Saw this today via Twitter from @kjdrennen:

"On @MSNBC , far-left "historian" Douglas Brinkley compares January 6th to the Holocaust, Pearl Harbor, and 9/11"

My response: "As an amateur historian I liken Jan 6th to 6/4/74, when drunken Indians fans stormed the field in the 9th inning against the Rangers on $0.10 beer night."

Whatever disagreements can be made with my analysis, I believe my comparison is way closer to what happened than historian Douglas Brinkley.

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Ray Epps instigated and led the first breach of police barricades on 1/6. As can be seen from the videos on these links, he had accomplices. Unfortunately, Ray Epps appears to have been an FBI plant. Same old story. The reports below are fascinating to me, and I can't think of a way anybody could refute them. Maybe somebody has another idea?



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The DOJ not prosecuting Epps and the House Committee/Media lack of interest in the Epps story shows exactly how much interest these entities have in "saving democracy".

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Of course the FBI doesn’t prosecute it’s own operatives. Does that make the lawbreakers innocent? I bet you were real happy when they were using the same tactics on environmentalists.

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*Some* people have a principled objection to FBI entrapment, regardless of the political bent of their targets. Consider the possibility.

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Entrapment is a pretty clear legal concept. If it turns out that FBI agents were leaders in the Proud Boys, Three Percent and planned and organized the assault on the Capitol then you would have a strong case.

If the extent of the "entrapment" is moving a gate, while at the same time other assailants were climbing up the side of the building, assaulting officers, and pushing through gates at other sides of the building themselves (all of which we have ample video evidence) then it seems irrational to claim that these people are somehow victims.

Perhaps some of the small number of trespassers who entered through the gate that the hypothetical FBI agent moved should be given leniency. But not those who assaulted officers. The FBI has a responsibility to infiltrate criminal organizations. Where the line is crossed between pretending to be a criminal to gain their confidence and actual entrapment is always going to be fuzzy. I am sure glad I am not an undercover cop.

Do you think that those who assaulted and injured over 100 officers should walk away scot free?

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About 2,000 officers were assaulted over the course of the George Floyd riots. Why do we know only Brian Sicknik's name? Why aren't the others as important?

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You really need to read the 2 articles whose links i provided to understand the depths of the fed’s involvement

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well, it's obvious to most that the Witmer kidnapping plot was DOA until the FBI got involved and prodded those numbskulls along.

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El Monstro is a shill, likely a government agent himself. His reliance on 'technicalities' to make his silly putty arguments are transparent.


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It makes them innocent if they were the victims of government entrapment. It's a recognized legal defense in both Federal and State courts.

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You do know that while this purported FBI agent moved a gate that other assailants climbed up the side of the building, smashed windows to gain entrance, assaulted officers trying to hold then behind a barrier and pushed past officers trying to stop them. Are they all guilty of entrapment too?

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Odd how that culpability line breaks down when it comes to Trump. When the media and Democrats say Trump "caused" these mindless drones to act this way, he is entirely the cause and "could have stopped it, but didn't." On the flip side, when State operatives actually do encourage and incite, the idiot rioters are then said to have complete agency and would have done it without their encouragement. Rioters should be punished as rioters, agents should be held accountable for their actions as "fake" rioters and Trump didn't "cause" anything. Glenn and Matt Taiibi have made a strong case for federal setups and involvement in foreign and domestic plots to heighten fear and grow the security State - a problem apart from, but reflected in this particular riot.

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The people committing the violence, the tip of the spear, were Antifa and BLM operating a false flag operation, assisted by FBI operatives and agents. Were there some actual Trump supporters involved? Yes, but many of them were incited, and much of their violent participation was spurred by extreme violence by the Capitol Police against people who had committed no violence. It was a pincer movement--Antifa/BLM commit violence and egg on Trump supporters--Capitol Police engage in gratuitous violence to incite Trump supporters even more. This was a planned operation.

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Who were the three guys dressed in black who smashed through windows on the upper level and then opened the doors for a crowd to walk thru with police officers standing by? This video was released reluctantly by court action and not shown on legacy channels. The 3 men have not been identified, or even acknowledged by legacy press. Seems fishy no?

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Epps started all the sheet while the crowd was screaming “fed”. The videos in the 2 articles cited above are simply astounding.

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Moving a gate makes you innocent of assault on an officer? Do you think that is true? Are you a lawyer?

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You keep repeating the same thing however that does not make it true.

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You are a provocateur, a corporatist shill mr monster. keep your flaccid dick out of the conversation here.


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Did Epps break the law? The FBI must obey the law just like any citizen. They do not, but that's another story?

Biker gangs and other organised crime groups will often require that new recruits break a serious law as they know that the FBI is not allowed to break the law.

And if Epps did break the law. . .

But you are correct, the FBI does not charge their own operatives.

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Tucker Carlson is talking about Ray Epps right now! Was hoping he would. And he had on Revolver News' Darren Beattie.

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I never ever thought I'd type or even think this: Thank God for Tucker Carlson.

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It's difficult to type while holding your nose, isn't it? Sadly, I must agree with your premise.

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I starting loathing Tucker back in his pretentious, bow-tie days. Did he change? Did I? Or was it our society's change?

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Tucker changed dramatically as a FOX commentator. He matured and took the clue to dig deeply into the issues. He is now one of the best there is.


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And he had on Revolver News' Darren Beattie.

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Yes. I've been sharing these whenever I can. You can just watch the 1/6 video and let your own eyes decide what was going on.

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There is a guy on Twitter who has the entire video catalogue of what went down that day

I can't recall his Twitter handle but I'll look for it and post it here

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Jeremy Lee Quinn. I listened to him being interviewed by Bret Weinstein. Very interesting as he was in the thick of it and did not have the pathetic heroics you hear on MSM about that day bc he’s an actual journalist.

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https://youtu.be/sFJdjO0fD4E here is Bret interviewing Jeremy Lee Quinn about 1/6

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Consider too the story of John Sullivan, the person who recorded the shooting of Ashli Babbitt inside the Capitol. He was also observed encouraging violent trespass in the riot. His background is murky at best.


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John Sullivan is on the list of those charged in the Capitol Breach, though I don't what his current status is.


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The FBI tries to entrap anyone that they think are extremists. Go look up the history of Earth First.

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FACT. Proven history.

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What about 73 men women and children murdered by the FBI at Mt. Carmel, Texas, for attempting to exercise their First and Second Amendment rights?

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Yeah, it's f*cking terrible. So was Ruby Ridge, the Move bombings, the crippling of Judi Bari, and the CIA running crack cocaine into our cities in the 80s. Not to mention the assassination of the journalist Gary Webb who blew open the whole crack cocaine story who supposedly committed suicide by shooting himself in the head twice. C'mon do they expect anyone to believe this?

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You are correct, but I was addressing only the FBI in my comment. All Federal agencies are evil and parasitic, only the preferred manner of expressing that nature varies.

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Jan 7, 2022
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Ha ha that was FBI back in the day....except when they protected Whitey Bulger being a murderous thug....or when J Edgar was blackmailing the nation.......or........hey wait a second!

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Every endeavor, and they all include humans, is corrupt - get over it. J Edgar Hoover, being human, was certainly corrupt. However, he did not hate the United States, nor, did he choose one political party over the other. The same cannot be said of the current FBI leadership.

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Sam, you say “[Hoover] did not hate the United States.”

But did he love the Bill of Rights? Did he love the Fourth Amendment right to privacy? Did he love the First Amendment right to free speech and assembly? Did he love the Fifth Amendment right to due process?

I’m not quite sure how you define “United States,” but I hope you start your definition with the statement of our core principles, the Bill of Rights.

And BTW, you could let every tyrant and mass murderer in history off the hook with your sweeping assumption that all humans are corrupt. Have you never met a human of unshakeable integrity? If not, or if you don’t believe such people exist, why would you be reading Glenn Greenwald?

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Well said. Hoover was a monster. Real human scum.

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You put a lot of words in my mouth, which is par for the course for Leftists, like yourself. You’re deflecting attention away from the corruption and criminality of the Democratic Party-dominated political establishment that is currently in charge. Democrat voters are supporting the world’s current crop of mass murderers, including the usurpers Biden-Harris. Fuck Joe Biden, and fuck you!

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Yes Hoover didn't choose one political party over another, because he blackmailed and murdered everyone equally to maintain his own immensely-corrupt deep state power center.

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Hoover knew that both parties agree on most stuff other than minor social issues which don't cost power any profits. So why should he have supported one over the other?

Gore Vidal knew the score

There is only one party in the United States, the Property Party...and it has two right wings: Republican and Democrat. Republicans are a bit stupider, more rigid, more doctrinaire in their laissez-faire capitalism than the Democrats, who are cuter, prettier, a bit more corrupt - until recently... and more willing than the Republicans to make small adjustments when the poor, the black, the anti-imperialists get out of hand. But, essentially, there is no difference between the two parties.

