In a New York Times op-ed this week, the group completely reversed its views, arguing vaccine mandates help civil liberties and bodily autonomy "is not absolute."
It actually is not too late to start cratering some of these institutions. The first to fall will create panic in the others since courage isn’t one of the virtues of totalitarians. But usually people argue with themselves that it’s actually “fine” until it is finally too late.
The most effective weapon has always been using words to adjust opinions. The US founders rallied the nation with pamphlets. We have more efficient tools today, but we've surrendered them to the leftist media. We have the means to take that back, if we want to. Fox is winning the cable battlefront. (Gutfeld owns late night slot!) Twitter owns the short attention span, print media is owned by the left. We can take those back. Subscribe to Epoch Times, substack, parler, rumble, etc. Tell your friends. Add your own voice. Make it so loud they can't ignore it. Reason always wins, but its never easy.
"Reason always wins" I got a chuckle as I was thinking about one of my favorite magazines, "Reason" having drifted into a left-leaning version of itself.
I think the education system needs to be uprooted and reformed as a primary beachhead in the war against anti-Americanism.
I don't read that magazine, but I understand it's libertarian (small "l") which the right considers left and the left considers right. Nobody can please everybody.
The "civilized" world, as I've known it over the course of my life, has been turned upside-down, inside-out when it comes to presupposed values, and as well the means by which to attain a positive end result. I might have just been too naive and idealistic for much too long though. Whatever. 'Values' are in the eye of the beholder.
They teach that there is no objective truth in the schools these days. Have been for a few decades. The students coming out of their campus experience don't see it as upside down because they have been taught that there is no right side up.
Up is down, 2+2=5, everything the novels 1984 and Brave New World predicted... Doublethink is prominent. Perversion is now something to be celebrated. "Healthcare" is harm-care. Or even death-care. Some examples off the top of my head.
I knew exactly what David meant and your comment is spot on. I love the sound of the Great Inversion. It resonates with our time. It reminds me of the scene in the film The Dark Night Rises when all of the prisoners are released. I fear we have only begun to fall into the Rabbit hole Alice. Brace yourself friends, it’s only going to get weirder from her on out
We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.
Civil liberties pale in comparison to inalienable (or unalienable) rights. Anything the government grants can be taken away. We are born with inalienable rights, use 'em or lose 'em.
“Boy, everyone in this country is always running around, yammering about their fucking rights. I have a right. You have no right. We have a right. They don’t a have right. Folks, I hate to spoil your fun but there’s no such thing as rights, OK. They’re imaginary. We made them up, like the Boogie Man, the Three Little Pigs, Pinocchio, Mother Goose, shit like that. Rights are an idea. They’re just imaginary. They’re a cute idea. Cute but that’s all. Cute and fictional.
“Rights aren’t rights if someone can take them away. They’re privileges. That’s all we’ve ever had in this country is a bill of temporary privileges. And if you read the news even badly, you know that every year, the list gets shorter and shorter and shorter. You see how silly that is? Yeah. Sooner or later, the people in this country are going to realize the government does not give a fuck about them. The government doesn’t care about you or your children or your rights or your welfare or your safety. It simply doesn’t give a fuck about you. It’s interested in its own power.”
George Carlin was a fucking comedian, not a political philosopher. Your rights are inalienable, whether you choose to defend them or not, whether you believe in them or not. You cannot give them away, nor can they be taken away by the government. Your rights to Liberty are yours be virtue of being born a human being.
You attitude is the main reason people in America have given up on the Republic established by the Constitution. You and they are simply idiots who have given up without a fight. Fuck all of you.
“But if you think you do have rights let me ask you this, where do they come from? People say, “Well, they come from God. They’re God-given rights.” Oh, fuck, here we go again. Here we go again. The God excuse. The last refuge of a man with no answers and no argument, “They came from God.” Anything we can’t describe must have come from God. Personally, folks, I believe that if your rights came from God, he would have given you the right to some food every day, and he would have given you the right to a roof over your head. God would have been looking out for you. God would have been looking out for you, you know that? He wouldn’t have been worrying about making sure you have a gun so you can get drunk on Sunday night and kill your girlfriend’s parents.
“But let’s say it’s true. Let’s say God gave us these rights. Why would he give us a certain number of rights? The Bill of Rights in this country has ten stipulations, OK? Ten rights. And apparently, God was doing sloppy work that week because we’ve had to amend the Bill of Rights an additional 17 times, so God forgot a couple of things like slavery. Just fucking slipped his mind. But let’s say God gave us the original ten. He gave the British 13. The British Bill of Rights has 13 stipulations. The Germans have 29. The Belgians have 25. The Swedish have only 6. And some people in the world have no rights at all. What kind of a fucking, goddamn, God-given deal is that? No rights at all? Why would God give different people in different countries different numbers of different rights? Boredom? Amusement? Bad arithmetic? Do we find out at long last after all this time that God is weak in math skills?
“Doesn’t sound like divine planning to me. Sounds more like human planning. Sounds more like one group trying to control another group. In other words, business as usual in America.”
I said that our rights to Liberty are ours by vertue of being born as human beings.
Your argumentum Verbosium goes on and on about the rights proclaimed by varioius nations throughout the world. This is irrelevant to a discussion of the rights guaranteed by the US Constitution.
To say that "we’ve had to amend the Bill of Rights an additional 17 times,"
This is total bullshit, The first original ten amendments are the Bill of Rights. Any other amendments after that are have to do with other issues.
Your great effort to be 'right' about an issue you are totally wrong about is impressive although really stupid.
Inalienable rights are not go-given. They're 'fundamental' as a maxim, which by definition is not supported by any arguments but taken as self-evident. People who believe in angels and demons might appeal to the idea of god to simplify the concept of a maxim/tenet/assumption.
Our "rights" are only those which we can enforce, or others choose to enforce for us. If I feel I have a right to take your stuff, and you can't stop me, that's the new rights. Rights don't come from documents, or scriptures, but from power.
I voted up your comment, but (OMG, here he goes!) maybe GC actually WAS a political philosopher, in a sense, for he was damn brilliant and "sharp". Probably most "political philosophers" didn't face what George Carlin faced, and then delivered it to the American people and the world come hell or high water, come what may, they come to take me away kind of high water, fuck-'em thank you very much, to God, country, world, God protect us, God save us, or we're fucked, Schmuck! Fuck you too!... Love ya! Got ya! Peace on earth. Hallelujah, hallelujah! [Thank you and rest in peace too, Leonard Cohen!---Love you (in GC's case, felllow) Jews, but will you please try even harder to get Israel to stop their endless apartheid and ethnic cleansing of their/your fellow-Semites, the Palestinians, for God's Sake, literally?!.... Go fuck yourself(ves)!!]
George Carlin was a prophet of his times. Look at how society is geared, if you were a prophet in the mid to late 20th century and wanted to get your point across to as many people as possible it would have to be done via entertainment; that is all people seem to focus on anymore in this world. By becoming a comedian he was able to get so many more people to listen to the message behind his words and hopefully got them to become more self aware. People will say well he was just a comedian but if you listen to him he is actually preaching, just not in a way that most would think.
"maybe GC actually WAS a political philosopher, in a sense, for he was damn brilliant and "sharp""--Steppen
Oh hell man, I agree witth you too. Crlin was a genius and hit many nails on the head. I have never claimed that the US government is not corrupt. In fact I wrote a whole blog page dedicated to that proposition:
“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”—Lord Acton
Yes...I noticed that the annual fall bombings of Gaza are now taking place. Ah what a complex bag of shit that is. As someone just mentioned in a recent article. It isn't Russia or China that has undue influence on Congress is a AIPAC. No one in the US government dares to go against Israel.
It is hard, because I despise radical Islam...but I also despise genocide.
It is like Cassandra's dilimma, or curse. She could tell the future, but no one would believe her.
"Everybody knows the dice are loaded."
God bless you Steppen.
Randall fucking Rose doesn't have the kind of high intelligence friends that I do, all he has is stupid puppies like Art and Russian-Bot.
Too much anger here. Not everybody can be right all the time. Remember the old leftist trick to divide and conquer. Better to agree to disagree. We are all here for freedom of speech, let’s enjoy it and not turn on each other.
Passion is one thing, honest and considerate debate is another. I think we can have that without insults and being uncivil. This is only my opinion. If you do not agree, I respect that.
By George Carlin's "logic", every aspect of what we loosely term "civilization", including (but not limited to) prohibitions on slaughtering dozens of our fellow men just for shits and giggles, outlawing rape, and recognizing obligations to nuture one's chiildren, is imaginary. I enjoyed Carlin's stand-up routines immensely, he was a very good absurdist humorist, but that is all. Anyone who consciously derives his or her fundamental philosphy from his ilk (or consistently posts to on-line fora as if that was the case, other than for occasional comic relief) should not be taken seriously.
William Whitten is the top commenter on this Greenwald article (and on every article that Greenwald has emailed to subscribers in the last two months), though the quality of his comments is lacking. High frequency, low quality.
"though the quality of his comments is lacking. High frequency, low quality."--Randal F. Rose
AGAIN Randall....Every single thread you post this same bullshit...EVERY SINGLE THREAD!!!
Posting your own empty subjective opinions of the quality of my commntary. Complaing as to the quantity of my commentary as if there were some official limit or official etiquette as to the proper number of comments that are allowed.
That you are totally OBSESSED with me and my commentary is too obvious to dismiss. As such the humor of this situation is as obvious as you fruity obsession with me.
All I can say is, so fucking what Randall? What do you care about how many comments I make? What fucking business of yours is it?
There are probably a thousand comments on this thread by now, by hundreds of people. Why don't you go about oinking at each one of them? You know the answer as well as I do, you are obsessed, It is pathological, you have lost your mind over this addiction of confronting me on every story Greenwald posts.
Seek professional help man, you are far over the edge.
BTW as it is just three days from the anniversary of 9/11, I have written a special article on the event:
See, Willie, if you didn't fly off the handle (what's new) for this one your total post count would have been one less. That would probably soothe Mr Rose even if a little bit. Now you've made him more determined, by one more post to be exact, to go after you in the future. I'm looking forward to it.
You forgot to make one of your usual false claims. You usually claim that all the other people here who notice how worthless your posts tend to be are some sort of followers of mine. Newsflash: they're not my followers at all. They're just noticing the truth about you.
Now if you like, you can go back to posting your stuff about Pizzagate and how "Mad Scientists Run the World!!!" I see you're already starting to reiterate your favorite point that 9/11 was a "FALSE FLAG PSYOP" -- you keep claiming that the fall of the World Trade Center towers was not because the towers progressively collapsed after being hit by planes but rather because someone mysteriously planted explosives in the towers. As you put it, "All progressive collapse theories defy Newtonian physics ... If 12 stories drop on the remaining 98 floors. Then applying Newton's 3rd law, the collapse would be arrested at the 86th floor". You should be aware that when you post things like that, many people will realize you don't know what you're talking about.
Kudos. Democracy Now used to have integrity. They always were way to the left of me but I used to listen to them during the Snowden years. Can't say I was ever a monetary supporter. But lately they've become just like the Intercept et al. Trump has been an excuse for many worldwide to abandon any pretense to integrity. BTW it seems to me that those who throw around the phrase Our Democracy (TM) are residents of Animal Farm. What they mean is anything but democracy. Like Sam Harris, who says it's a shame we can't talk to each other any more, then demonizes all Trump supporters in the next breath.
Sam Harris is a great prophet of SCIENTISM, wherein science is worshiped as a religion rather than merely practiced as a field of inquiry. His ideas on individual autonomy and self awareness are strange to say the least. He seems to deny the Cartesian imperative.
I can't help but laugh at the irony that this authoritarian power grab disguised as a public health campaign is being led by Dr. Fauci, the man directly responsible for funding the gain-of-function research that likely spawned this whole disaster to begin with. It really sums up our society in a nutshell.
Anyone remember that lung virus going around in summer 2019 that was blamed on VAPING?
Well, it started in the same vicinity in 2 care homes close to FORT DETRIK, a US BIOWEAPONS as lab that Fraudci worked at for 20 years.
Consequently, the CDC shit down FD in August 2019 for CONTAINMENT ISSUES. And it was NOT the first time either.
In November 2019, the DofD requested that Fort Detrik be partially reopened. 2 weeks later the US MIC and CIA were off to WUHAN CHINA for the annual Wuhan military games..
Make of that what you will..
But the US has 100's of BIOWEAPONS labs in other countries too. One of them is in Georgia, close to RUSSIA where some of the locals have died due to containment issues at THAT LAB
The problems were traced to black market products. Our genius government decides that the solution is clearly to ban the legal products and drive everybody to the black market.
As someone who has dealt with black market producers, this was one of the things in theory that legalization would resolve by protecting consumers. The reality was that it did not.
It took months for the government to step in when companies were found to be dispensing product in violation.
Reports are saying there's hard evidence fauxi lied to congress -- a felony. It will be a test of our society what happens to that evidence. AL capone went down for taxes, not for all his other crimes. Maybe we'll get some less satisfying satisfaction in this case, too. Probably not.
I'll make a prediction (not because I'm particularly prescient, this is too easy). Fauci, like Clapper who actually admitted he lied to Congress, will never be charged with any crime, and most likely won't even lose his job. He's too useful to the statist who view themselves as our overlords.
Watching Fauci squirm and try to twist the definition of gain of function when Rand Paul grilled him was painful. It also underscores the point that these narcissistic God Complex bureaucrats will NEVER take responsibility for their mistakes.
I was actually glad to hear it. I expect it will be his downfall. Even arrogant bureaucrats know its reckless to attack congress, even minority members. He probably thinks the slim majority will protect him. Probably not. He'll regret that mistake, soon.
A few days back, I quickly browsed through some of the documentation offered up re the Wuhan research funding, and my tentative conclusion is that Fauci et al knew at the time that they were likely to be accused of supporting gain of function, and made some attempt to create plausible deniability. I read several statements near the beginnings of those papers that seemed to say, in effect, "what is described below is not gain of function research" when according to a plain reading of that description, it clearly was. It's a pathetic ruse, but perhaps they were counting on their media buddies reading those words and assuring their credulous public that, indeed, there was no gain of function research (or anything else worth seeing) there, move along... Unfortunately, I don't have links to those papers at hand, and I'm time-challenged at the moment, but they weren't very difficult to find.
Bureaucracies are inevitably captured by those who best perpetuate and expand the bureaucracy. Even if they were initially interested in pursuing the stated goals of the organization, it always devolves into empire-building. And as such, those best suited to building empires always rise to the top.
Just look at the USDA. They actively recruit people onto food stamps simply to build a rationale for more funding and job security. They have no interest in actual food security, just a bigger budget and mandate for them.
Exactly. Lots of negatives re Fauci have been swept inder the proverbial rug. The late biochemist Kary Banks Mullis, who shared a 1993 Nobel Prize for inventing the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, said this of Fauci in an interview:
“Guys like Fauci get up there and start talking, you know, he doesn’t know anything really about anything and I’d say that to his face. Nothing. The man thinks you can take a blood sample and stick it in an electron microscope and if it’s got a virus in there you’ll know it. He doesn’t understand electron microscopy and he doesn’t understand medicine and he should not be in a position like he’s in. Most of those guys up there on the top are just total administrative people and they don’t know anything about what’s going on in the body. You know, those guys have got an agenda, which is not what we would like them to have being that we pay for them to take care of our health in some way. They’ve got a personal kind of agenda. They make up their own rules as they go. They change them when they want to. And they smugly, like Tony Fauci does not mind going on television in front of the people who pay his salary and lie directly into the camera,”
Inventor of PCR Test Said Fauci ‘Doesn’t Know Anything’ And Is Willing To Lie On Television
And if you look, in Afghanistan, at all the pictures, you see millions of machine guns, paid for with US taxpayer dollars, now in the hands of the Afghans, just like we saw in the 1970s.
Its the same warmonger whore faction in government and the people who got rich were the defense manufacturers and their congressional flunkies.
Its identical to Iran Contra, just without Congress telling them they cant do it.
Most of that $21 Trillion went to defense contractors, wikileaks had the database up, I remember when I was first getting hardcore into databases, I deployed it myself even though it was a different language. Good times.
"this leftist American prof at the university in Kabul was lecturing Afghan students about how gay men with hemorrhoids can have sex" - at the same time when there must be shortage of such talent back in the US as I don't think such courses are available throughout.
MAGA! Bring him back to take care of American citizens first. Imagine the suffering of those lacking this education here at home.
And now since they left $90 or so billion's worth of military equipment and weaponry behind, ON PURPOSE, the Taliban (psychos) are the best armed country for its size in the region. Did Jo Jo Magoo's handlers do this on purpose? Of course they did. Why did the PTB give the Taliban - who we supposedly went in 20 years to defeat - $90 BILLION worth of military might?
I have a friend who is a combat medic, he told me that the citizens would walk out into the streets and hug the soldiers when they first came to Iraq and Afghanistan. I 100% believe his words because I grew up with him and his family.
No wonder we get along so well, my wife and I also cut the cable TV cord back around that time. Its fucking liberating.
I too opposed the Afghan war. There was never a compelling case made for a war there, just like Iraq in 1994 and 2003. The problem was that the Bush crime family was in charge.
My brother, young, died of AIDS in the late 1980's. The fear that AIDS could be so easily spread caused a great deal of unnecessary suffering. Ambulette services refused to transport them. Fear among hospital personal was unconscionable and many refused to enter their rooms. Nurses and Aids were the worse. The doctors maintained some degree of professionalism. It's interesting that Catholic hospitals in my experience treated them in a more humane and professional manner. I will be forever grateful to the Gay Men's Hotline in the support they offered. I never knew that people who come from a point of fear cold be so appalling in their behavior.
I was a scientist researching AIDS at the beginning of the epidemic. In part of our lab we did work with genetic material, nothing infectious. Occasionally some plumbing needed fixing or what not. Some of them refused to come into the room. I was thinking to myself, "do you think I would be standing in here, no mask or anything, if there was a risk of being infected?". It was an unusual time. Sadly I have heard of health aides even in the more recent years staying away from HIV+ patients out of fear. Even with the greater understanding we have today. There of course was no treatment back then. It was very hard to watch vital young men being felled by the virus. Sorry for your loss.
Sorry that this happened to your brother. The echos of similar treatment now is disgusting. Culling the herd, the weak the unlikable-- inhumane and sociopathic at best
The tin-foil hat wearer in me points out that the state deaths we saw from COVID occurred in their highest-cost areas. The care for prisons and old folks in state run homes. Those two areas had by far the highest deaths and oh by the way the state will save a TON of money with all these people dead.
Substack did not provide me with any notification of the publication of this article, or any responses. This is the second time or third time this has happened and once information was sent to spam. Anyone else have this problem.
How careless, and they promise they don't censor material, but by not sending notifications, not informing you of who responded to your post, or posts, that is what they are doing through their carelessness.
I believe there was only one other article that didn't notify since I joined in late October, but can't be arsed to find out which it was. Assumed it was just wonky software; appreciate the potential confirmation on the Manning one. It wasn't a typical post.
Thanks Amy, I have avoided information related to AIDS because it was just to disturbing to me, as was listening to that video clip. Hearing Fauci say those things almost made me cry. Even in death he was treated as a pariah. No funeral, except one in Manhattan would prepare his body for burial.
Fauci also killed a lot of gay men, spreading high profit junk pharmaceuticals like AZT as the “cure” while squashing the off label use of existing off-patent antibiotic medications proven to work for prophylaxis of thinks like pcp pneumonia. Sound familiar?
I was astonished to learn last year that he was still employed.
Thank you for sharing hay video Amy! Kim Iverson has become one of my absolute favorites recently! For those unaware, other than the rising, she also has her own channel which she uploads videos to. Very fair reporting imo.
I never knew that Fauci was the one who started that lie, and gave newspapers a story they could exploit. So many suffered because of his ignorant assumptions which should never have been verbalized to a money hungry press. Maybe the spot light is more important to this egomaniac. Thanks Amy.
People make the mistake of thinking he is stupid or incompetent. He is neither. He is a cunning con man, and a psychopath. EVERYTHING that is going on now has been carefully choreographed.
Most of them are up there. I'm baffled at how many people think they should be educated or let know of one thing or other. "Let's write our reps a letter" bullshit.
"Apparently" - look I am no fan of Fauci's, but I would like to see some documentation of that - there are too many "apparentlys" about a lot of things and folks that wind up taking us down the rabbit hole ...
After I read your "Are you surprised to hear AIDS called a fraud? You won’t be after you see this film." I decided not to sit through an hour and a half of a film that you seem to think proves AIDS was a fraud ...
It wasn't, it isn't - lots of folks died from it, including my brother in '92 If you think that Covid is a fraud, as well, it isn't, lots of folks dying from that as well ....
Do you also think the Holocaust was a fraud? Are you into Q-Anon?
Watched the video - and in all fairness, they didn't really know a lot about the disease initially - so he was speaking as they say, "in an abundance of caution" - it seems to me that, with regard to Covid, he went the other way when he said we didn't need to wear masks.
I do think with the AIDS thing - it was identified with "Gay men" and considering how many felt about Gay folk then, and too many still do, folks, considering it a "Gay" disease, didn't much care - might well have thought "serves 'em right!" - Politics and prejudice were as much in play then, if not more so, as they are now -
I agree with the video - but in a much broader sense, that we didn't and still don't devote enough research to other Rx than the ones sanctioned - disease should never be a "political" issue ...
I, too, lost a brother to AIDS in '92, a wonderful human being, who did a lot of great things, even as he knew, for some years, that he had what was, at that time, a "fatal" disease - he didn't get to see the anti-virals that now allow folks to live ...
I don't think the voters "think" that much. Incredible amount of money is spent on selling them to the public, just like any other product - from toothpaste to car is being sold.
There is a great video out there filmed at LAX . The PA system repeats, “Paging Recall Newsome”. People laughing in the background. I’ll try to find it and post the link.
Government employment is for those too stupid, too afraid, or too lazy to do something legitimate. The more baseless they are, the more haughty they are.
You should try working for the government as I did. You think these guys are incompetent? It is much worse than you know. I went in also knowing how much money our government wastes. Boy was I wrong. It wasted far more than I knew. In the belly of the beast it is not pretty, not pretty at all.
Note also the fact that their subscription model of helping ensure the entire community gets the disease because "PREP" is based on the fact that they themselves will never engage in such behavior.Think about that, and the definition of pimping.
His crime was that he incited an irrational panic around AIDS, and then he suppressed other treatments that would have saved lives in order to pursue a vaccine and promote therapies like AZT that did more harm than good. He should have been fired 35 years ago.
If people are not making the parallel with our current situation and Germany in the 1930s, they are neither students of history nor informed citizens. If discriminating against people and asking everyone to show their papers in order to freely circulate is not enough to ring the alarm bells for them, they don’t see where this is headed.
We are being told that everything may go back to something resembling “normal” once everyone complies with the new mandatory vaccination regime. Some actually believe this will lead to some kind of light at the end of the tunnel.
They are very wrong.
It will not be the end of anything, it will be just the beginning. This isn’t even a “conspiracy,” it’s right there out in the open.
Top world economic forum representatives are openly discussing putting microchips under everyone’s skin by 2030… You can hear Klaus Schwab openly talking about this, and very confidently.
Perhaps his misanthropic outlook makes him think people really are that stupid.
Many people who considered themselves fine and reasonable people are getting really upset now because they feel they sound like crazy right wing conspiracy theorists. To them I say: you are not a crazy right wing conspiracy theorist, the Davos and other oligarchs just are crazy utopians trying to realize their insane dystopian wet dreams.
Everyone else is relatively normal and human compared to these sociopaths. They believe that they can make the unthinkable thinkable again.
Well, if you take the example of every attempted dictatorship in the twentieth century, it never actually worked out did it? People will always revolt. These kind of systems of evil are by their nature self-destructive. That's why these Western oligarchs really should be called "utopians." They believe that now, with all their new social engineering tricks, the pharmacological and technological revolutions, they can finally bring about their "Final revolution."
They know it hasn't worked in the past. We're talking about the same Anglo-American financial establishment that helped get Hitler into power, and tried to organize a fascist coup within the USA as well.
Just remember, all of Hitler's sterilization policies were inspired by the US sterilization and eugenics policies. The British and American aristocracies were gaga over Hitler's eugenics program, until he turned on them.
That was not the original plan.
It reminds me of Goethe's "The Sorcerer's Apprentice." They are always creating Frankenstein monsters that they can't really control in the end.
At the moment, it is probable that the indirect effect of civilization is dysgenic instead of eugenic, and in any case it seems likely that the dead weight of genetic stupidity, physical weakness, mental instability and disease proneness, which already exist in the human species will prove too great a burden for real progress to be achieved. Thus even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that is now unthinkable may at least become thinkable.”-- Julian Huxley, 1946 UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its Philosophy
I think the point is that fascism can be defeated. I don't think we need to wait for really bad things to happen before hitting the breaks.
Many people are coming out and opposing what's going on, and they are from all walks of life. The Anglo-American financiers are playing a very fragile game of Jenga, the stakes are very high, and a million things could go wrong.
Don't give these guys too much credit.
The biggest challenge is unifying the many different groups from different walks of life who all share and value the same basic ideas of liberty and freedom, despite having very different views on whole host of other issues.
The oligarchs on the other hand probably don't like each other very much, but they are resolved to maintain their power, and they have the most to lose from any sudden change. On the whole, most of the totalitarian and censorship moves are a sign of weakness, not strength.
I think the more that becomes clear for people, the more willing they will be to fight back, to use their minds and be creative, rather than cowering into survival mode.
Yes, he has some really good stuff on the solutions to the financial crisis and exposes into the utopian world of the new eugenics and "transhumanism."
I have often, as of late, used a linguistic experiment whereby I substitute the word White or White Supremacy with Jew or Jews to see how it would read. Not surprisingly, not so well. Lucky for Jews this historical go 'round is that white, un-vaccinated men are the undesirable others.
Are you aware that the NEA announced they are teaching CRITICAL RACE THEORY to every K-12 in the country?
And when the back lash was severe, they promptly removed this info from their website and changed the language to further gaslight parents opposed to this insanity?
The white working class IS the majority in the US and WE
ARE THE ENEMY pegged for destruction.
People really need to wake up.
Btw if anyone has a child in a Dem run state and school watch for this garbage as your child will PARROT the gaslighting language at home.
Why are you afraid of critical race theory? Surely someone with such a demonstrable capacity for understanding as yourself—I've seen your posts and while I don't usually agree they sure are thought out—understands that the United States was built upon a foundation of genocide, slavery, imperialism, and white supremacy that endures at a systemic level to this day? Critical race theory examines how racism is embedded within U.S. systems. You don't deny that it is, do you?
I am not affraid of Critical Race Theory, I deplore it.
The United States was built on the priciples of the inalianable rights to Liberty.
In the 1700s ALL nations were occupied with genocide, slavery, imperialism, and white supremacy. In 1776 the Americans broke from this common activity of other nations and declared indepenence from such deplorable activities as we speak of here.
It was a beginning, and as in many beginnings there were faltering steps. And through time the United States grew to be a beacon to the world as far as freedom and justice are concerned.
It took a long time and travails and missteps. But by the 1960s the US had finally dealt with the racism that was there in the beginning.
Thurgood Marshall was the first African American to serve as a justice on the U.S. Supreme Court. He joined the Court in 1967. By the 1970s we had black governors and mayors and judges.
In 2009 Barack Hussein Obama became the first black President of the United States.
If you are black in the United States, and you do not succeed in your chosen field, it is not due to racism, it is due to your lack of effort or lack of merit in the work you choose.
Racism is clearly not embedded in the U.S. system, as the success of so many black people has proven.
I must reject the notion entirely that because I am white I am a racist.
I met many rasist asshole when I lived in south Georgia for several years. The disgust me.
I am also digusted by racist black people who accuse me of being racist based on the color of my skin.
Do not lay that shit on me brother, I am not buying it.
This analysis is deep. Fucking deep! Anyone care to look for the bottom?
Wonka cry "me is harassed". Stop harassing the forum with your brainfarts and copy/pastes (ads and all) and you'll be left alone. You complain about the puppies. You haven't seen the kittens yet.
The ACLU's current position is truly dangerous. As we have seen over the last 18 months, courts - even those strong on upholding civil liberties - are extremely deferential to public health mandates. Our constitution is not self executing. Courts' deference to official health policy generally mean civil liberties are easily ignored or overruled. It's been bad enough in the US. But look at Australia. 18 months of lockdowns in NSW and Victoria states, and counting. Traveling more than 3 miles from your home a criminal offence subject to heavy fines. For all this coercion, the vax rate in OZ is something like 30%.
Sadly, the ACLU is now nothing more than a left wing advocacy group now showing the same authoritarian tendencies that such groups often do.
This isn't just another opportunity to bemoan how stupidly progressive and partisan our institutions have become. These institutions matter. The ACLU matters, or at least it used to, because we do in fact need people and organizations devoted to the preservation of liberty.
Yet, virtually no one outside of religious organizations - and only a few on the fridge at that - stood up to challenge these unprecedented restrictions on liberty that were imposed via public health officials.
Even if you think those measures were the right policy, there has to be someone to keep government officials honest, to ensure that power isn't being usurped or abused, to ensure we have a Republic left when it's all said and done. But there was no one. This is a major problem.
This hits at what I've been thinking all along about this whole thing. The real problem isn't even policy--it's the structure of the discourse itself. There is now no other side in many of these decisions, only 1) the policy and 2) discussion about what to do to people that don't adhere to the policy. These aren't laws; they were never enacted by a legislative body and they address matters on which reasonable minds can differ. But no dissent is allowed in the mainstream.
It's totally unlawful, and yet people are going along because, 1.) they have been frightened by a non-stop fear campaign, 2.) they have been deliberately deprived of education in the area of their god given rights. 3.) they have been bribed to stay at home and not work. But I think things will change when people come to realize that they will have to take injections every 5 months forever... and seeing so many injured and dead from the shots.
This touches on something that has bothered me from the very beginning of the pandemic. There has been very little consideration of balancing economic interests with public health issues (unless, of course, its large retail chains like Home Depot or Walmart). While health issues are rightly most important, not every wished for restriction advocated by public health officials is NECESSARY, rather than desirable or optimum. ALL other policy decisions involve balancing. That's why speed limits are not universally 25 mph, which would save countless lives.
Actually epidemiology does take this into account. If I recall Trump brought one of them in as an advisor. The media savaged the guy. This is all so political now most epidemiologists are not going to jump into the fray and have their career slaughtered. I am a scientist myself but not an epidemiologist. I saw too many high quality scientists try to inject some knowledge along the way get attacked by the media. Why were they attacked? Because Trump. If Trump advocated their views then the media as it did over the past 4 years immediately cast it as the wrong decision. So anyway, good epidemiologists factor in the death rate of exposure to the virus and weigh that against how many more suicides, drug overdoses a lockdown would cause and look for that balance. Unfortunately COVID became just another political fight for people to take a "side" almost immediately. Such a sad state of affairs.
I have no doubt you are right about responsible epidemiologist. They would know there is more to fighting an infectious epidemic than fighting the virus. Unfortunately, public health officials such as Dr. Fauci, at least some at the CDC, and the in California, went along with politicizing the Covid response. I will add the caveat that I don't know how often politicians overruled public health experts, in which case the blame doesn't lie with the scientists.
My wife was getting her done today. At the neighboring chair, the hairdresser was proudly proclaiming "the unvaccinated should be denied all health care" .... imagine. Saying it out loud! I used to wonder how the German people were misled. No more.
Pick a side. This isn't an abstract argument over "the science". It is a fight ... a political, ideological fight.
"All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked [by a virus], and denounce the [anti-covid-vaxxers] for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country."
Well Jim Jones didn't, the people were given injections of cyanide or shot when they ran off into the jungle...But they were certainly stupid enough to join the club.
Sadly it seems to embolden those who have felt powerless-- hairdressers here in Canada have been really hurt during lockdowns-- somehow she feels that saying this protects her? She is in for a very rude awakening. Her lesson. But sad.
Now, imagine the reaction if the hairdresser were to declare that promiscuous people, especially gay people, who get AIDS, should be denied healthcare.
"...vaccine mandates actually further civil liberties..." Whenever you hear "actually" prepare for a long stretch of motivated reasoning and motte/bailey dodges from unprincipled stooges.
"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State."
When going into a restaurant in NYC, one has to provide proof of vaccination AND
an ID to prove you are the person referenced on the vaccine card. What about the HIIPA laws? Are you required to show complete strangers your medical status? What about the uproar over requiring an ID in order to vote? "Show us your papers, Comrade"
Those comrades who insist that Voter ID is Jim Crow 2.0 are the very same lot supporting vaccine passports while wearing "My Body, My Choice" on their shirts. Please don't look for logic or consistency from the Left.
HIIPA only applies to the health care industry. Private industry not associated with health care, along with the entirety of government entities, are free to demand any amount of personal health information they can dream up.
Exactly. I'll never forget a number of years ago I went to see a chiropractor for the first time in years; and, as usual, because I had found out that HIIPA does NOT protect our privacy, but actually does the opposite, I refused to sign the HIIPA form that most "Americans" now automatically sign (they've never even read it and just arbitrarily go along with mandates in the guise of "for your best good"), and also refused to sign the refusal block (because your refusal signature can be used to claim you actually "didn't" refuse, but agreed to it and "did" sign it. Anyway, I was treated like a terrorist. The chiropractor who treated me wouldn't be alone with me like I was some kind of "threat", and had his chiropractor-partner in the room while he adjusted me. Needless to say, I never went back to them (and I think they were "Lefties"---and I'm neither left-wing, right-wing nor centrist, and nothing but an independent constitutionalist like all Americans should be).
It's gotten to the point that if one doesn't go along unquestioningly with what the majority goes along with, one becomes a so-called "threat to society" ["perceived threatening conduct" in the U.S.A. '(non-)P.A.T.R.I.O.T.' (or "Unpatriotic") Act"]. As others here have said, it's Nazi Germany all over again, but it's going to be far worse, with far more people exterminated if God doesn't prevent/stop it.
If the government and their "Fourth Reich" propaganda arm/ministry mandates something, it tells me that it's something I better not go along with. But most "Americans" have been turned into lemmings who willingly follow the "Pied Pipers" off the edge of the cliff, or into the sea, to their demise (and they get us to pay for our own demise with our tax dollars. And now most "Americans" are brainwashed that it's our "duty" to unconstitutional income taxes that the founders of the U.S. only meant for the corporations to pay (which, if they did, would provide more than enough money to cover everything). But, no, they get the "Proles" to pay for the demise that the elitist globalist corporate-fascist neo-Nazis, in government and out, refuse to pay for. It's genius on their parts, really. Get the serfs to pay for their own destruction.
As I've long been saying, Orwell's book, "1984", is being followed like a blueprint, and we're already there, just not full-bore YET. Most people are completely brainwashed and walk around in, what is now a now-cellphone-induced (etc.), stupor; and very few come out of the brainwashing and stand for NOTHING BUT THE *REAL* TRUTH. (And 5G, among other things like the vaccines, is and/or are going to make it FAR worse.) Oh, and of course that minority of people who are no longer brainwashed are considered to be "the problem", the "conspiracy theorists" (even though we're nothing but conspiracy FACTUALISTS), "the 'terrorists'" (even if we're completely non-violent like I am), the "unprivileged enemy belligerents" who supposedly have no rights, and those "guilty" of "perceived threatening conduct" [which can be anything or nothing, and whatever TPTB deem to be a "threat" (non-conformists, dissenters, protestors, etc.)], etc.
Our rights are now being outlawed and "done away with", especially the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Fourteenth Amendments (freedom of speech and the right to protest, privacy and the sovereignty of the individual (free will, freedom of choice, "my body/life, my choice", etc.), TRUE due process of law, right to a speedy trial and to not be coerced into pleading "guilty", equal protection under the law, etc. (unless of course you're one of the neo-Nazi elitists on both the Right and the Left, and their minions, who are supposedly the ONLY ones who have rights, or will have any rights, anymore).
God save us, the "United States of (Amnesia)", and the world!
Privacy is protected by IVth amendment, though it is being violated everywhere now, and some people are fighting back. If your employer asks for your vaccination status and requires you to inject an EUA medical treatment, or face termination, that is extortion, coercion, and an attempt to use force to get you to you forfeit your rights. Also because of the EUA you must have/give Informed Consent - every state has it's own version of this basically the same thing as Nurember Code.. (ALL 3 shots are still under EUA- the only thing that got FDA approval was Comirnaty)
... or personal health information Gov *mandates* they demand, as is the case here in NYC now for restaurants, gyms, and any kind of indoor entertainment (museums, concert halls, etc)
NY like my state of Oregon is filled with self righteous leftist authoritarians drunk on POWER and who have an embarrassing arrogance what with their Im vaxxed! buttons.
Every One here is MASKED. Pfizer loves our state. The sheep are running to get their jabs here. They will escort vax passports in here when what they should do is BOYCOTT businesses who mandate your papers.
Thats what we are doing here in Ontario Canada. My way will be to call a restaurant and ask if they are asking for vaccine passports. If yes I will explain to them how that is Constitutionally/Charter of Rights illegal ask to speak to the manager and explain I will be dropping off a letter citing them for an illegal breech of my rights, then I will tell them that I won't be eating there at any time in the future. If restaurants/businesses are not going to push back against this then why should I support them.
Watch out, they'll report you to "Big Brother", then "Homeland (In)Security", or a state-level version, will show up at your door. (I'm in Oregon also, btw.)
I don't either. Even though I'm completely awake and face everything that's really going on, I refuse to live in fear. Knowing what the awake know, it's quite awful and it's quite tempting to go back to sleep [go back into the "Matrix" control grid (the brainwashing, etc.), preferring the artificial "reality" to true reality like that character in the Matrix movies], again live in avoidance and denial of what's really happening; or, in the alternative, to live in fear.
I speak of what I said in my previous comment, from personal experience. I was reporting violations of law by my apartment management to a federal employee at USDA [responsible for the other federal subsidized housing agency, other than HUD Section 8 housing, known as Rural Development (used to be Farmer's Home Administration a couple of decades ago), which is a part of USDA]; and, rather than simply tell me not to call her anymore, she FALSELY accused me of "threatening" her because I called her evil, which she is. So, four months later, in March 2006, guess who came knocking on my door, the door of a completely non-violent, non-terrorist, truly-harmless person? Two agents from Homeland Security. I never thought in a million years that they would show up at my door. I was never informed by USDA that they had falsely accused me of being a "threat"; in fact, probably in order to seek to entrap me, they let me continue to phone this woman, hoping I would say something "further 'threatening'"; and, believe it or not, I spoke with her on the phone two days before the DHS agents showed up at my door.
They interviewed me, undoubtedly to seek to profile me and make up a dossier on me, and then did nothing but serve me with a federal restraining order, what they call a "protective order", not issued by ANY court of law, nor signed by ANY judge, but only signed by a senior, local USDA supervisor or manager, and one of the DHS agents who visited me. (Talk about unconstitutional!) Thus, thereafter, I of course NEVER called that woman or the local USDA Rural Development office again, and I haven't seen DHS since, in fifteen years, nor heard from them or anyone else in the federal government [perhaps they determined I wasn't a threat, I don't know; but, likely, what is more typical of them, they've been monitoring me every since (and maybe I'm on a "No-Fly List" and/or some other list{s}---I haven't flown since 1997, so I haven't "tested" to see if I'm on the "No-Fly List", or flagged for more intensive security scrutiny, because I don't want to be taken to an airport back room where I'm "interr(or)gated", threatened and possibly disappeared from, as has happened to so many people at U.S. and allied airports in the past twenty years {remember Glenn Greenwald's husband being detained at a British airport a decade or so ago?})].
Anyhow, I went into all of that to point out to you that it IS quite possible that government agents might show up at you door, the door of someone who would never, ever think that they'd be visited by same. But, getting back to the point of your reply, even with all that's happened to me, I still don't live in fear. I have continued to be an "armchair activist", telling it like it IS come hell (on earth) or high water, and I refuse to let the new "Fourth Reich" global(ist) government and their true-terrorist goons, aka modern-day Gestapo, cow me into living in fear and thus refusing to continue to be the human and civil rights advocate that I have been for the past twenty-plus years, which is exactly what their visit was designed to do.
The PTB are fearsome, that's undoubtedly true, but we MUST NOT bow down to them in any way, shape, form or fashion, WHATSOEVER, and I won't. The new Nazis are taking over increasingly, but I will not cower to them, come what may. And I hope all activists and advocates will do the same, courageously standing up to them no matter what, as many are doing. We MUST NOT let their violations of human and civil rights go unanswered, and we must stridently continue to non-violently fight for our freedom, liberty and rights even if we are murdered by the government for doing so. That IS what it has already come to, and unless the global-one-world-government's enslavement is stopped, it is only going to get worse and worse.
Keep refusing to live in fear. Keep refusing to bow down. Keep standing up against this juggernaut of oppression and increasing repression, just as four million non-Jewish Germans and others in Nazi(fied) Europe did in the 1920s, '30s and '40s, even though they were murdered by the government for doing so, and like thousands of resistance fighters did, even though many of them courageously died for doing so. It is the DUTY of everyone to stand up against this madness.
We are the modern-day resistance. We MUST NOT let the "Fourth Reich" take over completely, and we MUST at least try, even if it turns out to be futile, to stop the mass-insanity that is taking over more and more, as it did in Germany and Europe not so long ago. History IS repeating, and we must be the vanguard against the massive, far worse, repeat of history that is coming if we don't succeed in staving it off entirely. It IS life or death FOR EVERYONE, including you, so what have we got to lose? We either die "on our knees" as slaves, or we die on our feet as Truly-Free people.
You have to vote with your wallet. Don't patronize businesses that enforce the mandate, and if you're patronizing a business where tipping is customary then increase the tip for workers who don't enforce the mandate -- and make sure they know that they got a bigger tip because they didn't enforce the mandate.
Washington State re-imposed a mask mandate on August 23rd. I complied with the first mask mandate, but I'm not complying with this one and I've found that a lot of front line workers agree with me. For every front line worker that has asked me to put a mask on, there have probably been three that have gone out of their way to encourage me and to tell me that they support my decision to defy the mask mandate. It turns out that working an 8 hour shift in a store or a restaurant with a mask on your face the whole time really sucks.
It will be interesting to see what happens. One thing is for sure, we'll find out who would have been screaming at Rosa Parks to go and sit in the back of the bus if they had lived in Montgomery, Alabama in 1955.
Our COVID-19 response doesn't even make logical sense.
Masks, social distancing, plexiglass partitions, contact tracing, lockdowns, and every other intervention aimed at limiting people's exposure to the virus is an exercise in futility that's doomed to fail in the long run.
The vaccine reduces your odds of serious illness or death, but it does not give you sterilizing immunity. A person who is vaccinated can still get infected and transmit the virus to other people, which totally invalidates the case for "vaccine passports". Your vaccine only protects you, it doesn't protect other people.
The reality is this: EVERYONE will to be exposed to the virus in the long run whether they like it or not. I'm going to be exposed and you're going to be exposed.
No matter how long you maintain the non-pharmaceutical interventions (e.g. masks, lockdowns, etc...) the virus is still going to be here at the end. All you're doing is delaying the inevitable. You might be slowing the virus down, but you aren't stopping it. It's a force of nature and we're not going to stop it.
This narrative we've been given that it's my responsibility to protect you and your responsibility to protect me fails on logic. The only protection that you have against the virus is your own immune system. Your safety and well being depends on how well you prepare your immune system for the day when your turn comes and you get exposed to the virus.
The only person who can protect you is you. Get vaccinated, eat a healthy diet, exercise, get sufficient sleep. Do everything you can to maintain good health and fortify your immune system so that you don't wind up on a ventilator or in the morgue WHEN (not if) you get exposed to the virus because it's going to happen sooner or later. You can't hide from this thing forever.
The government has no incentive to tell that because it doesn't empower them, it empowers you. If you understood that your safety and well-being depended on your own acts and omissions, then you wouldn't need the government to step in with mandates that coerce and threaten other people and disrupt their lives in order to "keep you safe".
