I can identify and had the exact same illness that struck in 2010 and continued until 2013. Once sepsis gets into your organs and they begin to shut down you are critical. I thank God I survived and have been praying for Miranda’s recovery as soon as I heard. I am so glad to hear he is progressing nicely and while he’s not out of the woods yet, your love and your children’s love will get him through to good health. Love, prayers and hugs.

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Your post makes me hopeful for a recovery! I bet it will give Glenn and his children a burst of hope and the energy needed to continue.

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God willing, they will be able to spend Thanksgiving together.

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They'll do something meaningful when it happens.

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Thank you for sharing your experience Janice. i never heard of something like this and can't grasp it. I want for David to recover so much and wish for information, "Does anyone ever survive this?," that would be square one from my complete ignorance. I am uplifted that you endured such a long wait to return to a normal healthy life and pray for the same for David and Glenn and their sons. Glenn's story of his family's life transforming situation is one of the determination to survive and overcome the worst imaginable, and the role of strength of will and of responsiveness to love and care that is, like Glenn said , something that exists in immediate moments which is all anyone has, the moment that we live in .

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People do survive and he is fortunate in terms of being fairly young and in good shape and I'm assuming with no underlying medical conditions to make things worse. Older people are particularly vulnerable which is true for just about everything. I lost a very close cousin, older, with a number of underlying medical conditions just 5 years ago. I'm sure she ignored an infection due to kidney stones. An infection develops and untreated becomes systemic which can then affect other organs. Hoped that helped you a bit. She had other health issues as well. Well I wish Glen's husband well. He's fortunate to have such a good support system.

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My mom tripped on a piece of rebar in Portugal in her 60s and was in the hospital there for sepsis like this. End result kidneys damaged. Although it was years later, that’s what caused her final organ failures. Here I am 65 and I just never understood.

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wow. i don't know anything about when the immune system is or isn't able to overcome an infection, and what can happen if it's not able. Sorry your mom had to go through that. That sepsis would cause permanent damage to kidneys, vital organs, shows how brutal this kind of infection is.

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Thanks Fran. Hearing the story of David, i won't forget it, and will think of it when i know someone who is neglecting an infection. What happened with David sounds like something that could happen to any young healthy person having symptoms that continue , to wait out an illness, expecting it to pass. As well as older people who don't see a need for a medical appointment , until things suddenly go extremely serious. There's also the problem of people without health care. The story is really eye opening to me and scary, just wanting David to get better and learning that it's not that easy and you have be grateful just for life itself .

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Also don't forget people develop sepsis while being treated in hospitals.They like to play this down, but now that old fashioned nursing is passe, that is when nurses gave bed baths, and changed bedding they were required to to be on the look out for bed sores, etc. Now they claim that has been left up to aids, and if you have ever been in a hospital you know what a joke that is. Nursing homes can also be a very dangerous place in this regard. It's good to keep an eye out for anyone you know who is in a hospital or rehab. Especially if they are catheterized. I knew someone who died in rehab from a bedsore, in his 50's, absolute negligence.

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Overuse of antibiotics in humans has contributed significantly to sepsis’ morbidity and morality rates.

I searched for almost a year to find a pediatrician/family doctor who didn’t throw antibiotics at my kids every time they got sick.

Found a great doctor who did a white cell count if he wasn’t sure whether an infection was viral or bacterial. My kids called it the “finger owie.”

Alas, our doctor remains an outlier.

And yet we are fortunate indeed to live in a time of medical miracles like antibiotics. When illness or injury strike I remind my family that 100 years ago we’d have been at far greater risk from disease and injury.

Not all that long ago the kings of empires died of what we consider minor illness and injury.

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Glenn thank you sharing what David’s condition is. I wish i would have been able to tell you sooner, that I too have had a family member get sepsis. And in a very blunt way, I’m gonna say that the traditional standard of care for this disease is insufficient. I am not sure if you are aware there have been many well designed studies on administering through IV high dose vitamin C 100grams, thiamine and a corticosteroid. This has been shown to greatly diminish the chances of death from sepsis. But this treatment is cheap and very much fought by the hospital admins as well as the pharmaceutical industry. But it’s HIGHLY effective at treating sepsis. Even though it’s been months since the start I would still recommend doing this because vitamin C in high doses delivered through IV has been shown to help rebuild damaged tissues as well as regenerate the liver. My sister is also a very gifted KAMBO practitioner. I have seen the incredible results of this medicine that comes from the Peruvian Amazon. Please please look into KAMBO. The venom from this frog has some of the strongest anti microbiral properties known to man. It literally cleans infections out of the blood.

Do you read these comments? I prey you will because I am not a quack. I hold a masters of science in Traditional Chinese medicine and both of the things I mentioned are researched and safe. I am not opposed to the western medical establishment, but what I say is that it’s lacking in many areas and there is a lot of suffering and death that in some cases could be avoided if only other proven treatments were given more of a chance in the western medical model. Good luck and keep us posted. Please reach out of your need any more info.

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I agree entirely. When I was in Singapore and Western medicine could only offer surgery for the pain in my shoulder, I was lucky to visit a Chinese traditional medicine doctor. Diagnosis: my energy levels were very low. Massage and some herbs and acupuncture immediately restored me to full recovery of the shoulder. Likewise my husband had a problem due to an accident skying when he was a child. I persuaded him to search these alternative treatments. Both of us doing well without any truculent surgery that o my makes the problem worse. In my case could have died dealing with a cervical nerve !!!!Just misinterpretation of the X-rays by chiropractor and a PHd in orthopedic and sports !!!

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Haha it’s funny how the Chinese concepts are translated into western terms like “low energy” in reality that’s far to simplistic of an explanation for what was going on inside you at the time. But it’s incredibly difficult to convey to western patients what is actually wrong with them in words they can understand, simply because the paradigm that the Chinese use to view the world is so completely different, one first has to understand how they view the body, health and disease, in order to understand what “low energy” would even mean.

So often times people think we are bat shit crazy cause there is no good translation of Chinese medical concepts that can be delivered in short spurts to the patient.

I’m so glad you had that experience and that it went well for you. Traveling and living in different cultures really does open up a whole new world to us. With out exposure to the reality that there is more than one way to do things, we get stuck in our bubble and so many people don’t realize the wealth of knowledge the human race has accumulated over the course of civilization. And too many people suffer because they don’t have access to simple concepts that maybe normal in another parts of the world.

I do hope Glenn is able to take a step out side the box and search for help beyond the realm of the hospital. Not to diminish the wonderful work they have already done on David, but to enhance what treatments may be helpful. How healthy would we all be if we actually combined the knowledge of humanity rather than secluded ourselves into camps.

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Erica I was diagnosed with low energy levels. It is not my invention. We were globe trotters. We traveled more than Hillary Clinton in a year to spread the word about agile and lean software development in economy class. I felt I was the worst polluter of the world. A far cry from my practice of going on foot and biking everywhere in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. I implemented architectural and urban design theories to generate urban ecosystems. I could not stop sleeping due to the different time zones we faced in a week sometimes.

Besides that I carried food in the plane as well as went to the grocery shops around the world even living in hotels. I stopped traveling and this helped too. To change the direction of our lives is also important factor to embrace health. Human life is extremely complex to say the least.

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Oh no! I think my comment came across different than what I intended. I definitely believe you were diagnosed with low energy (qi deficiency) I just laughed a bit at the vernacular used by some acupuncturists and herbalists because it can sound funny to those who have no experience with Chinese medicine. But i can attest that qi deficiency is very real. Sorry if my comment came across wrong 😊

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Exactly I had qi deficiency. For sure the same is happening to David. There are 20 000 human gens against 2 million to 22 million of microbial genes in our bodies. This is the dark matter of life. David is a sheer example of the unknown goals of this microbial action. COVID-19 was another one. In Germs guns and steel, Jared shows how these three shape human History. He took too long to realize his body was derailed. Tummy is a sort of second brain. I was specializing in biomedical sciences. I gave up because in 1973 to 1976 it was very primitive. It is getting better due to genomics, proteomics, transcriptomics and so on.

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With all due respect, a massive systemic blood infection is not likely to be cured by... massage. I'm well aware of the downfalls of medicine these days and the corruption involved, but this is bit too far.

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I did not suggest any treatment. I made clear that the new direction medical sciences is taking in highlighting the importance of A distinct and essential organ within the body, the gut microbiome contains an estimated 500-1000 species and 100 trillion organisms, encoding 100-fold more unique genes than our own genome.1-4

The microbiome influences metabolism and immunity and acts as a mediator of resistance to some pathogenic infections.1

In its balanced state, there is a symbiotic relationship between luminal bacteria and our human cells.5

These cells communicate and form long-lasting, interactive associations that play a vital role in the conservation of mucosal immune function, epithelial barrier integrity, motility, and nutrient absorption.2,5,6

In https://microbiome.ferring.com/microbial-diversity/

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My response was to Erica, not you. I agree with you. :)

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With all due respect, no-one recommended massage as a treatment for sepsis.

