Nobody was held accountable for the Obama unmask-a-thon, the deep state spying on the Trump campaign or the FBI goon squad entrapment of General Flynn. The media are entirely complicit which is why nothing will come of this “investigation”. We now live in a wholly corrupt pseudo socialist banana republic. Get used to it.

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People don't appreciate just how serious this misconduct is. The senior bureaucrats have become lazy and sloppy. They are biased in favor of establishment Democrats and are violating the law in order to find dirt on Republicans and anyone else who is out of favor with the administration. It was bad towards the end of the Obama administration and became even worse during the Obama/Trump transition.

I've been a prosecutor. I've had the ability to request subpoenas and drag them in front of a grand jury. I recognized that I have to follow the law if I want to keep the public's trust. I can't favor members of the elite. My boss, the Prosecuting Attorney, had a lead foot. He was getting speeding tickets all the time. He never, not once, tried to talk his way out of a ticket. The law has to apply equally to all of us or we will lose confidence in it.

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One hopes Glenn's readers are alert enough to take the appropriate lesson from this story, which is that you're all being spied on all the time, and all the kabuki theatre "oversight" committees and bastard son of FISA courts are cheap shabby window dressing for the imperial tyranny that owns us all.

Anyone who tells you that this kind of Kafkaesque nonsense is proof that the system works or that your democracy is self-correcting is either a fed or, worse, a useless idiot for the feds.

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This will end up just like all the other investigations into the IRS, NSA, CIA and FBI. The system is an absolute joke. There are 2 justice systems, one for us and one for all the connected and deep state folks. What ever happened to the Durham Report??? Lying to a Federal court is not problem if you are a government employee doing the dirty work of the swamp.

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We'll all see the NSA IG's report on Tucker Carlson's unmasking right after we get John Durham's Clinton / DNC / Russia Dossier report - like never....

The "Deep State" has this well covered - not to worry.........

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Last night on a zoom with the family, my brother-in-law, a lifelong Democrat and true believer, went on a rant about how it's impossible to tell an ignorant person they are ignorant, meaning anyone who doesn't believe what he believes. It was an incredibly tone deaf diatribe against anyone who would not, for any reason, be vaccinated, or submit to carrying a "gun license" to own firearms. He went on to slam anyone who does not go to college as not being educated about the world. I listened to this and just shook my head. This man is an engineer, very intelligent, yet he can not form a single political thought that strays outside of whatever is the current established talking points. Ironically, all of those talking points, if applied to people of color in the current context, would be considered extremely racist.

This is the problem. A growing constituency believes in whole-cloth fiction, and does so with religious zeal. Whether the NSA independent investigator determines the unmasking of Tucker Carlson to be unlawful is irrelevant. Such findings would be ignored or buried under the latest propaganda, and regurgitated by useful idiots like my in-laws.

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Americans are currently living in a state of surveillance and social credit that is fundamentally little different from that in Communist China. Post a politically incorrect point of view on social media or send an email to the "wrong" person and suddenly the Feds shows up at your door asking questions, you find yourself publicly "unmasked" by unknown individuals in the intelligence/law enforcement community, you are de-platformed by Big Tech, you get put on a "do not fly" list and your employer decides that you have become a liability and you lose your job.

The biggest difference is the CCP is more transparent regarding the surveillance of its citizens. Here in the good ol' USA, we are told by our "betters" (e.g. the Deep State/ DC establishment/swamp/MSM) that a surveillance state could never happen here because we are all protected by our Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Yeah sure...

We live in a country that benefits the few at the expense of the many. That's what the system is currently set up to do and that will not be changing any time soon. Trump tried to change certain things at the margin and look at what happened to him.

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I’m still waiting to see the consequences for the unmasking of General Mike Flynn, which had disastrous results for the General. I’m not falling for this.

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Nothing will come of this so-called investigation. The Deep Swamp State investigating the Deep Swamp State … 😂

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And Apple is begging people to believe that client side image scanning, analysis and reporting is totally benign, and that they absolutely will not, ever, ever, ever allow, or be pressured to allow, this technology to be used for anything other than discovering pedo’s. Are we really supposed to believe that if the Chinese government threatened to destroy Apple’s market share in China, they wouldn’t buckle? It’s a preposterous proposition for us to believe. Apple must think we’re all stupid. We live in times that are immensely scary. And it all came to a head this year. We are living in a repeat of the monarchical age where elites - the sophisticated - among us rule over our lives and actions. When I see these things unfold I think back to Madison talking about the dangers of factions and the tyranny of the majority. He believed that a representative government of free people wasn’t by itself enough to protect liberty from the power of factions. In fact he argued that the power of majority rule would lead to a tyranny of the majority if the government wasn’t formed in such a manner as to head that off - the separation of powers, federalism, the electoral college, the balance between the house (the mob) and the Senate (the states, back then). And then there’s Stimson, in his book “The American Constitution” (1923) talking about the threat to liberty that massive unelected bureaucracies present to us all as they rule without judicial review. But now the real affront to liberty and freedom are these massive technology company’s, all hiding under the guise of being private entities, which allows them to censor not just some crazy dude that’s walks into an Apple store and starts causing trouble, but millions upon millions of content users, in virtual space, that could otherwise be blocked by the push of a “button.”

We had better start to focus on reigning in politicians and government. Step one is - stop voting for democrats. Currently they’re toxic - the epitome of totalitarianism.

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“Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,” Schumer told MSNBC's Rachel Maddow.

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Glenn, nothing will happen. Our masters in Washington have become a pathetic joke. Until we hold people in that city accountable and send them away in handcuffs and leg irons, our country will not move forward even an inch. Perhaps dropping a MOAB on DC would help! I'm focusing on my local community where I may be able to make an inkling of a difference.

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It is too soon for the media to go from "Tucker is a megalomaniac conspiracy loon who things the NSA is actually interested in him, chuckle, chuckle, snort" to "NSA has very good and legitimate reasons to keep an eye on Tucker and we're thrilled that they're on top of it"?

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Tucker is having enormous influence, so he must be stopped, even if it means breaking the law. Remember the FBI lawyer that changed the FISA documents, he was slapped with a feather on the wrist. Back in action as we speak. There will be no punishment.

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Maybe the NSA should investigate Dan Rather for interviewing Saddam Hussein or maybe the late Walter Cronkite for interviewing Begin and Sadat etc inter Alia ad Infinitum arrrgle bargle …

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Looks like 'Tucker Derangement Syndrome' is becoming a thing. Progressives hate him, in part because he's popular (way more popular than CNN and MSNBC) and in part because he calls them out when few if any others will do so. Accordingly, following the progressive playbook, he must be destroyed. I will, of course, await the investigation's results, but it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if the NSA and others were guilty as charged.

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