the weaponization of the FBI for political purposes simply because 'their team' did it.

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You guys are too much. So Sussman was found to not have lied to the FBI in his "tip that led to a four-month FBI inquiry into a possible internet backchannel between the Trump Organization and Kremlin-linked Alfa Bank" (https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/31/politics/sussmann-verdict/index.html).

You're a clown just like most of the other posters here, waiting for Glenn to dig up some Democratic dirt that would prove that Trump was a victim. The fact is that Trump got himself snared in the investigation because he a) lied about his ties to Russians. (b) lied about deals he had or wanted to have in Russia, (c) lied about meetings with purported Russian government officials, and (d) actively obstructed the investigation for NO reason!

Trump supporters are just horrible people.

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People need to stop relying on Fox, CNN, MSNBC, etc. for information and go to the source. The information Sussmann provided to the FBI kicked off a two year investigation commonly referred to as Russiagate. I read the trial transcripts and found disturbing testimony. For example, an FBI agent testifying that although the information was almost immediately identified as bogus, they were not aloud to discontinue the investigation. That seems like a weaponization of the FBI against a political opponent, and something to be avoided.

Maybe I'm naive and this sort of thing happens all the time.

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The allegation was that Sussmann lied and that means that he told the FBI something false that he knew to be false. Where is the evidence?

However, there was no Russiagate. The Russians did indeed hack into American systems, so there was a valid reason to investigate. Trump focused attention on himself as I outline above, had he not done that, including trying to get Russian information on Hillary, he wouldn't have been investigated.

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I understand the Sussmann indictment and, based on the change to the wording of the indictment, I understand why Sussmann was acquitted. The evidence that convinced me Sussmann provided false information to the FBI was the sum of individual items presented as evidence and testimony. His text to James Baker, corroborated by FBI agents notes, the testimony and evidence provided by the prosecution's summary witness, and most importantly, for me, the testimony and evidence provided by the defense's summary witness. Having read the CNN article to which you linked, I also understand your animosity toward Trump supporters. However, reading the transcripts I found testimony that highlighted instances of behavior I find to be disturbingly political in nature. I have not seen a single article that touched on this information. Russiagate as defined by CNN is the investigation of the Trump campaign’s alleged ties to Russia, https://www.cnn.com/2017/02/19/opinions/russiagate-scandal-zelizer-opinion/index.html. The Alfa Bank white papers, provided by Sussmann to the FBI, are the backbone to these allegations. According to FBI testimony in this trial those white papers are fake, and simple-minded fakes at that. Yet, when agents provided their findings to superiors and suggested the investigation should end they were told to continue. We should not be okay with the weaponization of a government agency against a political adversary, even if we support the goals of the offending party. I am suggesting that if we take the time to seek out and understand primary source information we can find a less divisive path forward.

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I don't buy the entire Russiagate story because a) Russia did hack into American systems and (b) Trump opened himself up to being investigated. The Mueller report provides the findings of the investigation.

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Jun 10, 2022·edited Jun 10, 2022

I get it, I felt the same way. I was disappointed with the Mueller report when it indicated that no Americans had collude with Russia, I felt that the indictments of the Russian hackers was little victory. But now the FBI is on record in a federal court of law stating that the evidence of Trump colluding with Russia was fake. I can't ignore that. So now, I am spinning looking for primary sources for everything.

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"It's rigged."

"What is?"

"Everything that involves money or power"

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I got people cheating in a video game with 9 total players.

Meanwhile I have people trying to convince me no one has ever or does ever cheat in the most valuable competition on earth, the US political game.

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So true. Humans cheat. It's just how we roll. That's why we need strong institutions and oversight on such critical matters!

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Amber Heard just landed a role in the upcoming “Pirates” sequel. She’ll be scrubbing the poop deck.

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You laugh but a woman made an anonymous allegation of abuse against her ex-husband and just got sued and lost for it, despite the actual studio who actually cancelled Depps contract saying under oath that the op-ed had nothing to do with it.

