The Founders limited "treason" in the Constitution due to grave concerns it would be weaponized to criminalize dissent: exactly how the term is now routinely used.
Tulsi Gabbard should consider it a badge of honor that a draft-dodging, deep-state puppet like Romney would call her a traitor -- it only shows she is over the target. Romney is a pathetic representation of the past and Gabbard is the future.
Romney has a lot to hide: Romney has business in Ukraine, just like Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry, and he was complicit in the 2020 Election Fraud, with GA Gov. Kemp, Raffensperger, AZ Gov. Ducey, and many other RINO's.
By the way: it was us (The USA) who invaded Ukraine: in 2014, with a Coup d'Etat. Guess who was involved in that Coup? Obama, Joe Biden, John Kerry, Victoria Nuland, John Brennan and... John McCain - article here: - Since RINO McCain was involved, certainly also this other RINO, Romney was in it, too: this is why that dog barks at Tulsi Gabbard. Dem's + RINO's = UniParty (all tools of the CIA)
Misdirection is a highly effective tool, especially when used against a 280-character attention span, easily triggered populace. Or as Matt Taibbi said in his brilliant piece last Sunday:
"The ideal citizen of Orwell’s Oceania bubbled with rage a mile wide and a millimeter deep and could forget in an instant passions that may have consumed him or her for years."
I like that, "Treason is the new unvaccinated." The impulse for both is the compulsion to demonize those who question the official government/corporate line.
The DNC cant do shit but point at the other team and blame because if they point at themselves you will see 0 actual results in 60+ years of total control.
Look at Baltimore, St. Louis and New Orleans in terms of crime.
I have a 75 year old friend, a lifelong resident of Baltimore, where after fifty years of Democratic control the city has sunk into a dystopian crime sewer. Yet he proudly proclaims that "I'd vote for Mickey Mouse before I'd vote for a Republican for mayor." It's like talking to a Scientologist.
I’ve used this perfect reference multiple times. It elicits either a spit-take from the old or a blank stare from the generations who would benefit the most.
We all owe an eternal debt to David Frum et al. for instilling this binary team logic on us back during the War on Terror. But you can draw a fairly straight line from there through the NeverTrumpers, Coronatards, and now the current-day version: "You either support ramping up a disastrous military response in Ukraine, or you're a Putin apologist. And therefore treasonous."
Worse, "You must accept that there was no fault or mis-steps in our actions, policies, diplomacy in the years and months leading to this war, so the only possible blame falls solely on Putin. And even if you believe that Putin is a monster who has unleashed indefensible war actions, you must also accept that there are no gray areas where we could do anything, then or now, other than exactly what we're doing for no less cause than saving democracy and freedom - there is no other path than ours. And, as always, it's Trump's fault. - Anything other than a full throated war cry is treason"
Agreed. My use of "et al" above was specifically a reference to Atlantic neocon Anne Applebaum, who Tweetblamed "Mearsheimer et al" for __providing the Russians with a convenient pretext to invade__! As if everything Mearsheimer (who, after all, is a non-progressive realpolitik strategist) said DIDN'T HAPPEN.
We have become spectators in the Roman Coliseum watching gladiators fight to the death. Americans are distant from the war and watch it at home but the emotional pitches of commenters makes it seem like we are involved. The sanction war is an overlay of a terrible ground war but its only Ukrainians and Russians dying. The sanctions are the new drones - a way to fight without spilling a drop of blood.
"Aaron Maté said something to the effect of “the truth has a mask mandate. “"
The conversational use of "whataboutism and/or doublethink has indeed been exercised when desperate uninformed rhetoric is proffered in hopes of not being recognized as covert falsity.
Matt Taibbi: Orwell Was Right - scheerpost.com › 2022/03/13 › matt-taibbi-orwel...
3 days ago — We even have our own borrowed Newspeak word for the offense: Whataboutism. The offender supposedly does a bait-and-switch,
Don't overstep. The US did not invade the Ukraine and to say we did is laughable. You can read some background here ... Putin was funding separatist rebels. The article you cite presents no evidence of anything, just one guy's overheated conspiracy theory. For more detail go here... Putin invaded portions of the Ukraine in 2014 and then invaded the Crimea which was part of the Ukraine.
Just watched Oliver Stone's "Ukraine on Fire". Ukraine is evenly split between those who want closer ties with Russia (the Eastern half, and the Crimea) and those who are EU-centric (the Western half, who, inconveniently, are heavily supported by large, powerful real-life Nazi factions,, including in their military).
It's a clusterfuck, and unfortunately 99.9% of Americans will never know the first thing about Ukraine's history, including the U.S. backed "revolution", which Nuland is caught on tape helping to orchestrate. Don't think we should get involved. Does that make me a traitor too?
None of that word salad changes the fact that the US did not invade the Ukraine. Putin has said on the open airwaves that he thinks Ukraine is "part of Russia". Hitler thought Austria was "part of Germany". Xi thinks Taiwan is "part of Communist China". And by all accounts I've seen, the Ukraine is not evenly split. The Ukrainians I know remember what happened the last time Russia was in control. The popular talking point about "the Ukraine is full of Nazi's" is straight from Putin's playbook. None of this matters to those who think that the US is the cause of all the world's problems and there are many of those here.
Hey iconoclast, what did Stalin’s guys do in Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria? I suppose those were all peaceful and democratic takeovers. What about meddling in other countries there?
I have an embarrassing admission. I went to, let’s say, a pretty good college decades ago with someone I now believe was a family member. Not one of us expensively educated buffoons even recognized his surname. Memory holes have always been America’s finest product.
Heil Azov Batallion. And we did help to overthrow a legally-elected government there, which makes us much smarter than that idiot Putin. Tanks are so 20th century.
"None of this matters to those who think that the US is the cause of all the world's problems and there are many of those here."
You're the world's policeman. The leader of the free world and all that other bullshit that they burned into you since birth. So yeah, wear it pal. Wear it.
You broke it, you own it.
Instances of the United States overthrowing, or attempting to overthrow, a foreign government since the Second World War. (* indicates successful ouster of a government)
China 1949 to early 1960s
Albania 1949-53
East Germany 1950s
Iran 1953 *
Guatemala 1954 *
Costa Rica mid-1950s
Syria 1956-7
Egypt 1957
Indonesia 1957-8
British Guiana 1953-64 *
Iraq 1963 *
North Vietnam 1945-73
Cambodia 1955-70 *
Laos 1958 *, 1959 *, 1960 *
Ecuador 1960-63 *
Congo 1960 *
France 1965
Brazil 1962-64 *
Dominican Republic 1963 *
Cuba 1959 to present
Bolivia 1964 *
Indonesia 1965 *
Ghana 1966 *
Chile 1964-73 *
Greece 1967 *
Costa Rica 1970-71
Bolivia 1971 *
Australia 1973-75 *
Angola 1975, 1980s
Zaire 1975
Portugal 1974-76 *
Jamaica 1976-80 *
Seychelles 1979-81
Chad 1981-82 *
Grenada 1983 *
South Yemen 1982-84
Suriname 1982-84
Fiji 1987 *
Libya 1980s
Nicaragua 1981-90 *
Panama 1989 *
Bulgaria 1990 *
Albania 1991 *
Iraq 1991
Afghanistan 1980s *
Somalia 1993
Yugoslavia 1999-2000 *
Ecuador 2000 *
Afghanistan 2001 *
Venezuela 2002 *
Iraq 2003 *
Haiti 2004 *
Somalia 2007 to present
Honduras 2009 *
Libya 2011 *
Syria 2012
Ukraine 2014 *
Q: Why will there never be a coup d’état in Washington?
