I just finished a book written a century ago, "The behavior of the herd in peace and war". I was surprised how much psychology understood that long ago. Edward Bernays, the father of modern propaganda called it "The logic proof compartment of the mind". Joseph Goebbels learned a lot from him as did the hucksters. My favorite though is Yu…
I just finished a book written a century ago, "The behavior of the herd in peace and war". I was surprised how much psychology understood that long ago. Edward Bernays, the father of modern propaganda called it "The logic proof compartment of the mind". Joseph Goebbels learned a lot from him as did the hucksters. My favorite though is Yuval Noah Harari and his quote " you could never convince a monkey to give you her banana today for a promise of infinite banana's in monkey heaven after she died; monkeys aren't that dumb, people are. His book Sapiens and sequels have sold millions of copies. If you haven't read it, I highly recommend. Free will is an illusion, a fraud; between genetics and cultural indoctrination and our needing the social bond's being hard wired in, we truly are not programmed for rationality, more for rationalizing what we believe. This forum seems to be attracting some crude, rude dudes lately, I hope it doesn't get worse. You are obviously not one of them, very thoughtful.
I just finished a book written a century ago, "The behavior of the herd in peace and war". I was surprised how much psychology understood that long ago. Edward Bernays, the father of modern propaganda called it "The logic proof compartment of the mind". Joseph Goebbels learned a lot from him as did the hucksters. My favorite though is Yuval Noah Harari and his quote " you could never convince a monkey to give you her banana today for a promise of infinite banana's in monkey heaven after she died; monkeys aren't that dumb, people are. His book Sapiens and sequels have sold millions of copies. If you haven't read it, I highly recommend. Free will is an illusion, a fraud; between genetics and cultural indoctrination and our needing the social bond's being hard wired in, we truly are not programmed for rationality, more for rationalizing what we believe. This forum seems to be attracting some crude, rude dudes lately, I hope it doesn't get worse. You are obviously not one of them, very thoughtful.