We are launching a new live, one-hour, prime-time news broadcast. Armed with cable-sized budgets, it will be part of a network that Russell Brand has already debuted.
There are a few silverbacks in journalism that still strike fear in the establishment. With Assange locked away in a cage, Greenwald is part of an endangered species. There is so much that needs attention, but the battle against censorship transcends it all. Survival of the species rides on this fight in more ways than one.
It is because of what they have done to Julian Assange and others.......I fear sudden "illnesses" such as David Miranda's could become all too common among dissenters.
The move toward tyranny and control is necessary when you understand that we are standing on the precipice of a total systemic breakdown of the financial system......aka the Dollar Collapse.
Do you think the US World Reserve Currency collapse hasn't been War Gamed? Do you think THAT existential threat to American power isn't paramount in the minds of these "Gamers"?
Do you not see that the use of "tactical" nukes in Ukraine could be used as a justification to implement a myriad of tyrannical "measures" here at home and World-wide?
The "reset" may very well be NOT JUST a monetary one!
As was pointed out by Eisenhower when he looked into it, there's no such thing as a "tactical" nuclear weapon, despite the name. Once any nuke is used, regardless of how "small" it is, a chain of events will be launched that will lead to all out nuclear war. These weapons must NEVER be used or it's game over for the planet and the life here.
I believe the Clinton/Obama Machine is capable of anything. The resurrection of the nuclear threat to instill fear and apprehension in the general populace and its actual use to justify the further suppression of speech and liberty is an entirely real possibility especially as the mid-terms approach.
If you believe that this is just the Democrats doing all this you're woefully mistaken. The CIA and Wall Street own the government plus all the complexes they use. Once the Republicans get back in control, mark my word we'll see a continuation and ramp up, if the US dollar and the economy doesn't implode first by then....or a nuclear bomb. Republicans are the party of the religious fundamental fanatics. Listen to Paul Jay and Col Wilkerson on the Analysis News, or Chris Hedges. Chris has been sounding the alarm for years. And remember, what happens in the US does not stay in the US.
I believe you are correct Sir.--- Again, we are choosing between two compromised "regimes". As always Americans are trapped by a "lesser of two evils" ballot. This time, my "hold your nose and vote" choice is the Republican Party.
So you're going to do what you just said was the problem: "we are choosing between two compromised "regimes"? This is a great example of what's wrong with Americans who continue to support the two parties. Nothing will change until both parties are thrown out.
I hope you are wrong too, however history would prove you correct about opponents of getting sudden 'illnesses' dating back to ancient times.
As for nuclear weapons....that is madness beyond belief. Ukraine was never worth spending a cent on other than giving humanitarian aid to civilians. Yet because of their egos and need to expand, the EU and NATO crossed Russia's red line and here we are pushing Russia and China together, all as EU member states stab us in the back and join the Belt and Road initiative.
Edit: If anyone in the US/EU/NATO uses a nuke for whatever reason, they need to be treated like a mad dog, and that is to be put down.
As in Dr. Strangelove, the people who are responsible have holes they climb into to avoid the blasts. I'm just saying that if they launch the nukes, any survivors who make it past the blasts should ensure that those who caused the problem get the same treatment as the tens of millions+ of innocent civilians who die.
That's true, and that weakness makes them dangerous. Makes me wonder to what ends they will go to try and preserve their power. How ugly will it get. Because they cannot survive in an open debate, that's why they require this censorship. If the public were allowed to see them in a truly open and free debate with their critics they'd be done for.
They know what's at stake. Power tends to be partial toward those with the best command of political information at any particular stage in history—those who control the narratives a society uses to make sense of reality are the ones in possession of real power.
All as society continues to focus on 'education' over people being self taught...as the latter allows for critical thinking and no narratives...things seem more insidious than I thought.
Human being are nothing if not learning machines, despite "education" effing the natural process up. That's not to say there aren't great teachers, but their number is dwarfed by the credentialed indoctrinators.
That is so true, I believe they will cannibalize themselves soon. When you build power based on fear and intimidation, no one within the regime is safe - look at Hitler, and Stalin - they were finally eaten alive from the inside out.
GG never disappoints. This is a serious problem and correctly dubbed 'fascism', yet the people who just spent four years as #THERESISTANCE could never fathom that they could run afoul of the censorship machine.
Hope things are well in your personal life, and thanks for the important article highlighting this problem!!!
Personally, I think this Missolini character was some pointy headed intellectual with no real experience of fascism, but what do cats know about anything?
Not to mention, he was white AND male. We can safely ignore anything that he said about the situation.
“Liberty is meaningless where the right to utter one's thoughts and opinions has ceased to exist. That, of all rights, is the dread of tyrants. It is the right which they first of all strike down. They know its power. Thrones, dominions, principalities, and powers, founded in injustice and wrong, are sure to tremble, if men are allowed to reason.”
― Frederick Douglass
Hey! Somebody get this white supremacist off the stage!!
Lol. I want a 90 foot tall bronze statue of Frederick Douglass to be erected, buck naked, holding aloft a torch whilst two naked women embrace his thighs like something out of a Boris Vallejo painting.
People use the terms "fascist" and "fascism" to describe anything they don't like. You correctly defined what fascism is. Censorship is not fascism, that's why they're two different words.
As the "Father of Fascism," Mussolini gets to define it. Additionally, Robert Kennedy, Jr. defined it as corporations running the government. That's authoritative enough for me. But these terms are mis- and over-used most of the time, and even the dictionary defines them incorrectly. "Fascism" and "fascist" are "dirty words" that people use to attack those at whom they're angry and/or people whose political views they don't like, so they're thrown around all the time. It's like kids calling their parents "fascist" because the parents disciplined them.
This is precisely the problem with the term. It has become practically meaningless and has been since Orwell made the same comment in the 1940s.
I find this definition useful: "The system of government that cartelizes the private sector, centrally plans the economy to subsidize producers, exalts the police state as the source of order, denies fundamental rights and liberties to individuals, and makes the executive state the unlimited master of society."
That is a good working definition and, imo, also summarizes and interprets Mussolini’s ramblings accurately. My quibble is that Rockwell’s libertarian definition manages to downplay the role of the “private sector” as the senior partner of government in our totalitarian system. Corporations (and private central banks like the Federal Reserve) is where the real power resides. For example, I find it fundamentally problematic that American corporations, chartered by U.S. state governments, are under no legal obligation to uphold the Bill of Rights. So if people are prohibited from practicing free speech, peaceable assembly, privacy, and due process at work—which is the majority of waking life for many—they cease to value those rights after hours.
Also, by focusing on a term like “fascism”, which is intentionally kept ambiguous by the ruling elite, people are distracted from consciously recognizing that we obviously all live in an imperial oligarchy.