I don’t know if “full of Nazis” works for me tbh. All right wing parties poll in very low numbers in Ukraine. At the same time Azov and even weirder groups have been integrated with the military which now tweets out the Schwarzesonne like it’s nbd. I’ve said elsewhere I picture the Nazis in Ukraine sort of like the mafia is, or was, in Sicily. Not necessarily popular but able to project lots of power and commit a lot of crime through the use of discipline and violence.
That is why the Russian armed forces are so bogged down in the east and south. The locals keep coming out to thank the tank drivers and offer them tea. Were it not for the gratitude of the locals slowing them down the whole east bank of the Dnieper would have been liberated. Everyone who believes this, raise your hand, the short bus has arrived to drive you back home. As always, you guys area riot. Never have 15 people brought so many smiles to the world. You are not a traitor, John. Your admission that an OliverStone video is your main source of information on Ukraine says enough.
Oh my, you actually have coworkers from there. Great sample size. So far, 2.4 Million Ukrainians have fled Ukraine, these are mostly Eastern Ukrainians. Of these refugees, about 57,000 chose to go to Russia. Do I doubt there are pro-Putinites in Ukraine? No. You exaggerate. This is the most widely covered war in history. There is no excuse not to learn from it.
Crawl back in your hole. The entire world sees what is going on. They agree. That you don’t see reflects poorly on you. You stand with Belarus, Syria, North Korea and Eritrea.
Ok, Meyer. How do they compare to the elections in Belarus? Russia? No musical chairs there. No pantomimes to amuse you. Compared to its eastern and northern neighbors, the Ukraine had a vibrant and open democratic system. Since the 2014 Maidan revolution, the power of the oligarchs was diminished and the government exhibited a degree of transparency unmatched in any former Soviet Republic with the exception of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. You re a bullshitter. Don't waste my time with your bullshit.
I was referring to the comment another reader made about Ukraine being split 'evenly' between East and West learners, nothing else. I wasn't saying they were undemocratic.
Switzerland just dropped its neutrality to impose sanctions on Russia. The Ukraine has been eyed by foreign powers since the Mongol invasion. Today, neutrality would not matter in the face of Russia’s unwillingness to recognize Ukrainians as a nation and the Ukraine as a sovereign country. Russia would still seek dominance and control over a neutral Ukraine. Aggressors can be like that.
Let's not let semantics obscure truth here. If, by your definition, "invade" implies overt military action, then yes ok, the US did not "invade" the Ukraine. But our CIA (directed by the people Greg Rubini mentions) did engage in clandestine activity to facilitate the overthrow of the Ukraine's *democratically* elected president, Victor Yanukovych. Our CIA has done this many times before -- most notably when we overthrew Mosaddeq in Iran (replacing him with the brutal, tyrannical Shah we propped up for decades). Chalmers Johnson, long time US foreign policy advisor, talks about all this here:
As for "funding separatist rebels": We funded the Mujahideen in Afghanistan to deliberately attack Russians. We GAVE them Stinger Missiles!! With that context, it's hard to see how you can fault Putin a whole lot. At least the separatists he funded were on his critical border, and the people there wanted to get out of the Ukraine that our CIA had created.
A much more thorough presentation of the Ukraine situation can be found in John Mearsheimer's 2015 (!!!) University of Chicago lecture here:
You proof, alternative radio and a youtube video? The notion that Nuland orchestrated a coup in Ukraine is so one dimensional, based on no understanding of the Euromaidan revolution and the forces that it unleashed, that it is laughable. Your defense of Yanukovych as a democratically elected president is even. more laughable. That several thousand people in the US, like you, believe the CIA orchestrated Maidan is not surprising. In a nation as large as this, with the freedom of thought and communications we are afforded, have, tens of thousands of people believe they have had direct contact with ETs. In fact there are TV programs and Harvard professors who support them. Sometimes being in the minority on an issue is a tell that you may be mistaken. Mearsheimer, in the other hand, is an academic and an isolationist. He has no skin in the game when he argues for spheres of influence and denies that small nations have agency. He proves nothing. Winston Churchill was a real conservative, he did not recognize Poland as a nation that needed to be sacrificed on the altar of German interests. The world is lucky he did not. You could read more, or if that is too much work for you, you could look up the Center for Political Innovation. They might be right up your alley.
What's telling about your post is that your method of discrediting my sources is to characterize them as 'Alternative Radio' and 'YouTube', when in fact, they are Chalmers Johnson AT The University of Washington, and John Mearsheimer AT The University of Chicago. Are you saying that the mere fact they were RE-POSTED (and on multiple sites, btw) invalidates the credibility of the speakers and their academic institutions? Pretty pathetic.
As for believing the CIA orchestrated Maidan... Since CIA information about their premeditated role in the Iran coup is now unclassified, we know *from their own documents* that indeed they engage in this kind of thing. Does that alone prove that they orchestrated Maidan? No, but it should provoke curiosity. Without a doubt it proves that the possibility of CIA orchestration is infinitely more plausible than "UFOs" (your supposed analogy). I've read dozens of documents, and the evidence is clear: There was significant covert US astroturfing of the "revolution." So, perhaps your underlying desire is actually that you simply would like to see the Ukraine "sacrificed on the alter of US interests".
Hes just trying to argue details with you while deflecting the larger point which he knows any student of history is aware of, which is that the US totally regime changed Ukraine.
This is not in disupte, except by shitlords like the J V team below.
He tried to do the same to "Google", when of course we know that the reality for all those mediums is that they can, and do point to genuine facts and history. The trick is, as always, sorting it out. Something that Krycek here will not do, can not do.
Iran and the Maidan, 2 different things. Both are well documented. What is the point? You draw from a very narrow spectrum of opinion snd their is no evidence that you have synthesized anything you’ve read or watched at all. You are regurgitating. Besides, your sourcing is sophomoric. You cite three sources that agree with you position and you present them as fact. Taking some else’s opinion and citing them does not prove anything. It merely convinced the curious that you have nothing original to add. Do you know what a greek chorus is?
It's interesting to see you mock others for underestimating small nations' "agency" while at the same time insisting Yanukovych was a Russian puppet, since, if that were the case, then you'd have to concede that there's nothing strange at all about the understanding that large nations orchestrate regimes in small nations, including in modern-day Ukraine.
It's also interesting to see you mock supposed underestimation of small nations' agency even while you underestimate the agency of the wealthiest, most imperialistic nation the world has ever seen. This would be strange even if the US hadn't spent the past 75 years pursuing and achieving regime change and destabilization all around the world, especially but not exclusively in "small nations."
Also, your Churchill analogy is absurd for a number of reasons. Here are just a few: 1939 Germany aimed to conquer the UK along with the rest of Europe, which is a ridiculous fever dream when applied to 2022 Russia; Churchill literally ceded Poland to Soviet control at the end of WW2, which was of course just another example of more powerful nations deciding the fates of less powerful ones; and, oh yeah, Churchill wasn't risking global nuclear annihilation, since nuclear weapons didn't exist yet.
All of that is irrelevant when Putin is stating the reason for this is Ukraine's repeated desire to join NATO which came under Petroshenko who was Biden's butt buddy.
1) Prior to 2014, the year of the Maidan, Ukrainian politics were largely a contest played out by local oligarchs. The majority of these oligarchs preferred the Old Soviet mode of doing business with fortunes generated from corrupt privatization schemes where national assets were delivered to powerful insiders at a fraction of there true value. This policy is still intact in Russia and Belarus. Yanukovych was a creature of these politics, he was a local Donetsk thug in the service the local coal and steel oligarchs. They had a genuine interest in extinguishing any idea of western integration and maintaining the old system. These are just the facts. If you familiarized yourself with the post- Soviet Ukraine, it was obvious that there were some significant pro-Russian elements jn Ukraine. Yanukovych was one of them, a pro-Russian tool who had no where to flee except for Russia. 2)The US is an imperialist nation, so? I supported the right of the Vietnamese and the Afghans to struggle to regain agency. Not all small countries are as fortunate. That said, what of the Chechens? The Tibetans? The Kurds? Should they have no agency? 3) By 1939, Churchill had been arguing for a stronger position against Germany since the occupation of the Ruhr. Churchill could easily have surrendered Poland as a nation too distant and too foreign to worry about. Then came the invasion of France and Dunkirk. You seem fuzzy in the facts. Hitler’s goal was always Russia. He simply hoped to find acquiescence in the west with puppets like Petain. Churchill and Britain however would not yield. Ar the same time, Churchill was an imperialist and colonialist hack. Sometimes a person can be a vessel of both courage and villainy.. As for mocking others, there is polite way to respond to didacts and cynics.
Your sources? From your tone, it seems as if you only want to argue. If that's the case, no more from me. However, if you have more behind your position than everything Greenwald has stated is laughable, I would be interested.
Yet churchill recognized that Poland can be sacrificed on the altar of Stalin's interests and recognized USSR sphere of influence.
The US and the Uk are not interfering in other countries affairs ever. At no level whatsoever. They have no foreign interests. Also, they didn't invade Serbia, Irak, Afghanistan, Libia, Syria, Vietnam etc and saddam had weapons of mass destruction while irakian soldiers were killing babies in incubators. If any of the above is false it's because I only heard it in an YouTube video. This info can't be found anywhere else and mainstream sources are denying all of the above which is clearly misinformation. Call the thought police.
Good to hear from a man who laughs a lot. Repeat what you said before a mirror and you'll bend over with laughing. Then again and you'll have thousands who fall down laughing. You must be a yoga laughter master.
Tell me, what history have you read about Ukraine? Name a single book written by a reputable source. That is all I’m asking. If you had read history, you wouldn’t be snipping at me.
No one held a plebiscite on invading Iraq. One of the largest anti - war demonstrations was held in DC before they began the war. A small clique of madmen started that war. Despite the lies and the media complicity most Americans did not support the objectives of the war. When no WMDs were found, support sank further. Support for the troops, however, is much different than support for the war. You seem to believe in the power of government lies and the stupidity of the people. To your initial point, small ideological groupules often imagine themselves to be the sole font to truth in a world filled with deceit and disinformation. In their little groups, they find cohesion among themselves and it is easy to convince themselves that only they see reality and that the public is simply befuddled. These group are generally always wrong. If you suspect you are a member of such a group, try reading a wider spectrum of opinion. Its free.
When was the last time theCongress declare war? How many times has the US been engaged its military around the globe since then? You are either naive or not well-read.
6 people died during the annexation of Crimea back into Russia where it belongs. Poll after poll has confirmed that is the will of the people there.
You maniacs like to cite CRIMEA as though it was one of history's greatest crimes.
No, that would be things like the A Bombing of Japan, the millions killed in Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam, the deliberate attempted extermination of aboriginal peoples and on and on.
Hell, I lived so long in Ukraine that I actually know two(!) Crimeans who voted against becoming part of Russia.
Their Crimean neighbors have subsequently treated them with all the respect that an SS officer would have at the Jewish Antidefamation League.
For that matter, Pew Research, hardly a Russian cutout, found that support for joining Russia was quite high after the referendum. UN-sponsored polling indicated similar before the referendum and before the 2014 coup.
After the legitimate government in Kiev was overthrown in a coup, they didn't recognize the new post-Maidan regime. One could argue that Donetsk and Luhansk were the actual "loyalists", not "separatists".
The founder of Wiki now says he ‘doesn’t trust it.’ Are you the designated agitator for Glenn’s piece today? Because your smugness causes others to stretch things - & if that’s what you’re all about - why don’t you do us a favor and disclose it?
Fab condensed version of 2014 coup and bonus points for correct ID of Eric Ciaramella as a CIA operative. Folks without your grasp of history should have seen the big red flag the moment Congress praised him as a whistleblower because real truth tellers are silenced, smeared, prosecuted and jailed.
Sadly, Tulsi will never be allowed to be the future. I talk to so many people who still call her a stooge and a puppet on her Assad romance. There are just too many people in our society unable to use critical thinking or that actually read a full article.
I used to once think they were all right wing nuts that were easily manipulated... turns out... that problem doesn't distinguish with sides.
I agree and I think during Trump's four years in office the propaganda attack linking him to Russia and Putin based solely on heresay, no evidence required, dumbed down the American public. The left was also involved in that, and are as guilty as the mainstream media they use to attack for their propaganda and lies. I really like Tulsi Gabbard!
Not to mention that when he ran for the presidency in 2012 against Obama the turd was heard dismissing some 40-50 percent of the population as loafers and people he would not concern himself with, once in office. His heartfelt disdain for the poor went viral, and no more Mitt R. This is just an opportunity to prove he loves his country. What BS from a self-serving ass who wants to return to the spotlight.
