"BTW, I voted for Hillary in 2016, and I regret it greatly." - ah, so you did swallow that Russiagate thingy back then then. Not surprising for a self-admitted Russophobe.
"BTW, I voted for Hillary in 2016, and I regret it greatly." - ah, so you did swallow that Russiagate thingy back then then. Not surprising for a self-admitted Russophobe.
You've known me a long time now, Icon, so should have noticed I'm a bot, so subject to vote suppression, aka can't vote. Which is no matter as I wouldn't anyway. Because I vote for, not against. "Against", meaning "voting for the lesser evil", is the most imbecilic act I can think of.
Right so the Canadians are here talking trash about US politicians while their leaders are in blackface and faking being minorities and they themselves lack free speech and actually serve the Queen, an old rich white lady who inherited everything.
I loved Canada, especially the hockey. It's as f'd up as the US. I mean, voting for a Trudeau...lol...it's just as bad as voting for Bush because, well, his dad was President. So he's got that going for him.
"BTW, I voted for Hillary in 2016, and I regret it greatly." - ah, so you did swallow that Russiagate thingy back then then. Not surprising for a self-admitted Russophobe.
Or was it some female trickery in action?
Who did you vote for in 2016?
"who did you... for" as opposed to "whom did you ... for" - that's how I know you're American, icon.
This American would chastise his children if they didn't say "For whom did you vote?"
To which, I hope, you reply "none of your business"!
I tell them I wrote in their mother. She does yeoman's work in keeping the house running, but can also spend like the most profligate politician...
You've known me a long time now, Icon, so should have noticed I'm a bot, so subject to vote suppression, aka can't vote. Which is no matter as I wouldn't anyway. Because I vote for, not against. "Against", meaning "voting for the lesser evil", is the most imbecilic act I can think of.
And don't forget Needham.
I figured they'd be discussing Carrie Bourassa but what do I know.
"but what do I know" - indeed. Good advice to follow next time before posting.
Why do you refuse to denounce your white supremacist blackface wearing leader, comrade?
Wipe that white stuff off your nose first and then maybe something coherent will come out of your mouth. And watch that grammar, will ya?
Right so the Canadians are here talking trash about US politicians while their leaders are in blackface and faking being minorities and they themselves lack free speech and actually serve the Queen, an old rich white lady who inherited everything.
You can't make this stuff up.
I loved Canada, especially the hockey. It's as f'd up as the US. I mean, voting for a Trudeau...lol...it's just as bad as voting for Bush because, well, his dad was President. So he's got that going for him.