Careful Glenn, US has the first female treasury secretary! Therefore, any criticism of how politicians handle Wall Street is sexist!

On a serious note, you and your readers might find this site useful. Both parties are corrupt and enjoy the benefits of insider trading (they made it legal for themselves), Democrats have now become the bigger party of the Wall Street:

Unusual Stock Trading by Whales in US Congress:


Unusual Stock Trading by Whales in US Senate:


> For example, Pelosi in Dec 22 was against more stimulus. Her husband buys deep ITM TSLA and AAPL calls that day. December 23rd, she is suddenly for stimulus again, with those same companies ralling 5%, giving her an instant +30 return.

> Congressman Gottheimer is absolutely an incredible options trader. He’s been selling calls at peaks on $MSFT all 2021, & seemingly buying back the contracts on dips. This in blocks of $250,000 - $5,000,000, which is incredible size given the amount of $MSFT shares he owns. For ex, on 02-12 he sold 500k $MSFT $160 strike expiring 06/18/2021. On that same day, he bought deep ITM calls of $1M-5M at $145 expiring 03/19/2021. The whale caught both of his movements as well.

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GameStop is not over. Please keep investigating. WallStreet Bets is compromised just like the mainstream media. We migrated from there to rGamestop. Then r/GameStop got compromised. This happens all the time. Now we are on r/Superstonk. Shorts never covered. The stock market is a Ponzi scheme filled with synthetic and naked shorts. Trades are also done in dark pools to suppress the price. Also check out the interviews on the Superstonk YouTube channel. https://youtu.be/q8-JO3g5bm4 Great interviews and information from hero’s who’ve been fighting and investigating naked short selling for decades. You are one of the good ones Glenn. The mainstream media is a complete failure and propaganda machine. Wall Street bets is dead. Garbage.

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I don't understand the point of podcasts so I didn't listen to it, but from your writeup it seems like you think GameStop/AMC is a good thing. I mean I get the "eat the rich" thrill I guess, but really there's nothing good about this. A functioning stock market is an important bedrock of any free market economy. the short sellers looked at these stocks, analyzed them, thought they were overvalued and shorted them. This just helps the market prices reflect true values, which is the point of the stock market. Then people knowing nothing about the stock just buy it because it's a meme, and keep buying it as it becomes the most expensive stock of all time. that's just gambling, and stupid gambling. Why is this good again? And in addition to making the stock market a useless investment tool, it's probably not a good thing for the vast majority of the people that the institutions losing money in this silliness are managing your pensions. It's your money that these cowboys are trashing.

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This guy is a scam artist Glenn. You're being used.

He has literally nothing to do with today's WSB and is trying to ride the meme stock hype to some sort of quasi-celebrity status (grift).

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An amazing comment - worth remembering:

Unusual Stock Trading by Whales in US Congress:


Unusual Stock Trading by Whales in US Senate:


> For example, Pelosi in Dec 22 was against more stimulus. Her husband buys deep ITM TSLA and AAPL calls that day. December 23rd, she is suddenly for stimulus again, with those same companies rallying 5%, giving her an instant +30 return.

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I find it ironic that they call stock sales persons brokers.

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Wow so much to comment on. I am an older, conservative long term investor. I despise anyone or anything that encourages a “casino” mentality in regards to American capitalism/Wall Street. I love to see the carnivorous hedge funds forced to watch their backs. I fear that if block chain truly makes things clearer and fairer it will never be implemented. I would certainly consider very high taxes on short term positions, however they are defined. I bought Starbucks in 1990(which I still own) because they had a great cup of coffee. Old school. I’ve done well

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As someone who is basically financially illiterate, I’ve been LUCKY to get what little I have in the way of “wealth.” I own my home (okay well I have a mortgage and the payments are current) I own my car have a 401k etc etc. The basics. I don’t have a lot of knowledge in this area and as mom always said opinions are like axxxxxxx everyone has them. Heres simple from simple RE: the markets.

Safe to say there are SEC violations that go on year after year and never get prosecuted. After 2008 more than 30 bank execs were handed prison sentences for their respective roles in mortgage and/or TARP frauds. Some say idiots in DC were at least as culpable as Wall St (someone here mentions Pelosi as an example of more recent egregious behavior) and I doubt ANY of the former did time or were even prosecuted.

I participated in Occupy WS movement. I saw people around me suffering from losing the working and middle-class “wealth” they worked for decades to build. I also know some foolish people who believed the lies they were fed and yes, I believe there was predatory lending and there were actual victims.

I know that any deal with any financial institution is a gamble and rigged for The House. 2008 was the culmination of a series of schemes and games designed by some very smart people. They knew eventually the crap was going to land on the bottom rung and they knew who would be holding the ladder. But 2008 was not the last scheme by those smart people or more like them - as way less than a financial genius I worry what the next “ladder” will be and whether I’ll be one of those holding it.

What I would do now if I were in charge: burst the student loan bubble and take down Loan servicers and the politicians who benefit from them (look at everyone who said they would cancel student debt - the promise that disappeared in the ether). Then give everyone a one year penalty free period in which they could withdraw up to 100% of their 401k and choose their own investment vehicle (precious metals, stocks, mutuals, land whatever). Not liquidate just manage their own. Make volunteer financial planners available to those (like me) who need the help. Same for Social Security.

I’m tired of being taxed taxed RE-taxed on money I earn. I had nothing when I started and if The House has its way I’ll end up with nothing.

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Is Mr. Rogozinski the infamous 'roaring kitty' of WSB? .. meow.

Everybody seems to want to get rich Quick. I, too, have been following Bitcoin since they were giving it away in Cracker jack boxes (& look at it now.), and keenly followed Gamestop and, as result, other listed AMC/Short stocks.

Never 'pulled the trigger' on any of it. I don't understand that world, and I'm a gambler. People who can create securitized credit default swap derivatives out of thin air .. . can do anything.

I'm all for an -unfettered- free market-place. .. but ***suspending*** Gamestop trading so the big Hedge Funds could recoup some losses seems a crooked game?

*I prefer to stick to bushes, where the poor and ragged people go . .. 'and the tireless workers in the Vineyard gladly labor in quite anonymity.'

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G- thank you for your work.

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Thanks for this very interesting discussion. Would be nice if you could do something similar with the topic of Blockchain and the pros & cons of the various crypto-currencies.

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As soon as I saw the Corporate Mainstream Media trashing wallstbets, I knew they were up to something good. Marc Cohodes calls CNBC the "Cartoon Network". He's right.

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I Love WSB. Been throwing around money on options like I'm a coked out Gordon Gekko for years. Shits legalized high risk gambling. Love it.

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Isn't the stock market just a legalized form of gambling?

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