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In the 21st century, men have erased themselves. Is it the fact that life has become so easy and that we are so spoiled that it seems offensive and frightening for men to behave like men? Statues of John Wayne have been taken down. How long will it be before those barren pedestals bear statues of Ru Paul?

The "pussification" of American society was decried by Robert E. Lee nearly two centuries ago. It is now almost complete.

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Some opine emancipation of women made a big contribution towards that. Women became easier to get - after all, they should behave like men - and so men no longer had to exert any effort worth of mentioning. Manhood suffered.

One other reason might be fake boobs became available much earlier than penis enlargement. Pure intimidation factor, contributed to shrinkage, spiraling down subsequently. An ugly sight.

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don't start messin' with the duke

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