The first thing I did after reading this article was go over to the White Coat Waste Project linked in the article and make a donation. I would encourage others to do the same.

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Thanks for the comment, I've donated also because of it.

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Ditto. Donated. It never ceases to surprise me how corrupt our govt is.

How can people justify harming these creatures for little to no benefit? How can you be that hardened? I have seen and endured horrible things in my life but I still have my heart. I just don't get it.

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Just made a donation. Felt kind of sick during the article. Didn't watch the video.

Nothing to do with Fauci either way. Who actually works at these labs?!

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They all work for Fauci who approves and funds these sick experiments with our money.

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I wonder when the press will ask him...why do you fund these? So we can watch.

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Well you are obviously a white supremacist now. Did you put on your klan outfit and hood before making the donation? /s🤣

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Did you make a donation?

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No. I don’t want to harm their effort by having a far far far right winger donation on their books.

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Which brings up an interesting question. As a social liberal and conservative fiscally, I am probably...a right winger? This would be so much easier if @glenn could just ask us a list of questions that identified us properly so we know which train to get on. e.g. - do you support Dr Fauci? No? Take the train to hell. You are a conspiracy theorist.

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When will the parties understand that their constituents are much more nuanced than they think? I am a smaller government independent that is socially in the center, and fiscally conservative. That supports animal rights with a vengence.

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Well, you could donate and then if they questioned you about it you could say four rights make a left. That will keep a committee busy for a month at least :)

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Love this! Thanks for the left.

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Ah. I meant "laugh." LOL!

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You have geometrically confused me. It seems to me that three rights make a left; four would make a complete circle...

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Thats the point of the joke: politics, in a nutshell, is going nowhere.

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same bro same

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About to do the same.

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On the way. Good call.

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just waiting to get over the nausea...

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Doing it in a few!

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Thank you for the call to action. I just donated. Here's the link again:


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I will make a contribution, but I do have a couple of observations, for whatever those might be worth. I checked out WCWP on GuideStar. I recommend NEVER making a contribution to a 501(c) charity without examining their financial reports to at least attempt to confirm that it is legit. Otherwise you may not only be wasting your money, but worse, you could end up supporting some org that is working *against* your principles and beliefs. Fortunately, WCWP seems to check out fine in that regard, admin costs are very low, and cost of generating contributions is pretty reasonable. I do think that the name is a marketing disaster: nothing about it intuitively suggests its noble mission. I would also opine that the slides about what they do and how they do it lack pretty much any detail or quantification, and that that information doesn't seem to be readily available at their site. Again, I'm satisfied with my investigation and intend to contribute, but I think they could get much better at presenting themselves favorably...

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I agree the name doesn't do a good job of conveying who they are and what they do. After you make your contribution, you will get a couple of "personal" emails thanking you and explaining more about the organization. Their marketing campaign might be less than slick for a reason (perhaps they want to remain "grass roots".)

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That did occur to me. However, imo "effective" and "slick" are not necessarily synonymous. YMMV...

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I probably should have done that, but I think that I've developed a level of trust in Greenwald that makes me believe he wouldn't post about an organization that was a sham or wasn't actually doing the work he reported on. You know, like we used to trust 'the news'.....

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While I do give GG a great deal of credit for diligence in his research, I think that anyone can potentially be taken in by a fraudulent person or organization that makes the right "sympathetic noises". It took me about 10 minutes to check out WCWP, time I think well spent. I try to be hyper-aware of the risk of voluntarily subsidizing some entity that is actually working against my interests and/or beliefs. I suspect that very many people regularly work against themselves by falling for some emotional appeal while failing to check such details.

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Noticed this after I posted, which is the same thing I did. Kudos.

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Same - sometimes you need to put your money where your mouth is.

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Just did.

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What disgusting hacks, so partisan they're willing to sell out tortured animals to protect their favorite bureaucrat from criticism. How do they look themselves in the mirror?

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Remember, vampires don't reflect in mirrors.

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These day they live in VR.

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Nov 3, 2021
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Oh, I can think of a few others I would like to allow him to take with him...

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From this article alone.