If you think, especially now that we have a vaccine that everyone who needs it has had the opportunity to take, that other people should disrupt their life for the foreseeable future in order to "protect" you safe from a virus you're actually the selfish one.
Cowardice is not a virtue. We have to face this thing head on because there is no other choice. We're all going to be exposed to the virus sooner or later, so we may as well suck it up and face reality. There's no sense in being a coward and making your life and everyone else's life miserable by trying to hide from it and blaming other people whenever someone gets sick. This idiocy needs to end, and it needs to end right now.
And Wilcoxson, as it is now being proven that the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA gene therapy solutions are poisonous? Who are the idiots then?
These particular mRNA solutions have been proven to contain the poisonous Graphene Oxide in the nanoscale, which can breach the blood brain barrier and cause subarachnoid hemorrhaging in the meninges.
These solutions also contain a Spike protein that causes blood clotting throughout the body.
As they seem to have redefined "civil liberty" to mean something other than individual rights - the collective good or some other "freedom from" perversion - I suspect they see no problem with this overtly anti-liberty position.
Yes research and political medical science (ie public health) definitely do . Why? they have always been funded by Pharma and big money. Just not like the last two years-- they are all overwhelmed by every billionaire and their foundation -- Zuckerberg, Gates, Soros, Bezos. These are the new govts, these are the new countries. Replete with their enablers and apparatchiks like Fauci and Biden and Trudeau and EVERY public health officer (I won't say Dr. because like a Phd none of them has seen patients). It is an affront to all of us in the medical profession that see patients.
That is the problem with civil liberties, they are granted and thus can be removed. Inalienable rights however, can not be taken. We need to restore what the Founders envisioned.
Not entirely clear what the ACLU op-ed actually means by civil liberties. But they seem to be saying that the only "civil liberties" they're concerned much about in this case are things like the ability to mingle in public without fear of infection and maybe the ability to do things like cross state lines or go into stores without government-enforced barriers. They're moving away from the idea that civil liberties primarily means prohibiting various kinds of coercion and intrusion by governments and institutions, although the ACLU op-ed does suggest that they wouldn't endorse "forcible injections" or criminal penalties for the unvaccinated.
Excellent piece and an apt exposee of the hypocrisy of the new ACLU - "excuse the redundancy", as GG often says). But consider a correction: at the end GG says "it is anyone's guess" why the change in the ACLU. No it's not. GG has provided the answer in earlier writings. The modern ACLU, he has said, is just a well funded arm of the DNC. That's the answer.
I don't think they care--money talks, principles legal moral or ethical dont seem to be in vogue right now-- and that is all the ACLU seems to care about--being on the side of "the prevailing narrative"
This virus, with a 99.8% survival rate, was never about public health. It was and is about power and control.
A year ago, many of us who were paying attention to the Gates Foundation, WEF, Johns Hopkins pandemic simulation in Oct 2019, called Event 201, told people that vax passports were coming, but ya know we're just conspiracy theorists. The difference between the truth and conspiracy theory is about six months.
But not only is this about power and control by an unelected, unaccountable elite, it is also a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY. I
n 1976, President Gerald Ford, put a HALT to the Swine Flu jab after 53 deaths. Prior to this faux emergency, FDA rules were that any drug that caused 25 deaths was to be immediately pulled and reviewed.
But now?
"VAERS data released Friday by the CDC showed a total of 650,077 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 13,911 deaths and 85,971 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and Aug. 27, 2021".-Childrens Health Defense.
VAERS is the CDC vax death and injury reporting system. Keep in mind that these numbers are MUCH HIGHER than reported as VAERS captures only 1-10% of all jab deaths and injuries. CHD is SUING the FDA for BRAZENLY LYING to win approval but NOT licensing of the Pfizer jab.
This list also does not include the deaths of CHILDREN from strokes and myocarditis, for which there have been 1000's of cases. Nor does it include the 1000's and 1000's of women who miscarried or had still births after this jab.
It is NOT a traditional vaccine. It is an MRNA experimental jab with the spike protein within that IS THE PATHOGEN that destroys the immune system.
The FDA AND CDC were VERY well aware of the dangers of this jab from previous animal studies, where pathogenic priming or antibody immune enhancement occurred, killing all the animals in the study and 2 CHILDREN in another small clinical trial where the rest of the children fell gravely ill. And what did the jab companies skip? Glad you asked! ANIMAL STUDIES. This jab is in clinical trial until 2023!!
Pfizer donated one million to Biden's campaign as they did most of our scummy political elite.
I find it reprehensible and irresponsible that literally no MSM is reporting these deaths and injuries and in fact are hiding it, just as they are alternative treatments and medicines. They are CENSORING it because if there are other effective treatments the EUA WOULD BE GONE and the vax profits and vax passports with it.
There is this thing that the ACLU conveniently overlooks and that is INFORMED CONSENT. Is anyone being informed of the above? Or that these jabs contain NO LIVE OR DEAD virus like traditional jabs do?
This is a violation of the Nuremberg codes. All TEN OF THEM.
Is it not a wonder people do not want this vaccine when death and disability is a very REAL possibility?
In a poll taken recently, 70% of Americans will QUIT THEIR JOBS if mandated to take the jab. That is significant.
Perhaps the ACLU would do well to take the public's temperature and a good look at VAERS before they say this is a good idea.
Oh! And btw, Glenn, there is a study that was done on the benefits of Ivermectin and the Rona. Too bad that study is also censored as it showed Ivermectin IS effective in treating the Rona. How's that for horse dewormer?
Probably infiltrated by "al CIAduh(!)" operatives who hired more and more lawyers brainwashed in law school(s) that to bring up constitutional rights in civil court (such as in fighting evictions) is now allegedly "unethical"; when, obviously, it is the exact opposite, and to not bring our unalienable rights up in such matters is what is unethical (many judges, especially in federal courts, won't allow the constitution in "their (really the People's) courtrooms".
When I was seeking to fight my illegal eviction in late 2017, the local legal aid office took my case, though they told me I would lose (weren't even going to try and win!), and the young, wet-behind-the-ears, just out of law school, woman attorney told me just that which I said in the foregoing paragraph (that bringing up rights in court is "unethical"). I was flabbergasted! Then I told her that I wanted her to be co-counsel so I could also speak on my own behalf, and then they dropped me as a client so fast that my head spun!
I got thrown out on the street with no place to and no one to stay with, as and elderly-disabled person. Nobody gives a shit. Sixteen months of hell on earth (very low, below poverty line Social Security Disability and SSI). Finally got into HUD housing [talk about another serious rights violator, but that's a discussion for another time maybe---no smoking (I don't anyway), no recreational or medical marijuana (I do smoke that!), etc.]. So I've now been "housed", of sorts, for the past two years. Thank God for that anyway! [Oh, and talk about mandates, HUD housing will probably be one of the first to push forced vaccination (they're going to have to murder me, because I have autoimmune disease and am immunocompromised and the jab would likely kill me, as would the virus).] Cheers!
“... a norm that affirms that we must renounce the good to save the good is just as false and contradictory as that which, to protect freedom, orders us to renounce freedom.“ - Giorgio Agamben
The sneering at civil liberties and core human dignities (like being with loved ones as they pass away, funeral/burial rights) since day one has been nothing short of evil. Glenn, I’m glad to see this post from you and I remember you talking briefly with Edward Snowden early about your hesitation to support the mass abridging of basic rights/liberties/dignities, but I can’t help but be disappointed that you’ve largely abstained from taking a vocal, principled stance on this stuff. Even if you’re not an expert in virology (for all that’s worth at this point), that shouldn’t even be a factor in opposing these insane measures. Isn’t that the point of principles: that they don’t change just because some new data indicates an arbitrary x% increase in lethality vs. the seasonal flu? To accept they could be overridden by one number only invites the idea that they could eventually be overridden by a lower number.
I truly appreciate the times you have spoken up, it’s just that considering your concerns about privacy & civil liberties, and this entire worldwide Covid response makes even the Patriot Act look like child’s play compared to the systems of surveillance/coercion/control being justified by this virus — I don’t understand why you haven’t been shouting from the rooftops since day one.
With regard to the sneering at core human dignities, I wonder how many people have developed an appreciation for Antigone, whether by Sophocles or Anouilh. (Is this even in HS curricula anymore?). We could not visit a beloved elder during the last three months of her life and we will never forgive them for that. It was a sin.
Sadly I remember reading Sophocles in HS in 2000 mainly as a quick example of early drama, not as a story to learn about humanity from. I’d be surprised if it’s still taught these days.
My condolences for that awful experience. One of my best friends had a similar experience when his brother’s health deteriorated rapidly — putting him in professional care would essentially mean they couldn’t see him again due to Covid restrictions. It’s an unnecessary heartache during moments of intense stress and it’s a violation of our dignity to not be with loved ones in times of trouble, and as we see them off from the material world.
It wasn't when I was in senior high school from 1971 to 1973 in "liberal" S.F. where I grew up (and I supposedly had a "farsighted" civics teacher, who turned out to be a child molester).
It isn't just the measures that are horrendous but REAL people are DYING from this jab and/or becoming disabled. It is also KILLING CHILDREN with strokes myocarditis and multi system inflammatory syndrome.
Can't wait til they mandate it for children UNDER 12.
Last year DC passed a law that removes parental consent for a vaccine for CHILDREN 11+
Even people who traditionally consider themselves “conspiracy theory”-averse only need to ask themselves: with this awful of media, and a historically corrupt pharmaceutical industry, and the obvious state of regulatory capture of FDA — do you REALLY trust the PR for the vaccine to be legit, and if there were problems with it, do you REALLY think they’d be honest about it?
And now in the UK they tell 12-15 yr old that they can ignore their parents lack of consent. 🙄🙄. When do they get to vote , drive a car etc. -- Such a nakedly blatant sop to Pharma-- how much are these govts getting from the Billions of Pharma and Mr. Gates
Fair enough, those are good points. I would only disagree that he needs any “competency” in a medical field since I think the idea of “expertise” has been sufficiently trashed by this point, haha.
Also given the scope of the impositions justified by Covid, one only need be human to be affected by them and therefore entitled to have a position on it.
There’s obviously a lot of great work Glenn is doing aside from this issue though — work that, if he wasn’t doing it, nobody would be.
Formerly a donor of the ACLU but I gave it to Glenn instead.
Few of our venerable institutions have survived the Great Inversion. Or Grand Perversion, if you will.
So lets get rid of them all!
It actually is not too late to start cratering some of these institutions. The first to fall will create panic in the others since courage isn’t one of the virtues of totalitarians. But usually people argue with themselves that it’s actually “fine” until it is finally too late.
The most effective weapon has always been using words to adjust opinions. The US founders rallied the nation with pamphlets. We have more efficient tools today, but we've surrendered them to the leftist media. We have the means to take that back, if we want to. Fox is winning the cable battlefront. (Gutfeld owns late night slot!) Twitter owns the short attention span, print media is owned by the left. We can take those back. Subscribe to Epoch Times, substack, parler, rumble, etc. Tell your friends. Add your own voice. Make it so loud they can't ignore it. Reason always wins, but its never easy.
"Reason always wins" I got a chuckle as I was thinking about one of my favorite magazines, "Reason" having drifted into a left-leaning version of itself.
I think the education system needs to be uprooted and reformed as a primary beachhead in the war against anti-Americanism.
I don't read that magazine, but I understand it's libertarian (small "l") which the right considers left and the left considers right. Nobody can please everybody.
Please elaborate on what you mean by Great Inversion?
The "civilized" world, as I've known it over the course of my life, has been turned upside-down, inside-out when it comes to presupposed values, and as well the means by which to attain a positive end result. I might have just been too naive and idealistic for much too long though. Whatever. 'Values' are in the eye of the beholder.
I have the exact same observation.
They teach that there is no objective truth in the schools these days. Have been for a few decades. The students coming out of their campus experience don't see it as upside down because they have been taught that there is no right side up.
Up is down, 2+2=5, everything the novels 1984 and Brave New World predicted... Doublethink is prominent. Perversion is now something to be celebrated. "Healthcare" is harm-care. Or even death-care. Some examples off the top of my head.
I knew exactly what David meant and your comment is spot on. I love the sound of the Great Inversion. It resonates with our time. It reminds me of the scene in the film The Dark Night Rises when all of the prisoners are released. I fear we have only begun to fall into the Rabbit hole Alice. Brace yourself friends, it’s only going to get weirder from her on out
Here's a great example! Just popped up:
That’s pretty sad. It’s a cult.
We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.
Ayn Rand
Civil liberties pale in comparison to inalienable (or unalienable) rights. Anything the government grants can be taken away. We are born with inalienable rights, use 'em or lose 'em.
From George Carlin’s 2008 stand-up special:
“Boy, everyone in this country is always running around, yammering about their fucking rights. I have a right. You have no right. We have a right. They don’t a have right. Folks, I hate to spoil your fun but there’s no such thing as rights, OK. They’re imaginary. We made them up, like the Boogie Man, the Three Little Pigs, Pinocchio, Mother Goose, shit like that. Rights are an idea. They’re just imaginary. They’re a cute idea. Cute but that’s all. Cute and fictional.
“Rights aren’t rights if someone can take them away. They’re privileges. That’s all we’ve ever had in this country is a bill of temporary privileges. And if you read the news even badly, you know that every year, the list gets shorter and shorter and shorter. You see how silly that is? Yeah. Sooner or later, the people in this country are going to realize the government does not give a fuck about them. The government doesn’t care about you or your children or your rights or your welfare or your safety. It simply doesn’t give a fuck about you. It’s interested in its own power.”
George Carlin was a fucking comedian, not a political philosopher. Your rights are inalienable, whether you choose to defend them or not, whether you believe in them or not. You cannot give them away, nor can they be taken away by the government. Your rights to Liberty are yours be virtue of being born a human being.
You attitude is the main reason people in America have given up on the Republic established by the Constitution. You and they are simply idiots who have given up without a fight. Fuck all of you.
I think Carlin's bit was descriptive, not prescriptive.
There is a difference between observing how things are versus stating how they should be.
“But if you think you do have rights let me ask you this, where do they come from? People say, “Well, they come from God. They’re God-given rights.” Oh, fuck, here we go again. Here we go again. The God excuse. The last refuge of a man with no answers and no argument, “They came from God.” Anything we can’t describe must have come from God. Personally, folks, I believe that if your rights came from God, he would have given you the right to some food every day, and he would have given you the right to a roof over your head. God would have been looking out for you. God would have been looking out for you, you know that? He wouldn’t have been worrying about making sure you have a gun so you can get drunk on Sunday night and kill your girlfriend’s parents.