Gore Vidal

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Jan 7, 2022
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People with too much power tend to abuse it. J Edgar is a real example. He was corrupt but perhaps the power came first.

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No, the FBI has ALWAYS been in the business of creating crimes, cultivating "subversives" and "terrorists", and starting riots. This is their day job. The crime-prevention stuff is just a hobby.

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Glenn has superbly exposed the penetration of US media by the national security apparatus.

The media had a critical role in the subversion of Trump's presidency, the rigged 2020 election, the orchestrated violence and riots through 2017-2020 and the Jan 6 'riot'. Among many other crimes.

They have a lot to lose by being exposed, and hence much to gain by perpetuating the Jan 6 insurrection lie. They truly are vermin and an enemy of the American people.

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Trump lost. Get over it.

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Yep. Thought I'd get a reply like this.

In other words, you haven't got an argument.

Scipio wins. Again.

Run along.

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Go look up “burden of proof” if you can find it using the biased sources you find evidence from.

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Go look up “Pyrrhic Victory.”

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it is truly astonishing how many simply do not get that. We see it constantly. And when called on they won't back down. Cannot back down as that would mean admitting, "I am incapable of rational thought"

I just tell them, "Prove it"

That never works either because they will post "something" that they consider dispositive evidence and then crow. It never is real evidence but hey, who cares? Evidence is so 20th century!

This article: https://effectiviology.com/burden-of-proof/

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Not real evidence according to you, who probably don't have the skills to understand the proof (I could be wrong but if you did you wouldn't being saying what you are). I've been an analytics architect for 30 years and I've looked at the terrific work done by data scientists. The proof there is statistically absolute. Also, election laws were completely ignored, which means such an election is not valid from the get-go, regardless of all the more localized fraud.

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It is a disease that has infected nearly everyone, without regard to race, creed, or political affiiliation. I primarily blame the public education system. Of course, some group or other may have been sabotaging that system for a specific purpose.

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Trump lost the election.

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So did Bin Laden. Was it all worth it?

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Did he lose?

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Exactly. Consider all we did to toss that particular body in the ocean.

Now consider all we’re doing because of Trump.

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“It became necessary to destroy the town to save it.” - an unnamed US Army officer to AP correspondent Peter Arnett

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"We are continuing this policy in bleeding America to the point of bankruptcy. Allah willing, and nothing is too great for Allah,"

"We, alongside the mujahedeen, bled Russia for 10 years until it went bankrupt and was forced to withdraw in defeat," bin Laden said.

He also said al Qaeda has found it "easy for us to provoke and bait this administration.

All that we have to do is to send two mujahedeen to the furthest point east to raise a piece of cloth on which is written al Qaeda, in order to make generals race there to cause America to suffer human, economic and political losses without their achieving anything of note other than some benefits for their private corporations," bin Laden said.

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Dec 3, 1979 - A Date That Will Live in Infamy: The Who concert in Cincinnati where 11 people were trampled to death. It was as bad as WWI, WWII and Vietnam COMBINED!!!

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Not really, but they were louder than WWI, WWII and Vietnam combined.

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These "court historians" like Brinkley, Remnick, and Meacham, cue up on demand, much like Walter Duranty to provide whatever slanted view fits the left's narrative. They are pathetic.

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How dare you! He's an "expert." Who are you to judge how important things are.

I can't remember his name, but some hack who wrote a book on "Fascism" is also being trotted out to say that, based his expertise in calling things "fascist," he has officially decided that Trump is a "fascist." So that settles that.

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It has been pointed out that if Trump's a Fascist, he is almost certainly the shittiest Fascist of all time.

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Mussolini didn't get impeached twice, lose a rigged election, and get banned from appearing in Italian media. Trump needs fascism lessons for sure.

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Exactly! Any self-respecting Fascist has the secret police in his pocket, instead Trump has an FBI fabricating evidence to spy on him and his associates!

If there is a Fascist Loser Hall of Fame, Trump is first-ballot for sure.

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I'm sure the irony is not lost on half the population of the United States that the Göring-esque Department of Justice has spent a year rounding up trespassers and creating hatred and panic instead of dealing with the orgasm of crime that started in the USA immediately after the death of George Floyd.

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Home invasions, smash and grab attacks, vehicle break-ins, and all manner of crime are rampant and unprosecuted where I live. But crimes against the homes of the little people don't rate compared to trespassing in the Temple of the Elite.

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then, of course, there's the Megele-an drive to get everyone vaccinated... :/

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One small but important quibble - there could be legitimate jusrisdictional constraints there. I, for one, don't want to advocate for the Feds intruding on the authority of state, county, or local government any more than they already do.

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7000 people have been charged with crimes related with BLM protests. But you don’t know that because you only listen to media that supports your own biases.

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I don’t think there is one, but the nearest gas station will do in a pinch. Just ask Benito!

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Along with all of big business dead set against him.

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Jonah Goldberg, who sadly got space over at Bari Weiss's substack. It's actually a pretty good political history. Progressives in the 1920s and 1930s were quite enamored with the European fascists, something they found very inconvenient after 1945 and memory-holed though given the events of the past few years they're still following the script.

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Goldberg's brain has been broken by Trump. He's now switched 180 degrees and argues that unarmed civilians protesting against their government are "fascists." But the government forces that infiltrate and entrap them, beat them, shoot them, and jail them without charges, are "liberal democracy."

His new brand is to be a mushy centrist who is inoffensive to both establishment Republicans and establishment Democrats, but who is a rabid Trump-hater. As a result, he is incapable of saying anything remotely original or insightful, and just ends up parroting standard TDS talking points. Pathetic.

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Facism is a ruling elite's last resort to control the laboring people. As long as the US ruling class has white supremacy and they can "hire one half of the working class to kill the other half" they don't need facism.

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"centrist historian Matthew Bulger responds"

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"Feelings" won.

Rationality and facts lost.

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Agree. Except that nowadays, with inflation, going to a live baseball game costs a group of four about $800 before before being able to order any $11 beers.

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More and more I see event organisers targeting the "wealthy". I see seats going for hundreds, if not thousands. From their POV it makes economic sense. Why sell a 1000 seats for $75 each when the rich pay "whatever". (for the right event of course)

The Plan is to extract $2 dollars for every dollar they pay us. (at least)

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Shame on you for missing the evil plot which was Disco Demolition Night. http://livinghistoryofillinois.com/pdf_files/Disco%20Demolition%20Night%20-%20July%2012,%201979.pdf

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Ha ha what can I say, I'm a Cleveland-centric guy! It is heartening that both Disco Demolition and $0.10 Beer share a common bond, both fan bases are in the AL Central. Who has more fun than us?

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I was there.

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Awesome! I moved to Cleveland 20 years ago so I only know the legend.

One story I love is Tim Russert who was going to Cleveland State at the time. "I went to the game with $2.00 in my pocket. You do the math".

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I will always remember the date as - for one brief and shining moment - the date that a

hearty contingent of American people took back our house.

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I'm pretty sure it was milder than Altamont...

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$.10 cent beer? My hometown, Triple A team--now the Albuquerque Isotopes--had $.25 cent beer nights throughout the 70's--and no riots. I wrote a cynical piece on 1-06-21, yesterday. Peace

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Historians are wannabes.

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Elaboration - they wish they could make history themselves but since they can't, they write and comment about it.

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Daniel Pipes is a real historian. That guy on PBS, eh, not so much.

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Jan 7, 2022
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Nah. Jan. 6 was WAY worse than all that.

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The thing that gets me the most is that on both 9/11 and on Pearl Harbor we were attacked by enemies of the United States. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are Potus and Veep for EVERYONE WHO MARCHED IN DC THAT DAY TOO. They are American citizens and thus, Biden and Harris have an obligation to treat them as such, even if they condemn their criminal behavior. Today highlights for the majority of Americans yet another example of how out of the touch the ruling elite have become in this country. To most Americans they're thinking - yeah, a riot just like the cities that burned over the summer. They can see plainly through the hypocrisy on the Left over almost everything. Democrats can question the results of any election. Democrats can protest, often violently, any time they want over anything they want - they can follow people into elevators and bathrooms, they can scream them on the street any time they want, they can kick them out of restaurants - they can scream from the rooftops anywhere they want FUCK TRUMP and are rewarded for it. Yet time and time again, when the people they have dehumanized do it - then they clutch their pearls and act horrified that anyone would ever dare say fuck the POTUS. Biden had an opportunity, yet another, to try to heal a wounded nation. He chose instead to declare war against half the country. It is a war backed by money and influence and make no mistake, they will be waging it. The only upside is that -- at least for now -- there are such strong voices of dissent like yours and others.

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"even if they condemn their criminal behavior"

The vast majority of the "insurrectionists" merely committed the "crime" of illegal "parading" by walking through a door that had been opened for them. Meanwhile, in Democrat run states like California, people are allowed to walk through the doors of a business and take up to $950 of merchandise with immunity from prosecution. Is there any reason to respect this farcical Democrat version of "rule of law."

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America has seen actual insurrectionists attack Washington, DC. For some reason, Biden, Harris, and Pelosi seem to have forgotten this.

Bomb explodes in U.S. Capitol, Nov. 7, 1983 - POLITICO


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Because it is simply not cost effective. I thought that conservatives are supposed to be good with money?

That aside, if they so choose, a retailer can prosecute if they like.

No one is "allowed" to steal.

Keep spinning though!

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Wait a second, Bill. Are you saying that it is no longer cost effective for police to arrest shoplifters? That's a cynical and troubling commentary on our society. If you believe a store's Rent-a-Cop is going to risk his life attempting to apprehend a flash mob of criminals and that once he rounds up this gang, that his employer, the store, will file a civil suit against the gang? Alex has made a valid point: In California, stealing up to $950.00 of merchandise is now allowed - just like in NYC a criminal is allowed to fight with a police officer and suffer no consequences.

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It is by design - just follow the money. Out of this induced paralysis of public policing, a whole extremely lucrative cottage industry of private armed guards and protection services will emerge - exactly as it is in 3rd world countries. The "real" police will gradually have the same function as it does there - job opportunity for compliant underclass to be called in to protect the regime.

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Remember anyone that doe NOT agree with them are deplorables and racist. STOP........LMAO

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"The only upside is that -- at least for now -- there are such strong voices of dissent like yours and others." And November 8, 2022.

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Can't wait to see the 1/6 congressional inquiry then.....starting with AG Garland who must answer all of the questions.

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If only. So far the R's in Congress have hardly raised a stink over people in solitary confinement in a special DC jail run by management who detests them. Parading is a very, very serious crime, you see. These are very dangerous people who despite having never before committed any crime, might do so. Meanwhile those on the left want even more public shaming and maximum retribution. These prisoners await a DC jury of their peers (?) because they won't give into DoJ coercion.

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Once Pelosi dumped the R's who were assigned by Kevin McCarthy (who I don't think should be the next Speaker should the GOP take back the House) to the committee, they were a bit hog-tied. They could definitely be fighting in other ways, like visiting those in jail and making sure their civil rights aren't being violated....especially if any of the inmates are from their district. But then again, these are politicians.

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I'd like Trump to be the next Speaker of the House (the Speaker does not have to be an elected representative).

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Interesting....wasn't aware of that.

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Great comment!

Biden's approval ratings are in the toilet right now

Sane, smart and awake folks are not buying any of this nonsense

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The narrative CNN & MSNBC is plying is crumbling & they know it and are doubling down and becoming more desperate in their condemnations and catcalling language. Maybe when advertisers start to leave they will ameliorate their tone.

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Best news today - supposedly, Harvard's finest, Joy Reid will be tossed out of MSNBC soon...

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A small win, if true, but I'll take it. She is the worst of the worst.

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Where'd you see that? I'm keeping my champagne on ice until I get a confirmation. (Okay, it's just a Miller High Life beer; but they used to call themselves 'the champagne of bottled beer' )

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She was quite the name caller last night.

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Joy Reid is unhinged, she's a nutcase. I love to tease the Harvard alums in my family (husband, daughter, son-in-law) of 'Harvard's Finest' and the looney stuff that she drools on daily basis. Joy Reid is an embarrassment.

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Thanks! I'll still wait till it's offishial...

WHOOO-HOOOO! A new excuse to get hammered! LOL

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I wish you were correct, but unfortunately you're not.

The same global powers which brought us the "novel" coronavirus and the "vaccines" (poison injections) also lavishly support - and control - the corporate media in all of its various guises, as well as its disguises - i.e. the controlled opposition such as KPFA and its sister stations and affiliates, and numerous other previously independent media enterprises.

Read this monumental book to learn the truth:

The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

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About 15 years ago (?), Gates realized that the money he made in software was peanuts compared to what he could make if he controlled US (and therefore global) pharma. He has invested a princely sum in that effort, and his return on investment is kingly.

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If you haven't read the book, you really should do so. You will learn a tremendous amount about Bill Gates, covid, the "vaccines," etc. that will put what is happening today into a new perspective. Yes, it's about money, but it's also about much more than that.

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I have read the book and it was eye-opening to say the least. Prior to reading the book, I thought Gates's comment about reducing the world population through vaccines was just a misstatement. Nope - it was a true reflection of the goal he is pursuing. There were a number of times during my reading of the book that I had to put it down for the day because I just could not believe humans would do such a thing to other humans. Fauci and Gates should be charged with crimes against humanity, in my opinion.

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I had a difficult time reading The Real Anthony Fauci, too, for the same reason. My mind and heart continually balked at the magnitude and intensity of the evil which Kennedy describes in great detail in this book. I read it for a week or so, then put it aside for another week, then returned to it, plowing slowly but steadily through to the bitter end.

I felt literally stunned by the time I got to the end. Disoriented. Concussed. Similar to how I felt after I learned that my life partner had committed suicide. Devastated, overwhelmed, as though my entire reality had been radically and irrevocably altered in a terrible, horrific way.

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Also, the "rioters" did not take the bait and become truly violent, which enables your accurate accusation of hypocrisy. The "rioters" showed their true patriotism, and the provocateurs were stymied by ubiquitous cell phone and surveillance cameras. They could not risk that John Sullivan or Ray Epps would be captured on camera actually engaged in violent acts rather than "merely" inciting them.

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Thank you for this

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They are certainly not "liberal". "Illiberals" is more like it.

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"The thing that gets me the most is that on both 9/11 and on Pearl Harbor we were attacked by enemies of the United States."--Sasha Stone

Not really.; we were attacked by the Japanese sneak bombing of Pearl Harbor. However, 9/11 was a false flag operation by elements of the National Security State.

The proof is in this selection of articles:









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Do you support the actions of the rioters on 1/6? Do you think that the election was "stolen"? Do you support violence to rectify that?

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No I do not support the rioters. I think they, like so many over the summer, were whipped up by hysteria - social media and the mob. I think what they did hurt Trump more than it helped Trump (obviously). But I think we are not talking about the bigger picture here. We're not talking about the past five years of how the press and the government treated Trump and his supporters. They treated them like human garbage. Protests are the voice of the unheard and every American citizen has a right to protest. The left apparently can only protest violently. They also breached the Wisconsin Capitol, by the way, in 2011 and Maddow praised them for that action. Back in 2000 I remember my fellow Democrats lamenting they didn't protest, even violently, that election. So spare me. Okay? I think they were partly a Q'anon PizzaGate mob that had absolutely no idea what they were doing. The election wasn't "stolen" but it most certainly was NOT a normal election and why is it no one will talk about that? From the $400 million Mark Zuckerberg donated, to the rules that were changed that enabled the Democrats to bank votes long before Election Day - to the way the media deliberately subverted the narrative (aka "the truth") in order to make sure Trump lost. Then they bragged about it in TIME magazine. Trump still won Iowa, Ohio and Florida which tells you that he would have won were it not for the way they changed the ruled -- using COVID as the excuse. Perhaps Trump voters were not sophisticated enough to understand just what happened. But I certainly noticed. As a former Democrat who supported Biden and believed he could have won on his own, I have never seen anything like what went down in 2020 and for everyone to act like it was all perfectly normal is truly psychotic. "Widespread fraud"? No. But big money, big tech and big media handing the election to someone who barely campaigned? Yes, that happened. They had every right to demand transparency.

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I am a life long "leans Democrat" voter who often votes 3rd party when a choice is available. I did not vote for Trump (or Clinton or Biden), but I think the election was clearly fraudulent, and I'm so angry at the Democrats and their allies in the permanent bureaucracy that I identify with #walkaway. That doesn't mean I support the invasion of the capitol on Jan. 6, but I believe they should receive equal justice and not political detention and prosecution for made-up crimes.

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Thank you for your honest evaluation

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Why do you think it was fraudulent? I’m curious as I am also a 3rd party voter, used to be Dem

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Lots of reasons, primarily non-legislative (and therefor unconstitutional) changes to balloting (deadlines for arrival of absentee ballots), but also including states where unsolicited mail-in ballots were sent to voters. Ballot harvesting, with harvested ballots arriving late at night and causing sudden jumps in Biden's totals. Part of the reason for the planpanic was to create chaos in the November election, and it succeeded after first succeeding in the rigging of the primaries. All sorts of irregularities there.

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Another key aspect was allowing Zuckerberg to funnel roughly 500 million dollars into key Democrat-majority districts to create, in effect, "reverse voter suppression." Democrats concentrate on (largely imaginary) ways that it is somehow harder for their supporters to vote, and they call it "voter suppression." Reverse voter suppression occurs when it is made much easier for Democrats to vote than it is for Republicans. (Instead of making it harder for your opponents, you make it unfairly easier for your supporters!) Zuckerberg made that possible by contributing money so that Democrat districts had vastly more ballot dropboxes than Republican districts did. Republicans fell asleep at the wheel (perhaps intentionally) and the damage was done.

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The absentee ballots seemed like a disaster in the making and yes Dems are/were great about cheating in ‘16 and ‘20 primaries. The new voting rights legislation makes it even harder, nearly impossible for 3rd party candidates to run. How is that voting rights? The Dem primaries in 2016 and 2020 were rotten to the core and made a lot of people walk away from the party.

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I'm probably to the right of you politically (for whatever value that kind of analysis is any more) but I think that "fradulent" is likely too strong a word. As is "stolen". Yes, there were a lot of irregularities, but there are irregularities in every national election (and probably most others). Were there more irregularities in the 2016 Presidential election than the median? Probably. Enough more to constitute fraud and theft in the context of a process that always feaures similar irregularities? That is a tough sell to me. It used to be an article of faith for most conservatives that JFK defeated Richard Nixon in 1960 largely on the strength of ballots from deceased voters who remained on the precinct rolls. How accurate that tale is, I have no clue, but I think it amply illustrates what a sloppy process national elections have been for a very long time.

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Jan 7, 2022
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This was published the day before yesterday - apparently backed up by video, geo-locate and a cooperating participant. Short version: 242 people, nearly SIX THOUSAND midnight trips to the "covid" drop boxes; $10.00 per ballot:


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Ballot harvesting is illegal for a reason. It makes ballot stuffing too easy. While some of the ballots dropped off between midnight and 5 am may have been morally legitimate ballots, the hours involved are a strong indication these were NOT ballots handed to the harvester by real voters, but ballots picked up somewhere illegal, marked by the "harvester" and dropped in the box.

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Not fraudulent, just "fortified" :-) Funny thing is, does it really matter? It has been decades since US political system delivered anything of much value for the vast majority of population, so the exact way how one faction of the elite replaces the other is only of academic interest at this point.

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You're right. Fraudulent vs "foritified" doesn't matter. When you swindle someone by providing false information, it's still FRAUD, though I happen to believe there was physical manipulation that corrupt courts refused to investigate. Whether that was enough to affect the outcome, we will never know. And I emphasize, I did not vote for Trump and do not support him. I voted for Jill in 2016, but even her actions after the 2016 election were wrong, though not evil.

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Read Mollie Hemingway's book "Rigged".

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We all should demand transparency about the events of that day and the all the events surrounding that election.

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That is true, but the Democrats will never agree to be transparent. Pelosi refuses to release documents concerning her role on January 6. The entire Democrat establishment obfuscates its deliberate effort to leverage COVID to undermine election security in 2020. Until the Dems decide to treat honestly concerning their role in making people so angry they would do the unthinkable and riot at the Capitol, I really couldn't care less about the Dems political theater. Frankly, I can't wait for the bruising they are going to experience in November.

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I would like to know what Nancy was doing on Jan 6 and also General Flynn. Why did the National Guard take so long to arrive? Who did Trump talk to in the interim. So many strange unanswered questions about that day. We probably won't be allowed to know but after it is all declassified in 50 years, historians will try to make sense of it.

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President Trump offered to Pelosi to call up the National Guard several days before January 6. She refused. Being at the Capitol, Pelosi had to approve, President Trump could not send them without her official approval.

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This may help you. Video footage gathered by dozens of internet sleuths:


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Absolutely correct. My grandchildren might learn the truth

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General Flynn? What does he have to do with January 6?

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Ahh, someone who remembers the Wisconsin capital episode. As a Wisconsinite who remembers it well, you are one of the few to make that connection, including those from Wisconsin. It wasn't just a breach, but a full on occupation. Teachers- you know, the ones that do it "for the kids!"- left work to join the protest, for which they were roundly applauded. Unlike J6, where legislators were largely safely holed away, Scott Walker walked into the belly of the beast, day after day. He got harassed, threatened, etc. Meanwhile, the democrats jumped a bus to Rockford

Madison- good. J6- pearl harbor. Astounding

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Who said Madison was good? Certainly not me.

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Jan 7, 2022
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Correct. Lifted from Wikipedia, which refers to the event throughout as a "demonstration" and "protest":

By February 20, protestors had undertaken a physical occupation of the Capitol building, establishing a fully functioning community within the public spaces of the Wisconsin State Capitol, including an information center, a sleeping area, a medic station staffed by members of the Madison Community Wellness Collective, and food stations with food for protestors supplied by local businesses.[54] Protestors also covered the walls of the Capitol with thousands of homemade signs.[55] On February 20, a union organizer participating in the protests said that the protests would continue "as long as it takes."

Maybe it's just me, but it seems to indicate different treatment than J6- an event involving the full occupation and disruption of "democracy". It was precisely what the media projects onto J6. I don't recall Republicans needing to commemorate it as an attack on democracy. Quite the opposite happened in the press. But of course, any commemoration would have to last several weeks, and who has the time?

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No need to rig an election in a time when power has virtually perfected mass opinion control.

"By means of ever more effective methods of mind-manip­ulation, the democracies will change their nature; the quaint old forms— elections, parliaments, Supreme Courts and all the rest—will remain. The underlying substance will be a new kind of non-violent totalitari­anism. All the traditional names, all the hallowed slo­gans will remain exactly what they were in the good old days. Democracy and freedom will be the theme of every broadcast and editorial—but democracy and free­dom in a strictly Pickwickian sense. Meanwhile the ruling oligarchy and its highly trained elite of sol­diers, policemen, thought-manufacturers and mind-manipulators will quietly run the show as they see fit.“ — Aldous Huxley, book Brave New World Revisited

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People forget that Trump ran the tables on election night in 2020, and had a huge lead before -- as if by magic -- four large counties in four critical states all suddenly decided to "call it a night" without completing their counts. We watched over the next week as Trump's huge lead was sliced and diced and we were informed that Biden had "won" the election.

I honestly believe Sidney Powell and a few others were paid/blackmailed to make outlandish claims about the voting machines so that the real fraud (the mail in 'ballots') could happen right under our noses.

The magicians call it "legerdemain." Keep the mark focused on your right hand so it doesn't see what the left is doing.

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I will never forget watching Trump cruise to a big victory when the counting was stopped in five states. I knew then the fix was in

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Another brainwashed partisan.

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It is obvious what happened to anyone bothering to do the slightest bit of investigation. The Democrats encouraged their voters to vote by mail and the Republicans encouraged their voters to vote in person. So the vote by mail numbers were skewed Democratic and the converse for the GOP votes.

Some states counted in person votes first and then vote by mail. These states included Pennsylvania and Michigan. Those close races ended up being in the Democrat column. Other close races counted the Vote by Mail voters first. These states included Ohio and North Carolina. Those states initially looked to likely be in the Democratic column but moved towards Trump as the night went on.

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Agreed it is obvious. Rules were changed illegally. Vote by mail has a much higher rate of fraud. ETC. the election was stolen. See LBJ senate race 1948. Kennedy 1960. The Democrats have a storied history of this. Even the sainted Roosevelt mocked Johnson in 1940 when his side reported the results to early allowing his Democratic primary opponent to out steal him. Roosevelt said, “Even we know you have to sit on the boxes” meaning you don’t count your votes til the other side reports theirs

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The Republicans have had a majority of votes in exactly one of the last eight elections. Why would 2020 be different?

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Yes. Or sleight of hand, in English.

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I believe there was abundant fraud as well

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Thank you Sasha, you called it.

2020 went far beyond run of the mill election irregularities. Your phrase "Subvert the narrative" is brilliant.

What they actually did was subvert democracy to install the Biden regime to power

How ironic. The crowd went to the capital on Jan 6 to protest what they felt was something untoward in the election (they were right).

THAT was the insurrection?

But using a health emergency to justify changing election processes despite CDC advice it wasn't necessary, doing it by unconstitutional means, then conspiring with tech billionaires to finance infiltration of Dem activists into Gov. election facilities in key states, and use their control of information to "Subvert the narrative" by censoring stories that disparaged Biden then insist Media not call Biden on his frequent, outrageous false statements and disinformation. Gaslighting

The cabal successfully subverted the Democratic process and installed in power the regime of their choice

Let's not forget the summer of "mostly peaceful protests" encouraged by the Dems that preceded the election

This was the true insurrection against the USA Constitutional government

Jan 6 is misdirection. Gaslighting

Hacked reality


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That's all politics. Calling it "stealing" subverts Democracy and just makes you a sore loser. Go win a majority of votes.

