The few who govern the many, who are the easily placated complacent. I rather think we've hippies, turned yuppies, turned corporate lobbyist, podium politician's or mass maniac media spokespersons. All well compensated echo chambers. They should have inhaled; recollect president Bill C. Whatever happen to that Winter Soldier Vietnam vet attraction? John Kerry?
The few who govern the many, who are the easily placated complacent. I rather think we've hippies, turned yuppies, turned corporate lobbyist, podium politician's or mass maniac media spokespersons. All well compensated echo chambers. They should have inhaled; recollect president Bill C. Whatever happen to that Winter Soldier Vietnam vet attraction? John Kerry?
The few who govern the many, who are the easily placated complacent. I rather think we've hippies, turned yuppies, turned corporate lobbyist, podium politician's or mass maniac media spokespersons. All well compensated echo chambers. They should have inhaled; recollect president Bill C. Whatever happen to that Winter Soldier Vietnam vet attraction? John Kerry?