Why, exactly is it an insult? The etymology wouldn't suggest so. That some people feel less-than when being called one ungendered pronoun over another isn't the speaker's fault, it's the listener's. After all, as progressive icon Eleanor Roosevelt once said, "Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent."
Why, exactly is it an insult? The etymology wouldn't suggest so. That some people feel less-than when being called one ungendered pronoun over another isn't the speaker's fault, it's the listener's. After all, as progressive icon Eleanor Roosevelt once said, "Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent."
Why, exactly is it an insult? The etymology wouldn't suggest so. That some people feel less-than when being called one ungendered pronoun over another isn't the speaker's fault, it's the listener's. After all, as progressive icon Eleanor Roosevelt once said, "Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent."