Not surprising: The CIA wanted Trump OUT, and Biden IN. The USA is a Colony of the CIA. Since decades ago. Who do you think organized the MASSIVE Election Fraud of 2020? Who could have the capabilities and the organization to do it? The CIA are experts in Coup's and in overthrowing governments all around the World: the CIA overthrew 87 governments. This time they overthrew the US government.

By the way: George Bush was dubbed "The CIA Candidate", Bill Clinton was a CIA asset, GW Bush was the son of "The CIA Candidate". Obama was another CIA asset (John Brennan was his handler).

We know from fmr DNI John Ratcliffe that Durham is investigating Joe Biden (and Obama too) https://gregrubini.substack.com/p/durham-ratcliffe-part3 - whether something will come out from his Criminal Investigation, we'll see. However we know that Durham interviewed for 8 hours John Brennan, in Aug 2020 (Brennan was Obama's handler). Ratcliffe gave Durham 1000 classified documents, back in Sept-Oct 2020. Durham is way too slow for my taste, but he's getting close to Jake Sullivan (Biden Nat. Sec. Advisor). Something may be in the offing. An Indictment of Jake Sullivan would be a death blow to the entire Biden Cabal.

* * *

Edit to add: isn't it interesting that the Top Names in the "Intelligence Community" disinfo letter linked by Glenn Greenwald are Michael Hayden, John Brennan, James Clapper, Michael Morell?

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Absolutely true. We must get rid of CIA/FBI/NSA. Threats to our nation

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Trump had to dismantle the CIA/FBI/NSA back in Feb. 2017.

He didn't do it. Big mistake.

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Trump's problem is he was outclassed by the bad guys, like a poor schmuck who wandered into a NBA practice, thinking it was a pick-up game down at the playground...Very, very sad--and an enormous missed opportunity. Don't know if another will come along anytime soon.

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Trump's problems were many, however he was up against legions and had no clue who to trust given how many people are in some way connected to the swamp rats. He was at war with the swamp for most of his presidency, the near constant leaking from the swamp rat den is proof enough of that. They wanted him gone at all costs.

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All true. Appointing Dan Coats as DNI was a major mistake. Appointing HR McMaster as Nat. Sec. Advisor was a 2nd big mistake.

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How do you know who to appoint when you don't know who is a part of the swamp?

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Mar 18, 2022
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Trump was naive in regards to the Intelligence Agencies. He knew next to nothing about the shenanigans of the CIA/FBI/MI6/GCHQ. He even appointed Gina Haspel as CIA Director. Gina Haspel helped the British in the spy operations on Trump in 2016 (Haspel was the CIA Station Chief in London in 2016). Besides, Gina Haspel is a longtime Brennan's lapdog.

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Trump NEVER spent one night in his life in D.C. He knew almost no one and relied on D.C. operatives for "advice." He is a pretty poor judge of character and appears to be easily taken in by flattery and ass kissing.

Even JFK and his brother the A.G. could not dislodge J.E. Hoover from his perch as FBI dictator. Only death finally get rid of him. That seems in many cases to be the only thing that can purge D.C. of some of these career grifters. Congress sometimes appears to be a nursing home populated with addled old people. Gotta have term limits for Congress and many Federal agencies.

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The most important thing to remember about Hoover is the fact that he got his truly immense power by blackmailing people.

After his demise, his safe disappeared.

The story about Russian "kompromat" was popular in DC because they all know that blackmail most foul, is "just how things work".

Why go to all the trouble of installing the potus of your choice when all you have to do is blackmail whomever wins? (everyone has something to hide)

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Trump may have had no choice on that matter (Haspel).

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Mar 17, 2022
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Yes. He was old-school, American and patriotic, and at least initially, it was just completely out of his ability to think that the "intelligence community" would immediately try to kill their new Commander-in-Chief. I'd venture that kind of thinking is true for millions of other Americans, particularly those of certain generations. Even global organized crime is not as bad as the U.S. intel agencies.

We're in big, big trouble.

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I did as well. I thought it was bad when he was elected and I reluctantly voted for him as I thought Trump was a fake. Things turned out far differently....not only was he not a fake but the depths of corruption and the sheer number of swamp rats far exceeded my worst fears.

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As did most Americans at the time.

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Speaking for yourself? Maybe you should have paid more attention to the conduct of the CIA 70 years ago? The conduct that you claim elsewhere is completely changed in the CIA of today?

