I'm confused Glenn. What is the Substack page going to be for? Are you basically leaving Substack and transitioning fully to Rumble and Locals? (if so, why not just say it that way)

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My concerns, as well. I’m not at all a video person, and I think Substack deserves to not be abandoned! It’s been a spectacular refuge for rational discourse. I would absolutely HATE to see it abandoned for a move to more “infotainment...”

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I mostly thought the same, but the daily Rumble show is quite good. Very professional. I listen to it in the car like a podcast. Don't watch any of the video.

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The daily Rumble show may indeed but "quite good", but only if you mean "quite good, for a video production". The transcripts are readable, I'll grant you that, and a much faster way to get the content than actually sitting through the video--but still far less tight and focused writing than Glenn's previous for-print-only Substack pieces.

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I'll occasionally watch the program when it's aired or the video, but the gold standard for me is represented by written transcripts, even if there is an occasional typographical error.

And, as Thoughtful Reader wrote (in an adjacent reply), I believe Substack should be supported. For that reason I hope Mr. Greenwald keeps this Substack page, regardless what happens at Locals.

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{ That's not to say that a video or audio presentation cannot be as good as a written article. }

Well, each has its own strength. While I greatly prefer well-written and carefully-edit written pieces for general information transfer, that's not better for every thing. For example, no amount of verbal description shows the ghastly awfulness of Pelosi smugly tearing up Trump's printed SOTA as effectively as the actual video clip.

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{ but the gold standard for me is represented by written transcripts, }

I should hope not! The gold standard should be well-written and well-edit pieces targeted specifically for written media, or if originated from verbal pieces then *rewritten* to better suit the written form. An accurate transcript is bronze at best, but more often feet of clay.

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Okay, I see your point and agree with it. What I meant was in the context of a video and transcript, the transcript is important to me. I shouldn't have used the phrase "gold standard." You are right to say that a piece targeted for written media is superior to a transcript, generally speaking. The value of a transcript depends not only on the quality of the transcription itself but also on the video (or audio) which it purports to reproduce in written form.

That's not to say that a video or audio presentation cannot be as good as a written article.

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Hope it's clear that I prefer the purpose-written piece, too.

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He’s not the only one moving to locals. And Bari is off running a new website.

I’m unclear how to support them next.

My gut says substack is keeping too much of the money.

When you get to 300 K subscribers like Bari has that’s $15 million a year, and substack would be hard-pressed to justify more than 10%. But say it is half. In that case Bari makes the same amount of only half her subscribers follow her off of substack.

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GG - Are you not continuing your pieces on Substack? Or are you publishing additional material on Locals?

Very confusing approach. I tend not to watch the Rumble video. Much more like to read stuff - so I can skip over repetitive things.

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Interesting now that the western leadership, Merkel and Holande and Biden even have admitted that the Ukraine war is merely a tool to use against Russia and maintain the western hegemony that this substack starts speaking truth. When Oceania switches the war to Eastasia it was always that way supported by virtually the entire organs of propaganda in the western world. This has gone on forever. Plato called it "the Noble Lie" and he said that it was the Job of the Nobles, know known as the ruling classes to lie and to change the lie as necessary. Only the technology has changed. Less religion, more Facebook. It worked well for Pharoah and it works well for Fauchi and Biden. The paraphrase Hitler "thank god the people are so stupid or we'd never get away with this stuff". What Hitler and Stalin and Goebbels and even Bernays and Freud didn't know is that by good messaging you can literally shut down the pre frontal cortex in humans leaving them open to your message. That's only been proven with fMRI for a few years. Truly, all you need to know about the western world is two words, Julian Assange!

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Great analogy between our involvement in Iraq (Hussein an ally in the 80's and then an "enemy" in succeeding decades), then Serbia/Kosovo, then Libya, then Syria, and currently in Ukraine, and the metaphors of constant war and created enemies in Orwell's 1984. Now, in this latest Twitter file, we see how censorship of information about Covid seems to fit a parallel pattern of fanning fear such that people accept more control over their lives.

