Re: Nosh Itsherlock
You need to work on your reading comprehension, and learn to accept the help being offered herein.
By the way, did you upvote your own posting?
As Usual,
A fitting and appropriate admonishment mon ami, six days hence the idea of the opposition practicing heart abuse must have sent me past the edge of patience.......however hypothetically speaking(;-}) if one considers the aforesaid elapse of time, a still remaining "lonely heart", and the fact that any poster can only award one heart per comment (which they alone can only cancel), it may be likely considered that the "lonely heart" is the result of the actions of a lonely narcissist.
Yes, I agree with your analysis. Now, if I may bend your ear a bit more concerning lonely hearts:
My wife and I lost our (real) lonely hearts some 20 years ago, and yet we are still so quaint as to share a desktop computer. She has a work laptop, but not I. In beautiful marital compromise, I have agreed to turn off notifications of Substack responses/earned-hearts, lest my "popularity" here fill up OUR in-box. No problem, I return to the forum often enough, but still, I know not who is sending forum-love my way. To speed up my "scanning," I use a low bar-of-agreement in bestowing my own hearts (sometimes I like posts just for avoiding the gratuitous insulting!), so I can avoid unnecessary rereading.
To wit: Many lonely hearts were bestowed by me, or another weird poster, but I pledge that none of my many lonely-heart posts were hearted by me (even though I tend to like my posts, AND I love myself).
Why CAN a poster self heart? Seems like it should be easy to dis-allow it.
Certainly no response (even a lonely heart, since I can only wonder its source) is necessary, M. Ethan, to these meanderings.
Re: Nosh Itsherlock
You need to work on your reading comprehension, and learn to accept the help being offered herein.
By the way, did you upvote your own posting?
As Usual,
"By the way, did you upvote your own posting?"
Oooh! The ultimate poster-to-poster public pasting! Like upping a dare all the way to Double Dog!!!
(I advise caution, M. Ethan; If the lonely heart was earned honestly, all the adversary need do is add his own to make 2 (two).) ;)
A fitting and appropriate admonishment mon ami, six days hence the idea of the opposition practicing heart abuse must have sent me past the edge of patience.......however hypothetically speaking(;-}) if one considers the aforesaid elapse of time, a still remaining "lonely heart", and the fact that any poster can only award one heart per comment (which they alone can only cancel), it may be likely considered that the "lonely heart" is the result of the actions of a lonely narcissist.
As Usual,
Yes, I agree with your analysis. Now, if I may bend your ear a bit more concerning lonely hearts:
My wife and I lost our (real) lonely hearts some 20 years ago, and yet we are still so quaint as to share a desktop computer. She has a work laptop, but not I. In beautiful marital compromise, I have agreed to turn off notifications of Substack responses/earned-hearts, lest my "popularity" here fill up OUR in-box. No problem, I return to the forum often enough, but still, I know not who is sending forum-love my way. To speed up my "scanning," I use a low bar-of-agreement in bestowing my own hearts (sometimes I like posts just for avoiding the gratuitous insulting!), so I can avoid unnecessary rereading.
To wit: Many lonely hearts were bestowed by me, or another weird poster, but I pledge that none of my many lonely-heart posts were hearted by me (even though I tend to like my posts, AND I love myself).
Why CAN a poster self heart? Seems like it should be easy to dis-allow it.
Certainly no response (even a lonely heart, since I can only wonder its source) is necessary, M. Ethan, to these meanderings.
Enjoying your prose, as usual,