I don't like that definition because it waters down and changes the meaning. Fascism is about corporate control over the government. The other issues, like central planning and a police state, are just that. You could theoretically have fascism without those other issues, though a police state and brainwashing of the public might be necessary in reality.
That is an excellent definition that sums it up perfectly. In a nutshell, Fascism is the worship of the state, of war and of everything that the state views as important.
Speaking of "pointy headed intellectuals," no matter how one defines "Fascism," the first one was none other than Woodrow Wilson, by far (yes, even Lyndon Johnson pales) the WOAT POTUS.
U. S. citizens ought not only be protected from government infringement of speech --- they need to be protected from corporations clearly working in CONJUNCTION with governmental entities [e. g., C.I.A., Justice Department, etc., etc.]. The long list of speakers Glenn identified who've been "banished from the financial system" should have cognizable civil rights actions. In fact, all the protections from government overreach afforded to citizens under the U. S. Constitution ought to apply to corporate overreach conducted on behalf or at the direction of government agencies. It's time to force the courts to deal with the fact a half dozen powerful corporations are aiding the present regime by (1) taking property without hearing or notice, (2) interfering with the free flow of commerce among the states and (3) severely chilling the right to petition the government for grievances [by financially destroying those with whom the regime disagrees].
These aren't random acts by separate and independent corporations --- they're part of a coordinated quasi-governmental attack on the fundamental rights of Americans. It's time we started seeing & treating them that way.
Exactly. This is like government hiring a private security force (made of ex-cops) to search your house without a warrant, then claiming since the government didn't perform the actual search, there was no violation of the Fourth Amendment.
I could say the same about your words, and it should be said in every way possible.
First came colonialism, then mercantilism, then came overt Fascism, followed by insidiously-hidden and surrepticiously-named crony-Capitalism.
Now, it's blatant State capture and direction, and the utter destruction of free markets, from health (shutdowns/mandates) to media (Statist narratives) to energy (production shackles) to investment (esg) to....
Where are the populists? Where are the true Capitalists, the real Liberals? When do we heed Jefferson (A little bit of [forbidden-word] from time to time...)? When do we start to answer Franklin's hypothetical?
I think it’ll possibly be answered by states beginning to ignore federal dictates. States or an alliance of states beginning to act like sovereign countries. They’ll lose federal funds, but they’ll find a way to deal with that. That seems like where it’ll all eventually go and possibly even reach secession. It may even go to a county level. Look at all the eastern Oregon counties trying to join Idaho.
Yes, this possibility has been gaining in likelyhood, imo, but is still a long, long way off I think. Two big questions are 1) will the Federal government attempt to use the military, especially to avoid a snowball effect, and 2) what form would the "national" defense of such allied (I assume) states take.
Several Northeast rural California counties are part of that new state idea. The only way a new state could form, politically speaking, is if two states are added, one Republican leaning and one Democrat (Puerto Rico? D.C.?), at the same time.
To be clear: the "possibility" I'm talking about doesn't involve anything like a Jeffersonian-style revolution. Biden has repeatedly been explicit about the fact he'd use "tanks & F-16's" in response---and he says it with a smile [fully aware of the fact he's talking about blowing citizens into smithereens]. I'm talking about state and local officials resisting unconstitutional executive orders and accepting the consequences of their actions [i.e., arrest and trial]. For every official placed on trial another set of jurists, both at the trial and appellate level, will be forced to deal with the the legal limits of federal power. The net result would be pretty sobering for the Biden regime [which, let's face it, is gonna declare executive-order war on the American people between November 9th and January 20th].....
Couldn't agree more, Anna. I live in Hawaii where lots of folks talk about secession 24/7. It's kinda up to me to remind them the Maui Police Force vs. the Chinese Navy would not be a pretty sight.
[btw, California has ALREADY, in effect, seceded ----- it's time congress noticed].
I disagree. They wouldn't be "cantons." They would be sovereign (and naturally allied) States.
And they would be in natural competition for free-thinking freedom-loving individuals and their families, just what the founders had in mind after all.
The Civil War was just, but a terrible transfer of power from states to State. As much as the loss of life, this was its terrible legacy.
Edit: Plus the threat of seccession is an EXCELLENT check on central State power-mongering.
State and local officials who defy federal mandates will be in for more than cuts in revenue---- they'll be arrested. And they know it. Which is why they talk big and do nothing. This brings us to the answer to Timothy Andrew Staples' question: when will [some 21st century version of] Jefferson's directive and/or Franklin's moral challenge be heeded? When we stop being afraid.
Yep. The State's greatest fear. Look at the Statist's reaction to the uncapturable DJT's defeat of BOTH Statist Party establishments in '16.
Even the populists-at-heart didn't see that coming. It was obviously the political equivalent of an unexpected nuclear detonation, and the fallout will be felt for generations.
And none of them have suffered any punishment. Not the military leadership, not the defense contractors, not the mouthpieces in the press, nobody guilty of wrongdoing has been brought within a light-year of justice.
Russel Brand's Stay Free program yesterday interviewed Alan McCloud, and he went through the list of spooks still employed at Twitter, despite the hype around the executive firings.
Yep. It's America's True North. Only a regime which hates America [as "America" is defined in it's founding document ...and as that document is definitively construed by our Supreme Court] would pursue goals so destructive of our interests as a nation-state and as a free & independent people.
Dude, we can hate the way SCOTUS has "construed" the Constitution without hating America. Being able to dissent from SCOTUS is good, as is being able to push for legal change to overturn abuses by the "justices". You keep using rhetorical tricks -- legalistic appeals to construing, and the conformist use of "definitively" -- to paint dissent as anti-American.
Yes, I took his post too much at face value. I've been wanting to add a response to him acknowledging that, just got a chance to do it.
About calling top judges justices: it's borderline abusive terminology no matter who the judges are. Even worse, judges make you say that you're "praying" to them personally, with "prayers for relief". A lot of this terminology originated in feudal England, and it's still gross today.
I understand that judges prefer to verbally fortify themselves against attacks from the political branches and against rejection of their decisions by the general public. But I don't entirely agree. Some amount of compelled respect for judges in the courtroom is essential I suppose, and I could maybe accept a small amount of pro-judiciary propaganda in society at large, but if the judges want their terminology we should have a little more ability to place checks on judicial abuses.
Nicely put, Tim [see, I remembered]. Randall is free to dislike specific Supreme Court opinions......but...... I hate to think of what would happen to me were I to suggest jury instructions inconsistent with those rulings "in order to overturn abuses by the justices"......
P. S.
I'm looking forward to release of the statements made by the defendant in the Paul Pelosi case. I'm estimating they'll be delayed until 5 seconds after the first round of ballot counting is completed next week. Ditto the body cam video. Ditto the surveillance camera video. Ditto San Francisco Police Department "follow up" reports.
