Not only have Democrats (I won't say 'liberals', because I *am* one of those, and this is wildly illiberal) become unprincipled, I'm not sure that they know what a principle is, or have any care at all about seeming to adhere to any. I hate this situation, but the truly despicable thing is that no one other than Glenn seems to have any concern about it. People need to stop being concerned about Glenn going on Fox and start being concerned that it's the only outlet that will give him voice.

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I'm sadly not surprised. The Dems have been projecting Fascism onto Trump and his supporters, but in true totalitarian style the Dems needed a scapegoat - and what does that remind one of? Hint: he had a silly mustache and used the Jews as scapegoats to create mass hysteria and militarize his country. After the 2016 election I began to see ugly behavior in people I'd thought of as liberal Democrats. I didn't vote for Trump in 2016. But when people would send me emails about Trump being a Nazi and how any day now everyone but White Supremacists would be rounded up and put in concentration camps, I started thinking uh oh. Time to leave the Democratic Party, that this was turning into mass hysteria. The feminists had their pussy hat parades, followed by MeTooing every man who'd so much as looked at them fifty years ago, not to mention the Russian Collusion. By 2018 the hysteria about Gestapo boots stomping over Dems was in full swing. When I ran into a man I know and he started ranting about Trump being Putin's Puppet I said I didn't see any evidence of it, could he point to some? He put up his hands and angrily said “If that's what you want to believe then I can't talk to you” - a phrase I'd hear over and over again. A day later got an email from him calling me anti-Semitic. I voted for Bernie in 2016. Isn't he Jewish? But it got really bad during Covid (I live in CA). You couldn't - and still can't have a reasonable conversation about whether there have been benefits from all the lockdowns. The Dems I know would accuse me of “sounding like Trump” and say “the blood is on his and your hands.” Once I made the mistake of trying to be funny and said “I didn't know Trump or I knew each other and were Wuhan lab technician. The guy slammed down - or whatever you do with a cellphone. The Dems won't rest until they've punished each and every Trump supporter or even doubter of what they now stand for. I don't think the Dem Party is aware of how their emotions are being played by larger totalitarian forces and how this military regime will eventually turn on them.

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A horror as much as Japanese-Americans being sent to camps during World War II. We knew by the date of Trump's inauguration that the Democrats would accuse him and his associates of what they were themselves doing, and that did not cease. Ukraine? Biden was the real culprit. Voter suppression? Mail-in ballots had the same effect. Racism? Cynical exploitation of African-Americans and Hispanics. Systemic Racism? Condemn children of color to poor quality education and health care, consciously destroy the nuclear family, drive fathers from households and control the narrative that the measurement of morality was size of welfare budget. This ensured multiple generations of blacks would vote for old white Democrats.

War on Women? Democrats reduced women to a reproductive system, wouldn't allow them to choose schools for their kids, colluded with teachers unions to keep single parents out of the classroom, supported unequal pay identical to private industry in the Obama White House. Equality? The only thing measured is the result. If the result is unequal, the process was unequal. On behalf of short white men over 70 with breathing problems and no talent, I demand a proportional representation in the NBA.

Make it culturally impossible to cast a person of color as a villain in a novel or play. Every white person is a white supremacist, a xenophobe, a Nazi, a homophobe who wants to subject others to his Aryan rule. We saw that on display this past summer. This is a travesty of liberalism. Liberals are tolerant and most expand their circles of cultural inclusion to some who do not look like them and some who do not think like them. The Authoritarian Left has co-opted the term Liberal to mean despot.


We want unity? To Democrats it means “Everybody submits to my will.” Years of being called homophobic, xenophobic, racist, bigots, full of hate, when it turns out that those consumed by hatred are the Authoritarian Left. Absolute intolerance of any other thoughts.

I want the words used to incite rioting included in the Article of Impeachment. It won’t be, because it doesn’t exist. It requires secret-squirrel decoding of the text to find the hidden call to violence. Gimme a break. Treason is a serious charge, requiring serious proof.

Daniel Patrick Moynihan, perhaps the greatest liberal thinker of the twentieth century, was prophetic in the Moynihan Report. Read it. He predicted nearly sixty years ago what has come to pass today.

Using troops as props for photo ops, then condemning them to a freeing parking garage with no food, no water, in sub-freezing temperatures, after questioning their loyalty, is nauseating, but par for the course among Democrats. I am not a conservative, I have never been a Republican. I was inspired by JFK to become a liberal Democrat in 1960, then inspired by Nancy Pelosi to become a liberal libertarian in 2009.

We’re seeing a coup. Republican lawmakers, now in the minority, will be reduced to a coffee klatch after expelling them from Congress. With both houses of congress and the White House, it will be easy to pack the Supreme Court and impeach Republican-appointed judges. When Ben Franklin was asked what he had created, he is rumored to have responded, “A republic, if we can keep it.” We’re losing it before our very eyes.

Democrat loons of the left have been emboldened. Make an enemies’ list, don’t let anyone who worked in the Trump administration get a job. Take the children of the white supremacists who voted for Trump and put them in re-education camps. Drive Republicans and conservatives from the public square, deny them a platform from which to speak. As a column in the Boston Globe recommended, waiters should poison their food. This has nothing to do with unity, and everything to do with totalitarianism.

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You'd have to be an idiot to believe that the tens of thousands of "mostly peaceful" protesters who tore through our country all spring and summer, vandalizing, looting and burning down buildings, were Republicans. The ragtag bunch on January 6th were unarmed, didn't vandalize, didn't loot, and didn't commit arson. One policeman and one protester were killed. During 2020 many people including police officers and children were killed and injured by the "mostly peaceful" protesters. Twenty BILLION dollars of damage was done, mostly to small stores which represented the only means of support for their owners. The same Democrat politicians who refused to put a stop to the mayhem, are now sending this visual message to Americans that Republicans are dangerous. No sale.

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Easy thought experiment. Imagine this is January 2017 and this is happening!! Your ears would be ringing with thundering, righteous indignation from the NYT, WAPO, etc. The left would BLOW A GASKET!! So why the double standards. Why is it being done now?? Who are the real Authoritarians???

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Democrats will let your city burn all summer long, but if you put your feet on Nancy Pelosi's desk, the troops come out and the walls go up.

Anybody who has been paying attention should not be surprised at anything happening under Biden.

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Whoever's calling the shots in D.C. these days (Nancy Pelosi? someone in Joe Biden's ear?) is doing more harm to democratic institutions than any Trumpster ever thought of doing. I realize half the country has been dumbed down to the point that they're okay with these theatrics, but I don't think it ends well, for them or whoever's behind the curtain.

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$750,000,000,000 annual National Defense Budget and the Clampett's from Beverly Hills and the Duck Dynasty crew take the US Capitol in 83 minutes without a single shot being fired?

Does that about sum it up?

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America is now a banana republic, complete with an illegitimate regime backed by a mysterious, unaccountable oligarchy.

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What’s happening is shameful to say the least. There is no justification for this precipitous action in continued deployment of troops in Washington. The reason given is itself shameful in regard to an impeachment trial of a “former” president. It’s blatantly unconstitutional, such that the Chief Justice won’t participate. The Democrats and their allies are on a very dangerous roll here. How does this end??

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So, the political class that supports defunding of local U.S. police departments also supports the militarization of our Nation's capital for an indefinite period of time. That would be merely hypocritical if there were a real and present danger necessitating the militarization. However, the need for the troops is being manufactured by the elite media and their supportive sycophant politicians. That's not just hypocrisy. That's your Republic going over the cliff.

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I couldn't agree more with the sentiments and arguments expressed here. And . . . I couldn't be more tired of hearing them.

Of course these people are hypocrites. The foil here -- normalization of troops being deployed in our cities -- is just a vehicle to illustrate the hypocrisy. But at this point, it's hardly surprising. Black face was abhorrent until photos of Justin Trudeau and Ralph Northam surfaced. "Me too" was a thing when uncorroborated allegations were leveled against Kavanaugh; not a thing when corroborated allegations against Joe Biden or Justin Fairfax surfaced. Etc., etc., etc.

The vehicles are different; the hypocrisy is the same. The first question you ask is: On which side of the aisle does the accused sit? Answer that and you know what the narrative will be. There will be dozens more, some small and some large, in the coming year. I, for one, am tired of it. I wish it could be fixed; I don't believe it can be.

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What I find most disturbing about this is not that the pols would do it but that the media has completely rolled over on it.

If this were a R admin, the entire press briefing would be about the troops, the supposed intimidation by the party in power and so forth. "Whistleblowers" would be trotted out as well as officials from the party out of power to explain how awful this all is. And, of course, how unprecedented.

And instead...exactly nothing...just straight up justification...as if Trump's impeachment trial is going to last a month (it isn't) or joint sessions of Congress (aka first SOTU) require military presence.

Sure, the (il)liberal party is driving the bus but the media is tripping over themselves not to provide proper context (because, well, you know, if you say something bad about Biden, people might vote incorrectly)

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When the echo chamber on the left spends decades convincing itself that contravening ideas ARE violence (the heart of the argument to censor the Cotton piece), and then deploys troops to protect themselves from offending ideas, it offers a hint as to their confidence in their own ideas.

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What are they all so afraid of? This isn't the way a legitimate government behaves. Maybe the election was stolen after all. I didn't have that thought until the troops and razor wire showed up.

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My wife grew up in a Former Soviet Union country. Her friends were over this weekend and we talked politics. They opined the current show of force by the Dems/big tech /left reminded them of the late 1970's and 1980's when Russia had a tight grip on their lives and country!

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