We quickly went from 'the labs don't exist' to 'okay they exist but they are benevolent' to 'if the labs fall into Russian hands there will be a biological attack'.

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Mar 9, 2022·edited Mar 10, 2022

Nuland (and Biden’s) role in the 2014 Ukrainian documented well here:


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People who are worried about biological weapons research facilities need to relax. The chance of a dangerous virus escaping from such a facility is diminishingly small. I can only think of one or two pandemics that have been started this way.

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Calling Ron Paul an isolationist is like calling your neighbor a hermit because he doesn't come over and break your windows every Thursday night.

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Mar 9, 2022·edited Mar 9, 2022

WTF! Does ANYONE in the MSM give a flying F about 'truth' anymore? Do they even know what truth is?

So, we're all supposed to support major US foreign policy initiatives based on a fabricated 'narrative' - the fact-checkers are the fraudsters.....

BTW - Will all these US and EU companies who are pulling out of Russia also pull out of China when China invades Taiwan?

We all know the answer. That will somehow be different....

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Oliver Stone's "Ukraine on Fire" includes her larger "oops" when chatting up her complicit participation in Ukrainian elections...it was not charming, but then, neither is she...

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Mar 9, 2022·edited Mar 10, 2022

I'm not so sure it was a mistake by Nuland. She's too experienced a hand at neo-con deception. It may have been a way to get out in front of the issue. They may know that Russia is already in control of one or more of the labs, and is marshaling the proof of what was actually going on. And of course if anything really nasty gets out, well, it's all Russia's fault. 100%!

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Mar 9, 2022·edited Mar 9, 2022

Is there some kind of pathological compulsion that makes our foreign policy establishment do shady, short sighted shit that blows up in our faces? Does no one ask is this really in our interests? What is the worst case scenario if we do this? What do we actually gain from this? How much of a political shit show occurs if this all falls apart? Are we the baddies? You know, basic questions.

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The Ukraine is being used as a throwaway country with throwaway people by political sociopaths like the neocons. Drunk with the power to manipulate (and destroy) others so they can continue what used to be described as The Great Game, they rely (with plenty of evidence) on the fact that they personally will never suffer punishment. Very telling that Rubio provided cover rather than pressing her for details and evidence of these potentially dangerous labs.

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Mar 9, 2022·edited Mar 9, 2022

Glad you're out there, Glenn. Thank you for all you do.

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Glenn...you and Tiabbi are the new NYTimes and Washington Post...difficult to discuss with friends when all resort to propaganda like "isolationist" if one ever disagrees with these two neo con parties...im forwarding your articles non stop...and it's SLOWLY working!!!!

SOOOOO Happy with my subscription

And Substack!!!!

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Thx to Wikileaks we know all about Victoria "F--k the EU" Nuland......In her rarefied world unintended consequences are like, you know, expected and soooo tiresome....

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This is an extremely important story. This is stunningly dangerous situation. Nuclear power plants, Chernoble, bioweapons plants, with Russians bombing the heck of out everything in sight and threatening to use targeted battlefield nukes, while our government is pushing for a shooting war with Russia via a no fly zone. This is about as perilous as it gets and the war propaganda is non-stop, not that Americas neo-liberal interventionists and neocons need much provocation.

It's important to note that anyone saying Ukraine can stop the Russian Army is lying. It’s standard war propaganda to say the enemy is weak, is poorly supplied, are badly trained, has a losing strategy, has low morale, and is going to lose. But it’s bullshit. It’s lies. Stop believing it. It’s nonsense.

The Pentagon and CIA are controlling the media narrative to keep Ukraine fighting an unwinnable war— in hopes of making them a failed state, quagmire and proxy war to destabilize Putin’s regime. Do they care that hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians are going to die? No, they don't.

Will the Pentagon and CIA succeed in creating regime change in Russia via this humanitarian disaster, they are encouraging, and the proxy war they are waging? No. They won't, because people rally around their evil garbage leader when their country is being economically attacked. And China is going to buy their oil and gas and float their economy with financial instruments. So buckle up for the long haul.

