I'm a 100% conservative and Trump supporter. Subscribed because I love free speech and good journalism whichever direction it comes from. Press on, sir.

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It is incredibly hard to stand up to the left. I am sorry that I was so awful to you in 2016 you blocked me on Twitter but I was just in a tribal bubble. It took me a long time to get myself out of it and how I did it was to unaddict my brain to the dopamine hit I got every time I got into some dumb Twitter war. I can't believe no one cares that we have arrived at the point of censorship in this country. It snuck up on us, right? The clickbait model altered how news was presented, then social media turned it into a confirmation feedback loop. I didn't realize it until the Tom Cotton op-ed in the New York Times. At that point I realized we were manufacturing a narrative we wanted to be true and not reporting on any kind of reality Americans could plainly see. You were 100% right in your interview with Joe Rogan. I so admire your fearlessness and I humbly and deeply apologize for any terrible things I said about you prior.

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Subscribed not because I agree with your opinions but because I support your honesty and integrity.

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Just wanted to say that I wanted to support you before, but could not bring myself to support the Intercept. Now that you are independent, I'm behind you 100%.

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Glenn, I instantly subscribed with no hesitation and I will circle back and make sure my Intercept subscription is cancelled. I was also wondering what in the world was going on there, as most of the other writers there abandoned every shred of journalistic integrity and became blinded and utterly consumed by their hatred of Trump. Although I lean conservative and have many policy areas that do not align with some of your views, I have the highest respect for your intellectual and journalistic integrity. And for that reason I will read the things you write and give them serious consideration, because I at least know that you gather all the facts, present your findings truthfully and let the chips fall where they may. As a conservative I must also say that a vibrant and honest Classical Liberal opposition is necessary and good to the health of our nation (and the world). The suppression of free speech is the death-knell of a free society. We are witnessing the silencing of journalists who have very solid evidence on corrupt politicians (Biden laptop scandal) while the flimsiest anonymous accusations and being sold as front-page news ("Anonymous" NYC article...Trump accused of calling dead US soldiers "Suckers and Losers".....I could provide so many examples).

Press Forward ! You will find yourself supported by many people on the Left and Right who simply want the Truth without agenda and who are willing to even change their own positions when confronted with good solid honest reporting ( I know I have on several things).

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I am a libertarian. I disagree with much of what Glenn Greenwald says. However, I have found his reporting to be honest, insightful, and based on verifiable fact. While I often disagree with Mr. Greenwald's conclusions, I have never questioned his integrity.

Perhaps this is the new model we all should strive for -- helping journalists deliver news, rather than helping massive media corporations deliver narrative. Avoiding paying a few dollars a month to read 'free' news is penny wise and pound foolish. In the end, we pay much more for a media landscape barren of anything like honest attempts to deliver the news.

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I am not politically aligned, I only care about two things, truth and avoiding war. The Intercept left both long ago. Proud to support you.

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Just subscribed, as a libertarian I don’t always agree with you Glenn but I have always trusted you were telling the truth and expressing what you believe, I am happy to support you here and any other endeavor you engage in. Good luck and god bless your wonderful family of humans and dogs!

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Glenn. Have followed/read your work for years. The world has gone mad and unfortunately what should be the primary bulwark against that trend toward madness (an independent and well functioning press) seems to be leading the charge. I’m genuinely sad that your creation abandoned its founding principles, but I’m proud to support you in your next endeavor and will continue to be an avid reader of your work. Good luck. You have allies.

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Subscribed. And I'm not even a liberal. But you, sir, are a REAL journalist.

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I've also subscribed to Matt Taibbi's writing. He and Glenn are fighting for our country, I don't agree with either of their politics, but I'm from a generation that was at ease with differing viewpoints. Their fight to save journalism makes them heroes in my book.

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I am also a former progressive who is voting for Donald Trump.

As a gay minority, I was told that the DNC had my interests at heart.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Their deconstructionist identity politics has sown immeasurable harm in our country and our world. They have sought to foment micro-tribalist instincts among each of us, hoping that we would 1) tear each other apart so that they don't have to, and 2) stoke anti-patriotic emotions in the electorate.

I have subscribed to you because you have the kind of big, hairy balls that get me "literally shaking right now."

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My first subscription ever, to honor your courage and for FREEDOM.

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Commend you, mate. Your own publication? Wankers. Took real courage but you are on the right side of history.

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instantly subscribed. good luck glenn

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You’ve been a hero of mine since the Unclaimed Territory days.

It’s wild to see so many people vilifying and rejecting you for your “change over time,” when the quality I most associate you with is moral and ethical consistency.

I’m glad to be able to support your writing directly; I stopped reading The Intercept after Hasan’s article smearing anti-war activists as Assad fanboys, and every time I’ve checked in since then, I’ve felt like I was reading the edgelord version of MSNBC.

It’ll be nice to (possibly?) see some comment threads that aren’t filled, like your Twitter threads, with morons calling you “comrade” and a “Putin puppet.” (So: hello to all of the rest of you, too!)

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