Of course Mr. Xiden misses the point that the new 'Domestic Terrorists' are clealy Trump supporters. The normal Hegelian Dialectic is inapplicable in this instance, the L/R paradigm is now upended by the mule in the Foundation: Donald Trump, who has taken the Republic Party and remade it in his image. Niether Left nor Right but a middleg…
Of course Mr. Xiden misses the point that the new 'Domestic Terrorists' are clealy Trump supporters. The normal Hegelian Dialectic is inapplicable in this instance, the L/R paradigm is now upended by the mule in the Foundation: Donald Trump, who has taken the Republic Party and remade it in his image. Niether Left nor Right but a middleground called 1776 style Patriotism.
It is this new flowering of the Spirit of 76 that is seen as an exisential threat to the corporatist oligarchy.
This is why the constant and perpetual harrassment of President Trump from the moment he won the 2016 election. and the reason the corporatists rigged the 2020 Presidential election.
The 2020 Presidential Election was rigged by a cabal of corporate oligarchs to install their own meat-puppet into the White House as a titular figure so they could rule behind the curtain of Oz
It has become increasingly obvious after several months of dealing with the repercussions of the TIMES Magazine article by Molly Ball that some preliminary remarks are in order to understand the meaning of this article.
First and foremost is Ms. Ball’s use of language. The language she uses is what George Orwell referred to as, “Political Language”, wherein the terminology takes on rather deceitful nuances to portray a message that although true, is couched in coded terms. So that when Ms. Ball is describing what is clearly a conspiracy to manipulate the 2020 Presidential election, she chose the term “to save” it.
This key phrase has allowed for a disingenuous interpretation of the message Ms. Ball is giving the readers. This tactic allows for mollification of those who will automatically recoil from the real message that the article conveys, that the 2020 presidential election was ‘rigged’ ie; stolen by the cabal of corporatist oligarchs who conspired to place the candidate of their choice in the White House.
Another thing is obvious from the article, and that is that Ms. Ball was obviously taken into confidence by the leadership of this conspiracy and given first hand detailed information. They wanted this story to be revealed to the public. They knew because of their powerful positions that they are impervious to any legal consequences for their plainly illegal activities, as they have the impunity of wealth and political power. These people can brag about this outrage and get away with it.
There are quite a few things that have been revealed since the 2020 Presidential Election that prove the election was rigged.The most important of these are those revealed in the TIME Magazine article by Molly Ball on Feb. 4, 2021 that describe in great detail a conspiracy to rig the 2020 Presidential Election. I shall herein transcribe that in its complete form:
Of course Mr. Xiden misses the point that the new 'Domestic Terrorists' are clealy Trump supporters. The normal Hegelian Dialectic is inapplicable in this instance, the L/R paradigm is now upended by the mule in the Foundation: Donald Trump, who has taken the Republic Party and remade it in his image. Niether Left nor Right but a middleground called 1776 style Patriotism.
It is this new flowering of the Spirit of 76 that is seen as an exisential threat to the corporatist oligarchy.
This is why the constant and perpetual harrassment of President Trump from the moment he won the 2016 election. and the reason the corporatists rigged the 2020 Presidential election.
The 2020 Presidential Election was rigged by a cabal of corporate oligarchs to install their own meat-puppet into the White House as a titular figure so they could rule behind the curtain of Oz
It has become increasingly obvious after several months of dealing with the repercussions of the TIMES Magazine article by Molly Ball that some preliminary remarks are in order to understand the meaning of this article.
First and foremost is Ms. Ball’s use of language. The language she uses is what George Orwell referred to as, “Political Language”, wherein the terminology takes on rather deceitful nuances to portray a message that although true, is couched in coded terms. So that when Ms. Ball is describing what is clearly a conspiracy to manipulate the 2020 Presidential election, she chose the term “to save” it.
This key phrase has allowed for a disingenuous interpretation of the message Ms. Ball is giving the readers. This tactic allows for mollification of those who will automatically recoil from the real message that the article conveys, that the 2020 presidential election was ‘rigged’ ie; stolen by the cabal of corporatist oligarchs who conspired to place the candidate of their choice in the White House.
Another thing is obvious from the article, and that is that Ms. Ball was obviously taken into confidence by the leadership of this conspiracy and given first hand detailed information. They wanted this story to be revealed to the public. They knew because of their powerful positions that they are impervious to any legal consequences for their plainly illegal activities, as they have the impunity of wealth and political power. These people can brag about this outrage and get away with it.
There are quite a few things that have been revealed since the 2020 Presidential Election that prove the election was rigged.The most important of these are those revealed in the TIME Magazine article by Molly Ball on Feb. 4, 2021 that describe in great detail a conspiracy to rig the 2020 Presidential Election. I shall herein transcribe that in its complete form: