There is no doubt that moral courage is the virtue which is more needed than any other in the modern democratic state, and that truckling to popularity is the worst political vice. The press, the platform, and the pulpit have all fallen under this vice, and there is evidence that the university also, which ought to be the last citadel of…
There is no doubt that moral courage is the virtue which is more needed than any other in the modern democratic state, and that truckling to popularity is the worst political vice. The press, the platform, and the pulpit have all fallen under this vice, and there is evidence that the university also, which ought to be the last citadel of truth, is succumbing to it likewise.
Interesting how relevant parts of this speech are today. Thanks for sharing, I'm enjoying reading it.
There is no doubt that moral courage is the virtue which is more needed than any other in the modern democratic state, and that truckling to popularity is the worst political vice. The press, the platform, and the pulpit have all fallen under this vice, and there is evidence that the university also, which ought to be the last citadel of truth, is succumbing to it likewise.
Interesting how relevant parts of this speech are today. Thanks for sharing, I'm enjoying reading it.
They That Can Give Up Essential Liberty to Obtain a Little Temporary Safety Deserve Neither Liberty Nor Safety - Benjamin Franklin