Thanks, Michael. M. Randall Rose is a good poster, too. I've learned a lot from him.
Concerning the Pelosi incident, I believe now I jumped the gun on a Democrat cover-up. After reading the police/911 dispatches, and the released FBI criminal complaint that has pertinent excerpts from the S.F.P.D. interview of Depape, done at the FBI's request, I believe this is just a crazy dude. He might have been "crying for help," or even attempting "suicide by cop" (Depape never committed real violence until the cops were in the room). In any case, the Republicans didn't make him do it, and there are plenty of Democrats bad-mouthing their own party who might have influenced Depape.
Yeah, lawyers ARE pretty narrowminded when it comes to Constitutional Law. I think that's probably cuz if we told any trial judge "dissent from SCOTUS [was] good" everybody from the judge to the bailiff to the attorneys waiting to get their cases called would start laughing.
Okay, sorry for taking your post too much at face value. I've been off here for a few days, and had wanted to reply earlier but couldn't get to it.
I do want to say that if indoctrination by the court system leads people to verbally conflate dissent from SCOTUS with hating America, then it's a good thing there are forums like this where that conflation will be vehemently rejected. But I see it isn't really how you think.
It isn't just lawyers who are typically trained to speak or think a certain way. Most of the rest of us are in some kind of community that indoctrinates us somewhat (and I'm not just talking about indoctrination into a specific part of the political spectrum such as liberal indoctrination or conservative indoctrination). Still, the principles that are most worth respecting in discussions like ours aren't always the ones enshrined in Supreme Court decisions. Sometimes the Supremes manage to find the right principles but definitely not always.
Glenn Greenwald just sent out a “Clarion Call”. Thank you, Glenn from every fiber of my being, I am so grateful for your continuing fight for the sanctity of human rights. Bravo!
This is a monumental effort. You are undoubtedly making some very deep personal sacrifices for this effort, and just my simple thank you is nowhere near enough, but maybe a million others just like me might help keep you going. Please tell us wish we can do to support you (in addition to subscribing and watching.)
Now if we can just build a usable financial infrastructure to help keep money flowing...
A Government that violates its Constitution in this way has no legitimacy. It must be abolished. I much prefer to do so peacefully. If this instead requires violent insurrection and rebellion then so be it. Here's what a former US president had to say about this topic:
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK
“Those that make dialogue impossible make violence inevitable.”
It’s that JFK quote. I listen to his “The President and The Press” speech at least once a year. The spirit of that speech is why I’m grateful for true journalists like Assange, Greenwald, and Taibbi.
Sorry to be so cynical in response, but...was the womanizing (every weekend, through secret entrance) JFK referring to the "peaceful revolution" of Democrat Party election chicanery in Chicago that threw the election to him in '60, the beginning of Democrat CHEATING, that has only grown?
Nixon won that election, if conducted fairly, and can you imagine the change in history?
Agreed. That said, we know 100% that the USA will activate mass violence against any state or region that secedes. Thus, such regions should plan for this in advance. Nuclear terrorism is one way. See the book "Ecotopia Emerging" by Ernest Callenbach. This book could not be published today - it would be censored into oblivion.
These are icky topics. That said, the USA is the most violent terrorist force in the history of humanity. It won't go down without kicking up a fuss.
No single step, such as secession, solves everything or is free of pitfalls. If you think "Things are sure to be much better if we manage to secede successfully", you've already shown yourself to be the kind of one-dimensional uncritical thinker who doesn't know how to guard against the pitfalls that are widespread in politics. When you jump into talk about "nuclear terrorism", you're expressing the supreme form of the foolishness that was already implicit in over-idealizing secession.
Secession would bring violence from the federal government, count on it. Look what happens anywhere in the world when a part of a country tries to secede.
Yes, it would. The US Federal Government will wage Shock and Awe warfare against any breakaway region if it can. Any region contemplating secession would be wise to prepare in advance. I.e.. Have plans in place to seize or acquire Federal nuclear weapons facilities and be prepared to use them on Washington as blackmail to prevent Federal violence.
This was the theme of a series of science fiction books published in the 80s and 90s: Ecotopia and Ecotopia Emerging both by Ernest Callenbach. In these books, the main reason Ecotopia survived USA Federal warfare was due to nuclear blackmail: pro-Ecotopia nuclear terrorists put a nuke in DC and threatened to explode it if the FedGov didn't stop its war.
Alternately, if several region secede from the USA at once, Federal violence will probably run out after the second or third region leaves. E.g. If both the TX, LA, FL region secede and the OR, WA, NorCal region secede, probably the Federal Government will lack the means and will to bomb BOTH back to the stone age. Whomever goes first will get the brunt of it.
This all assumes the USA FedGov remains militarily competent. If it loses a war against Russia, China, and or other nations then it may be too weak to wage further mass terror against its own people.
No single step, such as secession, solves everything or is free of pitfalls. If you think "Things are sure to be much better if we manage to secede successfully", you've already shown yourself to be the kind of one-dimensional uncritical thinker who doesn't know how to guard against the pitfalls that are widespread in politics. When you jump into talk about seizing nuclear weapons and being "prepared to use them", you're expressing the supreme form of the foolishness that was already implicit in over-idealizing secession.
Your first sentence is correct. That said, ALL large countries should be broken up into much smaller ones. Large countries are automatically evil by both design and necessity, and a lot of the evils they do wouldn't be possible if they were much smaller. Additionally, diversity of cultures and languages is a good thing, and homogenization of them is a bad thing. We can have friendly relations with other societies and cultures without all being homogenized by being in the same country.
"Additionally, diversity of cultures and languages is a good thing, and homogenization of them is a bad thing."
You are aware that there is a correlation between the number of languages spoken in countries and their lack in technological advancement? Countries with dozens of languages have failed to coalesce and advance because their societies are diverse and thus unable to communicate.
I was speaking in the abstract & considering potential strategies. I don't advocate for any of those things. I do recognize that the USA is in the process of collapsing and breaking up. Many/most people now acknowledge that. Secession will be a part of that process. It's more of an inevitable thing than anything that will solve any of our problems.
Someone pointed out that secession will meet with a violent response from the USA's fedgov. Of course it will. The obvious (and historically successful) strategic counter to that is nuclear terrorism. It worked great for North Korea.
Discussing the pros and cons of strategic options is not the same as advocating for them. Think deeper!
I don't advocate for succession so much as a closer working agreement between the majority of the 'fly-over' states to look after their interests and if necessary, block the ability of the swamp to engage in these political FBI raids. The states in question, along with the areas of DNC controlled states that aren't DNC strongholds, are the main producers of food, fuel and raw resources. The woke urban elites and their swamp rat allies need them--and thus the people there--more than the people need the swamp rats and urban elites.