As to the former, Jonathan Cook's book from a few years ago, and articles in Antiwar, document, from public statements of officials, pieced together, that constant chaos in the Middle East and Central Asia/Europe in particular has actually been the strategy of the security state, the innocent civilians in the middle, and the soldiers sent to fight and die be damned, all for these documented, Pandora Paper Virgin Island/Bahama bank accounts (didn't Biden just go there for "vacation)?

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ALL Pharoah had was religion and forgiveness of debt and he got his suckers to fight his wars and build his pyramids. Man, the propaganda of today is so much more sophisticated. Today's ruling classes don't even forgive your debts or let you share in the war plunder. His lumpenproletariat couldn't read; Oh wait, we're well on the way to the lumpenproletariat of today not reading including on this substack... just watch the videos folks, reading is too hard. Winston, you will come to love BIG brother....

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Does anyone know if Damar Hamlin is vaccinated? And John Fetterman?

"But in this case, when you're talking about a pandemic that's killing millions of people worldwide, in this case"--- what about those health experts who said that 98% of people recover from covid without any special help?,

"But, you know, if you have people falsely encouraging others to not take the vaccine because this and that will happen, you could end up causing people to die who otherwise wouldn't."

But, you know, if you have people falsely encouraging others to TAKE the vaccine because this and that will happen, you could end up causing people to die (from myocarditis, strokes, blood clots, and heart attacks) who otherwise wouldn't. And the Big Pharma profits roll on.

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The US had the worst results in this pandemic IN THE ENTIRE WORLD, including the tropical countries we think of as 3rd World. Consequently, we can be certain that our lords and masters did SOMETHING wrong, probably multiple things. Nothing they say can be taken seriously. So we really don't know which way would have saved lives - but it isn't the way US authorities did it.

That way was extremely profitable for a handful of Big Pharma companies, though. Would be nice to know which officials owned stock in them - Fauci does own patents.

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whataboutwhataboutwhatabout…LOOK OVER THERE!

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Might as well start bad-mouthing Taiwan now to get ahead of the game. The China-Russia-Iran axis can thank you later.

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Taiwan isn’t the problem, it’s the western empire pushing Taiwan to fight China to the last Taiwanian.

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Good point. Beijing seemed satisfied with the pretense that Taiwan was "part of China," even though it's been independent for 70 years. Calling that into question seems like causing trouble for its own sake - or for the sake of the war profiteers (a good, old phrase we should revive.)

Partial digression: the Ukraine war contains a lesson for China: these wars don't always go according to plan, and the larger country doesn't always win. Of course, the US (and USSR, as well) have been establishing that, too.

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You sort of missed the main point of the article, which is the way facts are manipulated by the media to fit the current narrative.

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Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.

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For that matter, no mention of the Minsk Agreements, the first one of which Ukraine promptly broke, and the second of which Poroshenko admitted that he never intended to comply with, with the encouragement of his Western sponsors.

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How about the 1994 Budapest Memorandum signed by the Russian Federation, the U.S. and the UK that guaranteed Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty in exchange for the surrender of its Soviet-era nuclear weapons. That seems a rather important bit of diplomatic history to ignore.

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There's a very ugly lesson here, especially combined with the respective fates of Libya, Iraq, and N. Korea; if you have nukes, or can even pretend to, never, ever give them up. The empires will destroy you.

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Or, for that matter, Pakistan.

Pakistan is Muslim and is chock-a-block with the kind of Muslims who think that Pakistan is not nearly aggressively Muslim enough. Still, the Empire dares not touch it, because Pakistan has The Bomb.

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The same Budapest Memorandum thst the United States insisted was non-binding, when it sought to sanction Byelorus in contravention of that instrument.

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Aside from the fact that Russia never took the position that its guarantees were non-binding (which would be a strange type of guarantee), I am not sure what you are referring to specifically about US sanctions of Belarus.