Mitt Romney has no future in the republican party without kissing the war criminals ring. This is romney telegraphing the kiss while bending the knee to the biggest government ever: tyranny!
I suppose we could hold up their official 8x12 glossy and everyone rates their heinous-ness by holding up 1-10 cards. That would be an amusing in-the-cathartic-sense website to make.
Doesn't remind me of our build up to war with Iraq. We said Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, and lied about al-qaeda's presence there. Back then there were people like Scott Ritter who refuted that, and he was in a position to do so, since he was an inspector general in that country until 1998. There were other's who refuted the Bush/Cheney claims of aluminum tubes and even allowed on news networks to denounce that war, as well as a left willing to stand up to the lies. The verbal back and forth between Putin and Biden which preceded the war in Ukraine was murky, and confusing, and almost seemed like a charade, leading many to believe it was never going to happen. I think the US purposely avoided being forthright and honest and did not inform the American people about Putin's demands and the consequences of ignoring them making the war in Ukraine a reality, so America looks innocent and Putin alone is the villain.
December 2021. Russian President Vladimir Putin demanded Thursday that the West “immediately” guarantee that NATO will not expand to include Ukraine and blamed the US for inflaming tensions in Eastern Europe and increasing the likelihood of war.
Putin fielded questions for about four hours at his annual year-end news conference, during which he reiterated his calls for NATO to halt its expansion to former Soviet republics, as well as his opposition to the West deploying missile systems near the Russian border.
When asked during the marathon session whether he could guarantee that he will not invade Ukraine, the Russian leader snapped: “It’s you who must give us guarantees and give them immediately, now, and not have idle talk about it for decades.”
Biden and his administration didn't give Putin an inch, nor did they inform the public about Russia's demands. The Iraq war didn't take people by surprise, but this one did, and it didn't provide the opportunity for any opposition being expressed either.
I never felt that way, even as a child. I always thought both would have to get crazy to blow up the world and if they did, well, it was okay if I died, because I didn't want to be around a whole bunch of crazy adults.
Both populations wanted friendship. Neither populations mattered in the least. Matt Taibbi said today Russia was a prototype of the extreme oligarchy the West would later become.
I thought we were an oligarchy, since the few control the many. Money really talks to our politicians in this country and they are really good listeners.
Fran...with your knowledge of Ukes/Russia, you go deep, but your "we are an oligarchy" comment above, leaves me in question. I am guessing that you refer to the US.
My thought is that the US does go in and out from controls on issues, but not in a sense of any full oligarchy...i'll give to a small percent.
Most of our (US) problems stem from groups such as the Media, which further agitates feckless groups as in religious/non, black /white, sex, race, age, sport...i just do not see "the few control the many"...hey, i have always felt My Freedom, perhaps more so than most, i do think that for freedom to work for Me, i should execute freedom. thanks
Putin was elected. He has more support than most Western leaders. How many Americans support the broken shell of a man that we are told is the leader of the free world?
So did ANY MSM cover Putin's talk? I don't subscribe to much MSM anymore, but do see headlines, et al. Did not see other than 30sec clip of Putin's speech, and no real analysis. And not much really in blogs/posts/substacks I read. I knew IN GENERAL Russia was very unhappy about potential NATO in Ukraine for several years. But were there any precipitating events that actually triggered the invasion NOW? I've not seen anything explaining why the invasion was NOW, vs say a year ago or a year from now. Just curious as to if there was a discrete 'trigger' that caused this, or more a case of 'might as well do it now, before things get any worse ".
Yeah, the NY Post, but I didn't need them to know this has been a demand for many years, or decades, but this time he sounded extremely adamant, and he wasn't going to wait a year, not months, but the demand was now!
Tulsi Gabbard should consider it a badge of honor that a draft-dodging, deep-state puppet like Romney would call her a traitor -- it only shows she is over the target. Romney is a pathetic representation of the past and Gabbard is the future.
Romney has a lot to hide: Romney has business in Ukraine, just like Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry, and he was complicit in the 2020 Election Fraud, with GA Gov. Kemp, Raffensperger, AZ Gov. Ducey, and many other RINO's.
By the way: it was us (The USA) who invaded Ukraine: in 2014, with a Coup d'Etat. Guess who was involved in that Coup? Obama, Joe Biden, John Kerry, Victoria Nuland, John Brennan and... John McCain - article here: - Since RINO McCain was involved, certainly also this other RINO, Romney was in it, too: this is why that dog barks at Tulsi Gabbard. Dem's + RINO's = UniParty (all tools of the CIA)
Misdirection is a highly effective tool, especially when used against a 280-character attention span, easily triggered populace. Or as Matt Taibbi said in his brilliant piece last Sunday:
"The ideal citizen of Orwell’s Oceania bubbled with rage a mile wide and a millimeter deep and could forget in an instant passions that may have consumed him or her for years."
Treason is the new unvaccinated.
I like that, "Treason is the new unvaccinated." The impulse for both is the compulsion to demonize those who question the official government/corporate line.
Treason is just the newest buzzword. Like racist, islamaphobic, transphobic, xenophobic, insensitive...the list goes on.
They just swapped treason in for racism.
The DNC cant do shit but point at the other team and blame because if they point at themselves you will see 0 actual results in 60+ years of total control.
Look at Baltimore, St. Louis and New Orleans in terms of crime.
I have a 75 year old friend, a lifelong resident of Baltimore, where after fifty years of Democratic control the city has sunk into a dystopian crime sewer. Yet he proudly proclaims that "I'd vote for Mickey Mouse before I'd vote for a Republican for mayor." It's like talking to a Scientologist.
Most epithets of this nature boil down to, "You are not of the body!" - McCoy
Or, "You're a cootie!". That reflects the level of maturity that's involved.
“You’ve got Puties!”
I’ve used this perfect reference multiple times. It elicits either a spit-take from the old or a blank stare from the generations who would benefit the most.
"Blank stares" are trendy among certain demographics these days! Thanks!
"You do know that Russia, is not the Soviet Union and that they are now a capitalist country right?" {blank stare}
Another great comment. Going to steal the "....the new unvax..."
We all owe an eternal debt to David Frum et al. for instilling this binary team logic on us back during the War on Terror. But you can draw a fairly straight line from there through the NeverTrumpers, Coronatards, and now the current-day version: "You either support ramping up a disastrous military response in Ukraine, or you're a Putin apologist. And therefore treasonous."
Worse, "You must accept that there was no fault or mis-steps in our actions, policies, diplomacy in the years and months leading to this war, so the only possible blame falls solely on Putin. And even if you believe that Putin is a monster who has unleashed indefensible war actions, you must also accept that there are no gray areas where we could do anything, then or now, other than exactly what we're doing for no less cause than saving democracy and freedom - there is no other path than ours. And, as always, it's Trump's fault. - Anything other than a full throated war cry is treason"
Agreed. My use of "et al" above was specifically a reference to Atlantic neocon Anne Applebaum, who Tweetblamed "Mearsheimer et al" for __providing the Russians with a convenient pretext to invade__! As if everything Mearsheimer (who, after all, is a non-progressive realpolitik strategist) said DIDN'T HAPPEN.