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They are sociopaths and have no comprehension of love, joy, warmth, tenderness, goodness, joy, and companionship. All they know is a voracious lust for power and a relentless, sadistic contempt for the innocent, happy beings they know they can never be.

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They look themselves in the mirror and say dogs are going to die just like bugs and microbes die every day. It is mostly people who are impacted by these stories right, the dogs are dead - they don't care. Should we do all we can to protect dogs? Of course, but how can we do that if we hand over unlimited corporate power to fascists? Sure, they might love dogs more than we do but can we take that chance? And when I call the shots, we will put anyone who disagrees through the same torture - making it all even and just.

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They look at us the exact same way.

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The whole MRNA shot is an experiment on the US population. They look at us in the same way. That's why they are hiding 20,000 deaths and over one MILLION serious injuries.

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Who is giving you these numbers?

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I think the true numbers will emerge. I am convinced of one thing: there's a reason why any death within 30 days of receiving a vaccine is counted as a covid death, not a vaccine caused death. Note also that all cause deaths are mysteriously rising and are now higher than during the peak of covid in 2020...when there was no vaccine. Mmmm...

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The numbers are probably from the CDC’s own VAERS system (which is vastly under-reported).

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There is no love involved with this group.

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Humans are not rational animals but rather, they are rationalizing animals.

People are very good at telling themselves stories.

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You are the most prolific journalist of our time. Would you please keep holding the corrupt and powerful to account, as I'm confident history will look favorably on you and your courage?

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If Glenn is still stalwartly maintaining his integrity now—in the face of unprecedented pressures to submit, to silence, to suppress, to smear—then I think we can confidently assume he will continue to do so.

I am grateful to stand beside a journalist of his caliber as I do everything in my power to unmask totalitarianism and awaken the sleeping before tyranny triumphs.

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Well said.

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Agreed, Mr. Greenwald is a ray of truth amidst the shadows of corruption.

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Agree. I hope Glenn knows many of us will always have his back, regardless of what he needs. As a conservative I never thought a time would come when the value of free expression of thought and the freedom to simply state verifiable facts would be in grave danger in this country, but here we are. Glenn and a few others are the best chance we have to save this essential element of our democracy.

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Please explain to me why Glenn gives the Digital Titans a pass. In this article, for example, he neglects to call out Post Owner Bezos instead focusing solely on the little people.

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I've been covering the WashPost for a long time. I don't think they've changed much since Bezos bought them. It wasn't as if pre-Bezos they were some great paper. They were always the paper that served the DC establishment. That's why Bezos bought it.

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My mistake. I thought this piece was about an abrupt editorial change to smearing a blameless animal rights organization in order they used to praise regularly to protect Fauci, a main driver on Team Covid endorsing lockdowns that have greatly enhanced Amazon's wealth, among others. I'm sure the reporter digging for dirt is just a lone wolf who has acted on her own without the knowledge of her superiors.

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Glenn just did a full piece on Digital Titan Pierry Omidyar.

If you have evidence Jeff Bezos is engaging in shady behavior I suggest providing it to Glenn. He is one of the few journalists who have PROVEN they want the truth more than glory for themselves.

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Radrave -- inform yourself before going into keyboard. Or should we just continue to view you as a troll?

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I think we know who the troll here is, Boris.

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As much as I love dogs and dislike Fauci, if he is to go down for something - it should be for his handling of humans during this pandemic (and maybe the AIDS epidemic). He should not be allowed to resign with some dignity while maintaining his saint-like status among the liberal elites.

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I agree, except that what matters to me is that he, AND his agency, be stopped. Period.

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I don't expect his respect for the human race is any greater than for the canine...

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He should not be allowed to resign at all. He should be in prison (for the rest of his miserable life) and stripped of his federal retirement.

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Not firing Fauci in March of 2020 was one of Trump’s many failures in managing personnel in his administration.

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Exactly. Well said.

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agreed, this is a step beyond Eliot Ness and tax evasion. I give this takedown 🤡🤡🤡/🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡.

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Fauci was given a coat of armor and is essentially untouchable by us mere mortals. I’m personally ashamed of his lies and deceptions. That’s not what they teach us in medical school and it’s not in the oath we take.