It's like during the Civil War when the South thought that demand for cotton would override the need for everything else. They found out the hard way that food supersedes commodities. That they fought for, directly or indirectly, an authoritarian government structure, makes them more akin to the swamp rats and modern woke urban elites.
I agree 100%! Yes, we should pursue all other viable strategies before violence. Secession is one such strategy. USA is way too big to be a single country in an energy-limited world.
The American national dialogue has been captured by sycophants who have reduced it to a psyop. Crisis to crisis no solutions forthcoming-ever. Can we band together to produce another National dialogue based on truth and factual reality and will it make a difference? This is the proverbial "...interesting times..."
There was a good reason the Founding Father’s created the First Amendment as first and foremost. Without it, there is no Freedom, no Liberty. You’re right over the target Glenn. Godspeed and thank you for being a truly principled journalist for all.
The financial censorship issue demonstrates the need for a store of value that is outside government control. I have no idea whether that would be Bitcoin, or something else entirely, but the need is there.
There's plenty of ways to access btc without using an exchange or a central wallet. Of course, the fact that it's possible doesn't mean that people will do it in the age of instant gratification and paypal.
Hmm...permit me to remain skeptical, but for you, M. Sim, I will defer.
In any case, what Canada did (in several ways) is unconscionable to any definition of property rights, and does anyone doubt the ability/predeliction of the current U.S. regime to do likewise to us deplorables/insurrectionists/anti-Statists/libertarians/Republicans/terrorists? (first, second, and sixth of which should have scare quotes, of course.)
The bottom line is the State can/does steal your gold, appropriate your property, devalue your currency, and "mess with" your crypto.
Secure *individual* stores-of-value are anathema to the *collectivist* Left and its agent, the ever-rapacious State.
Pacific Gas & Electric is a corrupt, archaic, State-controlled, crony-Capitalist behemoth that can do whatever it likes because the Fascist, I mean Democrat, governor and his mafia control the board. Grant given to wives and extended family to write children's books grooming tomorrow's Socialists. Meanwhile, I pay $6/(stabilized)gal to run my $500 generator to save $1000 of prepped, frozen meat because, you know, the next thing that the enviro-wackos are going to declare a pollutant is protein.
And, of course, NO gov't gives everything YOU want, only what the powers-that-be allow you to have, or rather consume, because once it gets this big, it retains effective ownership of everything.
Mr. Goldwater was prescient, but methinks we are *way* past what he warned about.
Oh I am well aware of that. It was just striking to see how shamelessly and out in the open Trudeau's thugs and more recently, the DOJ in the US, have acted in taking things away from those who they deem undesirable. At least in the past there were cover stories for taking action, and none of it was so coordinated with the business world. Now it's out and out fascism, the unholy union of the swamp rats, woke CEOs, the legacy press, the DNC and establishment RNC.
This is an incredibly important article. The Democrat Party has been engaged with Big Tech and the Media in Disinformation and Misinformation designed to sway elections and drive dissent out of public view. As a lifelong peace activist and far left liberal, I have been a GREEN PARTY member since Bill Clinton passed the Crime Bill, Welfare Act, Credit Card Bill and repealed Glass-Steagle. I am still doggedly anti-war and am shocked to see the LEFT pushing war propaganda and censoring, blacklisting and persecuting those who dissent against the Pentagon's proxy war to destabilize Putin. Covid Policy, the Riots, J6, and many other issues have been wildly misreported to favor the centrist corporatist warmongering Democrats. And that's really bad for the country. Now we see that PARENT were finally pushed too far by school closures, calling kids racists, and promoting trans surgery and puberty blockers for children. PARENTS will be ground zero in a seismic explosion at the polls in less than two weeks. You can't mess with parents. Guess what, WE VOTE!
I have been missing your clear thinking and logic, Glenn. I hope things are resolving in your personal life with your beloved husband's health. Thinking of you and hoping, praying, for the best.
Because as Orwell said over 80 years ago, Fascism has come to depict anything not desired. It's just like 'racism', 'sexism' and all the other buzzwords out there. They have been drained of their meaning and those who blindly follow the swamp rats and their media mouthpieces would never believe true fascism if they saw it for themselves. It's a case of what to believe, me or your lying eyes and they ignore their own vision.
Glad that you are still alive, Glenn. You are needed now more than ever.
There are a few silverbacks in journalism that still strike fear in the establishment. With Assange locked away in a cage, Greenwald is part of an endangered species. There is so much that needs attention, but the battle against censorship transcends it all. Survival of the species rides on this fight in more ways than one.
It is because of what they have done to Julian Assange and others.......I fear sudden "illnesses" such as David Miranda's could become all too common among dissenters.
The move toward tyranny and control is necessary when you understand that we are standing on the precipice of a total systemic breakdown of the financial system......aka the Dollar Collapse.
Do you think the US World Reserve Currency collapse hasn't been War Gamed? Do you think THAT existential threat to American power isn't paramount in the minds of these "Gamers"?
Do you not see that the use of "tactical" nukes in Ukraine could be used as a justification to implement a myriad of tyrannical "measures" here at home and World-wide?
The "reset" may very well be NOT JUST a monetary one!
God! I hope I'm wrong........
As was pointed out by Eisenhower when he looked into it, there's no such thing as a "tactical" nuclear weapon, despite the name. Once any nuke is used, regardless of how "small" it is, a chain of events will be launched that will lead to all out nuclear war. These weapons must NEVER be used or it's game over for the planet and the life here.
I believe the Clinton/Obama Machine is capable of anything. The resurrection of the nuclear threat to instill fear and apprehension in the general populace and its actual use to justify the further suppression of speech and liberty is an entirely real possibility especially as the mid-terms approach.
If you believe that this is just the Democrats doing all this you're woefully mistaken. The CIA and Wall Street own the government plus all the complexes they use. Once the Republicans get back in control, mark my word we'll see a continuation and ramp up, if the US dollar and the economy doesn't implode first by then....or a nuclear bomb. Republicans are the party of the religious fundamental fanatics. Listen to Paul Jay and Col Wilkerson on the Analysis News, or Chris Hedges. Chris has been sounding the alarm for years. And remember, what happens in the US does not stay in the US.
I believe you are correct Sir.--- Again, we are choosing between two compromised "regimes". As always Americans are trapped by a "lesser of two evils" ballot. This time, my "hold your nose and vote" choice is the Republican Party.
Cthulhu in '24: Why vote for the lesser evil.
So you're going to do what you just said was the problem: "we are choosing between two compromised "regimes"? This is a great example of what's wrong with Americans who continue to support the two parties. Nothing will change until both parties are thrown out.
I hope you are wrong too, however history would prove you correct about opponents of getting sudden 'illnesses' dating back to ancient times.
