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The problem with your statements is that any housecleaning along the lines you describe cannot, by definition, be bloodless, because it cannot be accomplished within the constraints of civil society defined by the current government. It'll keep being the same whorehouse it has always been during my lifetime.

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I don't think I used that word.

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"I cannot stress enough that it's time for a house cleaning."

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Yes, of course. I meant that I did not actually use the word "bloodless". I understand it's a far field to clean our house. I actually think that a 'Trump'-like figure can do it. And before anyone goes breathless on me- by that I mean someone who is unattached to either party, and unaffected in any way by media opinion. That's a start. That person would have a large following. But then there's the entrenched state. The DOJ and it's components. The State Dept.. All Intel sectors. The IRS. There are a lot of unelected bureaucrats and individuals with their own agenda, accountable to no one, running the show. And there's Obama and his crew- still at work, many back in power. I have no idea who they think they work for, who they answer to, or what they think the final outcome is to be. But...that's where the rubber meets the road.

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I think that is what we had with the last administration with Trump, someone who had not held political office, was an outsider etc. For all of Trump's faults, and there were many, he was considered an outsider by the political elites and that is what many people voted for. The end result of this outsider was a cabal of political elites, news media, and state actors who ganged up on him and those who voted for him. The level of outrageous lies spread by politicians, the media as well as those in the DOJ, CIA, FBI et al (choose your acronym) is truly despicable and continues unabated while the sheep continue to cheer for the "team". Large following or not, the hill will be too steep to climb, and that is what is depressing. And you are right, it is the ones we do not know, do not see and do not vote for who are pulling the strings.

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Both the Left and the Right hate Trump not because he lied and held disgusting opinions. They hate him because he sometimes told the truth.

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And that he showed the plebs that nearly all the politicians and their mouthpieces were just as vapid, untruthful, and self serving as he very often is.

They may not always arrive that way, but the vast majority seem to wind up there. He just took a shortcut.

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Both the Left and the Right should love DJT just for ending 2 (two) political dynasties, both based solely an heredity (i.e. name recognition, like we are stupid). And he did it within one election/term.

That's the kind of leader (a total outsider) it will take. You TDSers will deny us our next DJT. When will you learn to stop denying the good for the sake of perfection.

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We can only hope the dynasties are finished.

Don't quite see how you were able to determine my TDS state. My former friends on the left consider my quite a Trumpista. I suppose it is possible to see that DJT is not quite a guy you want in charge and the lies the establishment heaped on him.

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Sorry for the accusation, and I rescind it.

And you are right: the dynasties are holding on and fighting back, as dynasties do. But the only way to defeat the insiders will be with outsiders. DJT started their exposure and destruction. He will be too old to win in the 2024 primaries, I think (and hope: his negative personality traits will not ultimately unite the Classical Liberals of the right and "left"), but only his outsider type will do it. Will the TDSers stop that from happening? That is my fear.

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No problem. Everybody is on the edge these days :)

I don't think an outsider like DJT will be in our future - near, medium or far. The system will not allow it.

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Populism (dangerous, of course, but sometimes a propos) will defeat the system, just like in 2016.

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LetтАЩs keep fighting the enemy. The all powerful state, and the uniparty

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Here here!! How do you eliminate the military industrial complex(Ike warned us in тАШ59), the deep state, globalists, entrenched apparatchiks? you saw what they did to trump.

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