Thanks for your reply David.
As a patriot who holds those priciples close to my heart, I have been doing everything in my power to aggitate other to join in the counter propaganda against this illegitimate statist oligarchy.
Some people accuse me of "worshiping Trump",...of "worshiping the Republic Party..."worshiping the Declaration of I…
As a patriot who holds those priciples close to my heart, I have been doing everything in my power to aggitate other to join in the counter propaganda against this illegitimate statist oligarchy.
Some people accuse me of "worshiping Trump",...of "worshiping the Republic Party..."worshiping the Declaration of Independence"...etc.
It is such hyperbole that is meant to frame me as some sort of fanatic...the same bullshit the Bidenistas call the "Trump Cult", and the Biden regime now considers "Domestic Terroists"
All of this scattered incoherence amongst those who want to preserve freedom in America is just static.
The claims that I am the one who is being divisive in my bullheaded insistance on promoting these principles is the most baffling thing for me.
Those who seriously consider me "indoctrinated" for standing firm on my patriotic principles, always have the oportunity to show me something better. To try to prove there is something superior to personal liberty.
But I have never heard or read a reasonable argument agaisnt the principles of liberty set out in the Declaration of Independence.
Cults are human nature, ingrained in our psyche. It's a survival instinct. In happier days it was called tribalism. Throughout history, some tribes have been constructive, some destructive. But they all tread on us. It's their nature. The best approach is ignore a little jostling, and tread back if they tread too hard.
Thanks for your reply David.
As a patriot who holds those priciples close to my heart, I have been doing everything in my power to aggitate other to join in the counter propaganda against this illegitimate statist oligarchy.
Some people accuse me of "worshiping Trump",...of "worshiping the Republic Party..."worshiping the Declaration of Independence"...etc.
It is such hyperbole that is meant to frame me as some sort of fanatic...the same bullshit the Bidenistas call the "Trump Cult", and the Biden regime now considers "Domestic Terroists"
All of this scattered incoherence amongst those who want to preserve freedom in America is just static.
The claims that I am the one who is being divisive in my bullheaded insistance on promoting these principles is the most baffling thing for me.
Those who seriously consider me "indoctrinated" for standing firm on my patriotic principles, always have the oportunity to show me something better. To try to prove there is something superior to personal liberty.
But I have never heard or read a reasonable argument agaisnt the principles of liberty set out in the Declaration of Independence.
My position is firm:
Cults are human nature, ingrained in our psyche. It's a survival instinct. In happier days it was called tribalism. Throughout history, some tribes have been constructive, some destructive. But they all tread on us. It's their nature. The best approach is ignore a little jostling, and tread back if they tread too hard.
You may have guessed by now David, treading back from a fight just in't my style.
Some fights are worthwhile, some just for entertainment.
I know the difference. Do you?