“But let’s say it’s true. Let’s say God gave us these rights. Why would he give us a certain number of rights? The Bill of Rights in this country has ten stipulations, OK? Ten rights. And apparently, God was doing sloppy work that week because we’ve had to amend the Bill of Rights an additional 17 times, so God forgot a couple of things like slavery. Just fucking slipped his mind. But let’s say God gave us the original ten. He gave the British 13. The British Bill of Rights has 13 stipulations. The Germans have 29. The Belgians have 25. The Swedish have only 6. And some people in the world have no rights at all. What kind of a fucking, goddamn, God-given deal is that? No rights at all? Why would God give different people in different countries different numbers of different rights? Boredom? Amusement? Bad arithmetic? Do we find out at long last after all this time that God is weak in math skills?
“Doesn’t sound like divine planning to me. Sounds more like human planning. Sounds more like one group trying to control another group. In other words, business as usual in America.”
Mr. Russell,
I did not mention God in my reply to you did I?
I said that our rights to Liberty are ours by vertue of being born as human beings.
Your argumentum Verbosium goes on and on about the rights proclaimed by varioius nations throughout the world. This is irrelevant to a discussion of the rights guaranteed by the US Constitution.
To say that "we’ve had to amend the Bill of Rights an additional 17 times,"
This is total bullshit, The first original ten amendments are the Bill of Rights. Any other amendments after that are have to do with other issues.
Your great effort to be 'right' about an issue you are totally wrong about is impressive although really stupid.
I have literally done nothing but quote George Carlin. And it’s Dr. Russell.
Inalienable rights are not go-given. They're 'fundamental' as a maxim, which by definition is not supported by any arguments but taken as self-evident. People who believe in angels and demons might appeal to the idea of god to simplify the concept of a maxim/tenet/assumption.
"We hold these Truths to be Self Evident"--Thomas Jefferson. The Declaration of Independence - 1776
this is what education without wisdom looks like...
Mr. Kellen, you have mad two ambiguous comments on this forum this morning. Perhaps you could give us a bit more as to what you mean by this one.
Our "rights" are only those which we can enforce, or others choose to enforce for us. If I feel I have a right to take your stuff, and you can't stop me, that's the new rights. Rights don't come from documents, or scriptures, but from power.
When there are no clouds, the sun exists. When there are clouds, the sun ceases to exist.
This "Might is Right" and Ends justify the means bullshit is as old as stone age man. This ideology has no place in civilized society.
Watson proves himself a wanking moron yet again.
I voted up your comment, but (OMG, here he goes!) maybe GC actually WAS a political philosopher, in a sense, for he was damn brilliant and "sharp". Probably most "political philosophers" didn't face what George Carlin faced, and then delivered it to the American people and the world come hell or high water, come what may, they come to take me away kind of high water, fuck-'em thank you very much, to God, country, world, God protect us, God save us, or we're fucked, Schmuck! Fuck you too!... Love ya! Got ya! Peace on earth. Hallelujah, hallelujah! [Thank you and rest in peace too, Leonard Cohen!---Love you (in GC's case, felllow) Jews, but will you please try even harder to get Israel to stop their endless apartheid and ethnic cleansing of their/your fellow-Semites, the Palestinians, for God's Sake, literally?!.... Go fuck yourself(ves)!!]
George Carlin was a prophet of his times. Look at how society is geared, if you were a prophet in the mid to late 20th century and wanted to get your point across to as many people as possible it would have to be done via entertainment; that is all people seem to focus on anymore in this world. By becoming a comedian he was able to get so many more people to listen to the message behind his words and hopefully got them to become more self aware. People will say well he was just a comedian but if you listen to him he is actually preaching, just not in a way that most would think.
"maybe GC actually WAS a political philosopher, in a sense, for he was damn brilliant and "sharp""--Steppen
Oh hell man, I agree witth you too. Crlin was a genius and hit many nails on the head. I have never claimed that the US government is not corrupt. In fact I wrote a whole blog page dedicated to that proposition:
“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”—Lord Acton
The U.S. Governmnet is absolutely corrupt.
Yes...I noticed that the annual fall bombings of Gaza are now taking place. Ah what a complex bag of shit that is. As someone just mentioned in a recent article. It isn't Russia or China that has undue influence on Congress is a AIPAC. No one in the US government dares to go against Israel.
It is hard, because I despise radical Islam...but I also despise genocide.
It is like Cassandra's dilimma, or curse. She could tell the future, but no one would believe her.
"Everybody knows the dice are loaded."
God bless you Steppen.
Randall fucking Rose doesn't have the kind of high intelligence friends that I do, all he has is stupid puppies like Art and Russian-Bot.
God bless America!
"Everybody" knows.
Too much anger here. Not everybody can be right all the time. Remember the old leftist trick to divide and conquer. Better to agree to disagree. We are all here for freedom of speech, let’s enjoy it and not turn on each other.
Bert, Pardon me if I find issues of life and death critical enough to be passionate about.
Passion is one thing, honest and considerate debate is another. I think we can have that without insults and being uncivil. This is only my opinion. If you do not agree, I respect that.
One other thought a sage man shared with me,” Be careful who you let inside your head”
“political philosopher”. “economics expert”. “fashion authority” “Man of God”.
Like Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy.
Piss of Needham.
Mr. Hoffman, I have read Swift's "Modest Proposal". However I am wondering what your point is in bringing it up.
Perhaps McDonald's "Babyburgers & Fries"?
By George Carlin's "logic", every aspect of what we loosely term "civilization", including (but not limited to) prohibitions on slaughtering dozens of our fellow men just for shits and giggles, outlawing rape, and recognizing obligations to nuture one's chiildren, is imaginary. I enjoyed Carlin's stand-up routines immensely, he was a very good absurdist humorist, but that is all. Anyone who consciously derives his or her fundamental philosphy from his ilk (or consistently posts to on-line fora as if that was the case, other than for occasional comic relief) should not be taken seriously.
Craig Russell gets 27 upvotes for absolute bullshit.
Fuck him and the horse he road in on.
William Whitten is the top commenter on this Greenwald article (and on every article that Greenwald has emailed to subscribers in the last two months), though the quality of his comments is lacking. High frequency, low quality.
"though the quality of his comments is lacking. High frequency, low quality."--Randal F. Rose
AGAIN Randall....Every single thread you post this same bullshit...EVERY SINGLE THREAD!!!
Posting your own empty subjective opinions of the quality of my commntary. Complaing as to the quantity of my commentary as if there were some official limit or official etiquette as to the proper number of comments that are allowed.
That you are totally OBSESSED with me and my commentary is too obvious to dismiss. As such the humor of this situation is as obvious as you fruity obsession with me.
All I can say is, so fucking what Randall? What do you care about how many comments I make? What fucking business of yours is it?
There are probably a thousand comments on this thread by now, by hundreds of people. Why don't you go about oinking at each one of them? You know the answer as well as I do, you are obsessed, It is pathological, you have lost your mind over this addiction of confronting me on every story Greenwald posts.
Seek professional help man, you are far over the edge.
BTW as it is just three days from the anniversary of 9/11, I have written a special article on the event:
See, Willie, if you didn't fly off the handle (what's new) for this one your total post count would have been one less. That would probably soothe Mr Rose even if a little bit. Now you've made him more determined, by one more post to be exact, to go after you in the future. I'm looking forward to it.
You forgot to make one of your usual false claims. You usually claim that all the other people here who notice how worthless your posts tend to be are some sort of followers of mine. Newsflash: they're not my followers at all. They're just noticing the truth about you.
Now if you like, you can go back to posting your stuff about Pizzagate and how "Mad Scientists Run the World!!!" I see you're already starting to reiterate your favorite point that 9/11 was a "FALSE FLAG PSYOP" -- you keep claiming that the fall of the World Trade Center towers was not because the towers progressively collapsed after being hit by planes but rather because someone mysteriously planted explosives in the towers. As you put it, "All progressive collapse theories defy Newtonian physics ... If 12 stories drop on the remaining 98 floors. Then applying Newton's 3rd law, the collapse would be arrested at the 86th floor". You should be aware that when you post things like that, many people will realize you don't know what you're talking about.
Testy! Folks love George Carlin. Get over it.
I love Carlin too Vida. The man was a genius.
by lose I mean die, become a slave, or a soft robot.
Glenn got my democracy now budget.
Kudos. Democracy Now used to have integrity. They always were way to the left of me but I used to listen to them during the Snowden years. Can't say I was ever a monetary supporter. But lately they've become just like the Intercept et al. Trump has been an excuse for many worldwide to abandon any pretense to integrity. BTW it seems to me that those who throw around the phrase Our Democracy (TM) are residents of Animal Farm. What they mean is anything but democracy. Like Sam Harris, who says it's a shame we can't talk to each other any more, then demonizes all Trump supporters in the next breath.
Sam Harris is a great prophet of SCIENTISM, wherein science is worshiped as a religion rather than merely practiced as a field of inquiry. His ideas on individual autonomy and self awareness are strange to say the least. He seems to deny the Cartesian imperative.
Oh, VERY nice. They have sucked for years.
A much better investment.
Me too! Or, without political innundo: Me Also!
Sweet! Money much better spent.
I can't help but laugh at the irony that this authoritarian power grab disguised as a public health campaign is being led by Dr. Fauci, the man directly responsible for funding the gain-of-function research that likely spawned this whole disaster to begin with. It really sums up our society in a nutshell.
Just a little FYI here for ya:
Anyone remember that lung virus going around in summer 2019 that was blamed on VAPING?
Well, it started in the same vicinity in 2 care homes close to FORT DETRIK, a US BIOWEAPONS as lab that Fraudci worked at for 20 years.
Consequently, the CDC shit down FD in August 2019 for CONTAINMENT ISSUES. And it was NOT the first time either.
In November 2019, the DofD requested that Fort Detrik be partially reopened. 2 weeks later the US MIC and CIA were off to WUHAN CHINA for the annual Wuhan military games..
Make of that what you will..
But the US has 100's of BIOWEAPONS labs in other countries too. One of them is in Georgia, close to RUSSIA where some of the locals have died due to containment issues at THAT LAB
Well that and there were also cannabis vape producers putting garbage in their cartridges.
The problems were traced to black market products. Our genius government decides that the solution is clearly to ban the legal products and drive everybody to the black market.
As someone who has dealt with black market producers, this was one of the things in theory that legalization would resolve by protecting consumers. The reality was that it did not.
It took months for the government to step in when companies were found to be dispensing product in violation.
Excellent reminder!
Oops sorry. Shut down not shit down lol! Autocorrect.
Fauchi means Jaws in Italian.
Just abit of useless info.
Jaws of death come to mind.
Sounds like you may be following the amazing investigative reporter George Webb!
Reports are saying there's hard evidence fauxi lied to congress -- a felony. It will be a test of our society what happens to that evidence. AL capone went down for taxes, not for all his other crimes. Maybe we'll get some less satisfying satisfaction in this case, too. Probably not.
I'll make a prediction (not because I'm particularly prescient, this is too easy). Fauci, like Clapper who actually admitted he lied to Congress, will never be charged with any crime, and most likely won't even lose his job. He's too useful to the statist who view themselves as our overlords.
Yet another chapter in the "Laws for thee, but not for me" saga from the DC swamp
Right on. Unfortunately.
Watching Fauci squirm and try to twist the definition of gain of function when Rand Paul grilled him was painful. It also underscores the point that these narcissistic God Complex bureaucrats will NEVER take responsibility for their mistakes.
I was actually glad to hear it. I expect it will be his downfall. Even arrogant bureaucrats know its reckless to attack congress, even minority members. He probably thinks the slim majority will protect him. Probably not. He'll regret that mistake, soon.
yeah, I'm waiting to see him get thrown under the bus.
As Gen Patton said, all glory is fleeting. Just a matter of time.
"It will be a test of our society what happens to that evidence." - not "a test" but "another test". And like all the previous it will fail.
No one is ever held responsible
Sometimes. This one is big enough it will be difficult to hide. Even the propaganda press is turning.
I hope
A few days back, I quickly browsed through some of the documentation offered up re the Wuhan research funding, and my tentative conclusion is that Fauci et al knew at the time that they were likely to be accused of supporting gain of function, and made some attempt to create plausible deniability. I read several statements near the beginnings of those papers that seemed to say, in effect, "what is described below is not gain of function research" when according to a plain reading of that description, it clearly was. It's a pathetic ruse, but perhaps they were counting on their media buddies reading those words and assuring their credulous public that, indeed, there was no gain of function research (or anything else worth seeing) there, move along... Unfortunately, I don't have links to those papers at hand, and I'm time-challenged at the moment, but they weren't very difficult to find.
Bureaucracies are inevitably captured by those who best perpetuate and expand the bureaucracy. Even if they were initially interested in pursuing the stated goals of the organization, it always devolves into empire-building. And as such, those best suited to building empires always rise to the top.
Just look at the USDA. They actively recruit people onto food stamps simply to build a rationale for more funding and job security. They have no interest in actual food security, just a bigger budget and mandate for them.
So true. Will he be held accountable?
It's called failing upward.
If you toe the line and don't make waves... you're gonna have a good paying job and get to rub elbows with some very fancy people.
Exactly. Lots of negatives re Fauci have been swept inder the proverbial rug. The late biochemist Kary Banks Mullis, who shared a 1993 Nobel Prize for inventing the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, said this of Fauci in an interview:
“Guys like Fauci get up there and start talking, you know, he doesn’t know anything really about anything and I’d say that to his face. Nothing. The man thinks you can take a blood sample and stick it in an electron microscope and if it’s got a virus in there you’ll know it. He doesn’t understand electron microscopy and he doesn’t understand medicine and he should not be in a position like he’s in. Most of those guys up there on the top are just total administrative people and they don’t know anything about what’s going on in the body. You know, those guys have got an agenda, which is not what we would like them to have being that we pay for them to take care of our health in some way. They’ve got a personal kind of agenda. They make up their own rules as they go. They change them when they want to. And they smugly, like Tony Fauci does not mind going on television in front of the people who pay his salary and lie directly into the camera,”
Inventor of PCR Test Said Fauci ‘Doesn’t Know Anything’ And Is Willing To Lie On Television
Not just incompetence but even more the bald faced corruption and fraud at every level
And if you look, in Afghanistan, at all the pictures, you see millions of machine guns, paid for with US taxpayer dollars, now in the hands of the Afghans, just like we saw in the 1970s.
Its the same warmonger whore faction in government and the people who got rich were the defense manufacturers and their congressional flunkies.
Its identical to Iran Contra, just without Congress telling them they cant do it.
Most of that $21 Trillion went to defense contractors, wikileaks had the database up, I remember when I was first getting hardcore into databases, I deployed it myself even though it was a different language. Good times.
Lots of it went into the weaponry we left there.
"this leftist American prof at the university in Kabul was lecturing Afghan students about how gay men with hemorrhoids can have sex" - at the same time when there must be shortage of such talent back in the US as I don't think such courses are available throughout.
MAGA! Bring him back to take care of American citizens first. Imagine the suffering of those lacking this education here at home.