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But Bernie didn't underestimate them. Their point man, Obama, got the message across crystal clear!

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We all did.

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One also believe the sincerity of Trump when he said he'd drain the swamp. I suspect he meant to rout the Democrats only.

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Swamp creatures are comprised of about 90% Democrats.

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Getting rid of those organizations is almost impossible given their deeply imbedded operatives throughout the media and government. They can whip up stories and tales from the crypt that would have most Americans so confused and scared that the streets would be filled with rioters and others protesting any curtailment of these PERMEANT shadow agencies that are strong influences on the American political scene.

It would take a purge as vicious as Hitlers murderous one of his Brown Shirt para-military after his election in 1933. Americans probably would not stand for something that draconian or far reaching without indictments and public trials. Would be best if Congress and the DOJ could cull out the worst offenders and DEFUND those agencies that appear to be too big for their britches. ALL enforcement agencies and intelligence groups need periodic reform and strict oversight by Congress since they seem to just grow like a cancer if not regulated.

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It would literally take winning an armed revolution to get rid of the national security state at this point. The US is in deeper shit than almost anyone knows. The coup d'etat in Dallas in 1963 put the spooks in power permanently. Asking such sociopathic lunatics politely to leave is naive.

Getting an honest government through the election system is an almost impossible long shot now.


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Dominion voting machines. The key is in the name.

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Eric Coomer demonstrates the adjudication function on the Dominion machines. As you can see in Coomer's presentation anyone using the machine can mark ballots however they wish.

I have this video start at the point that Coomer takes over the presentation and shows how the adjudiction function works.


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I believe that is so, I hope not man I really do, but people want their stuff back, be it hope or what they've lost. They are really pissed off. The media is treating them like they do anti war protesters, as deluded nuts.

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Well said.

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I agree 100%!

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JFK had more political capital than any leader in history and even he had to grudgingly accept that he couldnt fire Hoover.

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Mr. Kennedy and his brother had way too many secrets in their closets. Ms Monroe and the Organized Crime Mafia in Chicago who pushed him to a win in the 1960 election. Hoover knew way too much and the Kennedy's knew it.

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Kennedy would have fired Hoover in his second term. He would have brought all US personnel home from Souyheast Asia. And he would have torn the CIA into a thousand peaces.

That is why they killed him.


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Or.worse yet, the brothers in mass murder and torture, The Dulles Brothers. How'd you like to have a nice state dinner with those guys? Sure, Kennedy fired Allan, but he wasn't gone, he hid behind Prescott and George the 1st. His brother took over MIT. Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfelds predecessors, their heroes, icons of Amerikan power. We have been drowned in shit that smelled like deodorant. I been fighting back my whole goddam life and look where we are now.Yeah, I am pissed off. I can't find one amerikan politician to trust, they all take way too much money. From anyone if they can get away with it. As long as all that money is in there, we will get human nature again and again. Undisciplined taking and spending, fun,fun fun. Plane tickets to anywhere, fat salary, Citizens United, what a great job. There must be cool ones, who are they? I work part time in a gas station to make it and I worked all my life so we could "retire'" and I did. Kind of. I'm on the last Amerikan retirement plan,thank you for social security. When were we getting that adjustment again?

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Good points. Defunding is a good idea, and probably the most pragmatic. Since many of these agencies have dark money from confiscation or other dirty deeds. The defunding of taxpayer money might not do the trick, but it could hamper them a bit.

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I think a good part of congress may be in the muck themselves, and if not, they are part of the sheep herd: “Yes sir.”

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Perhaps a bit of both.

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"Big mistake"??? How the fuck is anybody going to dismantle the CIA/FBI/NSA?

Those institutions are set in concrete historically, The ONLY way to get rid of the spook community is an armed revolution. And THAT would be very dangerous indeed.


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All he had to do to accomplish that was by using the budgeting process. Defund them is the only way to do it. Any other way is futile as they are too entrenched in our government and media.

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"all" "he" had to do? you mean the guy shot in dealey plaza? from a storm drain later paved over like the plane crash site in pennsylvania?

on the contrary. that he was, ahem, prevented made the graveyard bravery bar for opposing the cia or the mossad apparently prohibitively high. the mafia was not so lucky, following the death of the tutu wearing lover of clyde tolson.

