Hmm, OK - so before anyone is allowed in a woman's bathroom, they should have to prove they don't have a dick ... should a person have to prove they have one to be allowed into a men's room? A whole new role for a hall monitor ...
Hmm, OK - so before anyone is allowed in a woman's bathroom, they should have to prove they don't have a dick ... should a person have to prove they have one to be allowed into a men's room? A whole new role for a hall monitor ...
Hmm, OK - so before anyone is allowed in a woman's bathroom, they should have to prove they don't have a dick ... should a person have to prove they have one to be allowed into a men's room? A whole new role for a hall monitor ...
Gee, I dunno, why don't you ask them.
Seems to me the question is how does one prevent rape cases, period ...
Really? where do i defend "their" rights to rape?