And now since they left $90 or so billion's worth of military equipment and weaponry behind, ON PURPOSE, the Taliban (psychos) are the best armed country for its size in the region. Did Jo Jo Magoo's handlers do this on purpose? Of course they did. Why did the PTB give the Taliban - who we supposedly went in 20 years to defeat - $90 BILLION worth of military might?
"We just found out ..." Just?
I have a friend who is a combat medic, he told me that the citizens would walk out into the streets and hug the soldiers when they first came to Iraq and Afghanistan. I 100% believe his words because I grew up with him and his family.
No wonder we get along so well, my wife and I also cut the cable TV cord back around that time. Its fucking liberating.
I too opposed the Afghan war. There was never a compelling case made for a war there, just like Iraq in 1994 and 2003. The problem was that the Bush crime family was in charge.
PS - I don't have cable but i do have a satellite Dish - lots of good stuff :D
Hmmm - I wouldn't say no one, I think there may be others out here who have been aware of that ...
My brother, young, died of AIDS in the late 1980's. The fear that AIDS could be so easily spread caused a great deal of unnecessary suffering. Ambulette services refused to transport them. Fear among hospital personal was unconscionable and many refused to enter their rooms. Nurses and Aids were the worse. The doctors maintained some degree of professionalism. It's interesting that Catholic hospitals in my experience treated them in a more humane and professional manner. I will be forever grateful to the Gay Men's Hotline in the support they offered. I never knew that people who come from a point of fear cold be so appalling in their behavior.
I was a scientist researching AIDS at the beginning of the epidemic. In part of our lab we did work with genetic material, nothing infectious. Occasionally some plumbing needed fixing or what not. Some of them refused to come into the room. I was thinking to myself, "do you think I would be standing in here, no mask or anything, if there was a risk of being infected?". It was an unusual time. Sadly I have heard of health aides even in the more recent years staying away from HIV+ patients out of fear. Even with the greater understanding we have today. There of course was no treatment back then. It was very hard to watch vital young men being felled by the virus. Sorry for your loss.
Sorry that this happened to your brother. The echos of similar treatment now is disgusting. Culling the herd, the weak the unlikable-- inhumane and sociopathic at best
The tin-foil hat wearer in me points out that the state deaths we saw from COVID occurred in their highest-cost areas. The care for prisons and old folks in state run homes. Those two areas had by far the highest deaths and oh by the way the state will save a TON of money with all these people dead.
Fran thank you for sharing
I am so sorry and angry to hear you and your family went through this, especially as a healthcare employee.
Substack did not provide me with any notification of the publication of this article, or any responses. This is the second time or third time this has happened and once information was sent to spam. Anyone else have this problem.
I was notified of this one, but not the recent Manning one.
How careless, and they promise they don't censor material, but by not sending notifications, not informing you of who responded to your post, or posts, that is what they are doing through their carelessness.
I think Greenwald chose not to notify subscribers about the Manning piece. I got notifications for his other pieces.
I believe there was only one other article that didn't notify since I joined in late October, but can't be arsed to find out which it was. Assumed it was just wonky software; appreciate the potential confirmation on the Manning one. It wasn't a typical post.
Yes. I've had Substack and the Greenwald email whitelisted but sometimes a few still go to my spam. I am not sure why.
Thanks Amy, I have avoided information related to AIDS because it was just to disturbing to me, as was listening to that video clip. Hearing Fauci say those things almost made me cry. Even in death he was treated as a pariah. No funeral, except one in Manhattan would prepare his body for burial.
Fauci also killed a lot of gay men, spreading high profit junk pharmaceuticals like AZT as the “cure” while squashing the off label use of existing off-patent antibiotic medications proven to work for prophylaxis of thinks like pcp pneumonia. Sound familiar?
I was astonished to learn last year that he was still employed.
What a whore Ryan grim turned out to be. How many people do they pay to watch?
Thank you for sharing hay video Amy! Kim Iverson has become one of my absolute favorites recently! For those unaware, other than the rising, she also has her own channel which she uploads videos to. Very fair reporting imo.
I never knew that Fauci was the one who started that lie, and gave newspapers a story they could exploit. So many suffered because of his ignorant assumptions which should never have been verbalized to a money hungry press. Maybe the spot light is more important to this egomaniac. Thanks Amy.
People make the mistake of thinking he is stupid or incompetent. He is neither. He is a cunning con man, and a psychopath. EVERYTHING that is going on now has been carefully choreographed.
Most of them are up there. I'm baffled at how many people think they should be educated or let know of one thing or other. "Let's write our reps a letter" bullshit.
Yeah, people STILL aren't getting it.
"Apparently" - look I am no fan of Fauci's, but I would like to see some documentation of that - there are too many "apparentlys" about a lot of things and folks that wind up taking us down the rabbit hole ...
Watch this, you might get an idea:
After I read your "Are you surprised to hear AIDS called a fraud? You won’t be after you see this film." I decided not to sit through an hour and a half of a film that you seem to think proves AIDS was a fraud ...
It wasn't, it isn't - lots of folks died from it, including my brother in '92 If you think that Covid is a fraud, as well, it isn't, lots of folks dying from that as well ....
Do you also think the Holocaust was a fraud? Are you into Q-Anon?
Watched the video - and in all fairness, they didn't really know a lot about the disease initially - so he was speaking as they say, "in an abundance of caution" - it seems to me that, with regard to Covid, he went the other way when he said we didn't need to wear masks.
I do think with the AIDS thing - it was identified with "Gay men" and considering how many felt about Gay folk then, and too many still do, folks, considering it a "Gay" disease, didn't much care - might well have thought "serves 'em right!" - Politics and prejudice were as much in play then, if not more so, as they are now -
I agree with the video - but in a much broader sense, that we didn't and still don't devote enough research to other Rx than the ones sanctioned - disease should never be a "political" issue ...
I, too, lost a brother to AIDS in '92, a wonderful human being, who did a lot of great things, even as he knew, for some years, that he had what was, at that time, a "fatal" disease - he didn't get to see the anti-virals that now allow folks to live ...
Fauci’s crime was that he was over cautious, meanwhile, “When AIDS was Funny”…
Being horrible at the job is a pre-requisite to staying in government. Look at Maxine Watters, Nancy Pelosi, Hank Johnson, Dianne Feinstein etc...
You and I think they are horrible, but apparently their voters think they are great, because they keep getting re-elected. :(
I don't think the voters "think" that much. Incredible amount of money is spent on selling them to the public, just like any other product - from toothpaste to car is being sold.
I had a friend here haranguing me to vote to NOT recall Newsom. I literally laughed at him and was like NO Im totally voting to recall him.
He then proceeded to complain about how the recall process was unconstitutional. I don't understand this politics-as-religion people.
What is unconstitutional is governing by executive authority. That is why he is being recalled.
There is a great video out there filmed at LAX . The PA system repeats, “Paging Recall Newsome”. People laughing in the background. I’ll try to find it and post the link.
Ask him if recall process is also “literally threatening democracy” and “worse than Jim crow”?
Government employment is for those too stupid, too afraid, or too lazy to do something legitimate. The more baseless they are, the more haughty they are.
The US government has some very smart scientists. They don't set the direction, but they do exist.
Oh? Care to cite one? How about citing ONE.
US government scientists regularly win Nobel prizes. Those are not participation trophies.
Well said. This little bobble-headed gnome is the perfect avatar for the American polity in 2021. You couldn't hand-pick a better one.
You should try working for the government as I did. You think these guys are incompetent? It is much worse than you know. I went in also knowing how much money our government wastes. Boy was I wrong. It wasted far more than I knew. In the belly of the beast it is not pretty, not pretty at all.
Accountability has vanished.
Note also the fact that their subscription model of helping ensure the entire community gets the disease because "PREP" is based on the fact that they themselves will never engage in such behavior.Think about that, and the definition of pimping.
Make up your own mind…
I watched that already. Fauci’s crime was that he was over cautious, meanwhile, “When AIDS was Funny”…
His crime was that he incited an irrational panic around AIDS, and then he suppressed other treatments that would have saved lives in order to pursue a vaccine and promote therapies like AZT that did more harm than good. He should have been fired 35 years ago.
If people are not making the parallel with our current situation and Germany in the 1930s, they are neither students of history nor informed citizens. If discriminating against people and asking everyone to show their papers in order to freely circulate is not enough to ring the alarm bells for them, they don’t see where this is headed.
We are being told that everything may go back to something resembling “normal” once everyone complies with the new mandatory vaccination regime. Some actually believe this will lead to some kind of light at the end of the tunnel.
They are very wrong.
It will not be the end of anything, it will be just the beginning. This isn’t even a “conspiracy,” it’s right there out in the open.
Top world economic forum representatives are openly discussing putting microchips under everyone’s skin by 2030… You can hear Klaus Schwab openly talking about this, and very confidently.
Perhaps his misanthropic outlook makes him think people really are that stupid.
Many people who considered themselves fine and reasonable people are getting really upset now because they feel they sound like crazy right wing conspiracy theorists. To them I say: you are not a crazy right wing conspiracy theorist, the Davos and other oligarchs just are crazy utopians trying to realize their insane dystopian wet dreams.
Everyone else is relatively normal and human compared to these sociopaths. They believe that they can make the unthinkable thinkable again.
People just need to come out and say it: “Never Again.”
"The times have changed..." No they haven't. And neither have peoples' human nature.
Well, if you take the example of every attempted dictatorship in the twentieth century, it never actually worked out did it? People will always revolt. These kind of systems of evil are by their nature self-destructive. That's why these Western oligarchs really should be called "utopians." They believe that now, with all their new social engineering tricks, the pharmacological and technological revolutions, they can finally bring about their "Final revolution."
They know it hasn't worked in the past. We're talking about the same Anglo-American financial establishment that helped get Hitler into power, and tried to organize a fascist coup within the USA as well.
Just remember, all of Hitler's sterilization policies were inspired by the US sterilization and eugenics policies. The British and American aristocracies were gaga over Hitler's eugenics program, until he turned on them.
That was not the original plan.
It reminds me of Goethe's "The Sorcerer's Apprentice." They are always creating Frankenstein monsters that they can't really control in the end.
At the moment, it is probable that the indirect effect of civilization is dysgenic instead of eugenic, and in any case it seems likely that the dead weight of genetic stupidity, physical weakness, mental instability and disease proneness, which already exist in the human species will prove too great a burden for real progress to be achieved. Thus even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that is now unthinkable may at least become thinkable.”-- Julian Huxley, 1946 UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its Philosophy
Sure, if you have time to outlive Franco or the Chinese communist party, go celebrate.
I think the point is that fascism can be defeated. I don't think we need to wait for really bad things to happen before hitting the breaks.
Many people are coming out and opposing what's going on, and they are from all walks of life. The Anglo-American financiers are playing a very fragile game of Jenga, the stakes are very high, and a million things could go wrong.
Don't give these guys too much credit.
The biggest challenge is unifying the many different groups from different walks of life who all share and value the same basic ideas of liberty and freedom, despite having very different views on whole host of other issues.
The oligarchs on the other hand probably don't like each other very much, but they are resolved to maintain their power, and they have the most to lose from any sudden change. On the whole, most of the totalitarian and censorship moves are a sign of weakness, not strength.
I think the more that becomes clear for people, the more willing they will be to fight back, to use their minds and be creative, rather than cowering into survival mode.
I did a whole podcast on this:
Thank you for the link to the podcast. I am listening to it right now.
Franco is already dead Sevender. Who said anything about a celebration anyway? WTF are you talking about?
Maybe your memory care nurse can help you reread your own post.
Piss off Sevender.
Matthew Ehret is one of the most prescient writers of sociopolitical issues in this era.
Thank you for introducing him to the forum.
Yes, he has some really good stuff on the solutions to the financial crisis and exposes into the utopian world of the new eugenics and "transhumanism."
I have often, as of late, used a linguistic experiment whereby I substitute the word White or White Supremacy with Jew or Jews to see how it would read. Not surprisingly, not so well. Lucky for Jews this historical go 'round is that white, un-vaccinated men are the undesirable others.
It is WHITE people period.
Are you aware that the NEA announced they are teaching CRITICAL RACE THEORY to every K-12 in the country?
And when the back lash was severe, they promptly removed this info from their website and changed the language to further gaslight parents opposed to this insanity?
The white working class IS the majority in the US and WE
ARE THE ENEMY pegged for destruction.
People really need to wake up.
Btw if anyone has a child in a Dem run state and school watch for this garbage as your child will PARROT the gaslighting language at home.
Critical Race Theory is a more dangerous and virulent virus than Covid. It is in fact utter Kafkaesque insanity.
Why are you afraid of critical race theory? Surely someone with such a demonstrable capacity for understanding as yourself—I've seen your posts and while I don't usually agree they sure are thought out—understands that the United States was built upon a foundation of genocide, slavery, imperialism, and white supremacy that endures at a systemic level to this day? Critical race theory examines how racism is embedded within U.S. systems. You don't deny that it is, do you?
Mr. Wilkins,
I am not affraid of Critical Race Theory, I deplore it.
The United States was built on the priciples of the inalianable rights to Liberty.
In the 1700s ALL nations were occupied with genocide, slavery, imperialism, and white supremacy. In 1776 the Americans broke from this common activity of other nations and declared indepenence from such deplorable activities as we speak of here.
It was a beginning, and as in many beginnings there were faltering steps. And through time the United States grew to be a beacon to the world as far as freedom and justice are concerned.
It took a long time and travails and missteps. But by the 1960s the US had finally dealt with the racism that was there in the beginning.
Thurgood Marshall was the first African American to serve as a justice on the U.S. Supreme Court. He joined the Court in 1967. By the 1970s we had black governors and mayors and judges.
In 2009 Barack Hussein Obama became the first black President of the United States.
If you are black in the United States, and you do not succeed in your chosen field, it is not due to racism, it is due to your lack of effort or lack of merit in the work you choose.
Racism is clearly not embedded in the U.S. system, as the success of so many black people has proven.
I must reject the notion entirely that because I am white I am a racist.
I met many rasist asshole when I lived in south Georgia for several years. The disgust me.
I am also digusted by racist black people who accuse me of being racist based on the color of my skin.
Do not lay that shit on me brother, I am not buying it.
Naïveté is not innocence, it is gross and moribund ignorance.
This analysis is deep. Fucking deep! Anyone care to look for the bottom?
Wonka cry "me is harassed". Stop harassing the forum with your brainfarts and copy/pastes (ads and all) and you'll be left alone. You complain about the puppies. You haven't seen the kittens yet.
Well said David Gosselin, and Writes Age of Muses. Addiction to power can make one a sociopath.
Look up Political Ponerology.
The ACLU's current position is truly dangerous. As we have seen over the last 18 months, courts - even those strong on upholding civil liberties - are extremely deferential to public health mandates. Our constitution is not self executing. Courts' deference to official health policy generally mean civil liberties are easily ignored or overruled. It's been bad enough in the US. But look at Australia. 18 months of lockdowns in NSW and Victoria states, and counting. Traveling more than 3 miles from your home a criminal offence subject to heavy fines. For all this coercion, the vax rate in OZ is something like 30%.
Sadly, the ACLU is now nothing more than a left wing advocacy group now showing the same authoritarian tendencies that such groups often do.
This is an extremely important point.
This isn't just another opportunity to bemoan how stupidly progressive and partisan our institutions have become. These institutions matter. The ACLU matters, or at least it used to, because we do in fact need people and organizations devoted to the preservation of liberty.
Yet, virtually no one outside of religious organizations - and only a few on the fridge at that - stood up to challenge these unprecedented restrictions on liberty that were imposed via public health officials.
Even if you think those measures were the right policy, there has to be someone to keep government officials honest, to ensure that power isn't being usurped or abused, to ensure we have a Republic left when it's all said and done. But there was no one. This is a major problem.
This hits at what I've been thinking all along about this whole thing. The real problem isn't even policy--it's the structure of the discourse itself. There is now no other side in many of these decisions, only 1) the policy and 2) discussion about what to do to people that don't adhere to the policy. These aren't laws; they were never enacted by a legislative body and they address matters on which reasonable minds can differ. But no dissent is allowed in the mainstream.
It's totally unlawful, and yet people are going along because, 1.) they have been frightened by a non-stop fear campaign, 2.) they have been deliberately deprived of education in the area of their god given rights. 3.) they have been bribed to stay at home and not work. But I think things will change when people come to realize that they will have to take injections every 5 months forever... and seeing so many injured and dead from the shots.
But by then it it will be too late.
This touches on something that has bothered me from the very beginning of the pandemic. There has been very little consideration of balancing economic interests with public health issues (unless, of course, its large retail chains like Home Depot or Walmart). While health issues are rightly most important, not every wished for restriction advocated by public health officials is NECESSARY, rather than desirable or optimum. ALL other policy decisions involve balancing. That's why speed limits are not universally 25 mph, which would save countless lives.
Actually epidemiology does take this into account. If I recall Trump brought one of them in as an advisor. The media savaged the guy. This is all so political now most epidemiologists are not going to jump into the fray and have their career slaughtered. I am a scientist myself but not an epidemiologist. I saw too many high quality scientists try to inject some knowledge along the way get attacked by the media. Why were they attacked? Because Trump. If Trump advocated their views then the media as it did over the past 4 years immediately cast it as the wrong decision. So anyway, good epidemiologists factor in the death rate of exposure to the virus and weigh that against how many more suicides, drug overdoses a lockdown would cause and look for that balance. Unfortunately COVID became just another political fight for people to take a "side" almost immediately. Such a sad state of affairs.
I have no doubt you are right about responsible epidemiologist. They would know there is more to fighting an infectious epidemic than fighting the virus. Unfortunately, public health officials such as Dr. Fauci, at least some at the CDC, and the in California, went along with politicizing the Covid response. I will add the caveat that I don't know how often politicians overruled public health experts, in which case the blame doesn't lie with the scientists.
No its a left wing advocacy group with HUGE internal turmoil
That too.
What is OZ? If AUS, isn't that just because they have been slow rolling it out?
OZ is Aus. Their roll out was slow and suffered from mismanagement, but they have a considerable problem with vaccine hesitancy, most alarmingly among those over 60.
My wife was getting her done today. At the neighboring chair, the hairdresser was proudly proclaiming "the unvaccinated should be denied all health care" .... imagine. Saying it out loud! I used to wonder how the German people were misled. No more.
Pick a side. This isn't an abstract argument over "the science". It is a fight ... a political, ideological fight.
"All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked [by a virus], and denounce the [anti-covid-vaxxers] for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country."
--paraphrasing Hermann Goering
Now I understand how Jim Jones managed to get 800 people to drink cyanide laced koolaid...
Well Jim Jones didn't, the people were given injections of cyanide or shot when they ran off into the jungle...But they were certainly stupid enough to join the club.
We should not be giving our business to people who support mandates and make such proclamations.
Sadly it seems to embolden those who have felt powerless-- hairdressers here in Canada have been really hurt during lockdowns-- somehow she feels that saying this protects her? She is in for a very rude awakening. Her lesson. But sad.
Now, imagine the reaction if the hairdresser were to declare that promiscuous people, especially gay people, who get AIDS, should be denied healthcare.
YES!! or black or jewish? I hope we all lovingly note that to people who state such ridiculous and divisive comments.
I read the NY Times piece and replaced the word "vaccine" with "abortion". I wonder if the ACLU tried it.
I will bet they do not care.
"...vaccine mandates actually further civil liberties..." Whenever you hear "actually" prepare for a long stretch of motivated reasoning and motte/bailey dodges from unprincipled stooges.
Excellent point
Lots and lots of gaslight. Leftist authoritarians are good at it.
But that is such a brazen lie its unreal that they think they can get away with that.
"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State."
"You do know don't you.." They sound like and probably are 14 years old.
When going into a restaurant in NYC, one has to provide proof of vaccination AND
an ID to prove you are the person referenced on the vaccine card. What about the HIIPA laws? Are you required to show complete strangers your medical status? What about the uproar over requiring an ID in order to vote? "Show us your papers, Comrade"
And yet, democrats are fighting for ZERO proof of ID to vote??? Imagine that?
If you haven't figured it out yet, it's not the voters who matter, but the counters.
Laughable if it wasn't so sad
Those comrades who insist that Voter ID is Jim Crow 2.0 are the very same lot supporting vaccine passports while wearing "My Body, My Choice" on their shirts. Please don't look for logic or consistency from the Left.
HIIPA only applies to the health care industry. Private industry not associated with health care, along with the entirety of government entities, are free to demand any amount of personal health information they can dream up.
Exactly. I'll never forget a number of years ago I went to see a chiropractor for the first time in years; and, as usual, because I had found out that HIIPA does NOT protect our privacy, but actually does the opposite, I refused to sign the HIIPA form that most "Americans" now automatically sign (they've never even read it and just arbitrarily go along with mandates in the guise of "for your best good"), and also refused to sign the refusal block (because your refusal signature can be used to claim you actually "didn't" refuse, but agreed to it and "did" sign it. Anyway, I was treated like a terrorist. The chiropractor who treated me wouldn't be alone with me like I was some kind of "threat", and had his chiropractor-partner in the room while he adjusted me. Needless to say, I never went back to them (and I think they were "Lefties"---and I'm neither left-wing, right-wing nor centrist, and nothing but an independent constitutionalist like all Americans should be).
It's gotten to the point that if one doesn't go along unquestioningly with what the majority goes along with, one becomes a so-called "threat to society" ["perceived threatening conduct" in the U.S.A. '(non-)P.A.T.R.I.O.T.' (or "Unpatriotic") Act"]. As others here have said, it's Nazi Germany all over again, but it's going to be far worse, with far more people exterminated if God doesn't prevent/stop it.
If the government and their "Fourth Reich" propaganda arm/ministry mandates something, it tells me that it's something I better not go along with. But most "Americans" have been turned into lemmings who willingly follow the "Pied Pipers" off the edge of the cliff, or into the sea, to their demise (and they get us to pay for our own demise with our tax dollars. And now most "Americans" are brainwashed that it's our "duty" to unconstitutional income taxes that the founders of the U.S. only meant for the corporations to pay (which, if they did, would provide more than enough money to cover everything). But, no, they get the "Proles" to pay for the demise that the elitist globalist corporate-fascist neo-Nazis, in government and out, refuse to pay for. It's genius on their parts, really. Get the serfs to pay for their own destruction.
As I've long been saying, Orwell's book, "1984", is being followed like a blueprint, and we're already there, just not full-bore YET. Most people are completely brainwashed and walk around in, what is now a now-cellphone-induced (etc.), stupor; and very few come out of the brainwashing and stand for NOTHING BUT THE *REAL* TRUTH. (And 5G, among other things like the vaccines, is and/or are going to make it FAR worse.) Oh, and of course that minority of people who are no longer brainwashed are considered to be "the problem", the "conspiracy theorists" (even though we're nothing but conspiracy FACTUALISTS), "the 'terrorists'" (even if we're completely non-violent like I am), the "unprivileged enemy belligerents" who supposedly have no rights, and those "guilty" of "perceived threatening conduct" [which can be anything or nothing, and whatever TPTB deem to be a "threat" (non-conformists, dissenters, protestors, etc.)], etc.
Our rights are now being outlawed and "done away with", especially the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Fourteenth Amendments (freedom of speech and the right to protest, privacy and the sovereignty of the individual (free will, freedom of choice, "my body/life, my choice", etc.), TRUE due process of law, right to a speedy trial and to not be coerced into pleading "guilty", equal protection under the law, etc. (unless of course you're one of the neo-Nazi elitists on both the Right and the Left, and their minions, who are supposedly the ONLY ones who have rights, or will have any rights, anymore).
God save us, the "United States of (Amnesia)", and the world!
Privacy is protected by IVth amendment, though it is being violated everywhere now, and some people are fighting back. If your employer asks for your vaccination status and requires you to inject an EUA medical treatment, or face termination, that is extortion, coercion, and an attempt to use force to get you to you forfeit your rights. Also because of the EUA you must have/give Informed Consent - every state has it's own version of this basically the same thing as Nurember Code.. (ALL 3 shots are still under EUA- the only thing that got FDA approval was Comirnaty)
... or personal health information Gov *mandates* they demand, as is the case here in NYC now for restaurants, gyms, and any kind of indoor entertainment (museums, concert halls, etc)
I'm in NYC, and I can't wait to see what happens Sep 13, when enforcement begins...
NY like my state of Oregon is filled with self righteous leftist authoritarians drunk on POWER and who have an embarrassing arrogance what with their Im vaxxed! buttons.
Every One here is MASKED. Pfizer loves our state. The sheep are running to get their jabs here. They will escort vax passports in here when what they should do is BOYCOTT businesses who mandate your papers.
Thats what we are doing here in Ontario Canada. My way will be to call a restaurant and ask if they are asking for vaccine passports. If yes I will explain to them how that is Constitutionally/Charter of Rights illegal ask to speak to the manager and explain I will be dropping off a letter citing them for an illegal breech of my rights, then I will tell them that I won't be eating there at any time in the future. If restaurants/businesses are not going to push back against this then why should I support them.
Watch out, they'll report you to "Big Brother", then "Homeland (In)Security", or a state-level version, will show up at your door. (I'm in Oregon also, btw.)
Geez 🙄 Sorry I don't do fear
I don't either. Even though I'm completely awake and face everything that's really going on, I refuse to live in fear. Knowing what the awake know, it's quite awful and it's quite tempting to go back to sleep [go back into the "Matrix" control grid (the brainwashing, etc.), preferring the artificial "reality" to true reality like that character in the Matrix movies], again live in avoidance and denial of what's really happening; or, in the alternative, to live in fear.
I speak of what I said in my previous comment, from personal experience. I was reporting violations of law by my apartment management to a federal employee at USDA [responsible for the other federal subsidized housing agency, other than HUD Section 8 housing, known as Rural Development (used to be Farmer's Home Administration a couple of decades ago), which is a part of USDA]; and, rather than simply tell me not to call her anymore, she FALSELY accused me of "threatening" her because I called her evil, which she is. So, four months later, in March 2006, guess who came knocking on my door, the door of a completely non-violent, non-terrorist, truly-harmless person? Two agents from Homeland Security. I never thought in a million years that they would show up at my door. I was never informed by USDA that they had falsely accused me of being a "threat"; in fact, probably in order to seek to entrap me, they let me continue to phone this woman, hoping I would say something "further 'threatening'"; and, believe it or not, I spoke with her on the phone two days before the DHS agents showed up at my door.
They interviewed me, undoubtedly to seek to profile me and make up a dossier on me, and then did nothing but serve me with a federal restraining order, what they call a "protective order", not issued by ANY court of law, nor signed by ANY judge, but only signed by a senior, local USDA supervisor or manager, and one of the DHS agents who visited me. (Talk about unconstitutional!) Thus, thereafter, I of course NEVER called that woman or the local USDA Rural Development office again, and I haven't seen DHS since, in fifteen years, nor heard from them or anyone else in the federal government [perhaps they determined I wasn't a threat, I don't know; but, likely, what is more typical of them, they've been monitoring me every since (and maybe I'm on a "No-Fly List" and/or some other list{s}---I haven't flown since 1997, so I haven't "tested" to see if I'm on the "No-Fly List", or flagged for more intensive security scrutiny, because I don't want to be taken to an airport back room where I'm "interr(or)gated", threatened and possibly disappeared from, as has happened to so many people at U.S. and allied airports in the past twenty years {remember Glenn Greenwald's husband being detained at a British airport a decade or so ago?})].
Anyhow, I went into all of that to point out to you that it IS quite possible that government agents might show up at you door, the door of someone who would never, ever think that they'd be visited by same. But, getting back to the point of your reply, even with all that's happened to me, I still don't live in fear. I have continued to be an "armchair activist", telling it like it IS come hell (on earth) or high water, and I refuse to let the new "Fourth Reich" global(ist) government and their true-terrorist goons, aka modern-day Gestapo, cow me into living in fear and thus refusing to continue to be the human and civil rights advocate that I have been for the past twenty-plus years, which is exactly what their visit was designed to do.
The PTB are fearsome, that's undoubtedly true, but we MUST NOT bow down to them in any way, shape, form or fashion, WHATSOEVER, and I won't. The new Nazis are taking over increasingly, but I will not cower to them, come what may. And I hope all activists and advocates will do the same, courageously standing up to them no matter what, as many are doing. We MUST NOT let their violations of human and civil rights go unanswered, and we must stridently continue to non-violently fight for our freedom, liberty and rights even if we are murdered by the government for doing so. That IS what it has already come to, and unless the global-one-world-government's enslavement is stopped, it is only going to get worse and worse.
Keep refusing to live in fear. Keep refusing to bow down. Keep standing up against this juggernaut of oppression and increasing repression, just as four million non-Jewish Germans and others in Nazi(fied) Europe did in the 1920s, '30s and '40s, even though they were murdered by the government for doing so, and like thousands of resistance fighters did, even though many of them courageously died for doing so. It is the DUTY of everyone to stand up against this madness.
We are the modern-day resistance. We MUST NOT let the "Fourth Reich" take over completely, and we MUST at least try, even if it turns out to be futile, to stop the mass-insanity that is taking over more and more, as it did in Germany and Europe not so long ago. History IS repeating, and we must be the vanguard against the massive, far worse, repeat of history that is coming if we don't succeed in staving it off entirely. It IS life or death FOR EVERYONE, including you, so what have we got to lose? We either die "on our knees" as slaves, or we die on our feet as Truly-Free people.
