You're right corporations are just groups of people, however they are groups of people with a whole lot of money, and power, and our elected officials have become quite subservient to their needs, and their interests. They push their agenda above the welfare of the American people whose needs have become quite secondary.
You're right corporations are just groups of people, however they are groups of people with a whole lot of money, and power, and our elected officials have become quite subservient to their needs, and their interests. They push their agenda above the welfare of the American people whose needs have become quite secondary.
You're right corporations are just groups of people, however they are groups of people with a whole lot of money, and power, and our elected officials have become quite subservient to their needs, and their interests. They push their agenda above the welfare of the American people whose needs have become quite secondary.
The solution for that is honest journalism, to identify the manipulation. Glenn is one of the last. Maybe he'll revitalize the profession.