(After getting dragged for her tweet, Applebaum later said she was only "half-joking." Weaselly!)
Anne blocked me on Twitter. Good.
Speaking of "treason", Frum left his own country to promote war. Wars of aggression were not a Canadian value.
"Were", they are now. The annexation is almost complete.
We have become spectators in the Roman Coliseum watching gladiators fight to the death. Americans are distant from the war and watch it at home but the emotional pitches of commenters makes it seem like we are involved. The sanction war is an overlay of a terrible ground war but its only Ukrainians and Russians dying. The sanctions are the new drones - a way to fight without spilling a drop of blood.
Yes -- drones, sanctions, censorship: the preferred tools of the virtuals.
Aaron Maté said something to the effect of “the truth has a mask mandate. “
Glenn made the point recently that the "Classic Russian technique" of whataboutism is as old as man.
The same is true of doublethink, which is a human trait, aeons old. Nothing new about it. I really like Matt, but that was weak.
@ Bill Owen ❔
"I really like Matt, but that was weak."
The comment you replied to was:
"Aaron Maté said something to the effect of “the truth has a mask mandate. “"
The conversational use of "whataboutism and/or doublethink has indeed been exercised when desperate uninformed rhetoric is proffered in hopes of not being recognized as covert falsity.
Matt Taibbi: Orwell Was Right - scheerpost.com › 2022/03/13 › matt-taibbi-orwel...
3 days ago — We even have our own borrowed Newspeak word for the offense: Whataboutism. The offender supposedly does a bait-and-switch,
As Usual,
Thanks yes, I read the article. Doublethink is not new, nor is it on the rise. We all do it to some degree or other too.
Yeah Glenn linked the calls where they got caught on a hot mic deciding who was going to be in charge in Ukraine.
This is the behavior that is unacceptable here and everywhere, and is the behavior both Americans and foreigners hate about our leaders.
Don't overstep. The US did not invade the Ukraine and to say we did is laughable. You can read some background here ... Putin was funding separatist rebels. The article you cite presents no evidence of anything, just one guy's overheated conspiracy theory. For more detail go here... Putin invaded portions of the Ukraine in 2014 and then invaded the Crimea which was part of the Ukraine.
Just watched Oliver Stone's "Ukraine on Fire". Ukraine is evenly split between those who want closer ties with Russia (the Eastern half, and the Crimea) and those who are EU-centric (the Western half, who, inconveniently, are heavily supported by large, powerful real-life Nazi factions,, including in their military).
It's a clusterfuck, and unfortunately 99.9% of Americans will never know the first thing about Ukraine's history, including the U.S. backed "revolution", which Nuland is caught on tape helping to orchestrate. Don't think we should get involved. Does that make me a traitor too?
You are only a traitor because you are
Priceless; Kudos!
If it means Im a traitor to the schemes of the corrupt I wear that badge proudly.
None of that word salad changes the fact that the US did not invade the Ukraine. Putin has said on the open airwaves that he thinks Ukraine is "part of Russia". Hitler thought Austria was "part of Germany". Xi thinks Taiwan is "part of Communist China". And by all accounts I've seen, the Ukraine is not evenly split. The Ukrainians I know remember what happened the last time Russia was in control. The popular talking point about "the Ukraine is full of Nazi's" is straight from Putin's playbook. None of this matters to those who think that the US is the cause of all the world's problems and there are many of those here.
Hey there Nosh, what about what the CIA did on August 19, 1953 with their MI6 buddies?
The US NEVER gets to play "dont meddle in other countries card". Period. End of fucking story.
Hey iconoclast, what did Stalin’s guys do in Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria? I suppose those were all peaceful and democratic takeovers. What about meddling in other countries there?
I have an embarrassing admission. I went to, let’s say, a pretty good college decades ago with someone I now believe was a family member. Not one of us expensively educated buffoons even recognized his surname. Memory holes have always been America’s finest product.
Heil Azov Batallion. And we did help to overthrow a legally-elected government there, which makes us much smarter than that idiot Putin. Tanks are so 20th century.
"None of this matters to those who think that the US is the cause of all the world's problems and there are many of those here."
You're the world's policeman. The leader of the free world and all that other bullshit that they burned into you since birth. So yeah, wear it pal. Wear it.
You broke it, you own it.
Instances of the United States overthrowing, or attempting to overthrow, a foreign government since the Second World War. (* indicates successful ouster of a government)
China 1949 to early 1960s
Albania 1949-53
East Germany 1950s
Iran 1953 *
Guatemala 1954 *
Costa Rica mid-1950s
Syria 1956-7
Egypt 1957
Indonesia 1957-8
British Guiana 1953-64 *
Iraq 1963 *
North Vietnam 1945-73
Cambodia 1955-70 *
Laos 1958 *, 1959 *, 1960 *
Ecuador 1960-63 *
Congo 1960 *
France 1965
Brazil 1962-64 *
Dominican Republic 1963 *
Cuba 1959 to present
Bolivia 1964 *
Indonesia 1965 *
Ghana 1966 *
Chile 1964-73 *
Greece 1967 *
Costa Rica 1970-71
Bolivia 1971 *
Australia 1973-75 *
Angola 1975, 1980s
Zaire 1975
Portugal 1974-76 *
Jamaica 1976-80 *
Seychelles 1979-81
Chad 1981-82 *
Grenada 1983 *
South Yemen 1982-84
Suriname 1982-84
Fiji 1987 *
Libya 1980s
Nicaragua 1981-90 *
Panama 1989 *
Bulgaria 1990 *
Albania 1991 *
Iraq 1991
Afghanistan 1980s *
Somalia 1993
Yugoslavia 1999-2000 *
Ecuador 2000 *
Afghanistan 2001 *
Venezuela 2002 *
Iraq 2003 *
Haiti 2004 *
Somalia 2007 to present
Honduras 2009 *
Libya 2011 *
Syria 2012
Ukraine 2014 *
Q: Why will there never be a coup d’état in Washington?
A: Because there’s no American embassy there.
Holy shit the final Q made me snort out my coffee lol.
You're brainwashed on US exceptionalism. The TV/film based history that you fervently believe in never happened.
You’re so clearly a paid troll the CIA deserves a refund.
Ukrainian TV few days ago, channel is apparently owned by wife of Lvov's Mayor:
Spot on truth right here by M. Nosh Itsherlock.
The Ukraine is indeed 'full of Nazis'.
Saying otherwise can only be the product of two things.
1. you don't know any better
2. you are lying
And stop saying "straight from Putin's playbook", that's just a propaganda term. The only question about any claim ever, is, "is it true, or false?"