Feel free to enlighten me, and for ease of reference, here’s a link to the 1994 agreement itself.


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So US guaranties are non-binding, but Russia's are. Got it.

And you sort of skip over the 2014 coup. I can guarantee you that no instrument, binding or otherwise, would get in the way of the United States launching military action, were it faced with a similar situation.

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That's a key point. The west (i.e., the U.S. and the EU) assisted in a coup in 2014. Under those circumstances, how valid are previous agreements and assurances? People and Nations presumably enter into agreements with others with the expectation that the overall legal context will not be turned upside down.

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Not to mention, as I understand international law, succeeding agreements supersede prior agreements. Minsk-2 overrides the original Minsk Agreement.

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Not an answer. More of an evasion.

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Why not answer the question and tell us what you referred to in your claim that the US publicly stated that it was not bound by its 1994 guarantees?

For what it’s worth, I don’t agree with those who claim the protests that forced the then-sitting President from office for his reneging on his campaign promise of moving toward EU membership and caving into Russian pressure to join its embryonic economic Union was a coup. Too many people were involved and, frankly, the West is just not that organized. Somethings are indeed spontaneous, just look at the various Arab Spring protests and the current protests in Iran.

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Honestly, I find it mind-boggling that somebody still thinks that these events (Serbia, Bolivia, Venezuela, Iran, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Libya, Egypt etc.) are "spontaneous" when they all follow the exact same script and are organized by same NGO network and financed from same sources. Whenever a successful one happens they even brag about it. https://hannenabintuherland.com/usa/politicized-usa-riots-follow-pattern-of-arab-spring-color-revolution-coup-detat-cia-genesharp/

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The wikipedia article you linked answers your own question.

And the fact that a galaxy of CIA and neocon luminaries just happened to come to Kiev and express support for the coup, along with Victoria Nuland helpfully hand-picking the new post-coup Ukrainian government doesn't raise any suspicions. Nor the fact that Nuland mentioned a specific sum, five billion dollars as giving the US the right to select the post-coup cabinet.

Because we all know that the US never organizes coups. LOL.

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US proved explicitly in action that it was not bound by resolutions they signed - prime example being UN resolution1244 which affirms territorial integrity of Serbia, and US proceeded to put a huge military base in the middle of it and pushed for "independence". Very similar how it broke off part of Colombia 100 years prior, created "Panama" to have a convenient buffer around Panama canal. Same with UN resolutions against Israel, all affirm sovereignty of Syria over Golan and 2-state solution (many signed by US too) but in action it is exactly the opposite. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Security_Council_Resolution_1244

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Yes, just look at the Arab Spring, that started out in Tunisia with an act of self-immolation and led to U.S. support for jihadi extremists in Syria.

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"One solution [to the Eastern Ukrainian desire for separation] has always been clear. Hold a fair and free election or referendum in those provinces – supervised not by Russian forces but by UN peace-keeping and other forces – and allow the people of those regions to decide for themselves what they want their fate to be, using the precedent of Kosovo and the independence granted to it by the West. "

I suspect the Biden regime would do everything in its power to prevent this, given their explicit rejection of any peace deal, even when, in an earlier "news cycle" Oligarch Zelensky seemed publicly amenable to a cease-fire.

"Isn't it amazing that American liberals and Democrats think that everyone who wears a MAGA hat or voted for Donald Trump is a Nazi? They want them censored off the Internet, they want them imprisoned without due process, they want them regarded as an insurrectionist criminal group, and when they finally meet the real deal Nazis, the actual Nazis, in Ukraine, they want to arm them and fund them and to revere them, turn them into social media stars."

It's only amazing if you're unaware of the absolute moral bankruptcy of the left intelligentsia and the Democratic Party, who dictate what its NPC minions think and believe. To everyone else with half a brain cell it is enraging and not surprising in the least.