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If Trump ever gets in again, I hope he dismantles them all. Grassley and Johnson told us along with Glenn of this voter disinformation. What a joke. And to think the fbi had this laptop December 9, 2020 and didn’t bother to acknowledge it when Pelosi, Schiff, and Schumer were impeaching Trump in January for making a call to Zelenskyy to find out the doings of Ethel Biden’s in Ukraine. I’d say he had every reason to do this. The fbi and Barr were part of the cover up too. Criminal!

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Yes, it was the greatest political scandal in American history, by a country mile. Yet, the perpetrators are all still alive, with no prosecutions. That there are millions of American voters who see nothing wrong with it is the best evidence that our political system is running on empty…

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The biggest scandal was Clinton’s attempted coup and all the lies that went with it. The msm joining with the cabal was disgusting. Brennan, Comey, and McCabe’s lies; Maria Yankovich (sp), Vidman, Schiff, Schumer, and Pelosi’s accusations and lies. The waste of time and money. That attempted coup was truly treason. When Durham gets to the bottom of it, all this evil cast of characters need a televised trial like watergate for all Americans to see. That way there, the media can’t twist it. Remember watergate was just breaking into dnc offices not attempting to overthrow an elected president. And if it means anything, I am still an independent voter with conservative values and belief in God and our constitution of freedom.

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The biggest scandal in history imho is Thomas Clark as AG and his repeated help of organized crime to assist his boss, President Truman, get elected repeatedly.


Truman rewarded him with a spot on the Supreme Court.


The man personally got James Ragen killed allowing LCN to control gambling as it does to this day. The story touches everyone from the AG to LCN to the Annenberg's.


He personally let out Louis Campagna, Paul Ricca and others who had just gotten hard Federal time.

Go read some of Truman's racist letters ffs. They were the worst of the worst.


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No, it wasn't. Saying hyperbole like this hurts the message you are trying to bring because people know you are just using marketing.

The FBI has NEVER not politicized things. The FBI was illegally bugging the First Ward DNC offices in Chicago in the early 1960's, with the Attorney General's signoff and this is IRREFUTABLE. So the FBI knew the DNC was engaging in corruption for 25 more years before Operation Gambat took Marcy/Roti etc down.


People on the right and especially Trumpers act like what happened in 2020 is something novel or new. It's not. They are just mad it happened to them when its been happening since Boss Tweed and before, as any true student of history will tell you.

Here is Sam Giancana and Tony Accardo discussing political people who are crooked (and not crooked) back in 1959!!


Nothing was ever done by the FBI about any of this. None of the politicians really ever got in trouble until the late 80's when the Bush family took out the criminals in charge of the DNC, in a sense helping the Clinton Crime family take over the party.

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And their pal Mitt Romney took out Billy Bulger and his brother Whitey.


This is why the DNC doesn't truly hate Bush or his band of neocon lackeys. The Bush crime family empowered the Clinton crime family by removing all the mafia control of their party for them.

All they had to do was change laws, do illegal shit, and continue to erode personal privacy to do it. Same as it ever was'd

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Dismantling might be a multi-step process beyond his skill, but he probably could have mass-declassified everything and humiliated them, and he certainly could have pardoned Snowden. Either he chickened out or someone threatened him.

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. He might have wound up like Kennedy if he did. Assange being pardoned was on my wish list along with Snowden.

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Me too! Maybe Durham’s findings can help us? But I’m not holding my breathe. These crooks, called elitists, are only in for themselves.

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With Garland aTDOJ probably wont happen. Yes they are.

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They already tried that with the "Family Jewels" that proved they were removing democratically elected leaders, pondering assassinations, and overthrowing regimes while also being involved in KKK murders as part of COINTELPRO like Gary Thomas Rowe

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And what, pray tell, would you put in their place?

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Another election with hopefully more honest, law abiding human beings. And there are some in the government if you watch the proceedings and their votes. That doesn’t mean I will agree totally, but there are better runners.

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Nothing would be my solution. Our country got by just fine before they existed.

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Just fine if you are OK with slavery, no rights for women, and you could be sent to jail by HUAC if you had 'radical' political beliefs.

I hate the government too but some of it is sadly a necessary evil.

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Just too many alphabet agencies and too little accountability.