I'm sure if you had a female in your life you gave a shit about who had this happen to her, you'd totally be making tasteless jokes about the trauma she suffered from Mr. Depp. As multiple other woman he dated testified under oath.

But hey you do you fam. I mean you an JD can party together with River at the Viper Room one day?

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How is it anonymous, when you go to court for a restraining order against your husband after first tipping off TMZ so they can write an article complete with photos of your “bruise”, and then later write an op-ed in a major paper talking about how you were abused during the exact time you were married to your ex-husband? There were reaction articles after the op-ed naming Depp, which showed that people generally understood whom she was talking about. Part of why Johnny Depp won is because the op-ed was clearly about him even if it didn’t name him.

Also, who cares if the studio says they didn’t fire Depp because of the abuse allegations? Their lawyers probably advised the studio they had to say that in order to not get sued. I worked for a company that had layoffs, and they repeatedly said the layoffs were financial reasons and not merit-based, but mysteriously, all the low performers got terminated. Another part of the reason Johnny Depp won is that he was released from a number of jobs immediately after Amber Heard’s op-ed, and it was generally understood that this was because of Amber Heard’s abuse allegations.

Finally, regarding “if you had a female in your life you gave a shit about who had this happen to her,” you have no idea what the life of the original poster is, and regardless, he is entitled to make a joke if he wants to, just as you are entitled to be offended by it. I get that some misogynists are using this opportunity to bash women, but there is also some genuine relief and elation that a plot, by what is by all accounts a terrible person with an out-of-control temper, to ruin another person’s life failed.

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"but there is also some genuine relief and elation that a plot, by what is by all accounts a terrible person with an out-of-control temper, to ruin another person’s life failed."


Here is an example of a terrible person ruining another person's life.


What I saw in court between Depp and Heard was two abusive asshole narcissists and neither of them gave me any evidence that either of them was lying. This is why the jury found both liable. They were both assholes. Where did she lie? How did she defame him when she told the truth?

Did she create petitions to ban Johnny from further movies? LOL

the entire legal system is a joke and not a single person on earth who went through it has any true faith in it

ask John Gotti's 3x rigged juries

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But, M. Iconoclast, it seems to me JD didn't really win, either; look what got a public airing (he stinks, too, as a human being). Now, he's an awesome and entertaining actor, and I'll bet he lost few enough fans that he'll act again.

But isn't there satisfying humor to be had when both sides deserve it, at least in some way?

Anyway, sorry if I mis-interpret your pique here. I just never understood why this whole she-bang (see what I did there?) matters in the least.

But you and GG, I guess, so I must be missing something (maybe Hollywood actor fandom/groupies/worship that grows their self-importance (exhibit A: Sean Penn), narcissism, and license?).

The punching down public interest in this affair is too sickening to me not to laugh my head off. And the prurience is utterly devoid of illuminating substance, so the pointing and ridiculing, in any direction, bother me not.

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It’s fine that you have no sense of humor, at all, and are obviously insane. But please express your psychosis to someone else.

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Oh, please, you made a good joke at someone's expense. Now you ruin it with nothing but ad hominem. You can dish, but you can't take it.

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Heartbroken, but not housebroken.

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Your wit escapes me. but I care not.

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What about Johnny?

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She pooped in the bed, but drunk as dude slept in it. So he can play a drunk pirate.

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Very funny, but I guess you didn't see my second comment! ;-)

(Actually, I thought someone would say it was his poop she was scrubbing!) (Sorry.)

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Jun 12, 2022·edited Jun 12, 2022

JD is playing with Jeff Beck on his new album, so I guess he can play guitar a little as well..

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Sussmann Jury Nullification Marks the End of American Justice as We Knew It

Roger L. Simon

American justice isn’t only dead, it’s decomposed. Long live totalitarianism!

We can join the world now. Au revoir, American Exceptionalism. We are China. We are Putin’s Russia. We are the European Union, drifting ever more swiftly into Davos globalism and the Great Reset. We are the Ayatollah’s Iran. We are Orwell’s “Animal Farm” and then some.