It's pretty clear that more Americans are waking up to "the ability of the Western media to, on a dime, rewrite everything that they've always said to give you a completely alternative reality with no dissent allowed." Yet "many people objecting to these things were banned from the Internet from the start of the war," allowing the groundswell of absolutely ignorant, slavish, stupid drum-beating on social media to overwhelm the "discourse" managed by the Alphabet Agencies. So we few who are following the entire shit-show with skepticism just have to shut up, bend over, and take it and "watch in real time." (A similar thing is happening with the coof fiasco: deceit followed by panic measures, followed by censorship of the facts and defamation of skeptics, followed by denials, reversals, and outright lies).

The power and influence of corporate media as the lapdog propagandists of the regime brazenly continues while we mere citizens watch helplessly as their lies and reversals go, not unobserved, but unopposed in any meaningful way.

This can't end well.

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Funny thing is - there was never a referendum held in Kosovo. The "parliament" (which was made up of KLA members (previously categorized as terrorist organization, another Orwellian case of them becoming "freedom fighters") declared independence. Of course, it was all on a cue, pre-arranged and followed up by recognition of most western countries (including those who voter for UN resolution 1244 which specifically affirms territorial integrity of Serbia).

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And no mention of The Odessa Trade Union Massacre.

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Oh, that was just a pizza slice someone was warming in the toaster oven that got overdone and caused a bit of smoke, nothing to think about here.

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The soft fascism of the Biden/Democrat regime is a perfect match for the real thing in Ukraine. So it is not surprising for the Democrats and their media co-conspirators to show their true selves in support of the Ukraine state.

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“Isn't it amazing that American liberals and Democrats think that everyone who wears a MAGA hat or voted for Donald Trump is a Nazi? They want them censored off the Internet,  they want them imprisoned without due process, they want them regarded as an insurrectionist criminal group, and when they finally meet the real deal Nazis, the actual Nazis, in Ukraine, they want to arm them and fund them and to revere them, turn them into social media stars. “

Similar how they despise MAGA hatters for not fully supporting the LGTBQ mantra but fully support Palestinians and Iranians who do far worse to LGTBQ people. It’s not that they are really for LGTBQ rights or against Nazism, it’s that they are for whatever advanced their agenda.

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The total white washing of Ukraine's history since independence is in ways worse than the Bush-Cheney lies leading to the invasion of Iraq. My understanding is that Ukraine has seen a kind of musical chairs in electing a presidents since 1991. One year a Western oriented Ukrainian, a few years later an Eastern-looking one , Repeat. Repeat. The Maiden revolution overthrew an eastern oriented president who had won with a clear majority.

The history of NATO ignoring Russian concerns about NATO , a military alliance, expanding to its border under Gorbachev, Yeltsin and Putin is well-documented. As you implied, this conflict could and should have been addressed as a border war coming out of the USSR demise, an earth shaking event. Just like the border clashes that followed the "awkward" redrawing of national lines after the first and second world wars. Instead, Biden successfully framed it as an existential power struggle between the West and East, democracy and totalitarianism, and the media followed.

Cracks in the post-2003 Iraq narrative began showing up in the first few months. But the visuals of Russia's brutal and unjustified attack plus the concentration of international reporters in Europe, has silenced even the best investigative reporters. This war will backfire big-time for the participants, as hunger, inflation and high priced fuel overtakes the rest of the world in the name of a small slice of Europe which most have not even heard of.

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UPDATE - Glenn Greenwald Shows Record ( 2022 -- 2023 ):

Jan. 3 – Ep. 14 Jimmy Dore on McCarthy’s Speakership Bid, Squad Hypocrisy, Ukraine, & More


Q & A – https://greenwald.locals.com/upost/3302972/after-show-q-a-january-3-2023

Video X-cript:

Jan. 2 – Ep. 13 Right-Wing Populists Revolt: Trump Tax Returns, McCarthy’s Speaker Vote

https://rumble.com/v23louk-right-wing-populists-revolt-trump-tax-returns-mccarthys-speaker-vote-and-mo.html – Republicans Debate – Democrats Obey

