LIVE Tonight: The Acquittal of Hillary's Lawyer, a Verdict in the Depp/Amber Trial, and a Clear Narrative Shift in Ukraine
Join me tonight at 7pm EST on Callin and participate live to analyze and discuss vital news events.

Numerous news events emerged over the last forty-eight hours that merit analysis and discussion. Having just returned from a vacation late yesterday, my time to write for the moment is limited. I will thus cover them tonight at 7 p.m. ET on my live Callin podcast. I'll be live to discuss the narrow acquittal of Hillary Clinton's lawyer on narrow lying-to-the-FBI charges (an acquittal which cannot and does not obscure the DNC and media's joint fraud of the Trump/Alfa bank hoax); the defamation verdict in favor of actor Johnny Depp and against ACLU ambassador Amber Heard, delivered this afternoon in a Virginia courtroom, which illuminates many vital issues, including the ACLU's insidious role; and, perhaps most importantly of all, the emergence of a clear narrative shift regarding the war in Ukraine, the implications of which I will discuss.
You can listen and participate live by downloading the Callin app on iPhone or Android, or listen to the program afterward on Callin's site (all episodes of my solo podcast can be here, and the episodes of the podcast I co-host with Q Anthony can be heard here). As I have said before, the best attribute of the Callin app is the interactivity it enables with readers and listeners. If you have questions, comments or otherwise wish to engage on these or other topics, tonight's show provides an excellent way to do so. Now that I am back home, regularly published writing and reporting will resume shortly here.
FOR THOSE WHO TRIED to enter but couldn't:
Due to technical difficulties, we had to reschedule the live show. We will post the new time when it's ready.
The "not guilty" verdict on Sussmann is a SHAME !!
Biased and corrupt DC jury.
The Rule of Law in this country is DEAD.