Most of all, goodbye to the rule of law. Was it ever there? I seem to have vague memories.



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Quoting you. Well said, except perhaps Putin's Russia is the last remnant of a sovereign state. WEF cancelled him.

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Right. And let's not forget where Snowden had to go for asylum. The "Western Democracies" would have given him the Assange treatment.

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Right, back. Where the hell was Snowden supposed to go? He had no choice. That he was made a victim of the damn U.S. police State was all on us, not a Fascist's benevolence. And when the next POTUS pardons him, as increasing millions of wizened Americans will demand as we dismantle our own State security-Fascism, will Snowden be allowed to return to his deserved hero status and freedom?

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this comment is so fucking ridiculous

Im not someone under the red-hysteria the left is pushing lately but lets not pretend that Putin is giving his citizens anywhere near the rights we enjoy in America.

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I know the temptation to wrap oneself in whatever tribal warm blanket is tough to resist. However, I doubt you would find as many discrepancies as you believe exist if you were to compare the daily life of common working Russians & Americans. I would agree the illusion of freedom is better propagated in the US. I may also concede that the crumbs let fall from the table of western ruling elite are tastier than those of the Russian oligarchs. But make no mistake, we common Americans are as subject to the whims of a non elected elite, in general, as most common Russians.

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lucikly for me I have actual people I actually know who actually worked and or lived in Russia and I depend on their information to provide clarity to me

I mostly agree with what you say but unlike the US, Russia would never have allowed an outsider like Trump to get power.

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Jun 3, 2022·edited Jun 3, 2022

But, in reality, TPTB *didn't* "allow" Trump to get into power...

They simply screwed up the control process, by getting sloppy through their overconfidence, in the 2016 election, a mistake not repeated in 2020. For the next four years, as we well know they then fought tooth-and-nail not only in the media but with open insubordination all through the federal bureaucracy to destroy him.

But he was even doing their bidding meanwhile! That's why I say Trump's biggest -- arguably only -- problem to TPTB is that he's a loose cannon in the bully pulpit. Can't be having truth escaping.

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I believe you are correct. I too have an ongoing connection with Russia and have visited multiple times since 2006. My sense is most Russians have a better sense of 'real politilik' than most Americans.

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And it looks like they are setting their sights on the West next.

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You just about touched all bases there, Mr. Whitten. Well done.

But there IS an exceptionalism to the American individual's birthright (NOT, as this exceptionalism gets unfairly targeted for, a difference in the human being here) that exists nowhere else, and that is strong enough to save us from all those fates.

Juries (and Supreme Courts!) can fuck up. We are strong enough, if we will, to survive the clean up. A new majority is emerging, and it will apply its corrective justice.

I've never known the estimable Mr. Simon to be wrong (i.e. I've always agreed with him), but he is here, and I am still the optimist to your well-spoken pessimist.

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Willie...hang tough, we're going to take another Run. "Things" are cracking...epoch.

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Glenn you have been telling us about the decline of the ACLU for years and we have watched it with dismay. What we are living in now is full on 1984 with the left controlling thought and speech happily and somehow their 'progressive' members continue to support it.


"the ACLU spent $800,000 on a campaign ad for Stacey Abrams during her run for governor in Georgia and $1 million in an attack-ad campaign against Brett Kavanaugh during his Supreme Court confirmation hearings."

technically this is in violation of the IRS charitable contributions for non-profits, but that law was only ever enforced by Lois Lerner against conservative groups

the whole game is rigged and its so fucking obvious to anyone paying attention

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Yes, so obvious, and becoming even more obvious every day now, that the Democrat Party might actually be heading to extinction, or at least the metastasized woke-cancer at its heart.

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They probably made the contribution through a 501(c)(4) affiliate. Of course, non-charity tax exempt organizations are subject to limitations on political activities and contributions, but the IRS and the FEC don't pay much attention when liberal groups violate those limitations.

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That was my entire point but thank you for mansplaining it back to me.

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Jun 2, 2022·edited Jun 3, 2022

Forgive me for being a tax lawyer and for stating details that you assumed but did not state. Why the nasty attitude? I was supporting your comment.


I apologize for my snappy reply. I probably saw snark where none was intended. I don't want to cause an argument. We agree on the important issue.

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I, for one, am a third person reading these broadcast conversations, and so do appreciate your "mansplaining" details to me :)

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Glad you got a vacation.

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The judicial system in the US is utterly corrupt. This has been building to a crescendo for the last 18 months.


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18 months lol you mean forever

its just now that white conservatives are finally getting the bad end of it minorities and drug users complained about for decades

the system is broken because its too easily manipulated by those who control it and those within it can engage in whatever behavior they want with minimal repercussions, for just a super super quick example


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I mean it has spiraled into total insanity since the Biden regime took control.


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Yep. And that will be the catalyst for change.

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Better late than never. I've worked as a criminal prosecutor and as a defense counsel. You are right; POOR people are at a serious disadvantage in our current system...though it is more correct to say that rich people have unfair advantages.

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Is anyone really surprised? I would be absolutely shocked if any big names ever made it to prosecution. It's so bad now that they aren't even throwing the underlings under the bus.

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They aren't even scared of the law anymore because they control it.

Cooper, the judge on this case has ruled vs Trump multiple times, and his own wife was the lawyer for Lisa Page, the FBI agent who railroaded Trump.

Walk me through how Cooper didnt recuse himself?

Oh btw, Team Clinton got Cooper his position after getting their asses handed to them by Royce Lamberth for a decade. All the Clintons are experts at are knowing how the system works and manipulating that knowledge.

They do dirt but it doesnt matter because that dirt only will ever come before a few judges, all of who are owned by someone. Just like they were in the days of Frank Costello or the days of Operation Gambat.

The lawyers are a sick pathetic joke of a group and the Bar association is the most corrupt powerful group on earth. Even the most valuable companies settle rather than go to court despite having millions in retainer fees of lawyers on staff. Its a joke and people like Avenatti are prime examples of it.

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Royce Lamberth…Texas Republican appointed by Ronnie Raygun. Yeah…REAL independant!

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1. I never said Lamberth was independent.

2. You are Canadian, so, for the fiftieth time on this board, fuck off and stop worrying about US politics. Worry about your own blackfaced leader or that rich old white lady who is in charge of your country by birth.

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Ahh…the SAG(self appointed God) of Glenn’s comment section.

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deflection and then classic projection on your part

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Talk to Iconoclast…she brought Lamberth up, I didn’t.

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And if you doubt me go look up the lawyers for DLA Piper who first husband of Kamala Harris works for.

Look at their former members ffs.

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None of this was televised so my information may be weak. There was a email he wrote that lied to the FBI, which I hear was pretty damming, but My only question was the not guilty because is was so clear to the jury that the FBI gave him a wink wink and knew who he worked for and what he was doing? If you get a pass by the FBI maybe the jury felt it could not be a real lie. Just saying with other evidence it is pretty clear so I be interested in finding out what basis they decided he was not guilty. Jury's have bee bedazzled but used to be an very honest system, beside Democrat south in the 00's to the 70's.

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I understand the jury foreperson in Durham's-just-before-the-statute-of-limitations-ran-out case said words to the effect of "we guys didn't take this law seriously." In order to get on the fricking jury in the first place each juror was obliged to declare Under Oath they would do precisely the opposite. Maybe it's time to call the panel back...as defendants in a multi-defendant perjury case....not that they'd be found guilty or anything --- the next foreperson would say much the same thing after the next Not Guilty verdict was rendered.....


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That would require a judge who is t in any way connected to Perkins Coie

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They'd be found guilty in almost any non-DC venue.

DC juries/judges perversion of justice and Sussman's (and many others) "innocence" will not survive a midterm tsunami rejection of Democrats, and their perpetual mis-governing.

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Glenn... Hope you had some quality time off... Glad you are back in the saddle. We appreciate all you do...

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I will not sleep soundly tonight. How are we much better than those whose cities we see in ruins on TV? My concierge told me today to keep my eyes open ... it's getting closer ... right around the corner ... the taco sellers ... the fruit vender ... all are involved in some criminal activity. BUT MY MAYOR EVANS WANTS TO RUN FOR PRESIDENT IN 2024 ... no time for me or our City! :( Yes Durham got a lot out there, if anyone is listening. Like they are listening now with our CRIME surge!

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Haha, Eileen. Only a fellow NYer could possibly understand that I cringe when I hear ice cream truck music! And I won't forget the crazy covid looting either, organized crime by any other name

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At the risk of sounding like my scratched vinyl, thank you GG!

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Callin wants:

This app has access to:


read your contacts


read phone status and identity


read the contents of your USB storage

modify or delete the contents of your USB storage


read the contents of your USB storage

modify or delete the contents of your USB storage


record audio

Wi-Fi connection information

view Wi-Fi connections

Device ID & call information

read phone status and identity


receive data from Internet

view network connections

pair with Bluetooth devices

full network access

change your audio settings

run at startup

control vibration

prevent device from sleeping


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Callin has more control over your phone then you do.

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'Technical difficulties', indeed.

Recently 'upgraded' to a new fully 'loaded' state-of-the-art phone and it is trying to sell me my own photos .. . I have no control, it does everything!

*All Glenn really needs is a keyboard and an internet connection. ..

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I just assume that everything I do online, and lot that is not, can and will show up on someone's screen, somewhere.

We now live in Frank Church's perfect totalitarian society. Most people never even noticed.

"“The technological capacity that the intelligence community has given the government could enable it to impose total tyranny, and there would be no way to fight back because the most careful effort to combine together in resistance to the government … is within the reach of the government to know.”

There would, he said, be “no place to hide.” - Frank Church

Trudeau is about to pass surveillance laws that would make even a Gazpacho agent blush. No one cares. The 'truckers' never even heard of them, let alone care.

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And here we stand, wringing our hands, as justice slips from our grasp.

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We all know that the legal system is a fucking farce and only caters to the people who control it.

This is how people like Lance Armstrong lied and cheated and yet won in court, or Bill Cosby can have an illegal deal with a DA just like Epstein did, or the jury who watched the cops beat the shit out of Rodney King somehow acquited them the first time.

What the fuck has changed? The lawyers set this whole fucked up system up with them in charge, same as it was in all the countries the first Americans fled from.

Same as it ever was from the 60-70 years ago where people like Roy Cohn and Sidney Korshak wormed their way to the top, the entire history of America is littered with bullshit lawyers who lied stealed and cheated their way to the top with little to no repercussions. Roy's sister marrying Walter Annenberg after she was married to two mafia guys is hilarious. I always found it gag inducing seeing Walter and her pretend to be classy individuals at Republican events.

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This is the OJ verdict on America.

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"Is This Real?": Biden Gives Bizarre Inflation Speech Full Of Obvious Lies

On Friday, President Joe Biden stood in front of the world and regurgitated so many lies that one has to wonder if his speechwriter borrowed Hunter's crack pipe.

For starters, Biden suggested that "families are carrying less debt" and "their average savings are up" since he took office, adding that "more Americans feel financially comfortable."

Nope - the personal savings rate has plummeted, while outstanding (revolving) consumer credit has sharply risen since January 2021. [See chart in article]

Meanwhile, a May survey from the American Psychological Association revealed that Americans are more stressed out about money than ever.

"Eighty-seven percent of Americans said that inflation and the rising costs of everyday goods is what’s driving their stress," said Vaile Wright, senior director of health care innovation at the American Psychological Association.

Biden also took credit for the 8.7 million jobs 'added' to the economy since he took office - which were of course caused by government-mandated lockdowns.

Take grandpa out of the White House. Put grandpa in a Seniors Home.



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