My personal opinion is that you should PLAN to do it like I have been doing.
We are not some dramatic Hollywood types who say we are moving to Canada and then dont.
Figure out when you CAN go and where you WANT to go and then work backwards.
I'm going to wait just long enough for my son to be out of school and to maximize my retirement.
I have researched where to go and what I need to qualify to be there and to get health insurance etc. I mean I probably have over 200 hrs of research time into this.
You even have to research how you plan to bank, how you move your money. Gotta get into the details.
Maybe you have to wait til your parents pass...or maybe you take them with you.
The kids will be fine once they are launched. Then you can liquidate everything and go.
You might find that you inspire them to open their minds to living anywhere in the world they might want and not be locked into the US as the only option. I showed my kids where I plan to go and they both said that they either want very much to travel there and visit or even move there as well.
I imagine your going to find after doing a lot of research that there are a lot of very beautiful and interesting places to go live outside the US and that they will cost you a fraction of what it costs here to live and that your retirement will look a lot nicer.
Morally the country is in bad shape and it is possible that good people will lose whatever fight is mounted, but it is not possible that they MUST lose. Rethink merely escaping.
Friends who know what I do for a living have been calling, emailing and texting me to know what I think.
I tell them all the same thing. The risk of staying exceeds the risk of leaving. Keep your head down, preserve your assets, prepare to liquidate and figure out where you want to go.
I KNOW what our government is capable of, I helped build portions of the tools they have. I have feared for years where it would lead to and now my fears are being realized.
It is NOT out of the question that if enough people look to leave and take their money with them that the leftists in the government will start looking to make leaving or leaving with your money illegal. This is about control and the only acceptable answer is to comply. Even leaving and being seen to leave will be construed as a criticism of their policies and the government and they will try to stamp on it. Never mind that they are going to be desperate for tax dollars and if enough people leave with their wealth they are not going to be happy.
First they will ignore it and say good riddence to us leaving.
Then, as more people do it, they will criticize us for being unpatriotic.
Then, if enough people do it they will say how awful and ungrateful we are and that we owe the country something, despite having paid taxes since I was 14.
Then they will look to take your money as you leave if enough people go.
Finally, they will make leaving illegal in some way and if any one or two countries in particular become popular then they will look to penalize those countries.
Friend of mine gave up his US citizenship and got Columbian citizenship when he moved there 6 yrs ago. Took every penny he had, bought a gorgeous condo overlooking a national park and moved. Talked with him about a month ago when he was back for Christmas to see his kids. He comes back from Thanksgiving through New Years each year and then heads back. Told me he has absolutely no regrets.
I've done my bit. I've fought wars and voted and been politically active. I've paid my taxes and raised my kids. Given to charities and the homeless and helped to provide the basics for really poor kids so they can get an education.
Let the frigging millenials deal with the mess. They seem to be convinced they hold the moral high ground on every freaking issue and that they are smarter and wiser than we of GenX.
Let them solve the problems. Its their future. I'm happy to go sit on the sidelines and watch them try. Think they are gonna have to hit rock bottom before they figure it out and I am not gonna waste the rest of my life pushing on a string. No. I am going to go and enjoy what time is left and see some other parts of the world.
"It is NOT out of the question that if enough people look to leave and take their money with them that the leftists in the government will start looking to make leaving or leaving with your money illegal."
California is already working on this, with a bill in the Legislature to establish a state "wealth tax" that would still apply for 10 years after you move out of the state - their argument being that, gosh, you didn't build that wealth, the government did! (It would be prorated downward each year after you left the state - but it's not even an income tax, it's a wealth tax - you have to give the state a percentage of your estate each year.)
Ironically, the biggest opposition to this is coming from college and pro sports teams, who worry that no star or potential star will be willing to relocate to California if they're going to be taxed even if they leave.
Thats because the liberal utopia ran out of other peoples money and the smart money bailed early.
Thats the thing...the smart money leaves first.
Then, the aholes in charge look to rape anyone left behind and for them it is too late to get out.
You dont want to be the dumb money.