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When we have one that forces vaccines, spends us into bankruptcy, and champions un winnable wars. I am sure we could do better with much less government and government spending. "Our government is so big it is unmanageable" Barrack Obama

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Interesting point. You could argue they harm more than help so not so crazy.

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I wouldn't say get rid of, but there needs to be the sacking of tens of thousands of bureaucrats complete with the confiscation of all federal pension and health plans save Social Security and Medicare along with gag orders so none of them can end up writing books or ending up as a talking head. There also needs to be a substantial spending cut to each agency, at least on the order of 20%.

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Love it when you offer specifics, M. Stephen. However, I think we might be past the point of repair, and to the point of complete overhaul/replacement.

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So, I presume you are not a fan of the 'deep state'. Why do you trust them so much regarding Russia, then?

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You presume correctly, but why the scare quotes? Do you think the Deep State does not exist?

I do not trust the State for anything. I do think it appropriate that the State is my agent internationally. Is that not one of the State's legitimate functions?

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Scare quotes? No, that's just a quotation of a name. Deep state indeed exists and its doings we are now witnessing in Ukraine.

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Agree. Senator Paul had a plan to fiscally balance things in 3-5 years, but that was before this latest round of spending. The tea party “Taxation without representation “ cry comes to mind. Big cuts, indeed, need to be made in our bloated government. Your idea of a percentage right across the board sounds fair and might alleviate some bickering. Most Americans, who are on a budget and live within their means, will applaud this.

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Sadly, the cuts he has in mind are unrealistic. I've done research (which I write about) and the most that could be cut from the federal budget nation wide is in the range of $400-$500 billion per year, something which includes gutting corporate welfare.

Pre Covid, the deficit was $1 trillion, so what could be cut would at best, half that. Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid have simply grown so vast in size due to increased life expectancy that little can be cut, even assuming there is 5% fraud. Such is the price of longevity.

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I think there’s a lot of pork that can be cut as well as grants. A council of normal Americans with the many organizations that have reports on this would be good. All of us Americans need to get on board with this or else I’m afraid our economy may be in for bigger troubles, if it isn’t bad enough already. I’m sick of paying for waste and not the basics. Guess I’ve lived frugal and basic all my life and been happy and free living always within my means, whether below the poverty line or in middle class. Social security and health are basics and we have enough for help here, but the programs need to be accountable. That’s the clinker.

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Yea Sanford, Dream on. NOTHING but force will get rid of the spooks now.


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Yep you are correct WW

You can vote your way into an authoritarian regime but you have to shoot your way out. And that ain’t gonna happen. Americans love and revere and idolize their big bad government, they will keep lowering their head for the leash and beg the government to tighten it

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Great comment and so very true. Freedom lets them in, but getting them out totally different. Nearly completed Helen Raleigh's book, "Confusious Never Said" which details how a few (just like with Lenin and Stalin) and small minority duped the population and now the CCP has an iron grip on the populace.

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Why can't I upvote that comment?!?!?!?


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Bingo! Ready. Willing. Able. I have zero reverence.

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I fear you are right...and I fear that the they have created the perfect storm for violence...which is the last thing anyone needs. Between inflation, high fuel prices due to idiotic domestic policies, supply chain issues and their impact on food production at home, the public is becoming hostile. All with the backdrop of the tech titan thought police, the Truckers waiting outside DC, DNC backed teachers unions and the CRT garbage mind you. Should the swamp rats pull a Trudeau, or even half one by merely freezing bank accounts...a civil war would start.

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Kennedy tried. Kennedy died. As did his brother. These boys play a mean game of baseball.

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You know, 10 years ago I would have said you were nuts, but now you are dead right. These groups have grown out of control and there is no one to rein them in. They harm more than they help the country!!

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JFK tried...look where that got him.

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Interesting you'd bring this up without reminding other readers that the CIA paid Amazon $600 million for cloud computing in the autumn of 2013. After challenges by IBM, Microsoft and others who had superior cloud infrastructures were rejected, Amazon then purchased the WaPo in December of '13 for only $300M - so low a price for the once august institution, that thinking people have to wonder if it was a forced sale.

And now, Amazon tirelessly collects information on Americans (indeed people all over the world) and commingles it with CIA information in the cloud, and then disinforms the public via The WaPo. A slick operation perfected by the CIA in all of those little Banana Republics "governed" by our little brown brothers.