The worst part of this harebrained "strategy" by our CIA and Pentagon is that the American people tired of these propaganda campaigns and protracted wars. By summer Americans will be calling for us to end this immediately. Then what does Biden do? I hope nothing. Let's all hope nothing. Because the only tool left in the toolbox at that point is WWIII.

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Uniparty. It is a scandal that our corrupt govt has bio weapons labs all over the world. Disgusting

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I watched a Russian MOD senior officer talk for about 4-5 minutes about this last night. Its a new clip that just came out.

This is a disgusting mess. How do we get through this? How do we leave the world a better place than how we found it? Because the world we are setting up for our future generations is cruel.

Human's are animals designed to hunt and kill. Humans are greedy. Humans are cruel. Humans are ignorant.... But for some reason everyone knows whats best for everyone else.

I hope that some pragmatism prevails. I hope that the general population wakes up to who is responsible for bringing our world to this place... and its not Putin. Sorry.

Do not come to me to say that Putin is evil and was out of line in the actions that he has just chosen to take. Who are you? Who are you to decide what is what is not in the best interest of a nation? Where do you get the hubris to tell the leader of a nation what to do on his own borders? I just watched the US/NATO turn the middle east to rubble over 20 years. Never mind Bosnia/Yugoslavia and the sh**t that happened there. Where were the cries for war crime tribunals for those in the west who played a role in the MURDER?

When are you going to scream and cry and post an Afghani flag in your profile for the hundreds of thousands if not millions dead, misplaced and permanently wounded? Where were you when a hellfire missile was fired into the windshield of 10 non combatants in the US/NATO retreat of Afghanistan? Has any US or EU official been held accountable yet?

How about Yemen? Where are all the Yemeni flag wavers? Where are the millions of virtue signaling screaming liberal voices to raise awareness to the famine and death and hell that the US and SA have inflicted on the Yemenis population?

What about the 500,000 ++ killed in Syria? Where are your flags virtue signalers? Can YOU even point to Aleppo on a map?

Millions of people have been tricked and/or have allowed themselves to become anti-Russian racists in 4 days. Are you proud of this? Are you proud of the fact that Russian musicians and artists are being banned and having their books burned? Does that make you happy Lib? Does it satisfy your sense of virtue when you find out hundreds of US companies pulled their business out from the CITIZENS of Russia? Are you content that your working class brothers and sisters all through Russia get cut off from the world because of your addiction to appeasement?

What political ideology is dominant through all of these companies and tech firms? Don't you f'ing tell me that we have gotten to this point because of conservative principles and policy. This is because of western woke rich liberals. Period.

Makes you wonder doesn't it..... The amount of energy thats been put into making Putin out to be this person, The media coordination. This very same apparatus also drove a narrative to destroy Donald Trump. The SAME apparatus.

Ever wonder if your opinion of Trump is just that? What you were told its supposed to be?

Whatever. I am scatterbrained. I went from Trudeau in Canada destroying the working class and its rights to being told Putin is about to end the world. What Putin is doing actually is embarrassing Victoria Nuland and Tony Blinkin. Putin is dismantling their toys. The reason why the media and liberal establishment is losing its mind is because Putin has finally said something these people have never been told before... He told them "NO"

You have to think whats going on in Lindsey Grahams mind. He and his peer group sepnd the last 20-30 years able to control the chess board. They tried and failed... what... SEVEN regime change missions? After millions of lives. After millions of refugees. After trillions in infrastructure damage. After 20+ years... It has to be a very emotional thing to lose. Lindsey Graham and his peers get to go down in history as murderers who never achieved a single f'ing victory... and THATS WHY they f'ing hate V Putin. He is the better chess player.

That is all this is and they are willing to take the planet down over it as we can all see.

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"US has 336 labs in 30 countries"

Whichever country is quickest to jettison its safeguards and regulations on biological research will receive the lion's share of funding. This is the intense competition fostered by globalization that ultimately benefits everyone.

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