CA is hosed unless the federal government bails them out and that is really not likely in at least this session of congress. If it EVER happens it will be too late in all probability.
This is an incredibly smart and awake post. I'd like to add that Gen X never got a chance to govern the country due to these awful narcissistic Silent Gens and older boomers.
Woke pro sports is hurting financially. Those who aint woke said to hell with watching. Guess there is enough of those people to really hurt the bottom line.
Twitter and FB stock and use way down. Guess if you persecute and stifle the non woke and ban them you lose a lot of people.
Ratings for FOX, CNN etc.....Down. Guess if you mock, insult and call for harm to be done to millions of people they will stop watching. is the thing. All that has to happen is for as many people as possible to just not play along. Just refuse to participate. Not feed the beast.
As I said, I am leaving the country as soon as I retire. I wont spend money here, watch TV here, use social media or pay property taxes here. I'm just taking my money and going.
At some point the path these people are on is going to lead to some sort of economic crisis, likely even a crisis in the dollar. The social stratification and parsing is going to lead to the groups turning on each other eventually. Smaller and smaller groups deciding who is least privileged. I wont be here. Fight among yourselves. Let the left take control and have full responsibility. Let them do their thing. When they end up with a miserable, broke and desperate country maybe they will wake up. Either way, I do not intend to play. Ultimately it will end in a disaster and probably involve a lot of government persecution before it is over. Sad, but nothing I can do about it so I get out and go someplace where I can live free of the mess and not have to be stressed about it or witness it.
The moneyed and clear-minded men who founded this country had an adversary 4000 miles away, that was a lot less powerful than the US government in 2020.
My personal opinion is that you should PLAN to do it like I have been doing.
We are not some dramatic Hollywood types who say we are moving to Canada and then dont.
Figure out when you CAN go and where you WANT to go and then work backwards.
I'm going to wait just long enough for my son to be out of school and to maximize my retirement.
I have researched where to go and what I need to qualify to be there and to get health insurance etc. I mean I probably have over 200 hrs of research time into this.
You even have to research how you plan to bank, how you move your money. Gotta get into the details.
Maybe you have to wait til your parents pass...or maybe you take them with you.
The kids will be fine once they are launched. Then you can liquidate everything and go.
You might find that you inspire them to open their minds to living anywhere in the world they might want and not be locked into the US as the only option. I showed my kids where I plan to go and they both said that they either want very much to travel there and visit or even move there as well.
I imagine your going to find after doing a lot of research that there are a lot of very beautiful and interesting places to go live outside the US and that they will cost you a fraction of what it costs here to live and that your retirement will look a lot nicer.
Morally the country is in bad shape and it is possible that good people will lose whatever fight is mounted, but it is not possible that they MUST lose. Rethink merely escaping.
Friends who know what I do for a living have been calling, emailing and texting me to know what I think.
I tell them all the same thing. The risk of staying exceeds the risk of leaving. Keep your head down, preserve your assets, prepare to liquidate and figure out where you want to go.
I KNOW what our government is capable of, I helped build portions of the tools they have. I have feared for years where it would lead to and now my fears are being realized.
It is NOT out of the question that if enough people look to leave and take their money with them that the leftists in the government will start looking to make leaving or leaving with your money illegal. This is about control and the only acceptable answer is to comply. Even leaving and being seen to leave will be construed as a criticism of their policies and the government and they will try to stamp on it. Never mind that they are going to be desperate for tax dollars and if enough people leave with their wealth they are not going to be happy.
First they will ignore it and say good riddence to us leaving.
Then, as more people do it, they will criticize us for being unpatriotic.
Then, if enough people do it they will say how awful and ungrateful we are and that we owe the country something, despite having paid taxes since I was 14.
Then they will look to take your money as you leave if enough people go.
Finally, they will make leaving illegal in some way and if any one or two countries in particular become popular then they will look to penalize those countries.