As for nuclear weapons....that is madness beyond belief. Ukraine was never worth spending a cent on other than giving humanitarian aid to civilians. Yet because of their egos and need to expand, the EU and NATO crossed Russia's red line and here we are pushing Russia and China together, all as EU member states stab us in the back and join the Belt and Road initiative.
Edit: If anyone in the US/EU/NATO uses a nuke for whatever reason, they need to be treated like a mad dog, and that is to be put down.
If anyone uses a nuke on any side, it's probably all over.
As in Dr. Strangelove, the people who are responsible have holes they climb into to avoid the blasts. I'm just saying that if they launch the nukes, any survivors who make it past the blasts should ensure that those who caused the problem get the same treatment as the tens of millions+ of innocent civilians who die.
If a nuclear war were to take place and survivors were to try to live in bunkers, they'd be envying the dead within 6 months, maybe sooner.
The survivors would be the ones responsible, so your comment that they should punish those who caused the nuclear war makes no sense.
and your husband, too~ we're still praying for you both, and your children.
The ever growing establishment calls for censorship are a sure sign of weakness and not of strength.
That's true, and that weakness makes them dangerous. Makes me wonder to what ends they will go to try and preserve their power. How ugly will it get. Because they cannot survive in an open debate, that's why they require this censorship. If the public were allowed to see them in a truly open and free debate with their critics they'd be done for.
Yeah, nothing is more dangerous than a cornered, wounded animal.
Yep, campaigning Americans that provoking a nuclear conflict with Russia because "Ukraine is winning" is the height of demented.
They know what's at stake. Power tends to be partial toward those with the best command of political information at any particular stage in history—those who control the narratives a society uses to make sense of reality are the ones in possession of real power.
Control the past to control the future, and control the present to control the past.
Something like that.
Wow somebody super brilliant must have come up with that one! Probably sexy as hell, too!
All as society continues to focus on 'education' over people being self taught...as the latter allows for critical thinking and no narratives...things seem more insidious than I thought.
Human being are nothing if not learning machines, despite "education" effing the natural process up. That's not to say there aren't great teachers, but their number is dwarfed by the credentialed indoctrinators.
Home schoolers like being self taught…just ask ‘em; they’ll tell you.
I prefer both…using reason and life experience to filter and weigh information.
I went to public schools, I had no homeschooling. However I largely taught myself astronomy, economics, history and geology.
Where did I hear that one before?
You got the key word right!
The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more systems will slip through your fingers.
Sadly, they seem to have both the Death Star and the Eye of Sauron at their disposal.
That leaves us with... Hobbits and Ewoks?
You go to war with the army you have. Haha.
We are the army of frens and frogs. WWG1WGA.
lol I love your avatar
How I'd love to have the Army of the Dead....but alas we have what we have.
We have the Army Of the Dead on our side already.
It's called human history.
(Thought you might like this, M. Phisto)
Great stuff. Had never seen that Asimov piece before.
Peter Cushing was the best S.W. actor, which isn't really saying much, is it.
Harrison Ford was pretty good rite?
Maybe in Blade Runner. (I tease. he is always entertaining.)
Looking forward to and wishing you much success in your new endeavors. I’ll be watching.
I wish you and your family all the best as well. David needs your strength and support now, so take as much time as you need. We can wait.
Sadly the world doesn't wait. The threat of nuclear war is rising daily and few things are as extreme as that.
That is so true, I believe they will cannibalize themselves soon. When you build power based on fear and intimidation, no one within the regime is safe - look at Hitler, and Stalin - they were finally eaten alive from the inside out.
"...they were finally eaten alive from the inside out."
Not before we resisted them.
From a different cat.
Nice to read your writing again, Glenn. Hope things are looking up at home and in your personal life.
GG never disappoints. This is a serious problem and correctly dubbed 'fascism', yet the people who just spent four years as #THERESISTANCE could never fathom that they could run afoul of the censorship machine.
Hope things are well in your personal life, and thanks for the important article highlighting this problem!!!
Some dude, I think his name was "Mussolini" or somesuch, defined fascism as the "merger of corporate and state power".
Personally, I think this Missolini character was some pointy headed intellectual with no real experience of fascism, but what do cats know about anything?
well, guess what - we're here, right now.
Not to mention, he was white AND male. We can safely ignore anything that he said about the situation.
“Liberty is meaningless where the right to utter one's thoughts and opinions has ceased to exist. That, of all rights, is the dread of tyrants. It is the right which they first of all strike down. They know its power. Thrones, dominions, principalities, and powers, founded in injustice and wrong, are sure to tremble, if men are allowed to reason.”
― Frederick Douglass
Hey! Somebody get this white supremacist off the stage!!
Lol. I want a 90 foot tall bronze statue of Frederick Douglass to be erected, buck naked, holding aloft a torch whilst two naked women embrace his thighs like something out of a Boris Vallejo painting.
Now I do, too!
Just don’t accept donations via PayPal.
Last I heard old Benito was the patron saint of gas stations.
People use the terms "fascist" and "fascism" to describe anything they don't like. You correctly defined what fascism is. Censorship is not fascism, that's why they're two different words.
I am not sure whether the definition I cited is authoritative, but the source seems to have some practical insight.
As the "Father of Fascism," Mussolini gets to define it. Additionally, Robert Kennedy, Jr. defined it as corporations running the government. That's authoritative enough for me. But these terms are mis- and over-used most of the time, and even the dictionary defines them incorrectly. "Fascism" and "fascist" are "dirty words" that people use to attack those at whom they're angry and/or people whose political views they don't like, so they're thrown around all the time. It's like kids calling their parents "fascist" because the parents disciplined them.
This is precisely the problem with the term. It has become practically meaningless and has been since Orwell made the same comment in the 1940s.
I find this definition useful: "The system of government that cartelizes the private sector, centrally plans the economy to subsidize producers, exalts the police state as the source of order, denies fundamental rights and liberties to individuals, and makes the executive state the unlimited master of society."
It's from the Mises Institute website, by a guy named Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr. https://mises.org/library/what-fascism-1
That is a good working definition and, imo, also summarizes and interprets Mussolini’s ramblings accurately. My quibble is that Rockwell’s libertarian definition manages to downplay the role of the “private sector” as the senior partner of government in our totalitarian system. Corporations (and private central banks like the Federal Reserve) is where the real power resides. For example, I find it fundamentally problematic that American corporations, chartered by U.S. state governments, are under no legal obligation to uphold the Bill of Rights. So if people are prohibited from practicing free speech, peaceable assembly, privacy, and due process at work—which is the majority of waking life for many—they cease to value those rights after hours.
Also, by focusing on a term like “fascism”, which is intentionally kept ambiguous by the ruling elite, people are distracted from consciously recognizing that we obviously all live in an imperial oligarchy.
I don't like that definition because it waters down and changes the meaning. Fascism is about corporate control over the government. The other issues, like central planning and a police state, are just that. You could theoretically have fascism without those other issues, though a police state and brainwashing of the public might be necessary in reality.
That is an excellent definition that sums it up perfectly. In a nutshell, Fascism is the worship of the state, of war and of everything that the state views as important.
Speaking of "pointy headed intellectuals," no matter how one defines "Fascism," the first one was none other than Woodrow Wilson, by far (yes, even Lyndon Johnson pales) the WOAT POTUS.
Mussolini was only taking notes.
They’ve really become everything they claim to be fighting against.
Ain't it funny what power does to humans.
U. S. citizens ought not only be protected from government infringement of speech --- they need to be protected from corporations clearly working in CONJUNCTION with governmental entities [e. g., C.I.A., Justice Department, etc., etc.]. The long list of speakers Glenn identified who've been "banished from the financial system" should have cognizable civil rights actions. In fact, all the protections from government overreach afforded to citizens under the U. S. Constitution ought to apply to corporate overreach conducted on behalf or at the direction of government agencies. It's time to force the courts to deal with the fact a half dozen powerful corporations are aiding the present regime by (1) taking property without hearing or notice, (2) interfering with the free flow of commerce among the states and (3) severely chilling the right to petition the government for grievances [by financially destroying those with whom the regime disagrees].
These aren't random acts by separate and independent corporations --- they're part of a coordinated quasi-governmental attack on the fundamental rights of Americans. It's time we started seeing & treating them that way.
Exactly. This is like government hiring a private security force (made of ex-cops) to search your house without a warrant, then claiming since the government didn't perform the actual search, there was no violation of the Fourth Amendment.
Wish I'd found the words to say it that way!
I could say the same about your words, and it should be said in every way possible.
First came colonialism, then mercantilism, then came overt Fascism, followed by insidiously-hidden and surrepticiously-named crony-Capitalism.
Now, it's blatant State capture and direction, and the utter destruction of free markets, from health (shutdowns/mandates) to media (Statist narratives) to energy (production shackles) to investment (esg) to....
Where are the populists? Where are the true Capitalists, the real Liberals? When do we heed Jefferson (A little bit of [forbidden-word] from time to time...)? When do we start to answer Franklin's hypothetical?
I think it’ll possibly be answered by states beginning to ignore federal dictates. States or an alliance of states beginning to act like sovereign countries. They’ll lose federal funds, but they’ll find a way to deal with that. That seems like where it’ll all eventually go and possibly even reach secession. It may even go to a county level. Look at all the eastern Oregon counties trying to join Idaho.
Yes, this possibility has been gaining in likelyhood, imo, but is still a long, long way off I think. Two big questions are 1) will the Federal government attempt to use the military, especially to avoid a snowball effect, and 2) what form would the "national" defense of such allied (I assume) states take.
Several Northeast rural California counties are part of that new state idea. The only way a new state could form, politically speaking, is if two states are added, one Republican leaning and one Democrat (Puerto Rico? D.C.?), at the same time.
But Oregon is turning purple!!
Hi Tim,
To be clear: the "possibility" I'm talking about doesn't involve anything like a Jeffersonian-style revolution. Biden has repeatedly been explicit about the fact he'd use "tanks & F-16's" in response---and he says it with a smile [fully aware of the fact he's talking about blowing citizens into smithereens]. I'm talking about state and local officials resisting unconstitutional executive orders and accepting the consequences of their actions [i.e., arrest and trial]. For every official placed on trial another set of jurists, both at the trial and appellate level, will be forced to deal with the the legal limits of federal power. The net result would be pretty sobering for the Biden regime [which, let's face it, is gonna declare executive-order war on the American people between November 9th and January 20th].....
Secession is not a good idea. 50 little cantons would be much more vulnerable to control than fifty United States.
Couldn't agree more, Anna. I live in Hawaii where lots of folks talk about secession 24/7. It's kinda up to me to remind them the Maui Police Force vs. the Chinese Navy would not be a pretty sight.
[btw, California has ALREADY, in effect, seceded ----- it's time congress noticed].
I disagree. They wouldn't be "cantons." They would be sovereign (and naturally allied) States.
And they would be in natural competition for free-thinking freedom-loving individuals and their families, just what the founders had in mind after all.
The Civil War was just, but a terrible transfer of power from states to State. As much as the loss of life, this was its terrible legacy.
Edit: Plus the threat of seccession is an EXCELLENT check on central State power-mongering.
State and local officials who defy federal mandates will be in for more than cuts in revenue---- they'll be arrested. And they know it. Which is why they talk big and do nothing. This brings us to the answer to Timothy Andrew Staples' question: when will [some 21st century version of] Jefferson's directive and/or Franklin's moral challenge be heeded? When we stop being afraid.
"When we stop being afraid."
Yep. The State's greatest fear. Look at the Statist's reaction to the uncapturable DJT's defeat of BOTH Statist Party establishments in '16.
Even the populists-at-heart didn't see that coming. It was obviously the political equivalent of an unexpected nuclear detonation, and the fallout will be felt for generations.
Edit: Call me Tim and save some keystrokes.
And none of them have suffered any punishment. Not the military leadership, not the defense contractors, not the mouthpieces in the press, nobody guilty of wrongdoing has been brought within a light-year of justice.
Russel Brand's Stay Free program yesterday interviewed Alan McCloud, and he went through the list of spooks still employed at Twitter, despite the hype around the executive firings.
It's early yet.
The Constitution is the only legitimate political frame of reference for Americans. Elected political leadership is entirely compromised.
Yep. It's America's True North. Only a regime which hates America [as "America" is defined in it's founding document ...and as that document is definitively construed by our Supreme Court] would pursue goals so destructive of our interests as a nation-state and as a free & independent people.
Dude, we can hate the way SCOTUS has "construed" the Constitution without hating America. Being able to dissent from SCOTUS is good, as is being able to push for legal change to overturn abuses by the "justices". You keep using rhetorical tricks -- legalistic appeals to construing, and the conformist use of "definitively" -- to paint dissent as anti-American.
M. Randall, I think you have mis-understood M. Michael's sentiment, or read too much into his call for a return to Constitutionalism.
In any case, what are "justices". Are they the ones that don't "agree" with you?
Yes, I took his post too much at face value. I've been wanting to add a response to him acknowledging that, just got a chance to do it.
About calling top judges justices: it's borderline abusive terminology no matter who the judges are. Even worse, judges make you say that you're "praying" to them personally, with "prayers for relief". A lot of this terminology originated in feudal England, and it's still gross today.
I understand that judges prefer to verbally fortify themselves against attacks from the political branches and against rejection of their decisions by the general public. But I don't entirely agree. Some amount of compelled respect for judges in the courtroom is essential I suppose, and I could maybe accept a small amount of pro-judiciary propaganda in society at large, but if the judges want their terminology we should have a little more ability to place checks on judicial abuses.
Now I get it. Thanks, M. Randall. (I sort of over-reacted to your scare quotes. I'm a minor hypocrite once again!)
Nicely put, Tim [see, I remembered]. Randall is free to dislike specific Supreme Court opinions......but...... I hate to think of what would happen to me were I to suggest jury instructions inconsistent with those rulings "in order to overturn abuses by the justices"......
P. S.
I'm looking forward to release of the statements made by the defendant in the Paul Pelosi case. I'm estimating they'll be delayed until 5 seconds after the first round of ballot counting is completed next week. Ditto the body cam video. Ditto the surveillance camera video. Ditto San Francisco Police Department "follow up" reports.
Thanks, Michael. M. Randall Rose is a good poster, too. I've learned a lot from him.
Concerning the Pelosi incident, I believe now I jumped the gun on a Democrat cover-up. After reading the police/911 dispatches, and the released FBI criminal complaint that has pertinent excerpts from the S.F.P.D. interview of Depape, done at the FBI's request, I believe this is just a crazy dude. He might have been "crying for help," or even attempting "suicide by cop" (Depape never committed real violence until the cops were in the room). In any case, the Republicans didn't make him do it, and there are plenty of Democrats bad-mouthing their own party who might have influenced Depape.
Yeah, lawyers ARE pretty narrowminded when it comes to Constitutional Law. I think that's probably cuz if we told any trial judge "dissent from SCOTUS [was] good" everybody from the judge to the bailiff to the attorneys waiting to get their cases called would start laughing.
Okay, sorry for taking your post too much at face value. I've been off here for a few days, and had wanted to reply earlier but couldn't get to it.
I do want to say that if indoctrination by the court system leads people to verbally conflate dissent from SCOTUS with hating America, then it's a good thing there are forums like this where that conflation will be vehemently rejected. But I see it isn't really how you think.
It isn't just lawyers who are typically trained to speak or think a certain way. Most of the rest of us are in some kind of community that indoctrinates us somewhat (and I'm not just talking about indoctrination into a specific part of the political spectrum such as liberal indoctrination or conservative indoctrination). Still, the principles that are most worth respecting in discussions like ours aren't always the ones enshrined in Supreme Court decisions. Sometimes the Supremes manage to find the right principles but definitely not always.
I hear what you're saying, Randall....and I appreciate [and respect] the way you say it.
[I didn't want that to get lost in the back & forth---thanks for giving me a chance to clarify things].....
Yes, and the government works for the ruling class, which owns the corporations. Corrupt and fascist.
Glenn Greenwald just sent out a “Clarion Call”. Thank you, Glenn from every fiber of my being, I am so grateful for your continuing fight for the sanctity of human rights. Bravo!
"Today's journalistic icons of American liberalism are not those who confront establishment power but rather serve it"
legendary quote that sums up the relationship of the press with the WH since the television era
Walter Cronkite comes to immediately to mind.
Just deleted my PayPal account. Good riddance
what are some good PayPal alternatives which don't threaten to impose social credit systems?
If you have an iPhone you can use Apple Pay. They’re not threatening. Yet.
This is a monumental effort. You are undoubtedly making some very deep personal sacrifices for this effort, and just my simple thank you is nowhere near enough, but maybe a million others just like me might help keep you going. Please tell us wish we can do to support you (in addition to subscribing and watching.)
Now if we can just build a usable financial infrastructure to help keep money flowing...
A Government that violates its Constitution in this way has no legitimacy. It must be abolished. I much prefer to do so peacefully. If this instead requires violent insurrection and rebellion then so be it. Here's what a former US president had to say about this topic:
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK
Knew There was inspiration for a quote of mine:
“Those that make dialogue impossible make violence inevitable.”
It’s that JFK quote. I listen to his “The President and The Press” speech at least once a year. The spirit of that speech is why I’m grateful for true journalists like Assange, Greenwald, and Taibbi.
Sorry to be so cynical in response, but...was the womanizing (every weekend, through secret entrance) JFK referring to the "peaceful revolution" of Democrat Party election chicanery in Chicago that threw the election to him in '60, the beginning of Democrat CHEATING, that has only grown?
Nixon won that election, if conducted fairly, and can you imagine the change in history?
I want to see state/county secession before violence even though secession could ultimately lead to violence.
Agreed. That said, we know 100% that the USA will activate mass violence against any state or region that secedes. Thus, such regions should plan for this in advance. Nuclear terrorism is one way. See the book "Ecotopia Emerging" by Ernest Callenbach. This book could not be published today - it would be censored into oblivion.
These are icky topics. That said, the USA is the most violent terrorist force in the history of humanity. It won't go down without kicking up a fuss.
No single step, such as secession, solves everything or is free of pitfalls. If you think "Things are sure to be much better if we manage to secede successfully", you've already shown yourself to be the kind of one-dimensional uncritical thinker who doesn't know how to guard against the pitfalls that are widespread in politics. When you jump into talk about "nuclear terrorism", you're expressing the supreme form of the foolishness that was already implicit in over-idealizing secession.
Secession would bring violence from the federal government, count on it. Look what happens anywhere in the world when a part of a country tries to secede.
Yes, it would. The US Federal Government will wage Shock and Awe warfare against any breakaway region if it can. Any region contemplating secession would be wise to prepare in advance. I.e.. Have plans in place to seize or acquire Federal nuclear weapons facilities and be prepared to use them on Washington as blackmail to prevent Federal violence.
This was the theme of a series of science fiction books published in the 80s and 90s: Ecotopia and Ecotopia Emerging both by Ernest Callenbach. In these books, the main reason Ecotopia survived USA Federal warfare was due to nuclear blackmail: pro-Ecotopia nuclear terrorists put a nuke in DC and threatened to explode it if the FedGov didn't stop its war.
Alternately, if several region secede from the USA at once, Federal violence will probably run out after the second or third region leaves. E.g. If both the TX, LA, FL region secede and the OR, WA, NorCal region secede, probably the Federal Government will lack the means and will to bomb BOTH back to the stone age. Whomever goes first will get the brunt of it.
This all assumes the USA FedGov remains militarily competent. If it loses a war against Russia, China, and or other nations then it may be too weak to wage further mass terror against its own people.
No single step, such as secession, solves everything or is free of pitfalls. If you think "Things are sure to be much better if we manage to secede successfully", you've already shown yourself to be the kind of one-dimensional uncritical thinker who doesn't know how to guard against the pitfalls that are widespread in politics. When you jump into talk about seizing nuclear weapons and being "prepared to use them", you're expressing the supreme form of the foolishness that was already implicit in over-idealizing secession.
Your first sentence is correct. That said, ALL large countries should be broken up into much smaller ones. Large countries are automatically evil by both design and necessity, and a lot of the evils they do wouldn't be possible if they were much smaller. Additionally, diversity of cultures and languages is a good thing, and homogenization of them is a bad thing. We can have friendly relations with other societies and cultures without all being homogenized by being in the same country.
"Additionally, diversity of cultures and languages is a good thing, and homogenization of them is a bad thing."
You are aware that there is a correlation between the number of languages spoken in countries and their lack in technological advancement? Countries with dozens of languages have failed to coalesce and advance because their societies are diverse and thus unable to communicate.
I was speaking in the abstract & considering potential strategies. I don't advocate for any of those things. I do recognize that the USA is in the process of collapsing and breaking up. Many/most people now acknowledge that. Secession will be a part of that process. It's more of an inevitable thing than anything that will solve any of our problems.
Someone pointed out that secession will meet with a violent response from the USA's fedgov. Of course it will. The obvious (and historically successful) strategic counter to that is nuclear terrorism. It worked great for North Korea.
Discussing the pros and cons of strategic options is not the same as advocating for them. Think deeper!
I don't advocate for succession so much as a closer working agreement between the majority of the 'fly-over' states to look after their interests and if necessary, block the ability of the swamp to engage in these political FBI raids. The states in question, along with the areas of DNC controlled states that aren't DNC strongholds, are the main producers of food, fuel and raw resources. The woke urban elites and their swamp rat allies need them--and thus the people there--more than the people need the swamp rats and urban elites.
It's like during the Civil War when the South thought that demand for cotton would override the need for everything else. They found out the hard way that food supersedes commodities. That they fought for, directly or indirectly, an authoritarian government structure, makes them more akin to the swamp rats and modern woke urban elites.
I agree 100%! Yes, we should pursue all other viable strategies before violence. Secession is one such strategy. USA is way too big to be a single country in an energy-limited world.
The American national dialogue has been captured by sycophants who have reduced it to a psyop. Crisis to crisis no solutions forthcoming-ever. Can we band together to produce another National dialogue based on truth and factual reality and will it make a difference? This is the proverbial "...interesting times..."
That's the problem! No solutions are presented that would not hurt the whole population. None!
There was a good reason the Founding Father’s created the First Amendment as first and foremost. Without it, there is no Freedom, no Liberty. You’re right over the target Glenn. Godspeed and thank you for being a truly principled journalist for all.
The financial censorship issue demonstrates the need for a store of value that is outside government control. I have no idea whether that would be Bitcoin, or something else entirely, but the need is there.
But the State has shown that it can "freeze" your crypto (Trudeau's Fascist Canada).
Not really. They can attack the offramps and exchanges, not really BTC itself. (It may turn out this distinction is irrelevant)
If one cannot access his gold, then one does not own his gold.
There's plenty of ways to access btc without using an exchange or a central wallet. Of course, the fact that it's possible doesn't mean that people will do it in the age of instant gratification and paypal.
Hmm...permit me to remain skeptical, but for you, M. Sim, I will defer.
In any case, what Canada did (in several ways) is unconscionable to any definition of property rights, and does anyone doubt the ability/predeliction of the current U.S. regime to do likewise to us deplorables/insurrectionists/anti-Statists/libertarians/Republicans/terrorists? (first, second, and sixth of which should have scare quotes, of course.)
The bottom line is the State can/does steal your gold, appropriate your property, devalue your currency, and "mess with" your crypto.
Secure *individual* stores-of-value are anathema to the *collectivist* Left and its agent, the ever-rapacious State.
All this is true, but it's EVEN EASIER for them to 'steal' your bank account :)
The rule is the same with both -- only leave in what you can afford to lose.
Its when you try to get it out that they get you. You are fine (but being watched) as long as it is in the wallets. Here is an example.
Pacific Gas & Electric is a corrupt, archaic, State-controlled, crony-Capitalist behemoth that can do whatever it likes because the Fascist, I mean Democrat, governor and his mafia control the board. Grant given to wives and extended family to write children's books grooming tomorrow's Socialists. Meanwhile, I pay $6/(stabilized)gal to run my $500 generator to save $1000 of prepped, frozen meat because, you know, the next thing that the enviro-wackos are going to declare a pollutant is protein.
That proves Goldwater correct in a disturbingly frightening way:
"A government powerful enough to give you everything you want is powerful enough to take it all away."
And, of course, NO gov't gives everything YOU want, only what the powers-that-be allow you to have, or rather consume, because once it gets this big, it retains effective ownership of everything.
Mr. Goldwater was prescient, but methinks we are *way* past what he warned about.
Oh I am well aware of that. It was just striking to see how shamelessly and out in the open Trudeau's thugs and more recently, the DOJ in the US, have acted in taking things away from those who they deem undesirable. At least in the past there were cover stories for taking action, and none of it was so coordinated with the business world. Now it's out and out fascism, the unholy union of the swamp rats, woke CEOs, the legacy press, the DNC and establishment RNC.
Thank you, DJT, for helping cause today's Left's coniption fits and outing their radical and in-human *real* agenda.
Bitcoin is a US deep state honeypot.
This is an incredibly important article. The Democrat Party has been engaged with Big Tech and the Media in Disinformation and Misinformation designed to sway elections and drive dissent out of public view. As a lifelong peace activist and far left liberal, I have been a GREEN PARTY member since Bill Clinton passed the Crime Bill, Welfare Act, Credit Card Bill and repealed Glass-Steagle. I am still doggedly anti-war and am shocked to see the LEFT pushing war propaganda and censoring, blacklisting and persecuting those who dissent against the Pentagon's proxy war to destabilize Putin. Covid Policy, the Riots, J6, and many other issues have been wildly misreported to favor the centrist corporatist warmongering Democrats. And that's really bad for the country. Now we see that PARENT were finally pushed too far by school closures, calling kids racists, and promoting trans surgery and puberty blockers for children. PARENTS will be ground zero in a seismic explosion at the polls in less than two weeks. You can't mess with parents. Guess what, WE VOTE!
I have been missing your clear thinking and logic, Glenn. I hope things are resolving in your personal life with your beloved husband's health. Thinking of you and hoping, praying, for the best.
Just today deleted my Venmo and Paypal accounts. Let them eat cancellations!
Re: The CONSORTIUM of State and Corporate Power
“Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power.” — Benito Mussolini
Why is nobody calling it what it is?
Because as Orwell said over 80 years ago, Fascism has come to depict anything not desired. It's just like 'racism', 'sexism' and all the other buzzwords out there. They have been drained of their meaning and those who blindly follow the swamp rats and their media mouthpieces would never believe true fascism if they saw it for themselves. It's a case of what to believe, me or your lying eyes and they ignore their own vision.
Rebranding fascism would only serve to obscure what is going on. We already have a perfectly good word to convey the truth of the situation.