Lmao at people who think rights are won by sternly worded letters while the other side is burning cities.
Carol, I do not believe you actually do what you say. Why should people who are happy about the passport be squashed?
Their are some counties in Oregon with constitutional sheriff's who will not enforce mandates or take money from the FEDs.
Keep dreaming. They'll bow down when they're threatened.
You have to vote with your wallet. Don't patronize businesses that enforce the mandate, and if you're patronizing a business where tipping is customary then increase the tip for workers who don't enforce the mandate -- and make sure they know that they got a bigger tip because they didn't enforce the mandate.
Washington State re-imposed a mask mandate on August 23rd. I complied with the first mask mandate, but I'm not complying with this one and I've found that a lot of front line workers agree with me. For every front line worker that has asked me to put a mask on, there have probably been three that have gone out of their way to encourage me and to tell me that they support my decision to defy the mask mandate. It turns out that working an 8 hour shift in a store or a restaurant with a mask on your face the whole time really sucks.
Great strategy-- I try to do the same here 💗 Good to know
agreed. I'm in OR too
It will be interesting to see what happens. One thing is for sure, we'll find out who would have been screaming at Rosa Parks to go and sit in the back of the bus if they had lived in Montgomery, Alabama in 1955.
I've wondered about HIIPA implications too. Vax card today. What next?
Go back and read HIPAA - it is narrow in its application to basically health insures and health care professionals.
Our COVID-19 response doesn't even make logical sense.
Masks, social distancing, plexiglass partitions, contact tracing, lockdowns, and every other intervention aimed at limiting people's exposure to the virus is an exercise in futility that's doomed to fail in the long run.
The vaccine reduces your odds of serious illness or death, but it does not give you sterilizing immunity. A person who is vaccinated can still get infected and transmit the virus to other people, which totally invalidates the case for "vaccine passports". Your vaccine only protects you, it doesn't protect other people.
The reality is this: EVERYONE will to be exposed to the virus in the long run whether they like it or not. I'm going to be exposed and you're going to be exposed.
No matter how long you maintain the non-pharmaceutical interventions (e.g. masks, lockdowns, etc...) the virus is still going to be here at the end. All you're doing is delaying the inevitable. You might be slowing the virus down, but you aren't stopping it. It's a force of nature and we're not going to stop it.
This narrative we've been given that it's my responsibility to protect you and your responsibility to protect me fails on logic. The only protection that you have against the virus is your own immune system. Your safety and well being depends on how well you prepare your immune system for the day when your turn comes and you get exposed to the virus.
The only person who can protect you is you. Get vaccinated, eat a healthy diet, exercise, get sufficient sleep. Do everything you can to maintain good health and fortify your immune system so that you don't wind up on a ventilator or in the morgue WHEN (not if) you get exposed to the virus because it's going to happen sooner or later. You can't hide from this thing forever.
The government has no incentive to tell that because it doesn't empower them, it empowers you. If you understood that your safety and well-being depended on your own acts and omissions, then you wouldn't need the government to step in with mandates that coerce and threaten other people and disrupt their lives in order to "keep you safe".
If you think, especially now that we have a vaccine that everyone who needs it has had the opportunity to take, that other people should disrupt their life for the foreseeable future in order to "protect" you safe from a virus you're actually the selfish one.
Cowardice is not a virtue. We have to face this thing head on because there is no other choice. We're all going to be exposed to the virus sooner or later, so we may as well suck it up and face reality. There's no sense in being a coward and making your life and everyone else's life miserable by trying to hide from it and blaming other people whenever someone gets sick. This idiocy needs to end, and it needs to end right now.
You're not allowing for sufficient opportunities for virtue signaling, graft, and control over others.
In fact, the ONLY thing you can do to ACTUALLY help society is to get the virus and get over it without spreading it.
Ironically, the one thing these people are trying so hard to avoid.
A respiratory virus with a long latency period and highly infectious will run through a population. Period
I have never caught the China virus. I haven't had a cold since I was 12 years old. I smoked pot all my life. Get it?
That last bit was unnecessary. It was obvious all along.
And Wilcoxson, as it is now being proven that the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA gene therapy solutions are poisonous? Who are the idiots then?
These particular mRNA solutions have been proven to contain the poisonous Graphene Oxide in the nanoscale, which can breach the blood brain barrier and cause subarachnoid hemorrhaging in the meninges.
These solutions also contain a Spike protein that causes blood clotting throughout the body.
Well said, Andy Wilcoxson
As they seem to have redefined "civil liberty" to mean something other than individual rights - the collective good or some other "freedom from" perversion - I suspect they see no problem with this overtly anti-liberty position.
Why surprised? Vaccine has been redefined , unemployment has been redefined, science has been redefined....
Yes research and political medical science (ie public health) definitely do . Why? they have always been funded by Pharma and big money. Just not like the last two years-- they are all overwhelmed by every billionaire and their foundation -- Zuckerberg, Gates, Soros, Bezos. These are the new govts, these are the new countries. Replete with their enablers and apparatchiks like Fauci and Biden and Trudeau and EVERY public health officer (I won't say Dr. because like a Phd none of them has seen patients). It is an affront to all of us in the medical profession that see patients.
Read any Leonard Horowitz, Ph.D., former public health graduate and official? "Death in the Air", "Aids and Ebola", etc. I recommend his books to all.
Thanks will check him out 😊
It's kind of like Bolshivic civil liberties.
That is the problem with civil liberties, they are granted and thus can be removed. Inalienable rights however, can not be taken. We need to restore what the Founders envisioned.
Not entirely clear what the ACLU op-ed actually means by civil liberties. But they seem to be saying that the only "civil liberties" they're concerned much about in this case are things like the ability to mingle in public without fear of infection and maybe the ability to do things like cross state lines or go into stores without government-enforced barriers. They're moving away from the idea that civil liberties primarily means prohibiting various kinds of coercion and intrusion by governments and institutions, although the ACLU op-ed does suggest that they wouldn't endorse "forcible injections" or criminal penalties for the unvaccinated.
Excellent piece and an apt exposee of the hypocrisy of the new ACLU - "excuse the redundancy", as GG often says). But consider a correction: at the end GG says "it is anyone's guess" why the change in the ACLU. No it's not. GG has provided the answer in earlier writings. The modern ACLU, he has said, is just a well funded arm of the DNC. That's the answer.
Yep. Politicized
So true. I used to respect the ACLU for standing on principle even when that meant defending some not so nice people. No more it seems.
The ACLU is a sad shell of what it used to be.
Amusingly, the NRA appears to be the last major civil rights organization standing.
THAT’S a howl!
Yep. The last big civil rights organization standing. Plus, now moar diversity!
Didn't the NY AG sue them into bankrupcy?
Bankrupted, but still standing.
Well said.
They'd better be careful with that "bodily integrity is not absolute" argument -- the pro-choice crowd might strongly disagree.
I don't think they care--money talks, principles legal moral or ethical dont seem to be in vogue right now-- and that is all the ACLU seems to care about--being on the side of "the prevailing narrative"
This virus, with a 99.8% survival rate, was never about public health. It was and is about power and control.
A year ago, many of us who were paying attention to the Gates Foundation, WEF, Johns Hopkins pandemic simulation in Oct 2019, called Event 201, told people that vax passports were coming, but ya know we're just conspiracy theorists. The difference between the truth and conspiracy theory is about six months.
But not only is this about power and control by an unelected, unaccountable elite, it is also a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY. I
n 1976, President Gerald Ford, put a HALT to the Swine Flu jab after 53 deaths. Prior to this faux emergency, FDA rules were that any drug that caused 25 deaths was to be immediately pulled and reviewed.
But now?
"VAERS data released Friday by the CDC showed a total of 650,077 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 13,911 deaths and 85,971 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and Aug. 27, 2021".-Childrens Health Defense.
VAERS is the CDC vax death and injury reporting system. Keep in mind that these numbers are MUCH HIGHER than reported as VAERS captures only 1-10% of all jab deaths and injuries. CHD is SUING the FDA for BRAZENLY LYING to win approval but NOT licensing of the Pfizer jab.
This list also does not include the deaths of CHILDREN from strokes and myocarditis, for which there have been 1000's of cases. Nor does it include the 1000's and 1000's of women who miscarried or had still births after this jab.
It is NOT a traditional vaccine. It is an MRNA experimental jab with the spike protein within that IS THE PATHOGEN that destroys the immune system.
The FDA AND CDC were VERY well aware of the dangers of this jab from previous animal studies, where pathogenic priming or antibody immune enhancement occurred, killing all the animals in the study and 2 CHILDREN in another small clinical trial where the rest of the children fell gravely ill. And what did the jab companies skip? Glad you asked! ANIMAL STUDIES. This jab is in clinical trial until 2023!!
Pfizer donated one million to Biden's campaign as they did most of our scummy political elite.
I find it reprehensible and irresponsible that literally no MSM is reporting these deaths and injuries and in fact are hiding it, just as they are alternative treatments and medicines. They are CENSORING it because if there are other effective treatments the EUA WOULD BE GONE and the vax profits and vax passports with it.
There is this thing that the ACLU conveniently overlooks and that is INFORMED CONSENT. Is anyone being informed of the above? Or that these jabs contain NO LIVE OR DEAD virus like traditional jabs do?
This is a violation of the Nuremberg codes. All TEN OF THEM.
Is it not a wonder people do not want this vaccine when death and disability is a very REAL possibility?
In a poll taken recently, 70% of Americans will QUIT THEIR JOBS if mandated to take the jab. That is significant.
Perhaps the ACLU would do well to take the public's temperature and a good look at VAERS before they say this is a good idea.
Oh! And btw, Glenn, there is a study that was done on the benefits of Ivermectin and the Rona. Too bad that study is also censored as it showed Ivermectin IS effective in treating the Rona. How's that for horse dewormer?
Excellent article and SHARED!
"The difference between the truth and conspiracy theory is about six months." - Bumper sticker
Indeed! Lol
We already knew the ACLU was a shadow of their former selves, but this should pound the nail in its coffin.
Probably infiltrated by "al CIAduh(!)" operatives who hired more and more lawyers brainwashed in law school(s) that to bring up constitutional rights in civil court (such as in fighting evictions) is now allegedly "unethical"; when, obviously, it is the exact opposite, and to not bring our unalienable rights up in such matters is what is unethical (many judges, especially in federal courts, won't allow the constitution in "their (really the People's) courtrooms".
When I was seeking to fight my illegal eviction in late 2017, the local legal aid office took my case, though they told me I would lose (weren't even going to try and win!), and the young, wet-behind-the-ears, just out of law school, woman attorney told me just that which I said in the foregoing paragraph (that bringing up rights in court is "unethical"). I was flabbergasted! Then I told her that I wanted her to be co-counsel so I could also speak on my own behalf, and then they dropped me as a client so fast that my head spun!
I got thrown out on the street with no place to and no one to stay with, as and elderly-disabled person. Nobody gives a shit. Sixteen months of hell on earth (very low, below poverty line Social Security Disability and SSI). Finally got into HUD housing [talk about another serious rights violator, but that's a discussion for another time maybe---no smoking (I don't anyway), no recreational or medical marijuana (I do smoke that!), etc.]. So I've now been "housed", of sorts, for the past two years. Thank God for that anyway! [Oh, and talk about mandates, HUD housing will probably be one of the first to push forced vaccination (they're going to have to murder me, because I have autoimmune disease and am immunocompromised and the jab would likely kill me, as would the virus).] Cheers!
“... a norm that affirms that we must renounce the good to save the good is just as false and contradictory as that which, to protect freedom, orders us to renounce freedom.“ - Giorgio Agamben
The sneering at civil liberties and core human dignities (like being with loved ones as they pass away, funeral/burial rights) since day one has been nothing short of evil. Glenn, I’m glad to see this post from you and I remember you talking briefly with Edward Snowden early about your hesitation to support the mass abridging of basic rights/liberties/dignities, but I can’t help but be disappointed that you’ve largely abstained from taking a vocal, principled stance on this stuff. Even if you’re not an expert in virology (for all that’s worth at this point), that shouldn’t even be a factor in opposing these insane measures. Isn’t that the point of principles: that they don’t change just because some new data indicates an arbitrary x% increase in lethality vs. the seasonal flu? To accept they could be overridden by one number only invites the idea that they could eventually be overridden by a lower number.
I truly appreciate the times you have spoken up, it’s just that considering your concerns about privacy & civil liberties, and this entire worldwide Covid response makes even the Patriot Act look like child’s play compared to the systems of surveillance/coercion/control being justified by this virus — I don’t understand why you haven’t been shouting from the rooftops since day one.
With regard to the sneering at core human dignities, I wonder how many people have developed an appreciation for Antigone, whether by Sophocles or Anouilh. (Is this even in HS curricula anymore?). We could not visit a beloved elder during the last three months of her life and we will never forgive them for that. It was a sin.
Sadly I remember reading Sophocles in HS in 2000 mainly as a quick example of early drama, not as a story to learn about humanity from. I’d be surprised if it’s still taught these days.
My condolences for that awful experience. One of my best friends had a similar experience when his brother’s health deteriorated rapidly — putting him in professional care would essentially mean they couldn’t see him again due to Covid restrictions. It’s an unnecessary heartache during moments of intense stress and it’s a violation of our dignity to not be with loved ones in times of trouble, and as we see them off from the material world.
Don't believe any high schools have taught A. R. Gurney's _Another Antigone_, though that would be fun.
It wasn't when I was in senior high school from 1971 to 1973 in "liberal" S.F. where I grew up (and I supposedly had a "farsighted" civics teacher, who turned out to be a child molester).
It was.
It isn't just the measures that are horrendous but REAL people are DYING from this jab and/or becoming disabled. It is also KILLING CHILDREN with strokes myocarditis and multi system inflammatory syndrome.
Can't wait til they mandate it for children UNDER 12.
Last year DC passed a law that removes parental consent for a vaccine for CHILDREN 11+
Even people who traditionally consider themselves “conspiracy theory”-averse only need to ask themselves: with this awful of media, and a historically corrupt pharmaceutical industry, and the obvious state of regulatory capture of FDA — do you REALLY trust the PR for the vaccine to be legit, and if there were problems with it, do you REALLY think they’d be honest about it?
And now in the UK they tell 12-15 yr old that they can ignore their parents lack of consent. 🙄🙄. When do they get to vote , drive a car etc. -- Such a nakedly blatant sop to Pharma-- how much are these govts getting from the Billions of Pharma and Mr. Gates
Fair enough, those are good points. I would only disagree that he needs any “competency” in a medical field since I think the idea of “expertise” has been sufficiently trashed by this point, haha.
Also given the scope of the impositions justified by Covid, one only need be human to be affected by them and therefore entitled to have a position on it.
There’s obviously a lot of great work Glenn is doing aside from this issue though — work that, if he wasn’t doing it, nobody would be.