Simple, they both work for different factions of the Oligarchy. Every decision and every policy is to further enhance the power of the Oligarchy. They appeal to different voting blocks on different social issues (abortion vs choice, LGBTQ vs Cis; Socialism vs Liberalism [although to be honest, this appeal is made using words that have no meaning]; BLM vs Law and Order; and various others)
In the end -- while sometimes the common man might achieve some help, both profit at our expense. We are idiots to not recognize we are being played off against one another.
Greenwald published Cooper's piece on this. While there are some nits that I don't agree with Cooper on, if I step back and concentrate on his theme, he is "right".
Trump has made some better decisions than Biden in general. Specifically his pushing for the TCJA which was a huge fuck off to the DNC and is one of the reasons the COVID bailout was so huge.
I haven't seen a Biden decision I've liked but it is early.
Trump also made plenty of shitty ones. The pardon list itself is indicative of him being a shitlord, but I guess its better to be an America first shitlord than a For-sale-to-the-highest-bidder shitlord like Biden seems to be.
The cure for what you are describing is to be a policy/issue voter. How do you evaluate trumps decisions and policies versus President Biden’s?
Simple, they both work for different factions of the Oligarchy. Every decision and every policy is to further enhance the power of the Oligarchy. They appeal to different voting blocks on different social issues (abortion vs choice, LGBTQ vs Cis; Socialism vs Liberalism [although to be honest, this appeal is made using words that have no meaning]; BLM vs Law and Order; and various others)
In the end -- while sometimes the common man might achieve some help, both profit at our expense. We are idiots to not recognize we are being played off against one another.
Greenwald published Cooper's piece on this. While there are some nits that I don't agree with Cooper on, if I step back and concentrate on his theme, he is "right".
"Simple, they both work for different factions of the Oligarchy. "--Zwiebel
There are no "factions" to the oligarchy there is only one agenda. the Great Reset of the Davos Gang.
The Biden regime is on board for that, that is why they are tearing the nation to shreds along with the Constitution.
There's no contest between Bezos, Musk and Branson? (to name just one.)
Sure Biden is on-board.
Show me how Trump isn't "on-board" for the Great Reset.
Maybe you need to watch the Godfather movies again.
As if winning the space race is equivalent to the globalist agenda.
What a stupid fuck you are.
You need to stop bothering me. You're and idiot and my parrot doesn't like you.
So the Godfather movies will teach me how to prove a negative aye Zweiebie?
Fascinating...but stupid.
Trump has made some better decisions than Biden in general. Specifically his pushing for the TCJA which was a huge fuck off to the DNC and is one of the reasons the COVID bailout was so huge.
I haven't seen a Biden decision I've liked but it is early.
Trump also made plenty of shitty ones. The pardon list itself is indicative of him being a shitlord, but I guess its better to be an America first shitlord than a For-sale-to-the-highest-bidder shitlord like Biden seems to be.
Presidents don't make policy as much as they endorse what the House and Senate legislate.
South Park talked about what political options are like these days and it is still relevant today.
A cartoon show as a source...hahaha!!!
That is just your jejune style you twit.