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Yet millions of medical professionals are going along with the MRNA injections killing tens of thousands and seriously injuring over a MILLION MORE...

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Who gives you these numbers? This is insane.

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How dare there be bipartisan agreement on any issue! As a right-leaning libertarian who is also vegan for ethical reasons, this story hit home. I just made a donation to White Coat Waste project. Please continue to expose these bad actors.

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Interesting. I'm a carnivore for ethical reasons, why do you hate tofu?

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Frankly, if this organization has been around as long as Glenn indicates, they haven't gotten much traction with whatever methods they've been using.

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Feel free to direct your donation to the organization that you feel is most effective. I give to several. Or do you just want to complain?

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Thank you for donating

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Radrave is just our local troll -- every group has such useless pests...

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Mckinleyville Animal Shelter's Emergency Medical Fund is always in need of extra money to save animals whose lives are literally on the line if you need something I am willing to personally vouch for.


Another great place is this cat sanctuary in the outskirts of Sacramento.


Can personally speak on real results from both locations.

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And -- here comes our ever-farting troll...

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Can anyone explain to my why this lying lifelong bureaucrat and confirmed mediocrity needs protecting at all? He damages his reputation every time he opens his mouth.

BTW, I have a smoking gun for the WaPo: "White Coat is funded almost entirely by small donors, grass-roots citizens . . ." That's also pretty much how the NRA is funded.

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This used to be true, but hasn't been for some time now:

"That's also pretty much how the NRA is funded."

Around the time they got in trouble in court for playing shenanigans in trying to avoid some kind of payment not long ago (two, three years ago?) - I've forgotten just what the row was because I really don't care much - there was some good investigation on where they get their funding (because it showed their motives to the court) that found its way into the press and it was revealed that gun manufacturers are their primary donors these days - or, at least, in the period just prior to whatever it was that brought them to court.

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I decided I could not watch the video...just reading about it in this article was overwhelming and made this grown man cry.


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Perhaps Beth Reinhard should be forced to watch it Clockwork Orange style.

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I couldn't watch it either. Just reading about it turned my stomach.

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I feel the same way. I could only skim through the article let alone watch the video, as it was just too upsetting. I had no idea this was going on. These people are just plain evil.

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Nor could I. Wtf - you would think we could all agree that torture is evil.

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i started the video but had to stop...it's just too awful. I don't understand how any human could work in such a place.

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Obviously no human is working there. I too, could not finish video.

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Me too, William.. Me too..

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Puppies and kids, nothing is sacred to Fauci.

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Except Fauci

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The corrupt Pfizer backed FDA just gave EUA for these experimental shots to be given to 5-11 year olds.

Do we care about children too?

30 children are now DEAD from the shot. 3000 with myocarditis.

Now that number will grow exponentially

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Wrong- Fauci holds the interests of Big Pharma and of Fauci as his holy sacraments!

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Thanks for highlighting this - I have just made a donation.

The Washington Post motto, "Democracy Dies in Darkness," is not a warning, it is a mission statement.

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It could be read either way by some and probably hopefully by the Post. They are of the darkness.

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Devocalize the Washington Post.

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Let their next issue be printed with nothing but black lines.

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There's a special place in hell for dog torturers

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I have always dreamed of becoming a masked Animal Avenger that delivered tortuous retribution upon animal torturers before sending them on to Hell.

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Disgusting. My hope is that all these dogs are waiting at the Rainbow Bridge to each take a bite out of Fauci. Alternatively should Fauci not be headed in that direction, I hope Hell has plenty of Sand Flies to greet him.

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Protecting the innocents is the hill that everyone should be willing to die on... There are countless studies that document human abusive behavior starting with the torture of the innocents...it perpetuates itself unless stopped. Fauci is a prime example and the elites are the enablers...

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Well said. I'd add that protecting the innocent is an essential element of honor. To flaunt that obligation is clearly indicative of acting dishonorably. While speaking of honor may not be in vogue, it is still a vital indicator of the ones merit as a human being. Fauci doesn't measure up, and neither does the Post or its writers.

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Are you aware that our most innocent children are now going to be Fraudci's latest experiment? The Pfizer backed corrupt FDA just gave EUA for the experimental shot to be given to 5-11 year olds.

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I also wonder why no one in the media seems curious about why Fauci's NIH keeps outsourcing "research" to foreign countries. Aren't American scientists good enough to do science funded by the US government?

Or is it that the NIH's "research" is actually illegal in the US (as gain-of-function work is)?

This is one of the first questions that pops into my head as these stories come out of China and Africa. But (and I admit I am not a comprehensive consumer of the national media), I never see it asked publicly.

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The NIH outsources biological research for the same reason the CIA outsources interrogation of suspected terrorists and enemy combatants to Mideastern allies.

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We have a bio WEAPONS lab in Maryland. Fort Detrik where Fraudci worked for 20 years. We have many more scattered throughout the world, including in Georgia close to Russia that has had CONTAINMENT ISSUES just like Fort Detrik, which the CDC shut down in summer of 2019. The DofD requested that FD be partially reopened in November 2019. 2 weeks later the US MIC was off to the Wuhan military games in CHINA. 2 weeks after that the Rona shows up in Wuhan

Make of that what you will..

Also research DARPA

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Prof. Dr. Werner Bergholz Commented that the numbers of fatalities on the European Statistics do NOT include all of the reported German deaths!

Press Conference of the Pathological Institute, Reutlingen - September 20, 2021.

Watch this video go about mid way and see some of the most amazing microscopic images of the crap in these mRNA serums. Graphene Oxide, weird nanobots, parasites, and more.


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This is so disgusting. What I find frustrating is that as formerly-reputable media organizations prove themselves to be less and less objective and trustworthy, the vacuum gets filled with a variety of other publications, some of which are reputable but most of which are also garbage. It is a shame that there is no obvious place to go for accurate information that an informed electorate needs, and I guess that's the point. My feeling is that if the voting public really knew what our elected representatives were doing, they would vote all of them out. I have also had it with "fact check" sites that are no more objective than the sites they pretend to police. I tried to share Nicholas Wade's article about the origins of SARS CoV2 on Facebook, and it got flagged as misinformation and tagged with a fact-check article. ONE WEEK LATER, the fact check was retracted, and the story was all over the press. Trust is hard to gain and easy to destroy.

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Couldn't agree more. I have been forced to adopt a strategy of reading about any issue

that seems important to me from several opposing outlets, then relying on my life-long attempts to achieve objectivity to decide solely on my own who is promoting the most egregious and most dangerous falsehoods. I'm not an expert in many fields, and am certainly capable of misjudgements, but I no longer trust any general sources enough to rely on them.

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You're doing what we all should be taught to do from childhood. ... I was! Lucky me. My dad explicitly told me on many occasions that I should listen, absorb, question everything and come up with my own understanding. And, whenever that understanding came into question, ALWAYS re-evaluate your previously un-examined assumptions, trying as often as possible to go to primary sources.

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Ha! We certainly arrived at similar conclusions from diametrically different directions. My parents were not on top of such things. My Dad was too busy trying to support us, and my mother would believe whatever she wanted, irrespective of facts and evidence. My objectivity came straight out of reading Ayn Rand. "Check your assumptions" was one of her principal catch phrases.

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That's about the only thing I've heard of that Rand got right of any import. In my view, she didn't do that herself! ...But note, I didn't just say "check your assumptions," it's the ones you haven't examined yet that are most likely to bite you in the ass!

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"Check your assumptions" as she employed the phrase means to analyze ALL of one's precepts for conformance with reality. And I agree, she failed to apply to herself much of the criteria she advocated for others, but that is not an unusal failing among those who exert much influence. In my view, advice stands on its own as good or poor; it isn't handcuffed to its source. In fact, I think Rand got a great deal more right than she did wrong, but I'd need to revisit some of her works to formulate that into coherent argument. She WAS a real bitch: an arrogant, conceited, and tremedously harsh dogmatist, with the result that ffor some, her thougts were dismissed out of hand, merely because she articulated them.

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