Friend of mine gave up his US citizenship and got Columbian citizenship when he moved there 6 yrs ago. Took every penny he had, bought a gorgeous condo overlooking a national park and moved. Talked with him about a month ago when he was back for Christmas to see his kids. He comes back from Thanksgiving through New Years each year and then heads back. Told me he has absolutely no regrets.
I've done my bit. I've fought wars and voted and been politically active. I've paid my taxes and raised my kids. Given to charities and the homeless and helped to provide the basics for really poor kids so they can get an education.
Let the frigging millenials deal with the mess. They seem to be convinced they hold the moral high ground on every freaking issue and that they are smarter and wiser than we of GenX.
Let them solve the problems. Its their future. I'm happy to go sit on the sidelines and watch them try. Think they are gonna have to hit rock bottom before they figure it out and I am not gonna waste the rest of my life pushing on a string. No. I am going to go and enjoy what time is left and see some other parts of the world.
"It is NOT out of the question that if enough people look to leave and take their money with them that the leftists in the government will start looking to make leaving or leaving with your money illegal."
California is already working on this, with a bill in the Legislature to establish a state "wealth tax" that would still apply for 10 years after you move out of the state - their argument being that, gosh, you didn't build that wealth, the government did! (It would be prorated downward each year after you left the state - but it's not even an income tax, it's a wealth tax - you have to give the state a percentage of your estate each year.)
Ironically, the biggest opposition to this is coming from college and pro sports teams, who worry that no star or potential star will be willing to relocate to California if they're going to be taxed even if they leave.
Thats because the liberal utopia ran out of other peoples money and the smart money bailed early.
Thats the thing...the smart money leaves first.
Then, the aholes in charge look to rape anyone left behind and for them it is too late to get out.
You dont want to be the dumb money.
CA is hosed unless the federal government bails them out and that is really not likely in at least this session of congress. If it EVER happens it will be too late in all probability.
Wonder how long before Hollywood bails out?
Ratigan is very smart, he's been doing show from overseas for 6 months or more.
This is an incredibly smart and awake post. I'd like to add that Gen X never got a chance to govern the country due to these awful narcissistic Silent Gens and older boomers.
And we never will if younger generations helped elect an octogenarian.
IтАЩm not necessarily saying weтАЩd have done better. But donтАЩt believe itтАЩd have been worse!
Consider this....
Woke pro sports is hurting financially. Those who aint woke said to hell with watching. Guess there is enough of those people to really hurt the bottom line.
Twitter and FB stock and use way down. Guess if you persecute and stifle the non woke and ban them you lose a lot of people.
Ratings for FOX, CNN etc.....Down. Guess if you mock, insult and call for harm to be done to millions of people they will stop watching. is the thing. All that has to happen is for as many people as possible to just not play along. Just refuse to participate. Not feed the beast.
As I said, I am leaving the country as soon as I retire. I wont spend money here, watch TV here, use social media or pay property taxes here. I'm just taking my money and going.
At some point the path these people are on is going to lead to some sort of economic crisis, likely even a crisis in the dollar. The social stratification and parsing is going to lead to the groups turning on each other eventually. Smaller and smaller groups deciding who is least privileged. I wont be here. Fight among yourselves. Let the left take control and have full responsibility. Let them do their thing. When they end up with a miserable, broke and desperate country maybe they will wake up. Either way, I do not intend to play. Ultimately it will end in a disaster and probably involve a lot of government persecution before it is over. Sad, but nothing I can do about it so I get out and go someplace where I can live free of the mess and not have to be stressed about it or witness it.
What would have happened if the moneyed and clear-minded men who founded this country had chosen to flee instead?
The moneyed and clear-minded men who founded this country had an adversary 4000 miles away, that was a lot less powerful than the US government in 2020.
I am breaking off from the crowd here to agree with you Mostly.
I say we stand and fight if it comes to that. I say we yell as loud as we can that we are not going to take this draconian bullshit.
There would be no US without the French. That was a completely different reality.
Good wishes here; I do not think the world waits on your plans, this is all those above.
IтАЩve seen the Green Zone movie and it sucks. They always do this, they donтАЩt know how to do anything else.