Is it an illusion on my part, or are you genuinely a great friend of so many of us?! I have never met you but your sincere voice, your brilliant work and unceasing devotion to decency have touched our hearts.

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I feel the same way!

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Thank you Glenn. I am a supporter wherever you go.

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That you persevered with your work/writing life to the degree that you did during David's devastating illness, while simultaneously trying to keep hope for yourself & the children you share, always amazed me. I wish you and the boys continued healing and eventual peace, Glenn, and I know part of that will be the important work you do. I support you completely, even if I can't always read the transcripts or catch the podcasts. Just as long as I know where to click SUBSCRIBE & PAY.

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System Update is a must watch outlet. Locals and Rumble are where it is at.

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I’m a reader. I know I’m in the minority but videos/podcasts aren’t my thing. Also, I just don’t like Locals. I joined it early on but that coin thing is off-putting. I have no idea if that’s still a thing there but I’m not going to check. Love your stuff but your new direction doesn’t fit my consumption style. I’m sure you’ll do great. Old farts like me are few.

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Stanley, totally agree. I would enjoy reading the abbreviated transcripts, and if moved could/would delve deeper. Why can’t they simply be put up here? That answer is probably in the piece somewhere, but I’m not looking for new platforms, just easily accessible content.

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I also prefer reading when possible. The emailed show transcripts via the free locals membership have solved this issue for me.

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I am a reader too and will read with delight and thought.

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I am so sorry about the death of your spouse, and now your extra burdens as a single dad along with all of your professional duties. You're a good man and doing important work, exposing many problems with our society and our corrupt government. I'm pleased to subscribe and follow you on whatever platform.

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I followed you here and I will follow you there. You are what we need right now, honesty and the truth, unfiltered.

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So well said! Succinct & on the nose.

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Keep doing your thing Glenn! You are one of the absolute best journalists in our world today, and do an excellent job of providing history and context to today’s many issues confronting us.

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I think it would be useful to clarify if your Substack subscribers who have moved to Rumble and/or Locals will also carry their former Substack automatic subscription renewals (upon written notice that their credit cards will be charged) with them to the new platforms so they do not have to manually renew their subscriptions on the new platforms, or if they will have to manually renew (due to the transition from one platform to another or in general going forward). I am still not clear on this point. Thanks for your work.

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I am wondering the same thing. 👍🏼

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Me too.

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I can't figure out how to unsubscribe. I love Glen but have't followed since Substack which I thought was a cumbersome format. And my auto-renewal is days away and I can't get to my profile or a way to manage the renewal. Maddening.

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I read the entire comments and within them someone posted a link to a person who works with/for Glenn. Try finding it and contact that person. Sorry I can't be of more help to you. Good luck.

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I saw that info in Glen's article above:


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Glenn, you are the most important journalist writing today!

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You've been through hell, Glenn. I really admire and appreciate your commitment to journalism through all this and I learn a lot from your excellent insight and analysis.

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Thank you Glenn for all that you do. You are an important, trusted voice in today's world where so much is uncertain and it is hard to know who to trust. I really enjoy System Update and appreciate that I can listen while I do other things, something that can't really be done with written word format. I must admit that I am lagging behind in the adoption of Rumble and Locals, even though I support their mission and philosophy. Platforms such as that are definitely needed. Wishing you and your children all the best as you continue your journey through this new season and I look forward to hearing your perspective on so many more things in the days to come. Be abundantly blessed!

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Thank you Glenn you’re a treasure

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I'm sorry for your loss. Thank you for the update. All the best, all the time. Peace. kb

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I abhor videos. I prefer to read. Love your work but I’m not going to Locals/ Rumble

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So worthy! Thank you!

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