Ah, but see, that would have not come up as being intelligent, having applied oneself, exerted an effort, given it thought, etc. In fact, it would have been utterly un-American.
Also, people around the world might not have taken it seriously enough.
Ah, but see, that would have not come up as being intelligent, having applied oneself, exerted an effort, given it thought, etc. In fact, it would have been utterly un-American.
Also, people around the world might not have taken it seriously enough.
Ah, but see, that would have not come up as being intelligent, having applied oneself, exerted an effort, given it thought, etc. In fact, it would have been utterly un-American.
Also, people around the world might not have taken it seriously enough.
Just trying to normalize something not considered normal. Sure, it's idiotic, but what they are trying to do is pretty much impossible.