Not, "Did that come from Putin's playbook?"
It is true however, that using that term, mindlessly, pointlessly, as a mere slur, is "straight from the CIA's playbook" .
"Straight from Putin's playbook" is the logical equivalent of Josef Goebbels dismissing something as a "Jew argument".
I don’t know if “full of Nazis” works for me tbh. All right wing parties poll in very low numbers in Ukraine. At the same time Azov and even weirder groups have been integrated with the military which now tweets out the Schwarzesonne like it’s nbd. I’ve said elsewhere I picture the Nazis in Ukraine sort of like the mafia is, or was, in Sicily. Not necessarily popular but able to project lots of power and commit a lot of crime through the use of discipline and violence.
That is why the Russian armed forces are so bogged down in the east and south. The locals keep coming out to thank the tank drivers and offer them tea. Were it not for the gratitude of the locals slowing them down the whole east bank of the Dnieper would have been liberated. Everyone who believes this, raise your hand, the short bus has arrived to drive you back home. As always, you guys area riot. Never have 15 people brought so many smiles to the world. You are not a traitor, John. Your admission that an OliverStone video is your main source of information on Ukraine says enough.
With that said, there is definitely a lot of support for Russia in the East. I have actual coworkers from that region who confirmed this.
Oh my, you actually have coworkers from there. Great sample size. So far, 2.4 Million Ukrainians have fled Ukraine, these are mostly Eastern Ukrainians. Of these refugees, about 57,000 chose to go to Russia. Do I doubt there are pro-Putinites in Ukraine? No. You exaggerate. This is the most widely covered war in history. There is no excuse not to learn from it.
You don't know what's going on in Ukraine. There's a war going on and EVERYONE is lying.
Get real killer.
Crawl back in your hole. The entire world sees what is going on. They agree. That you don’t see reflects poorly on you. You stand with Belarus, Syria, North Korea and Eritrea.
Ukraine's elections since independence look like a game of musical chairs. An Eastern leaner wins in one election, a Western leader wins the next.
Ok, Meyer. How do they compare to the elections in Belarus? Russia? No musical chairs there. No pantomimes to amuse you. Compared to its eastern and northern neighbors, the Ukraine had a vibrant and open democratic system. Since the 2014 Maidan revolution, the power of the oligarchs was diminished and the government exhibited a degree of transparency unmatched in any former Soviet Republic with the exception of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. You re a bullshitter. Don't waste my time with your bullshit.
I was referring to the comment another reader made about Ukraine being split 'evenly' between East and West learners, nothing else. I wasn't saying they were undemocratic.
Switzerland just dropped its neutrality to impose sanctions on Russia. The Ukraine has been eyed by foreign powers since the Mongol invasion. Today, neutrality would not matter in the face of Russia’s unwillingness to recognize Ukrainians as a nation and the Ukraine as a sovereign country. Russia would still seek dominance and control over a neutral Ukraine. Aggressors can be like that.
We did not invade Ukraine. We sponsored a coup.
America, where we eat our own bullshit because our media and leaders make so much.
Finster, we stole a revolution and installed a pliant regime. By the time the US and the EU acted, the Yanukovych regime was already toast.
Without bothering to rehash your old and debunked arguments, that is hardly a better look.
Let's not let semantics obscure truth here. If, by your definition, "invade" implies overt military action, then yes ok, the US did not "invade" the Ukraine. But our CIA (directed by the people Greg Rubini mentions) did engage in clandestine activity to facilitate the overthrow of the Ukraine's *democratically* elected president, Victor Yanukovych. Our CIA has done this many times before -- most notably when we overthrew Mosaddeq in Iran (replacing him with the brutal, tyrannical Shah we propped up for decades). Chalmers Johnson, long time US foreign policy advisor, talks about all this here:
As for "funding separatist rebels": We funded the Mujahideen in Afghanistan to deliberately attack Russians. We GAVE them Stinger Missiles!! With that context, it's hard to see how you can fault Putin a whole lot. At least the separatists he funded were on his critical border, and the people there wanted to get out of the Ukraine that our CIA had created.
A much more thorough presentation of the Ukraine situation can be found in John Mearsheimer's 2015 (!!!) University of Chicago lecture here:
Note that Mearsheimer is a distinguished US born, US foreign policy expert, and long time political conservative. TRUE conservative, not a neo-con.
Related reading: America's long history of heavy election interference abroad, including by funding Yeltsin's theft of the 1996 Russian presidential election:
Ironically appearing in the pages of the Atlantic, home to some of the US's most widely read neocons
You proof, alternative radio and a youtube video? The notion that Nuland orchestrated a coup in Ukraine is so one dimensional, based on no understanding of the Euromaidan revolution and the forces that it unleashed, that it is laughable. Your defense of Yanukovych as a democratically elected president is even. more laughable. That several thousand people in the US, like you, believe the CIA orchestrated Maidan is not surprising. In a nation as large as this, with the freedom of thought and communications we are afforded, have, tens of thousands of people believe they have had direct contact with ETs. In fact there are TV programs and Harvard professors who support them. Sometimes being in the minority on an issue is a tell that you may be mistaken. Mearsheimer, in the other hand, is an academic and an isolationist. He has no skin in the game when he argues for spheres of influence and denies that small nations have agency. He proves nothing. Winston Churchill was a real conservative, he did not recognize Poland as a nation that needed to be sacrificed on the altar of German interests. The world is lucky he did not. You could read more, or if that is too much work for you, you could look up the Center for Political Innovation. They might be right up your alley.
What's telling about your post is that your method of discrediting my sources is to characterize them as 'Alternative Radio' and 'YouTube', when in fact, they are Chalmers Johnson AT The University of Washington, and John Mearsheimer AT The University of Chicago. Are you saying that the mere fact they were RE-POSTED (and on multiple sites, btw) invalidates the credibility of the speakers and their academic institutions? Pretty pathetic.
As for believing the CIA orchestrated Maidan... Since CIA information about their premeditated role in the Iran coup is now unclassified, we know *from their own documents* that indeed they engage in this kind of thing. Does that alone prove that they orchestrated Maidan? No, but it should provoke curiosity. Without a doubt it proves that the possibility of CIA orchestration is infinitely more plausible than "UFOs" (your supposed analogy). I've read dozens of documents, and the evidence is clear: There was significant covert US astroturfing of the "revolution." So, perhaps your underlying desire is actually that you simply would like to see the Ukraine "sacrificed on the alter of US interests".
Hes just trying to argue details with you while deflecting the larger point which he knows any student of history is aware of, which is that the US totally regime changed Ukraine.
This is not in disupte, except by shitlords like the J V team below.
He tried to do the same to "Google", when of course we know that the reality for all those mediums is that they can, and do point to genuine facts and history. The trick is, as always, sorting it out. Something that Krycek here will not do, can not do.
Iran and the Maidan, 2 different things. Both are well documented. What is the point? You draw from a very narrow spectrum of opinion snd their is no evidence that you have synthesized anything you’ve read or watched at all. You are regurgitating. Besides, your sourcing is sophomoric. You cite three sources that agree with you position and you present them as fact. Taking some else’s opinion and citing them does not prove anything. It merely convinced the curious that you have nothing original to add. Do you know what a greek chorus is?
It's interesting to see you mock others for underestimating small nations' "agency" while at the same time insisting Yanukovych was a Russian puppet, since, if that were the case, then you'd have to concede that there's nothing strange at all about the understanding that large nations orchestrate regimes in small nations, including in modern-day Ukraine.
It's also interesting to see you mock supposed underestimation of small nations' agency even while you underestimate the agency of the wealthiest, most imperialistic nation the world has ever seen. This would be strange even if the US hadn't spent the past 75 years pursuing and achieving regime change and destabilization all around the world, especially but not exclusively in "small nations."
Also, your Churchill analogy is absurd for a number of reasons. Here are just a few: 1939 Germany aimed to conquer the UK along with the rest of Europe, which is a ridiculous fever dream when applied to 2022 Russia; Churchill literally ceded Poland to Soviet control at the end of WW2, which was of course just another example of more powerful nations deciding the fates of less powerful ones; and, oh yeah, Churchill wasn't risking global nuclear annihilation, since nuclear weapons didn't exist yet.
All of that is irrelevant when Putin is stating the reason for this is Ukraine's repeated desire to join NATO which came under Petroshenko who was Biden's butt buddy.
1) Prior to 2014, the year of the Maidan, Ukrainian politics were largely a contest played out by local oligarchs. The majority of these oligarchs preferred the Old Soviet mode of doing business with fortunes generated from corrupt privatization schemes where national assets were delivered to powerful insiders at a fraction of there true value. This policy is still intact in Russia and Belarus. Yanukovych was a creature of these politics, he was a local Donetsk thug in the service the local coal and steel oligarchs. They had a genuine interest in extinguishing any idea of western integration and maintaining the old system. These are just the facts. If you familiarized yourself with the post- Soviet Ukraine, it was obvious that there were some significant pro-Russian elements jn Ukraine. Yanukovych was one of them, a pro-Russian tool who had no where to flee except for Russia. 2)The US is an imperialist nation, so? I supported the right of the Vietnamese and the Afghans to struggle to regain agency. Not all small countries are as fortunate. That said, what of the Chechens? The Tibetans? The Kurds? Should they have no agency? 3) By 1939, Churchill had been arguing for a stronger position against Germany since the occupation of the Ruhr. Churchill could easily have surrendered Poland as a nation too distant and too foreign to worry about. Then came the invasion of France and Dunkirk. You seem fuzzy in the facts. Hitler’s goal was always Russia. He simply hoped to find acquiescence in the west with puppets like Petain. Churchill and Britain however would not yield. Ar the same time, Churchill was an imperialist and colonialist hack. Sometimes a person can be a vessel of both courage and villainy.. As for mocking others, there is polite way to respond to didacts and cynics.
Your sources? From your tone, it seems as if you only want to argue. If that's the case, no more from me. However, if you have more behind your position than everything Greenwald has stated is laughable, I would be interested.
Hes melted down against at least 20+ people who dared to disagree with him in this thread, while offering 0 evidence to support his positions.
He reminds me of another immature former poster who got banned for these same temper tantrums all the time.
No more from you. How did you know it was my birthday. Best present ever!!!
Yet churchill recognized that Poland can be sacrificed on the altar of Stalin's interests and recognized USSR sphere of influence.
The US and the Uk are not interfering in other countries affairs ever. At no level whatsoever. They have no foreign interests. Also, they didn't invade Serbia, Irak, Afghanistan, Libia, Syria, Vietnam etc and saddam had weapons of mass destruction while irakian soldiers were killing babies in incubators. If any of the above is false it's because I only heard it in an YouTube video. This info can't be found anywhere else and mainstream sources are denying all of the above which is clearly misinformation. Call the thought police.
Good to hear from a man who laughs a lot. Repeat what you said before a mirror and you'll bend over with laughing. Then again and you'll have thousands who fall down laughing. You must be a yoga laughter master.
"several thousand" Another lie.
History is the proof, as are the sources he cited, something you haven't done in this entire thread.
All you've done is throw childish, wordy temper tantrums like a spoiled little college kid.
Tell me, what history have you read about Ukraine? Name a single book written by a reputable source. That is all I’m asking. If you had read history, you wouldn’t be snipping at me.
No one held a plebiscite on invading Iraq. One of the largest anti - war demonstrations was held in DC before they began the war. A small clique of madmen started that war. Despite the lies and the media complicity most Americans did not support the objectives of the war. When no WMDs were found, support sank further. Support for the troops, however, is much different than support for the war. You seem to believe in the power of government lies and the stupidity of the people. To your initial point, small ideological groupules often imagine themselves to be the sole font to truth in a world filled with deceit and disinformation. In their little groups, they find cohesion among themselves and it is easy to convince themselves that only they see reality and that the public is simply befuddled. These group are generally always wrong. If you suspect you are a member of such a group, try reading a wider spectrum of opinion. Its free.
Good sources and thinking!
Mearsheimer is eloquent and brilliant. I've followed him some and it makes me wish I was one of his students! It would be an exciting class!
Why is the US sending arms to Ukraine for this?
Congress has not declared war and as far as I know we have no protection agreement with Ukraine. BEING THAT THEY ARENT IN FUCKING NATO.
When was the last time theCongress declare war? How many times has the US been engaged its military around the globe since then? You are either naive or not well-read.
What's "theCongress"? Asking for a friend who doesn't speak meth.
6 people died during the annexation of Crimea back into Russia where it belongs. Poll after poll has confirmed that is the will of the people there.
You maniacs like to cite CRIMEA as though it was one of history's greatest crimes.
No, that would be things like the A Bombing of Japan, the millions killed in Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam, the deliberate attempted extermination of aboriginal peoples and on and on.
But hey, "Crimea!" "!PTUIN kicked my dog!"
Hell, I lived so long in Ukraine that I actually know two(!) Crimeans who voted against becoming part of Russia.
Their Crimean neighbors have subsequently treated them with all the respect that an SS officer would have at the Jewish Antidefamation League.
For that matter, Pew Research, hardly a Russian cutout, found that support for joining Russia was quite high after the referendum. UN-sponsored polling indicated similar before the referendum and before the 2014 coup.
After the legitimate government in Kiev was overthrown in a coup, they didn't recognize the new post-Maidan regime. One could argue that Donetsk and Luhansk were the actual "loyalists", not "separatists".
“Don’t overstep”. Sigh…another control freak who likes to bark orders.
What are actual people saying about the Ukraine/Russia war in Canada right now Pete? I am genuinely curious, are people you know discussing it at all?
Our media is 100% for Ukraine. Oligarchs own us, too.
Liberals in Canada need a knee operation, they jerked it so much.
Despite our numerous political differences, I hope the Canadian people don't get sucked into the warmongering that is being pushed right now.
The founder of Wiki now says he ‘doesn’t trust it.’ Are you the designated agitator for Glenn’s piece today? Because your smugness causes others to stretch things - & if that’s what you’re all about - why don’t you do us a favor and disclose it?
You need to take Wiki-lie-to-to-you with a grain of salt…
I have to laugh - Wikipedia is the stated source of authority?
'Nobody should trust Wikipedia,' its co-founder warns: Larry Sanger says site has been taken over by left-wing 'volunteers' who write off sources that don't fit their agenda as fake news" -
Jimmy Wales blocked me on Twitter. Hilarious.
Wiki now has an agenda.
It had to happen I guess.
When you’re linking to a Vox article called everything you need to know, you clearly don’t know much. And Wikipedia. Omg. Lmao
Saying "conspiracy theory" is not an argument.
you link a vox article, and wikipedia. not exactly top notch sources of factual information.
I want to know what Romney, Biden, Kerry and Pelosi are really afraid will be discovered in Ukraine.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with the illicit business interests of their children (bag men)
Awesome reply, great points.
Fab condensed version of 2014 coup and bonus points for correct ID of Eric Ciaramella as a CIA operative. Folks without your grasp of history should have seen the big red flag the moment Congress praised him as a whistleblower because real truth tellers are silenced, smeared, prosecuted and jailed.
Sadly, Tulsi will never be allowed to be the future. I talk to so many people who still call her a stooge and a puppet on her Assad romance. There are just too many people in our society unable to use critical thinking or that actually read a full article.
I used to once think they were all right wing nuts that were easily manipulated... turns out... that problem doesn't distinguish with sides.
I agree and I think during Trump's four years in office the propaganda attack linking him to Russia and Putin based solely on heresay, no evidence required, dumbed down the American public. The left was also involved in that, and are as guilty as the mainstream media they use to attack for their propaganda and lies. I really like Tulsi Gabbard!
Not to mention that when he ran for the presidency in 2012 against Obama the turd was heard dismissing some 40-50 percent of the population as loafers and people he would not concern himself with, once in office. His heartfelt disdain for the poor went viral, and no more Mitt R. This is just an opportunity to prove he loves his country. What BS from a self-serving ass who wants to return to the spotlight.
Physically, he's starting to look a lot like Chairman Xiden. As they said of Neil Young, so we can now say to Romney:
"Old man, look at your life, you're a lot like Brandon".
Joe...right on target
Great response.
Mitt Romney has no future in the republican party without kissing the war criminals ring. This is romney telegraphing the kiss while bending the knee to the biggest government ever: tyranny!
Which war criminal is that? There are so very very many?
I suppose we could hold up their official 8x12 glossy and everyone rates their heinous-ness by holding up 1-10 cards. That would be an amusing in-the-cathartic-sense website to make.
I guess instead of writing about this today, I'll just link to your post. Awesome as usual!
Long-time readers will note the eerie similarity to the build-up to the Iraq war.
Doesn't remind me of our build up to war with Iraq. We said Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, and lied about al-qaeda's presence there. Back then there were people like Scott Ritter who refuted that, and he was in a position to do so, since he was an inspector general in that country until 1998. There were other's who refuted the Bush/Cheney claims of aluminum tubes and even allowed on news networks to denounce that war, as well as a left willing to stand up to the lies. The verbal back and forth between Putin and Biden which preceded the war in Ukraine was murky, and confusing, and almost seemed like a charade, leading many to believe it was never going to happen. I think the US purposely avoided being forthright and honest and did not inform the American people about Putin's demands and the consequences of ignoring them making the war in Ukraine a reality, so America looks innocent and Putin alone is the villain.
December 2021. Russian President Vladimir Putin demanded Thursday that the West “immediately” guarantee that NATO will not expand to include Ukraine and blamed the US for inflaming tensions in Eastern Europe and increasing the likelihood of war.
Putin fielded questions for about four hours at his annual year-end news conference, during which he reiterated his calls for NATO to halt its expansion to former Soviet republics, as well as his opposition to the West deploying missile systems near the Russian border.
When asked during the marathon session whether he could guarantee that he will not invade Ukraine, the Russian leader snapped: “It’s you who must give us guarantees and give them immediately, now, and not have idle talk about it for decades.”
Biden and his administration didn't give Putin an inch, nor did they inform the public about Russia's demands. The Iraq war didn't take people by surprise, but this one did, and it didn't provide the opportunity for any opposition being expressed either.
I love it when you and I find common ground Fran.
Well, common ground is often a good thing. Too bad that didn't happen between Russia and the US.
America, for over a century now.
I never felt that way, even as a child. I always thought both would have to get crazy to blow up the world and if they did, well, it was okay if I died, because I didn't want to be around a whole bunch of crazy adults.
Both populations wanted friendship. Neither populations mattered in the least. Matt Taibbi said today Russia was a prototype of the extreme oligarchy the West would later become.
I thought we were an oligarchy, since the few control the many. Money really talks to our politicians in this country and they are really good listeners.
Fran...with your knowledge of Ukes/Russia, you go deep, but your "we are an oligarchy" comment above, leaves me in question. I am guessing that you refer to the US.
My thought is that the US does go in and out from controls on issues, but not in a sense of any full oligarchy...i'll give to a small percent.
Most of our (US) problems stem from groups such as the Media, which further agitates feckless groups as in religious/non, black /white, sex, race, age, sport...i just do not see "the few control the many"...hey, i have always felt My Freedom, perhaps more so than most, i do think that for freedom to work for Me, i should execute freedom. thanks
Russia has essentially no democratic tradition, and was tutored by the Mongols back at the beginning.
Putin was elected. He has more support than most Western leaders. How many Americans support the broken shell of a man that we are told is the leader of the free world?
So did ANY MSM cover Putin's talk? I don't subscribe to much MSM anymore, but do see headlines, et al. Did not see other than 30sec clip of Putin's speech, and no real analysis. And not much really in blogs/posts/substacks I read. I knew IN GENERAL Russia was very unhappy about potential NATO in Ukraine for several years. But were there any precipitating events that actually triggered the invasion NOW? I've not seen anything explaining why the invasion was NOW, vs say a year ago or a year from now. Just curious as to if there was a discrete 'trigger' that caused this, or more a case of 'might as well do it now, before things get any worse ".
Yeah, the NY Post, but I didn't need them to know this has been a demand for many years, or decades, but this time he sounded extremely adamant, and he wasn't going to wait a year, not months, but the demand was now!