Q & A - https://greenwald.locals.com/upost/3297822/after-show-q-a-january-2-2023

Video X-cript:


Dec. 27 – Ep. 12 The Most Important Stories We Covered in 2022


Q & A - https://greenwald.locals.com/upost/3270794/after-show-q-a-december-27-2022

Video X-cript:

Dec. 26 – Ep. 11 -- Media Rewrites Ukraine’s Dark History, New Twitter Files on Rigged Covid Debate - https://rumble.com/v22hc4c-media-rewrites-ukraines-dark-history-new-twitter-files-on-rigged-covid-deba.html

Q & A - https://greenwald.locals.com/upost/3266403/after-show-q-a-december-26-2022

GG Solo -- Reflecting New U.S. Control of TikTok's Censorship, Our Report Criticizing Zelensky Was Deleted -- https://greenwald.substack.com/p/reflecting-new-us-control-of-tiktoks

Video X-cript: https://substack.com/inbox/post/94280548 -- Media Rewrites Ukraine’s Dark History

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A question: How many people viewed this outstanding Episode up to now? Where to find such statistic?

Many thanks n advance.

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1. I like you Glenn Greenwald but you are too repetitive about "puuting aside one's prejedices." Do you really do that yourself? I don't think so with respect to the Ukraine war.

2. Did you really show us Zelensky is corrupt? You cited one newspaper article which listed some un-specified overseas holding by Z and his wife....all before he was elected president. As you know, I suspect, corruption is a relative thing. All of us are corrupt to some degree. His holding unspecified property before being elected does NOT prove corruption in any meanful sense.

3. A nation under stress and under threat of invasion cannot EVER approach your stated level of "democracy." President Wilson, effectively banned free speech in WWI....putting, as I'm sure you're aware Eugene Debs in jail for speaking out against it. Americans who supported King George V, fled Philadephia for their lives when the British had to abndon that city. So-called "loyalists" were tarred and feathered, usually not escaping with their lives. Japanese Americans in WWII. After Pearl Harbor, no one dared speak out against that war. Do you know of the brutality on both sides during communist attempts to take over Finland in 1921-22?

4. The Azov Brigade? When you're under stress, you accept help wherever you can, no?

5. Putting restrictions on the Russian Orthodox Church? When religion gets involved in war and revolution, freedom of religion takes second place to a community's security. Lots of examples: The Dutch revolt against the Habsburgs in 1572; to be a Catholic or Protestant was an acurate marker of whose loyalty you were on. Have you forgotten the peasant revolt in the Vendee during the rench Revolution. Do you not know that Lenin closed Orthodox Churches himself. War, in short, puts immense pressure on a country, which has to choose best how to protect itself. It's fine for you in the safety and comfort of your present life to criticize Ukrainians for what they do but it is NOT fair commentary by you!

6. An election in the middle of an all but failed invasion by Putin? Ridiculous!!

7. Finally, you TOTALLY ignore the effect a successful/unsuccessful invasion WILL have on Putin and other potential tyrants.Did Biden's fiasco in Afghanistan encourage Putin? Did Putin's lackluster miitary invasion deter Xi of China with respect to Taiwan? Did Chamberlain's capituation in Munich encourage Hitler jsut 3 months later. Did yo support BushI's response to Saddamm's invasion of Kuwait? Etc. Etc.

In short, Mr. Greenwald, you wrote a very long essay, with excessive attempts to have us put aside our various feelings to the Ukraine War, but you did NOT have an even-habded approach. Like Tucker (who I also like) , your piece absolutely stunk of "group think."

Bruce Leyden....one of your admirers!

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This was a long BS "essay" -- very offensive while we are all fighting for freedom and democracy in the US against exploding domestic US fascism (internationally -- a bipartisan US fascism has won decades ago).

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I wish I could express my profound gratitude for this episode. My words fall short: yours don't.

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