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See: Operation Mockingbird. The CIA took over the mainstream media in 1948, and still has a strangle hold on them...all state propaganda all the time.


ALL THE TRUTH FIT TO PRINT – sociopolitics national security state


Also: https://williamw.substack.com/p/mkultra-2


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good point!

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Yeah, I am not sure who I am more afraid of, governmental agencies or corporate giants. Great point.

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Evidently, the two are inextricably linked, if not one in the same.

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Right, this is the Corporate State. That is fascism.


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It’s actually Bezos! It’s his company. He has complete voting control. $300 mil is pocket change to this traitorous crook!

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I doubt that the problem was limited to the CIA, although they were but one of the alphabet agencies that had a say in this.

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Makes me think of what the late James Kallstrom, one-time head of the FBI New York field office who was active in bringing down the mafia said referring to the post 2015 FBI post 2016:

"I do not recognize the agency I gave 28 years of my life to."



I used to watch FBI Files regarding cases which occurred prior to 2005 and he hosted that series. So yes, it goes beyond the CIA, it includes the now thoroughly corrupt FBI.

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The FBI has always been corrupt; but, as anyone with any sense of the real truth of what is really going in and with the U.S., the Western and other allies, as well as the world as a whole could predict, they and all of the "security" [sic(k)] agencies have gotten worse and worse.

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for some reason my button will not let me like your response, but I agree

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My button won't allow me to enter a like, either.

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Nor mine.

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Yeah, I hear ya, it happens to me sometimes, too.

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Sometimes you have to reply to a comment and then it will let you like it.

Substack seems cranky lately.


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I thought recently that I'd like to get a sex robot. But then I realized, no I wouldn't, because I'd be afraid all the time that the robot could kill me at any time, or squeeze my johnson off....

Isn't life grand in the doldrums of the slew of despond?

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Besides the mostly ignored Church report the FBI has never been closely examined or reformed during its entire existence. Any agency that has existed for decades without any real oversight is bound to become corrupted and a law unto itself. This insulated agency needs to be completely revamped and reorganized. Real outsiders from various law enforcement agencies are needed to REPLACE the whole executive level of the FBI. Oversight by Congress and other civilian agencies must be the order of the day.

The FBI exposed its rotten core during its' jihad against Pres. Trump. Love him or hate him he was duly elected and a legal POTUS in spite of Hillary's best efforts to wreck his Presidency and undermine his authority. The alphabet agencies were instrumental in her efforts at a soft Coup d'erat. Everyone that furthered that effort should be interviewed under oath and where possible indicted and tried for offenses against the nation. Don't hold your breath. Since these people don't play by the rules it is almost impossible to curb their lust for power and control using our legal system. The problem with armed revolutions is that one tyrannical group is usually replaced by another. Few Democracies get to survive for long periods since they are conceived by humans and are just as easily destroyed by those same vain glorious power seeking human beings. The cycle has been pretty consistent.

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It really is not surprising as this is the ugly side of human nature. Founders seemed to have some sense of human nature and how it corrupts but could not foresee technological advances giving rise to what we see today. As great as the Constitution is, not able to fully accommodate that and how, combined with human nature, would manifest itself.

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True, as the founders never anticipated political lifers. It took two attempts at term limit abuse and finally a major offender to get the two-term rule codified into law. Congressional term limits were likewise never considered...and now you have people in congressional office for over 50 years, not to mention state and municipal office before that. Ironically it was the League of Woman Voters who derailed the attempts at term limits in the 90s.

Political dynasties are another problem, hence why the swamp rats almost always seem to be engaged in inbreeding, intermarrying one another to cement power. Amendments are needed, however I fear things will have to get worse first before enough people, enough states pass them.

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Certainly the FBI was involved too, and the British (MI6, GCHQ) - but only the CIA has the skills and experience in Coup's and in overthrowing governments all around the world. The FBI probably cooperated, but the Architects were CIA (current or former: Langley has no exit doors).

The 1970's Coup in Australia was orchestrated jointly by the CIA and MI6 - just as an example. The MI6 played the major role in that Coup, because Australia is within the UK "sphere of influence" (not to say former/current British Colony)

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Jake Sullivan is the controller of the lizards in the WH. Anyone saying otherwise hasn't been paying attention.