Touch , in general, can be restorative, and so much of health is linked to emotion. So I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if massage was beneficial in this recovery.

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I do agree that touch as applied towards meridian points free qi channels in traditional Chinese Medicine sounds miraculous. The right meals and herbs too. Let’s pray for an efficient treatment to be in place for his prompt recovery.

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Ummm hahah who in their right mind would suggest massage for sepsis? I didn’t see anyone suggest that. I have studied medicine for 12 years. And your right a massage doesn’t cure anything. It barley even helps a tight neck.

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I second the immerse benefits of IV vitamin C, B, and Glutathione. I do not think Kambo would be wise at this time given he is breathing through his throat. Blessings

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Yes, you are right. Kambo does induce vomiting. So definitely not something to take if intubated. More of a suggestion for when he gets out of the hospital. But still, thank you for point that out. And it’s so nice to see other like minded people who even know what these treatments are ❤️

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Thanks for the update. What a nightmare situation that is. The thoughts on fatherhood really resonated with me.

My wife and I were childless for a long time, thinking it was enough with our nice dinners out and occasional vacations. We decided, before we got too old, to finally have a child and we just had our third last year. It's such a huge pain but my life is immeasurably better and more meaningful. I used to battle anxiety and depression, but once I became a father the purpose of my life just snapped into focus and I haven't struggled with either since (I lost so much of my ego and self centeredness, my life became for the benefit of my children). There's no such thing as a universal fix, and I'm not suggesting fatherhood is, but at the very least I wish our culture didn't treat parenting and children as only burdens. It's been the greatest experience of my life.

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Glenn, I wish I were a good enough writer to express how deeply this piece touched me. Thank you for taking the time to write it. Your words were one of the best expressions of love for spouse and family that I have ever read.

I fervently hope that David will be back home with your family very soon.

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Sending 💓 and 🙏 to David, Glenn, their boys and loved ones. Even if our primary purpose for subscribing is his high quality journalism focusing on threats from big brother and the very serious consequences of that, as a human being I think we all respect and appreciate Glenn’s humanity and want to know if he and his loved ones need support.

Glenn - please know we care about you as a person because your work flows from who you are and our extra prayers and support are genuinely from our hearts.

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Actually, I think we feel like we somehow know you because of the split with The Intercept. You’ve always been honest with us.

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Dr. Paul Marik of the FLCCC is famous for SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT OF SEPSIS, please contact him immediately. As on of your admirers noted Dr. Marik's treatment is SIMPLE and extremely POWERFUL but does not utilize high cost drugs so like ivermectin is hated by big pharma and our hospitals.....do not hesitate please. Dr. Marik has a huge heart you will appreciate.

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Take care of your dude. We can fend for ourselves.

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I hope you read this message. Please try to contact Prof Marik or go onto the FLCCC website. He had a breakthrough in treating sepsis (which was blocked by Big Pharma for obvious reasons). It includes Intravenous Vit C. combined with other treatments.Fast forward to 1 hr 34 min he is being interviewed on The Highwire and talks about sepsis


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Your accounts of your family crisis have been eloquent and heartfelt. Thanks for sharing. Those of us that rely on your reporting, interpretations, and insights have missed you when you were most consumed by your husband's illness and need to care for your kids. We wish Mr. Miranda a full and complete recovery.

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Thank for being so open and sharing a deeply personal family situation. Will be thinking of your family and offer up a prayer.

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Much love to David and your family, Glenn.

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Glenn, we miss your insight and wisdom during this goofy time on our planet but you are focused on the most important thing in the world right now, your family. May God be with the Greenwald family during this difficult time.

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Having read every single word of this explication of David’s circumstance, I am sure I’m not alone in expressing deep, hopeful and heartfelt well wishes towards David, you and your entire family. If you can meditate while in the room with him, I do not doubt that the benefit, while ineffable, will be real.

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Thank you, Glenn for sharing. David sounds like a wonderful, and wise man. Amazing how some people know us better than we know ourselves. And how love transcends everything. Thinking and praying for you, David and your entire family. The future is so bright (you might have to wear shades!).

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Thank you for sharing - good to know our prays have results!!!

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Sepsis treatment- Check out Dr. Paul Marik’s successful treatment for deadly sepsis

There is an interview on Rumble.

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