Snowden deserves it. Assange needs it

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Reminds me of the movie Breaker Morant. 100%

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'Scapegoats of the Empire...'

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Didn't one of Glenn's main criticisms of Assange got muted yesterday by James O'Keefe? Namely that Assange was reckless in redacting names out of his leaks?

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This one is as tightly written and impeccably argued as is humanly possible, Glenn. Thanks.

Pardon Ed Snowden.

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Thank you for beautifully saying what I was stumbling over in my inadequate mind.

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The past four years have opened my eyes. Five years ago I was with those who wanted Snowden's head. Having seen what what the intelligence and "law enforcement" agencies did to Trump, I see things differently. They need to be dismantled and Snowden needs to be pardoned.

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Whose head do you want now?

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I think I’d start with Comey, Clapper and Brennan. And work my way down.

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Diane, the noun or the verb?

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Diane the troll-slayer

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Dr. Diane the troll-slayer

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Free Edward Snowden! Free Julian Assange! The continued persecution of these brave heroes is a terrible stain on American history. I fervently hope that President Trump grants full pardons to each one of these American heroes.

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Can we nail the Deep State instead ?

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I wish. Deep-Stater extraordinaire William Barr is being allowed to resign when he should have been fired long ago. In fact, he never should have been allowed back in government after he covered up the FBI’s assassination at Ruby Ridge. Quoting Lou Dobbs: “it’s just absolutely disgusting!”

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Glenn, thank you for this outstanding article.

Everyone should note the collusion of Left/Right neocons in this. Two wings of a uniparty... perhaps people on Left and Right who are against national security state and perpetual wars should set aside their differences in other issues and focus on reigning in the warmongers.

BTW Twatter did not slap any "fake news" warning on obviously false claims by Liz Cheney and Brennan.

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Also, given the volatility and vindictiveness of Orange Man Bad, it is highly likely that he will pardon Assange and Snowden, to make so-called Swamp or Deep State look bad.

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Damn, I sure hope so. If that’s what motivates him to do the right thing, I could not care less. The evil bastards have it coming, so let him rub it in their face and enjoy the doing of it.

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Doubtful. They’ve got something on trump - otherwise he would have “declassified” years ago. Trump has been effectively neutered by his opposition. If he pardons either of those two, whatever they’ve got on him will make his life - or his son in laws life - hell.

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You honestly think someone has dirt on Trump and it hasn't come out in the last 4 years? Are you willfully ignorant?

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There are no parties, there are those in power and those outside of it.

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If anything could redeem this god awful year, this would be it. Assange too. We can hope.

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If John Brennon & Jim Clapper think it's an outrage to pardon them both, then I'm 100% for it. Either one of them may have knowledge of illegalities that THEY (Brennon & Clapper) committed.

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Clapper the perjurer.

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It does beg the question. which forum software is Substack using to manage & compile these posts? Is it a proprietary tool or did they use a 3rd party app? Asking for a friend...and they’re wondering if SubStack is monetizing and monitoring our posts on this forum, or pushing the data to any other data aggregators, brokers?

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Irony defined....

Assuage spent years cooped up in the Ecuadorian embassy and now languishes in a British jail....

Snowden in political hiding in “Russia!”


Comey - millionaire off book sales on honor/ethics and the Rule of Law

Brennan - former Communist Party member; MSNBC contributor

Clapper - executive board member for the Center for Ethics and the Rule of Law at the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School

BUT - remember, there’s no Deep State. It’s all a myth, the exposure of which WILL BE harmful to your health and freedom....

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That Comey is not in prison and Snowden is not living in comfort from the rewards of book deal is a travesty.

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The travesty is that:

Comey sells books on honor & ethics while Snowden is regarded as a traitor....

We live in a 1984 World...

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The largest book companies are/were owned by DNC donors. https://www.opensecrets.org/search?order=desc&q=carolyn+reidy&sort=D&type=donors

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This is the best comment so far in this section. But when I call him out for living in Russia I am supposed to believe it's because he cares about people's rights.

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Did the USA not revoke his passport?

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Yes - the U.S. revoked Snowden's passport during a layover at Sheremetyevo International Airport. Iconoclast is a troll who refers to "Comrade Snowden."

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How many comments are you going to make attacking me while ignoring each of my comments? Do you work for the Clinton Foundation?

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Mona is Mr. Greenwald's spokething

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Dec 15, 2020
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Right because Russia, where Edward lives now, is so free. So known for transparency among its intelligence agencies? Those points lack logic?

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I was against any pardon of Snowden until I read this powerful & persuasive essay. Hopefully the powers-that-be can also be persuaded. Thank you, Glenn. *This* is why I'm a subscriber.

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John Mumaw I actually wrote the White House a note asking for Snowden's pardon after I read this piece this morning. (Thank you Glenn Greenwald) Really, you must watch Citizen Four. It's compelling, filmed in real time and it was so satisfying to watch Clapper lie in front of Congress in 2013, a marvelous foreshadowing of the prolific dishonest 'testimony' we witnessed from him during the Mueller hearing.

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I think I will now. Thanks.

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Snowden and Assange both deserve it.

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The smug picture of Chris Wray says it all. And none of these hacks will EVER be held accountable in ANY WAY. That undermines any idea of real accountability and adherence to the rule of law. Scary.

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Why don’t bureaucrats have to obey the rule of law ? ... just wondering...

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Why isn’t the question. They do to further the political agendas of their superiors and they are covered for their misdeeds by others in the cabal. Lois Lerner, Comey in re the email decision not to indite. Cover for Clappers lies to congress. Plenty of examples

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Because “rules” are for little people...

