Hell, I still have a problem with people who insist I use "Latino" instead of "Hispanic". Well, no. Latin was the precursor of all the Romance languages, including French. When I use "Hispanic", I refer to the (mainly Central and South American) peoples that resulted from the Spanish Conquests and the subsequent blending of Spanish and N…
Hell, I still have a problem with people who insist I use "Latino" instead of "Hispanic". Well, no. Latin was the precursor of all the Romance languages, including French. When I use "Hispanic", I refer to the (mainly Central and South American) peoples that resulted from the Spanish Conquests and the subsequent blending of Spanish and Native cultures and gene pools. I suppose one could nitpick about Portugal and Brasil, but all classifications have their limitations.
These people also like to push some charicature of black folks -the ones they like and admire: Super sport stars, Talented musicians... but they skip rappers like Plies who are unapologetically themselves and truly representing their own culture.
Probably the same racist assholes that would say, "They are a musical people" and cheer on an Al Jolsen performance.
Hell, I still have a problem with people who insist I use "Latino" instead of "Hispanic". Well, no. Latin was the precursor of all the Romance languages, including French. When I use "Hispanic", I refer to the (mainly Central and South American) peoples that resulted from the Spanish Conquests and the subsequent blending of Spanish and Native cultures and gene pools. I suppose one could nitpick about Portugal and Brasil, but all classifications have their limitations.
My wife is Hispanic, I call our kids “rednexican” or “hickspanic” ( just to show how seriously I take the Wokeist.
My wife calls people that try to make her use “Latinx” “Pendejx” ( not sure of the plural spelling)
hahaha Pendejx.
Good stuff.
These people also like to push some charicature of black folks -the ones they like and admire: Super sport stars, Talented musicians... but they skip rappers like Plies who are unapologetically themselves and truly representing their own culture.
Probably the same racist assholes that would say, "They are a musical people" and cheer on an Al Jolsen performance.
I fucking hate people so much right now.
“People” plural suck balls
Some individuals are ok….some (few)
That was one of the few upsides of COVID, kept folks at a distance
True, but these are people whom I thought of as being progressive and mostly rational.
These days... they're like Nazi fanatics.