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Harvesting votes is fraud. Even if “legal”.

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Very well said.

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I'm curious, why did you support Biden and do you still support him?

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People 'support' 'biden' because he is the designated tribal leader and for many he represented a return to a familiar, even if 'fake' world. They want to go back to a familiar, more comfortable time.

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I saw Biden* as a return to the old where politicians serve their own best interests and not those of their constituents.

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He is. That and he is obviously not in charge. Which demands the question, "Then who is?"

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When was that not the case, for either party?

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I support facts and reason. I have never been a big fan of either party but I call bullshit when I see it. Trump's claims are 100% bullshit.

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Prove it.

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That's not how it works.

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Trump: "I had the largest crowd ever for an inauguration"

Trivially proven false by examining photos of the event and previous events.

Trump: "I gave America the largest tax cut in history."

Ronald Reagan's tax cuts of 1981 were larger.

Trump: "Mexico will pay for the border wall."

Mexico has never given a dime to help pay for the border wall. Mexico’s president, Enrique Peña Nieto, said that his country will “never pay for a wall. Not now, not ever.”

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Trump: “In Nevada, they want to have a thing where you don’t have to have any verification of the signature” on ballots.

In Nevada, the Republican Secretary of State confirmed that every ballot is signature verified.

Trump:, “We were starting to get the Federal deficit down before Coronavirus."

The debt increased both as a total amount and as a percentage of the economy every year the Trump was President.

Trump: “Joe Biden is absolutely on board with defunding the police.”

Biden supported spending $300M in improving police departments all over the country including hiring more officers.

Trump: “Wisconsin has over 100,000 ‘Active Voters’ Who Have Been Registered For Over 100 Years!”

From the Wisconsin registrar of voters. “As of fall 2021 there are still about 3,700 active voter records that contain default information for date of birth,” the state reports. “In addition, about 120,000 records exist in the system with a default date of voter registration.” Or: 119,000 and change."

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Trump: "The entire Database of Maricopa County in Arizona has been DELETED!"

Cyberninjas, the firm the GOP hired to audit this database found this statement to be false.

On May 17, the Maricopa County Elections Department issued a memo refuting the claim. An analysis confirmed that "the original database folder on the ‘EMSPrimary’ server was not deleted or otherwise tampered with during packaging and delivery" of election materials to the Arizona Senate for the audit, the memo said.

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Trump: “There were no guns whatsoever” at the Capitol riot on Jan. 6."

Many of those involved in the attack were armed, and several had guns that police later seized. Lonnie Coffman of Alabama: Police found multiple firearms and weapons in Coffman’s possession. Lonnie Coffman of Alabama: Police found multiple firearms and weapons in Coffman’s possession. Christopher Michael Alberts of Maryland: Alberts brought his handgun onto Capitol grounds. An officer saw that Alberts had a gun on his hip and alerted fellow officers. When Alberts tried to flee, officers detained him and recovered the loaded handgun along with a separate magazine.

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This Wikipedia article claims to link to over 31,000 false statements by Trump. I am not going to check them all personally, but that's a heck of a lot of whoppers.

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Your questions:

#1 - No. However I also don't support the Feds inciting riots and murdering innocent citizens, which the evidence suggests is precisely what happened.

#2 - Yes. The election was rigged in specific States and not just that, the POTUS vote was definitely rigged. Joe Biden did not receive 81 million votes.

#3 - No.

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Fantasyland isn't just an amusement park in Anaheim.

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You don’t have to support the rioters to believe that the election was stolen. Millions of illegal votes were counted.

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Correct, the two issues are unrelated.

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You both live in lala land.

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Your reply is the written equivalent of you putting fingers in both ears, except for when you're watching CNN.

Run along.

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Unlike you, I actual bother to gather evidence and information from a wide variety of courses, including those that do not support my own biases. Enjoy living in your carefully created and insulated reality.

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Jan 7, 2022
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The GOP decided that "money is free speech" and now they are hoist by their own petard. Cry me a river losers.

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I support the peaceful demonstrators, which was the vast majority

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I don’t support Ray Epps activities, as the first instigator and leader of the riot. Nor that of his several accomplices. Unfortunately RayEpps was an FBI plant.

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Most likely. Do you think he created and orchestra the Proud Boys, Three Percenters and all the other the violent groups that assaulted the Capitol on that day?

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The videos show normal protesters yelling “Fed” and trying to stop Epps. Epps’ activities and his impromptu planning meetings started on JAN 5 and it took a lot of shouting over people and cajoling to get a few low-Q whackos to cooperate with the first 2 breaches. His accomplices (per the videos, seen conferring with him) were busy taking down all the temporary fencing put up that day, while Trump was still speaking one mile away. The net effect was that most who went into the Capitol were unaware they were trespassing (remember that area was normally allowed public access). So, questions:

1) Would anything illegal even have occurred if not for Epps and his helpers, or was it a classic case of entrapment?

2) If election fraud is not codified and Democrats lose the House, will there be an actual, bipartisan investigation into the fed’s involvement in Jan 6?

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Would people have attacked police officers and injured over 100 of them without Epps moving a barrier? Is that a serious question?

As for #2, we both know that the GOP has based its entire campaign on supporting the Big Lie and minimizing the events of Jan 6. They will sweep it all under the rug as quickly as possible.

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With all due respect, el M, you really need to watch all the videos. Epps did far more than “move a barrier”. He spent 2 days exhorting the crowd that they needed to “go into the Capitol”. He conducted multiple impromptu soapbox rallies where (over the shouted objections of most attendants) he harangued everyone to to “go in”, because of “the Constitution”, even though it was “illegal”. All his words. His accomplices were videod removing barriers, Epps’ role was to use his standing (as an ex special forces Sergeant, as he pointed out), to convince OTHERS to break down the police barricades. His leadership directly resulted in the FIRST 2 confrontations with the police, while he was present and shouting encouragement. He was clearly the tip of the spear. After he succeeded, the shit hit the fan. What we’ll never know, cannot know, is what would or would not have happened without his inducements. Anyone who claims to know this is being disingenuous IMO.

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If the rioters had been democrats, antifa and BLM who were there to attack their tribal enemies, egged on by Hillary - would that have been okay with you? Thanks.

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No need to create them, they merely took advantage of them and used them like robots. It was easy too.

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That characterization is inaccurate, even according to a report done on the over 700 arrested for J6 activities by a group that adopts the left-wing labeling of the protestors as 'insurrectionists'.

"Affiliation with extremist groups such as the Proud Boys, militias like the Oath Keepers and Three Percenters, and gangs like the Aryan Brotherhood is available for all 716 individuals charged for breaching the US Capitol on January 6, 2021 (100%). As displayed in figure 8 below, far fewer insurrectionists belonged to militias when compared to Right-wing extremist arrests between 2015-2020. 48% of right-wing extremist arrests between 2015-2020 belonged to a militia or group, *while only 13% of insurrectionists in 2021 belonged to a militia or group.*"

Lots of other good details in the excerpts as well as a link to the full report.


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Do you support the summer of 2020 rioters, arsonists, looters, rapists, and murderers? Do you think the 2016 election was "stolen" from HRC (she sure thinks it was)? Do you support the tsunami of crime and violence unleashed by the left in so many cities?

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Yup, don't you remember the leftists barged into Supreme court or Capitol? when Chucky was threatening kavanaugh and Gorsuch right outside of Supreme Court? Did any of them get arrested? Nope, held in solitary confinement more than an year? Nope.. they really got in and vandalized worse than J6. and in the case of J6, they still refuse to release the security footage. and why in the hell Pelosi and McConnell refused Trump's offer of 20.000 National Guards deployment in Capitol? Why in the hell FBI did not do anything after getting calls from citizens that Democrats are busing BLM and Antifa to blend in the Trump supporters? Even there are some video footage of them changing clothing to look like Trump supporters behind bushes. I have watched every documentaries created, and many of the articles written of J6. And I don't believe any part of Left's narrative. ANY of them. No one died from natural cause.. they all died from what those Capitol police and DC police did to them. Hatred is not my thing.. but, those who conspired to do this (Russia gate, J6. Whitmer, Mar a Lago, CRT, Normalizing pedo. etc.) to innocent people should be behind bar. and thorough investigation should be conducted including 2020 election and Hunter's laptop.

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Naïveté is not innocence, it is gross and moribund ignorance.

124 likes for a comment that begins with framing the 9/11 events as a foreign attack. It was not, it was a false flag PSYOP perpetrated by the Bush regime.



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Naïveté is not innocence, it is gross and moribund ignorance

It is astonishing that so many people believe in the comforting lies of the official narrative (pr0paganda) ... even Ms. Stone and 120 likes for her comment, which sounds nice and dissenting but misframes the events of 9/11 as a foreign attack. It is such acceptance of official bullshit as reality that leaves us in this pathological society of daydreaming fools.

It is hard to accept that even here on GG forum so many people accept this false reality.

One that just a bit of research can show to be false.




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1/6 is the left's Reichstag Fire and the only thing they can possibly talk about because everything else they touch turns to shit.

Meanwhile the real reporters out there are slowly piecing the facts together -- and it looks more like a fedsurrection than insurrection.

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The most conspicuous person missing from the media fanfare is the pipe bomber. The fact he slipped into the ether even more effectively than Ray Epps says everything.

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100%. I recall looking at the images of the so called pipebomber when they first came out, and immediately thinking 'that's obviously fake as hell.'

My question is this - what sort of a lowlife do you have to be to willingly participate in a fraud? How do they sleep at night?

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By reviewing their stock portfolio. The one true thing is elites are deathly afraid of losing the narrative and thus their blood money -because they know they never want to face the rigged system that is this country. Stfu politicians about ‘Democrazy’ that’s just Amerikan dream stuff for the deplorable. Same as it ever was …Gulf of Tonkin et al

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They sleep the same way you do, by never examining any of their beliefs and having the arrogance to think that they are always right about everything:

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'that's obviously fake as hell.'

You say that about literally everything.

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From the videos I saw that person is essentially unidentifiable. We could guess at his? height and weight, but that's about it.

"The fact he slipped into the ether even more effectively than Ray Epps says everything."

It says "not identifiable"

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Cameras everywhere that weren’t used to track him down, and a corporate media desperate to play up the Jan 6 threat beyond any semblance of reality, but chooses to drop that guy from the narrative like a hot potato. It says a lot more than not identifiable.

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"not used to track him down" is your supposition.

Cameras are not yet, "everywhere", they will be, but not yet.

We have to work with the evidence we have, not the evidence that "might" exist.

Some clear image may exist and it may be being suppressed somehow. But we have no evidence for that.

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Have to say ... your first paragraph pretty much sums up everything happening in DC. Well said.

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Where were the police and why didn't they stop the breaching of the barricades ? ... just wondering...

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The only logical explanation is they were told to stand down or not be there in the first place. This is why we need to get the emails from Pelosi to the Capitol Police.

Everybody in the country knew there was a huge rally on Jan 6. The idea that the government was caught off-guard is not credible in the slightest.

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As an independent voter, I strongly dislike both major parties. And I didn't vote for Trump either time. But now more than ever, I can really sympathize with the bull-in-a-china-shop, "F U" rationale animating so many MAGA supporters. In fact, if we held a national election today, I would probably vote for Trump -- not something I would have said a year ago.

Feels weird to be somehow in agreement with Ann Coulter, but...it is what it is.

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I'm also Independent, and vote 3rd party or write in top of the ticket since after '08. I never would have voted for Trump and never will. But, especially in '16, i absolutely understood why they did. And i don't blame them in the least.

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I'm an INDEPENDENT now and a recovering Democrat after Dems rigged the 2016 primary against Sanders

I will NEVER EVER vote Democrat again. I would not vote for Trump either. He had his chance to "drain the swamp" but instead made it part if his cabiney and was a great President for Israel and Zionists

Lastly, his support for and now bragging about the vaccine, even though it is KILLING 10's of 1000's and has seriously injured 2 MILLION, is causing him to bleed supporters.

Independents make up the majority voting base in the US, NOT D OR R.

Beyond that, those who don't vote are even more populous than Independents

Without a viable 3rd party that D OR R will never allow, there is no reason to vote and even if there was, it would be rigged

Our system is a fascist one in need of a do over

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Vote Libertarian

We understand that government - or n the US that means GOP and DNC - is almost all scammers, and giving such people power over your life is an absolutely terrible idea. Generally speaking trusting scammers is not wise. But Americans keep doing it

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I agree with 90% of what you say; I'm just saying the D's and R's make me so pissed off that I'd even vote for a hot mess like Trump just to f*** them up. I turned anti-Democrat back in the 90s. Though I must confess, I did fall for the Obama bait and switch once.

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I voted for Obama in 2008, but quickly realized he was a disaster in every single key area of Presidential performance except reading a speech from a teleprompter. I voted for Romney in 2012, a decision I now regret. I sat out 2016, but voted for Trump in 2020. Biden, in my opinion, has already done more things terribly wrong in one year than Carter managed in 4 years. Biden is, by a wide margin, the worst President in my lifetime.

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I think you get it, Yawny. The FU, "mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore" vote did a lot to elect Trump. And all the Dem bullshit theater is, I think, creating an increasingly pissed off electorate. People want politicians to at least seem like they are working to solve problems that they care about. Dem fear mongering doesn't do that. While they dither away in their war against conservatives and the GOP, they are doing absolutely nothing to address inflation, crime, or a reasonable approach to living with an endemic COVID.

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And they are not just pissing off conservatives but also bleeding their own base

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Same. (Not sure about voting for Trump in 2024, but I am going to register to vote for the first time since 2008 and vote R down the line in the mid-terms.)

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I don't want Trump. He is too polarizing. I like Tulsi and Rand Paul. Now, that would be a good ticket imo. I like DeSantis too. We need someone to heal the nation.

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Trump's big problem is that he failed to 'Drain the Swamp' and jail Hillary Clinton.

Neither happened.

Trump failed to get the job done and bury these people, when he had the chance. I don't buy the line that he couldn't, that's sheer nonsense.

Bottom line - as POTUS he had enormous power to do what it takes to act decisively.

Americans would have backed him, too.

Instead he got caught up in DC drama and tweets. He got distracted and I think was taken by surprise when they 'went there' and stole the 2020 election. Trump never seemed to get a handle on how truly evil these people are. He underestimated them.

So unless he can persuade Americans that he will 'drain the swamp' in 2024-2028, many previous voters just won't trust him.

It's not that they'll vote for anyone else, they'll just not vote at all.

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Trump failed to a lot of things, like bring the troops home, provide a better alternative to Obamacare, etc..

The man's signature accomplishments were 1. a tax cut for billionaires; and 2. appointment of judges selected for him by The Federalist Society, which are pretty much what you would expect from any replacement-level Team R president.

They say personnel is policy, and it was obvious that he wasn't that interested. Trump probably didn't expect to win. His advisers assuredly didn't expect to win. Trump certainly didn't take the steps he needed to take in the event that he did win, like get a list of appointees together.


The Graun merely confirmed what everyone already knew.

This also blows up the Russiagate conspiracy theory. One can easily believe that Trump is a roaring moron, but you'd think that Putin would have a whole slate of appointees, vetted, compromised and ready.

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I got a tax cut and I’m certainly not rich.

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I got a tax cut. Standard deduction doubled. This is a big deal for us poors.

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The vast majority of the tax cuts under TCJA went to the wealthy.

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Not really. The tax cuts were pretty evenly distributed. Each income groups share of the tax cuts was roughly in line with its share of taxes paid

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Depends on what your definition of rich is

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The people who benefitted the most were those making under $65,000 per year.

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Trump was a magnificent POTUS.

Before COVID the American economy was roaring. Black unemployment was the lowest ever. Everyone's taxes were down.

Overseas he had Beijing on the ropes. The Russians and Iranians were spooked. The Trump strategy against China was brilliant - he had shut them out of the American economy using a mix of tariffs & closing their backdoor entry via NAFTA. Their economy was in freefall.

4 more years of Trump and the enemies of the USA, domestics and foreign, would have been finished. They knew it, which is why they could not permit it to continue.

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Without bothering to unpack your unfalsifiable fanboi cheering in detail (what does "on the ropes" mean and howcan one tell?), look at federal budget deficits under Trump, pre-COVID.

That's the super-awesome Trump economy right there. Same can be said for Obama, FWIW.

All they did was prove that any wino can be made to look like a financial genius, as long as said wino can borrow and refinance.

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You are wrong, it was a tax curt across the board. Dig a little deeper for your information please.

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I furnished sources.

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Sorry, I don't have a lot of time for dueling sources today, but here is a quick one I found: https://thehill.com/opinion/finance/584190-irs-data-prove-trump-tax-cuts-benefited-middle-working-class-americans-most

In general, when people obsess over billionaires, they are either being duped or trying to dupe others (e.g., Liz Warren). No personal insult intended, this is just my strong opinion.

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Jan 7, 2022
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Sounds like you are content with symbolic victories. The tariffs were quickly rolled back, trade deficits continued to balloon.

And the wall ain't never gone get built.

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Jan 7, 2022Edited
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I guess I was thinking "absent any real options." Say, Trump vs. Harris/Buttigieg/Booker/Beto or whoever else the D's think they're going to put up. I'm pro-Bernie but he's too old now. I supported Tulsi too and would gladly vote for her over any of the above.

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Yeah, unfortunately Bernie is too old now. I've always liked Jeff Merkley. Too under the radar to register most likely.