Hes moved from Klobuchar > Clinton > Obama > Biden

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I agree. Jake Sullivan is certainly an important piece in the control structure of the Biden "Lizards" Cabal - along with Avril Haines. We know that Jake Sullivan has lawyered-up, back in Oct. and he is one of the main targets of Durham

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All we can do is keep making sure they can't scurry for cover and obfuscation at this point.

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And so the plot to remove the figurehead from office begins!

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you mean to remove demented Joe Biden? the conspirators have a huge problem, because they don't want the other idiot, either (=Kamala). So perhaps they will "suicide" both, or...

and who will they place in the White House? Certainly not old Russian Vodka Nancy Pelosi (3rd in succession).

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They have nobody to replace him with. Harris is a dimwit, much like AOC, Warren is nearly as bad, Sanders is too old, Hillary has the popularity of dog excrement on a brand new sidewalk, while Yang has left the party and Gabbard would be even harder for the swamp rats to control than Trump as she knows how they work.

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I agree. I like your definition of HRC, by the way...

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Tulsi Gabbard is not the combination of Winston Churchill and Joan of Arc so many Greenwald/Taibbi/Weiss readers think she is. Be REAL careful what you wish for...

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So far, she has shown integrity. If she had gone along, she would have got along. She was selected for bigger things than Congress. She crossed killery and that was that.

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Tulsi is yet another WEF acolyte so I will pass

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Dear Gordon Freeman (what a moniker): Why try to act so wise? Tulsi would be miles ahead of anybody in the pack. How could she be worse than a demented corpse?

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Whose trying to act wise? If you like Gabbard, vote for her. Just be aware that you're voting for another of the Frick 'n Frack automatons the WEF loves to foist on the world, just like Justin Trudeau or Buttigieg. All those fresh faced assholes just want a fucking cool career in Government, and all they know how to do is fuck things up. Her platform is straight Bernie Sanders socialism with a smiley-face plastered on. You can have her, I don't give a shit.

Yes, she probably would be better than the demented corpse. So was Donald Trump. Or pretty mush anybody grabbed off the sidewalk in front of Grand Central Station.

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I am just looking for the 'least bad' out there.

Edit: Tulsi is among the least bad.

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Keep looking for the least bad option. It paid dividends so far.

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There is Ron DeSantis, Tim Scott, Mike Lee, Ted Cruz and Nicky Haley to name a few. Some rising stars coming up too.

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The lesser of two evils is still evil and, in the case of Obama, the more effective evil, to quote the late, great Glen Ford.

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Harris is a Woman and she is (Indian) Black. If smarts mattered Brandon wouldn't have been chosen.

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Why is it never mentioned that her family in Jamaica once owned slaves. Seems everyone else is held to account for actions that happened before their family even came to the U. S. Ms Harris was a career whore without an ounce of intelligence and whose ambition far out ran her competence.

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I know it's a typo. Ms. Harris "is" a career whore.

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She is NOT black! Ever see a pic of her father? Point in fact.

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No Harris is not Black, guess you missed my sarcasm.... (Indian).

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Her mother is of Indain background and her father is a Jamaican of mixed race.

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Silly Stephen - you presume the people's opinions or votes count... *furrows brow*.

As long as we have that big ol boogie man Russia, "our" government will do as it pleases and give the press their marching orders.

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That's the thing, with all of the distrust in the government now, rigging will only create a civil war, much as pulling a Trudeau would. Inflation, fuel scarcity, supply chain issues, unchecked spending and debt...people are hurting...and should the swamp rats cross the red line well....it will not be pretty nor will it be good for anyone.

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Wadaya got agin dog s--t comparin it to killery of the klinton krime famly.

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Remember Watergate. First, resignation of VP. President nominates/Senate confirms a replacement. Then President resigns, and the unelected VP becomes President.

Circumvents the Constitutional limitation of 2 terms for whomever is nominated as replacement VP...

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Hi Jude. I checked the Watergate story. So you mean: Spiro Agnew was Nixon VP. Then, in Oct. 1973 Agnew was forced to resign (for charges "officially" unrelated to Watergate).

In Oct 1973, Nixon picked Gerald Ford as VP. Senate confirmed. Then, when Nixon was forced to resign, Ford became President. Correct?

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Yes, that is how it went. Maneuvering to fill a vacant VP slot first, getting the preferred candidate in as VP. Then elevation to Presidency. It was a back door approach.

A side note- Gerald Ford was a member of the Warren Commission.

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