To clarify, “The Truth” (i.e., the mainstream representation of “reality”) would correlate to the illusions Le Bon describes, whereas his “the truth” equates to objective reality rather than the presentation/perception of that reality.
Funny how language has morphed from a method or conveying information and reality between individuals to a weapon of obfuscation. Mass media, in the past, utilized precise language to allow entire nations to have a unified view of the world. Now language is a "method" of obscuring truth, denying facts and otherwise selling a narrative that is false, pernicious and right out of Orwell's "1984" novel. This was the exclusive realm of lawyers in the past but is now the official position of media and gov't. when selling their toxic soap to the public. Both have sunk to below the levels of lawyers in the public's perception of their integrity and honesty. That "accomplishment" takes a lot of hard work but somehow both entities have succeeded in destroying themselves in the hearts and minds of many Americans.
Absolutely right, Not Me$, and this is why it is essential that we must continually push back against their Orwellian redefinitions, perception management campaigns, and linguistic framing. Language is one of the most effective ways to control the mind, but it is also one of the most powerful ways to reclaim it from the brainwashers once we understand how they are using it against us.
With comments sections like this without moronic "censors" hopefully people who are interested can be exposed to the tricks and sideshow patter that is now being passed off as accurate information. Don't know a single individuals who actually believes most political reporting being done by the MSM. That is because many people have pointed out over and over the nature and lack of truth being peddled by corporate media. Just have to keep banging away at these charlatans and laughing in their faces over social media and at some point they just might self destruct. If not at some point the lies and political spin will exhaust people and hopefully that will end many of these bastions of disinformation. Just a bad dream. ---maybe.
We can hope, anyway! You are fortunate in that you don’t know anyone who’s been swindled by this mass deception campaign. I know far too many. Totally agree laughter, humiliation, and satire are key to defeating the propagandists and tyrants. And a few Molotov missives like my “Letter to a Tyrant” ( ;-)
Interesting point, Iconoclast. That would be an ambitious goal, although certainly one worth aiming for! I would be happy toppling just a few tyrants for starters ;-) That said, I think the evidence of collusion in democide, corruption, fraud, and deception is so irrefutable, we *could* dethrone them through a series of Nuremburgian trials helmed by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and his band of 1,000+ attorneys around the globe.
Many times "The Truth" contains no facts.
To clarify, “The Truth” (i.e., the mainstream representation of “reality”) would correlate to the illusions Le Bon describes, whereas his “the truth” equates to objective reality rather than the presentation/perception of that reality.
Funny how language has morphed from a method or conveying information and reality between individuals to a weapon of obfuscation. Mass media, in the past, utilized precise language to allow entire nations to have a unified view of the world. Now language is a "method" of obscuring truth, denying facts and otherwise selling a narrative that is false, pernicious and right out of Orwell's "1984" novel. This was the exclusive realm of lawyers in the past but is now the official position of media and gov't. when selling their toxic soap to the public. Both have sunk to below the levels of lawyers in the public's perception of their integrity and honesty. That "accomplishment" takes a lot of hard work but somehow both entities have succeeded in destroying themselves in the hearts and minds of many Americans.
Absolutely right, Not Me$, and this is why it is essential that we must continually push back against their Orwellian redefinitions, perception management campaigns, and linguistic framing. Language is one of the most effective ways to control the mind, but it is also one of the most powerful ways to reclaim it from the brainwashers once we understand how they are using it against us.
With comments sections like this without moronic "censors" hopefully people who are interested can be exposed to the tricks and sideshow patter that is now being passed off as accurate information. Don't know a single individuals who actually believes most political reporting being done by the MSM. That is because many people have pointed out over and over the nature and lack of truth being peddled by corporate media. Just have to keep banging away at these charlatans and laughing in their faces over social media and at some point they just might self destruct. If not at some point the lies and political spin will exhaust people and hopefully that will end many of these bastions of disinformation. Just a bad dream. ---maybe.
We can hope, anyway! You are fortunate in that you don’t know anyone who’s been swindled by this mass deception campaign. I know far too many. Totally agree laughter, humiliation, and satire are key to defeating the propagandists and tyrants. And a few Molotov missives like my “Letter to a Tyrant” ( ;-)
As a history major, I don't know there has ever been a time, when all the elite were removed from power by the people.
There are scattered examples like the French Revolution, Castro removing Batistsa, etc, but never all at once, across the earth.
Interesting point, Iconoclast. That would be an ambitious goal, although certainly one worth aiming for! I would be happy toppling just a few tyrants for starters ;-) That said, I think the evidence of collusion in democide, corruption, fraud, and deception is so irrefutable, we *could* dethrone them through a series of Nuremburgian trials helmed by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and his band of 1,000+ attorneys around the globe.
Haha, just like The Science™!
Holds up the Official MSNBC-CIA version of the Bible, thumping it vigorously: "THE SCIENCE!!!!!"