True patriots will disagree as to what the “rules” should be, but left or right recognize the importance of following them...

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look up what happened with ABSCAM. Congress changed the laws to make it harder to investigate their members. You are seeing this every single day and have been for centuries in cities like Chicago. Look up Operation Greylord or Operation Gambat for examples of how the broken legal/political machine protects the people it wants and fucks the people it doesn't like. As Tom Hardy said in Peaky Blinders..."Big fucks little. Every time. Always has."

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I agree with you here. So why are you anti little in regards to Snowden?

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Again, because he is preaching about freedom and intelligence honesty while living in Russia.

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Never is a long time-- never say never---- who would have thought in Feb 2020 we would be locked down?

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Edward Snowden is a hero - no qualification. The rest; Biden, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Obama and Rice are not.


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THANK YOU, GG! #PardonSnowden #PardonAssange

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While I'm sympathetic to the plight of Mr. Snowden, pardoning someone for upholding the Constitution is a slippery slope. It would encourage other people to demand that the government respect the Constitution, effectively making the country ungovernable. Is that the legacy that Mr. Trump wants?

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To be clear, pardoning Edward Snowden would be equivalent to pulling the plug on the swamp, a reckless act with unpredictable consequences. Fortunately, Mr. Trump is a cautious, perhaps even timid, person who is unlikely to do this.

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Even more fortunate, Trump IS the "Deep State," having perpetrated the biggest ruse in modern American political history. His entire cabinet was plucked from Goldman Sachs and the military but to the trailer-trash he is a "swamp-drainer."

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Acting like Goldman Sachs isn't dick deep in the DNC party as well, holy shit the ignorance in these comments.

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You might be correct on this one statement, but your other ones are rife with falsehoods and assumptions.

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What is false that I have said on this board? Funny you dont mention it exactly. You just suggest I am making falsehoods but offer no evidence. Are you moving to Moscow to be with comrade Snowden?

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The brainlet argument consistent with the rest of your posts here - that because of his proximity to russia he's guilty by association.

You can't prove a negative, but evidence certainly leads the opposite direction.

At the end of the day there will always be a 'Liz Cheney' in the room.

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Could be he is deep state.. One thing we know for sure, they don’t like him

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I appreciate your sarcasm. Fact is the swamp plug has never been more cemented in place and letting Mr. Snowden walk free won’t change any of that. The swamp is the swamp. Period. End of Sentence. If Brennan and Clapper are able to monetize their membership in the swamp, I fear for our Republic.

And.....Brennan’s actions over the past 5 years are tell tale indications of a Russian operation.

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...the swamp plug has never been more cemented in place...

That is a problem. The Deep State used to understand that it was necessary to have a pressure relief valve. That is why they tolerated a reasonably free press - it allowed people to vent and blow off some steam. Now the blast, when it comes, is likely to be thermonuclear.

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I'm sorry to say they have already monetized their swamp membership

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>Is that the legacy Mr. Trump wants?"

He better act quick. It appears Biden Vision2020 'Soul of the Nation' will be Mr. Trump's legacy. ..

*from Russia with love ~

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Any "liberal-progressive-democrat" calling Snowden a traitor for courageously exposing the blatantly unconstitutional activities of the security state -while at the same time NOT calling for the prosecution of Clapper for ACTUAL crimes, and the dismantling of the security state, starting with the immediate revocation of the Patriot Act -is a filthy hypocrite, and a stooge of the security state. It runs counter to the core foundational principles of being a "liberal", and clearly demonstrates the cowardice, and lack of a moral compass, of its adherents.

It sickens me to no end to see so many "liberal-progressives-democrats" drink the RussiaGate and Snowden is a traitor Kool-Aid. Hell, they don't just drink it, they paint their condos with it and bathe their children in it. A pox on ALL their houses.

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Its not so much they believe those lies as much as they believe the DNC and assume the DNC wouldnt be such crooked fucks. Its all about being part of the elite and never questioning, that is their entire platform.

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The best middle finger to Biden would be to pardon Snowden AND Assange.

Better to appeal to Trump's vindictive, nasty side. What better final insult to the Bush, Clinton, Obama, Biden faction. What better way to embolden future hackers and leakers under the Biden Administration.

I don't particularly like Trump, other than he makes me laugh hard and i find he has an ability to point out key problems (with zero solutions), but he has exposed that there is a Deep State that spans both parties. That media outlets like NYT even praise the deep state is mind blowing.

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Trump has actually devised and carried out many real solutions to significant problems:

*Getting the vaccines delivered much faster than 'experts' expected through his bringing together and negotiating intensely with leaders of the pharma companies.

*Getting all kinds of equipment and supplies made by meeting with the heads of the companies and having them delivered quickly, even two fully-staffed naval medical ships to New York and Los Angeles (that were hardly used). Even Gov. Cuomo praised President Trump in mid April for doing all this.

*Achieving breakthroughs for peace in the Middle East: FIVE majority-Muslim countries have signed agreements to recognize Israel.

*Strong economic progress for the lower-income people until this year and the virus problem, more progress than for the wealthy.

*The first tax reform law in 30 years, one which lowered taxes for the middle class by some $2000 on average ("crumbs" according to Pelosi), and actually raised them on the top 5% due to the limitation on deduction of state and local taxes (SALT deduction; which is why the Democrats want to repeal it).

*Carefully considering and discussing potential court nominees and getting three highly respected judges on the Supreme Court

So he has not been perfect, but has had many major successes thanks to his personal leadership and involvement.

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Indeed. Credit where credit is due. Even for BadOrangeMan.

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