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Merkley is better than we expected, but still just a Democrat.

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And Bernie was down with Killer Mike. I'm assuming rtj = Run the Jewels

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Nah, it's an acronym of a Stones tune.

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If there was ever an election made for a third-party candidate, I think it's the next one. Especially if their platform was the decentralization of government and economics.

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If DeSantis keeps up his anti mandate, anti mask etc policies in Florida and did the same nationwide and wanted to run for Prez on that platform, I would seriously consider voting for him.

He is the only one with SANE Covid policies

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We can hope - but I've thought that year after year and...nothing. These days I blame the voters.

As it happens, the Green Party principles and platform call for decentralization, bringing power as local as possible. There's other stuff on there that might not appeal to you so much, but at worst it's a protest vote. If we can get on the ballot.

The platform: https://www.gp.org/platform

Most explicit references are under "Energy" and "Local Economic Development". Lots of detail.

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You are not alone, there are big numbers in your camp.

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As petty as this sounds, I'm halfway towards a willingness to let this whole "democracy" experiment fail just to keep the Pelosis and McConnells and Cheneys and Schiffs from winning.

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The problem is that it has shifted too much into a democracy, and left behind the safeguards of a republic, which is what the Founding Fathers intended. Benjamin Franklin didn't say "a democracy, if you can keep it", after all. The Founding Fathers eschewed an absolute democracy, and instituted republic-focused safeguards like the electoral college, exactly because they foresaw what is happening today--outsized influence by certain groups concentrated in large states and urban areas outweighing the interests of the other citizens living in less populated areas of the country, and a populace who realizes that they can vote themselves into endless free money from the public coffers.

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We need to counter the word democracy every time it is used. Democracy is 51 wolves and 49 sheep deciding on dinner.

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LOL! Exactly!

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@ Linda Mandel Clemente 👍

One of the most germane comments I've read so far.✔

Our host said this:

"Posturing as the bulwark against Fascism and Defenders of Democracy — which in turn depends on the existence of an insurrectionary movement — is their only hope for finding meaning. But cowards and propagandists who weep and engage in public therapy when confronting the slightest discomfort do not make for convincing super heroes. Nobody is inspired, but merely irritated, by the Princess whining about the pea buried under her seventeenth mattress."

Let's get the private corporate and the financial services industries out of the business of buying our public local, state, regional and national elections, under the faux guise of flawed legal shepardizing. Neither equality under the law nor the public good is being served by this tawdry behavior favoring private advantage.

As Usual,

Thom Williams (aka Ethan Allen)☠

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Big thanks to Judge Roberts for the deciding decision on Citizens United

Watch him do the same for Biden's mandates

What we have is Pfizer + The courts, US government, MIC and police= FASCISM

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@ Kay 😜

🆗The infamous case happened 12 years ago after being conceived and orchestrated by a cabal of CONservative private interests to put the final touches on the "money is speech" constitutional fallacy.

If one wanted to actually practice some citizen due diligence, in place of hapless complaining using well-worn partisan propaganda and common knowledge, one might choose House Joint Resolution 21, the “People's Rights Amendment”. It overturns Citizens United and makes clear that the rights protected by the Constitution are the rights of natural persons, not fictitious entities. The amendment clarifies that corporations, whether they be for-profit or non-profit entities, are not people with constitutional rights.

As Usual,

Thom Williams (aka Ethan Allen☠)

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This country has not been a democracy for a long time now. The United States is a de facto oligarchy with unlimited political bribery, albeit one that retains some trappings of a democratic republic, probably because the optics are better.

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Hence my scare quotes around the d-word. Indeed, corruption and legalized bribery rule the day.

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It’s pretty much always been that way. Don’t let what they teach in history class allow you to believe anything else.

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Democracy left the building when free speech was banned -JAssange in the dungeon is the next step

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"Meanwhile, coddled journalists who have never broken meaningful stories have finally found a way to claim that they stared down dangerous and risky situations — as if they spent years in the middle of an active war zone or were persecuted and prosecuted by a corrupt and authoritarian state for their intrepid reporting — and have converted Brian Stelter's CNN show into a virtual therapists's couch where they all get to go and talk about how they are still coping with the deep trauma of spending a few hours in the Capitol last year."

So tired of the blue check drama queens and their hyper-sensitivity to every hangnail while the rest of America is crushed by the greed and corruption the presstitute class protect.

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Yep, the blue checks take care of the Dems and the Dems (and Republicans) take care of the blue checks. The rest of us can die. Speaking of dying, I fully expect the feds to kill an innocent black man as we approach the 2022 mid-terms and the blue checks will cover the heck out of it so that they will get voted back into office and keep out the "evil right wing racists". So we've got that to look forward too (sarcasm).

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Is it just a show? Are they that clueless? Both?

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A ray of truth through a cloud of bullshit.

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Erection Day for the democrats. We won’t hear the end of it.

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That image 😂

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Didja bring your magnifying glass?

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Yeah, maybe with some e.d. pills.

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I had to keep the TV off today so as not to vomit

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I keep it off everyday for similar reason.

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I put my TV on the sidewalk with a "free, works" sign on it over 20 years ago. I feel clean.

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None of you need to keep it off, just don't rent cable, don't watch MSM "news", and only watch streaming movies and shows [but watch out for the heavy, and expanding, dose(s) of "security" (sic{k}!) state false propaganda making them fraudulently look like "heroes" (in the "federal" cop shows, etc.) while they violate American's rights, and violate the law, habitually, extensively and on an ever-expanding-and-increasing basis]. Oh, and for news, ONLY read alternative and independent news like Glenn Greenwald, Global Research and Information Clearinghouse, etc.



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Both are excellent sites

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The most disturbing thing about this is the whole naked politicization of it. This is a desperate and pathetic attempt to gain power. However, Biden is becoming one of the most despised presidents in American history, quite an achievement considering the kind of press his predecessor got. Harris is even more despised. I know people who are moderate liberals, who voted for Obama who say that they will never vote for a Democrat again for the rest of their lives. It's easy for me to sit from the Republican side and cheer, but the collapse of the Democratic Party is a serious issue. So entranced by their own narcissism they have become that they are destroying themselves. This a political horror show at this point.

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You’re right not to cheer. The implosion of the Democratic party leaves America with no electoral alternative. Bad as the two-party system is, no one should want a one-party system.

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We should have a no-party system. Let the best person win -- not a political party. Too many people vote blindly for a party regardless of who is running. It is a thoughtless approach to voting, although most voters believe otherwise.

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The issue with that is that political parties will form behind the scenes and under the table. It would be far worse than it is now. Hard to imagine I know.

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The two major political parties in the US are both controlled by global forces. They're both shams. Most Americans believe that voting matters, that the parties are real. They are not.

As another commenter noted, politics is a magic show. Keep the masses focused on one hand while the other engages in sleight of hand. It's all a distraction from the truth.

Read this book for in-depth information about what is really happening:

The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

It's about much more than Fauci and Gates, though there is a tremendous amount of information about them, too. It's really about the behind-the-scenes powers that control not just the United States but the entire world.

If that sounds like a crazy conspiracy theory, I strongly suggest you read the book, then decide for yourself.

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Just noticed the RFKJr book is on kindle for only $3

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It is a monumental book, a magnum opus. It's long and dense, and it's so shocking and horrifying that many people have a difficult time plowing straight through it. I think it's the most important book of our time. I'm afraid too few Americans are able to read serious books any longer, and even fewer would read a long, difficult, challenging book of any sort (War and Peace, anyone?) much less a book like this one.

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Any political system with first-past-the-post and majoritarian elements (i.e. practically any democratic form) will inevitably form coalitions of like-minded people who agree to accept candidates who are not perfectly aligned with their specific views.

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No political parties AND no politicians would work just fine for me.

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Jan 6, 2022
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Political parties and foreign entanglements.

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And another great general warned of the military-industrial complex. Hint: another of our Presidents.

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I don't agree with most Democrats and I'll never vote for one after watching the trail of destruction they've left over the past couple of years. However, I don't wish for their demise and and I agree that an opposition is healthy for a political system. Unfortunately, I'm not sure that Democrats agree considering the lengths they go to slander, silence, censor and "other" people whose political views they don't like.

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Yeah, I don't see it that way. How about a multi-party system, and not a fake duopoly, who basically are all on the same side. You see how overwhelming they voted for another >$1T "defense" bill in "peacetime"?

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Yep. My biggest fear (politically) since 2020 is that the Demoncrats maintain or increase their control of FedGov. Close behind in second place (and making a stretch run) is my fear that they are going to blow 2022 and 2024 so very badly that the Repugnicans will have a completely unfettered mandate to do whatever they damned please. That prospect is frightening, just not quite as frightening as what the Demons are pushing. I've come to think of gridlock as quite a positive thing, as an actual net reduction in government encroachment on my Liberty does not seem to be in the cards, no matter who is dealing them.

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I've been saying for years that there are far worse things than gridlock. I'm a lot more frightened when the Dems and Repubs actually agree on legislation, because chances are that their mutual donors will benefit while the proles get screwed.

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Yeah, but what kind of fake gridlock are we in where they all bitterly complain while passing $trillions in spending bills on all kinds of crap. Totally broken system, there is no more true gridlock.

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Except that’s what we have

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But not what the Constitution requires. In fact, there are so many unconstitutional things happening right now the Founders would expect an actual revolution, not an imagined one like 1/6/2021.

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Politics abhors a vaccuum. If the Dems implode (and i'm not convinced that the Repubs won't either), that clears space for other options.

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Like say the old democrats. See Mansion

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Jan 6, 2022
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Most likely. Over time, anyway. But that doesn't mean that the Greens or Libertarians or Andrew Yang or the Monster Raving Loony Party or someone else shouldn't get a chance to fuck everything up as well. The 2 main parties have already had more than their share of chances.

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I know Democrat voters

who are NOW DONE with the party.

Lots of folks have awakened in the last year

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Neither one of them could poll 5% before the party put them in sedan chairs to avoid their own populists (who would be even worse than Biden). I think they can contain them both and chose them for their weakness.

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Just as the Republican Party was in almost permanent minority status from 1932 to 1964, the Democratic Party will have its lows and then recover. It won’t take 32 years either. More like 8-12 given the quality of GOP leadership. There is no FDR, JFK or even Truman in the bunch.

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Dear God! I cannot thank you enough for your rock solid honest reporting of this particular event and the state of the democratic party in general, including its many failures. And its pathetic desperate attempts to hold onto power. Power as an end in itself... that's a baaaaaaad thing.

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The most repulsive part of the Vice President's comparison of "1/6" (I hate giving this date the same kind of meaning similar to 9/11 has universally come to be known as) to September 11th, is it spits directly in the faces of those who lost loved ones that day. Many have explicitly asked to not make this comparison. Nearly 3,000 people immediately died, and the number who have become sick from breathing in the toxic air at Ground Zero is soon to surpass that death toll. It is insultingly histrionic.

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Trying her best to go even lower in the polls.

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And then a million people were murdered. At least.

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They sad thing is you are the only person I know of who has stated this. The regressive left is so obsessed with not hurting anyone's feelings and then they make such openly offensive statements.

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"A *million dead", and it is like it never happened. Cheney, a human monster of historic proportions, and one that atrocities authors, like Bush, Frum and others, is now a respected elder statesman. Admired by demtribers almost soley on the basis his putative and mostly imagined "opposition to Trump".

Hitler could rise from the grave, makes some mild criticism of Trump and then he would be embraced by dems, "Yes he made some mistakes, but now he is with the gods"

*cue someone saying, "NO! It was ONLY 200,000!"

Well okay then!

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Thank you, Mr. Greenwald, for being a voice of reason and sanity

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Back in 1975, "C.I.A. Covert Activities Abroad Shielded by Major U.S. Companies" https://www.nytimes.com/1975/05/11/archives/cia-covert-activities-abroad-shielded-by-major-us-companies.html

And today the C.I.A. is shielding the Major Multinational Companies. Sure our media and politicians are a bunch of over paid over actors, but these major multinational corporations are the root of neoliberal and neoconservative globalization.

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NYT would never run that story today.

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‘We tell ourselves stories in order to live’ —so the actors in this chain need to be uncoupled

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I think that it is so very interesting that none of the hysterical throng or media talk about the armed attack on Republican congressmen in June 2017 in Alexandria, VA as an insurrection, even though the Bernie Sanders supporter/campaign volunteer who did the shooting literally almost murdered Steve Scalise, who was the House Majority Whip. If the shooter had succeeded in his plan, having shot 50 rounds, he would have wiped out a good chunk of the House Republican majority. Interesting that so many pass this little moment of history over, given that one could reasonably consider a politically-motivated, armed assassination attempt on multiple members of congress, in which shots were actually fired and hit their intended targets, as a "threat to democracy".

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Ah, but when Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) say "democracy" , they do not mean rule by the δῆμος, they mean rule by Democrats, so assassinating Republicans hardly constituted a "threat to democracy" in their eyes.

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Excellent point!

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He was killing Republicans. So he was with the program.

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That was a single guy though. Not a mob.

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One bad apple they can dismiss; a couple hundred is an opportunity

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I was stuck this morning, as I listened to NPR, once again, by the lack of introspection, the lack of critical thinking, the lack of the most basic understanding of US history which is that a) we are not a democracy and never have been and b) no country in the world that I am aware of has done more to overthrow democracy and democratically elected governments than has the US: Latin America, Asia, Africa. Well done, Glenn, as always.

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I use to listen to NPR, then I switched to the local classical station. My mental health improved after I made the switch. NPR is so woke they think it is a blasphemy to say the word "woman." Remember how they said the Hunter Biden laptop story was a "nonstory." They are basically just an extension of the Democratic Party and as such, they should not be receiving any tax payer money.

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I will never forget the NPR's tweet on the laptop story, and will use it as an example of just how bad the media is for the rest of my life.


"We don't really want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories."

Of course if they really believed (they did not) that it was not really a story - the correct journalistic practice would have been to debunk it with facts. That never happened of course, their sole purpose was to ensure that the old senile man named 'biden' could take power and then enact the will of the MIC and the Deep State who had positively installed him there.

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Just now seeing this. I'll add that, as an immigrant advocate since 2008, I listened all through the Obama years for any mention of the Clinton era federal policy of "prevention through deterrence" which was a policy to force migrants to their deaths as a "deterrent", of the connection between NAFTA and unauthorized migration, of the thousands of migrants who have died at our southern border, a number which is easily 8,000 but probably closer to 24,000. Two border types I know, one a journalist, the other a volunteer to puts water in the desert, contacted NPR and DemocracyNow! about the humanitarian crisis at the border. Crickets. Then, Trump gets elected and there is an explosion of reporting of his policies. Which together created the false impression that Trump's policies (like 1/6 reporting) were "unprecedented" in their cruelty and abuses.

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"If one looks back over the past quarter of a century, one finds that there was hardly a single year when atrocity stories were not being reported from some part of the world: and yet in not one single case were these atrocities – in Spain, Russia, China, Hungary, Mexico, Amritsar, Smyrna – believed in and disapproved of by the English intelligentsia as a whole. Whether such deeds were reprehensible, or even whether they happened, was always decided according to political predilection.

The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them. For quite six years the English admirers of Hitler contrived not to learn of the existence of Dachau and Buchenwald. And those who are loudest in denouncing the German concentration camps are often quite unaware, or only very dimly aware, that there are also concentration camps in Russia. Huge events like the Ukraine famine of 1933, involving the deaths of millions of people, have actually escaped the attention of the majority of English russophiles. Many English people have heard almost nothing about the extermination of German and Polish Jews during the present war. Their own antisemitism has caused this vast crime to bounce off their consciousness. In nationalist thought there are facts which are both true and untrue, known and unknown. A known fact may be so unbearable that it is habitually pushed aside and not allowed to enter into logical processes, or on the other hand it may enter into every calculation and yet never be admitted as a fact, even in one’s own mind." - NOTES ON NATIONALISM, Orwell

Just substitute "partisan" for "nationalist" and you'll see my point.

Obama literally killed little children with drones in Waziristan on just his third day in office.

"So what?" - a democrat

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Yes. The bombs dropped on Yemen. On and on. But, too the abuses—horrendous abuses—of children in US BP custody during O's 1st administration . . . no comment on any consequence.

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The list of his atrocities is very long. And yes, he got a pass on all of it. When buhs killed babies, dems were 'outraged', but when Obama increased drone strikes tenfold, "So what???"

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Yeah, but the Nobel was already in the bag!

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I believe that Obama was purpose built by the deep state to assume the presidency on their behalf. I also believe he is a bona fide psychopath.

Obama was a literal nobody, a "community organizer", then he wrote a book, served a term, sang a song or two and BAM, there he was, the King of America.

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I gave up on NPR years ago when they crowned Hillary and promoted the Russia gate narrative. Their simplistic and often totally misleading analysis reflects many of their listeners who want to reduce their beliefs and politics to a slogan. Sadly the BBC is no better. I now have an arsenal of podcasts to listen to for my daily news needs.

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Americans that understand our history of regime change know that 1/6 as a similar event is truly laughable and no one knows that better than Democrats

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This will be a yearly dem fund raising event

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Another excellent article.

These people and their followers are truly delusional! It’s mind blowing!

Doesn’t matter if it’s on the left or right or any other cause.

Back in the day, part of being “liberal” was to “question authority “

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Yeah, but they are illiberals.

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